ft ftPiKnitifffi tf"lr. tfi'. . y rt.,'ft.Vi.A1frMirJiiilri-;i' r till"" T M t CKIDOF 1 M 6 THAIL w i u u i A fox P & o o u c t i o r AVTLKIIH TMKATKK TOWKiHT Where will you find the equal of this car at its price? Take- tlio Hem of room. Th.n(w Mitchell Jr. llvu ii.ism-itKer Unlit hx Ia n cur r.l' ISO-incli wIhm-1 hums. TJiia Is flvo liichvn longer than wont other llht lxt:i. Thin extra vhfl Imiio In put Into extra Uc room In front nml renr. It hIho enalilt'H uh to make wldur fiitH without diHiurblng tho hurmony of appearance. 3FXNIFH PIXIJD BY SEAT. The Mltiihull body In not only a dou ble cowl purii Mli'Ktn lino body of tin qiiOBtloniid bounty but wo nro ndillnf to l(n nllnn'tivtMH-Hj by fixing; th IlnlHll Iiy infill lit In IK t- uV2H3 COU' etruutod for that puijiotjo. 1.0KO SPRinCS ?CAXJ3 EASY &X9 liTa. Our Ion v.'hed bann erml.1rs un to Elvo yuu un - oxtra long cunt lid ver prlMK, 60 liifh In tho Mitchell Jr. and fid Inch In tho suvn-piifiuei)r Mitchell. r XT It A VllTVTXa COMPORT. Tho new MHrhell la the acme of wny driving-. Tim Knr ahll'tltiK In no conipllKhcd with little off oi I, Tho chuiiK" Ih nnido with but a movement of a few Inchrn of the nhlftlnn lover. Our steering item In full worm tvpe nnd Irrevt'i-Hlidc. Hir stcninK knuckles aio carried on ball bearing. A KEMABXABLB FOWEI FXiAlTT. In the Mltohell w Rra Klvlnir you tin (iciinomlcul, efficient power plant. The MKcheJl etiine Ih an I, head on Rluo with all nn r in enclosed and run idiiK lt oil. The elect rlo equipment la two unit typo and gcur diivciu UKUBUAIi EQtJIl'MEIfT. Mitchell cara are not only equtpn4 with oue-ninii top, clear vl!.in '!nd a'!id, but they carry revereible hsai lamps, power tiro punina und the His, Tho Mitchell la really complotBly equipped. mEOABDnfd PEHPOHMAHCIJ1. Tbla la our hlh card. If you wish to know how the Mitchell will pull, how Hlow It will Idle on hlirh gear and how It VKKI,8. junl cull on ua aiid let ua put It Uiruutfli Ho pitcea. I SIXES JuNIORj 2 and 5 Passenger 120 Inch wheel base: 40 h.p. motor 8x5; 60 Inch can tilever springs. $1150 Factory Hoth cars uphol stered In leather and are completely equipped, Including power tlrt pump. Seven Passenger 127 Inch whH bane. 4V h. p. motor 8Ux5; 62 Inch can tilever aprlniv; $1460 Faetoir Alno built In ?. nnd t-paafliMifc'er Houd nttTH, Hodan ModcLi. Thla car carries 31 extra features. Xepalr Stock curried In Portland by IVmcheH-Lpw!s & Staver Co. J. F. Barker & Company ItOHKIIt l!(J, OltlXiON. ARE ADVISED Wo nover thought yehan we atart inl Uie conteHt for carnival slogans that It would be neccasary for ua to make roHtrictlous, but this han become noceasary on account of the great number which have been pour ing iisto the ofnee. Wo ure over a wcok behind with little chance of catching up for some time. But In spite of all that we are certainly glad to get them and are anxious to gee them continue In greater num ber than before. There are, however, several sug gestions to make to those who de sire to submit slogans. They should not. be longer than four or bIx lines nt the most and often times tho single line makes the most preferable slogan. Take for Instunce Portland's latest slogan, "For you a roue In Portland grows". Short but to the point Is what Is desired. The committee cannot use poems of any Icngu. s tney will wunt some thing they can print on their stullon-i cry. can teach to tho crowds on tho streets, can use for banners In pa rades and something which will car ry the carnival spirit. 't is j.iainly seen h;.C the long verses cannot be used for this pur pose even though they are excep tionally well written, so slogan writ era are advised to make tlwiir mot toes short at the same tlme giving Honiethlng which carries the carni val spirit. J I ere are a few which have been received within the past few days: A placo is known, by Its yearly fame, ItOFchurg Is the place by name Strawberries afo the attraction in May you know, We'll all join In and shout tho word "go." E. B., Tortland. Now Is the time for us all to be merry Enjoy tho Oregon, Douglas county berry. Oil what a big crowd these berries do draw, All the way from Eugene and the town of lTmp(ua. Many arc the places these berries are grown, m Rut none that can compare with those that are shown At the Koseimrg Carnival On the 17th, lxth and-19th of May. The name of this berry you surely all know; If not, you will learn at the Straw- I berry show. ' j L. .t Oakland. There's a little town named Uose- burg, It's on tho S. p. line. In the Douglas county, yffu know Where the lamous strawberries grow. So come one and all To tho ltoscbui g Strawberry carnival. Tho date wo rela'te In this sort of manner: Printed with Strawberries across this banner, May 17th, I Nth and 10th. H. C., Oakland. lioseburg represents reciprocity. I. 0. C., Wilbur. Hemes bright red; Skies deepest hue; Strawberries ripen In harmony, too. - W. A. S. Wake, Strawberry blossoms, I In Roseburg, right this way! . Strawberries ripo and red! ". Strawberries ripe and red Are mixed with cream, they say At Carnival today. A. H. Strawberries ripe and red Hoseburg roses on display, The flag we love o'er head r At tho carnival today. A. H. Come and se the big strawberry, Xow days It don't grow on the nose The carnival will make you merry And you may wear a "big red rose." . , . J. X. They talk about'tu& roscn And of tho strawberries red, But methinks, it Is the snowberrles In May we'll see instead. They may sing of the highballs And sing of the low balls Hut we must nuzzle out how We nmv have strawberries and snow- . ball. A rlo of Northern era STOP RTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG Real Estate City and Farm Properly Vindicator Itay nml Wesllake Town Lota. GEORGE RITER 111 Wont Oak Street. A Man is What He Feeds On Th hoiww Ko, looldiiu In llii' f;, miiy health, will liny .viumo slip c.ui ni'i I'iu.mi, ( i,i:. at i:itu:s. Our Stock is Clean and Sanitraily Kept and all goods an- nf tin- best mauufai lure. Orders per Buna 1 1 loolivil i:u v. TphSc79Hery Walter Patterson, Prop. r i r r lit t t.', ; ' I'. ;t rii--.i A ii.il Stop at UMPOIM New and Modern Pp. Strawberry fruit; Our burg of gay roses lias gone on a toot. -W. A. S lt-oso sweet flower of our shows, O-'er us all, her perfume blows, S-trawberrles, In gay repose. E-veryvvheie their charms disclose U-errles bright nnd flower that glows P-mpqua joyously bewtows. K-oebtirg. city of tho rose G-reets you gay in carnival clothes. I. C. C. Oh! come where roses grow Oh! romp whore roses grow Had Terrible Pains irKidneys and Back. Tlenr Tar. IMilorl want to vtitc yon ilit:t " Aimivo." I was vnty pick, aoiilcl umlly hp m ; t v.-na in ImhI' most of tiio .nne. 1 1 a. 1 Uitiiblo naina in mv kidnoya iul tinck, 8o mnoh eo that 1 had to ori'.im eoiiuaimpa when I wnn eittinf! Uiwn und wnnltnl to ;rt np, tho pain -t hi prpnt. 1 had. tnwl a well-known :dni'V nii'.licinp hut it didn't help mo. h.Mi'rd of Pr. rii irc's Anurio Tablets 1 thought I woiilil try thmn. I took nly ono box of tho TubU-ui, and my n-k is now fioo fnin pain nnd I oun vork nnd tnko raro of my family. I .'oul 1 cannot ray pnonli fur this inedi jiiia. t-iui'1'n ly, Jilts. W.M. Kkllku. Kotk; Tliis "Anurio11 in adapted especially for kidney coniplniiiM and diseases nriping froui dicordora of tho kidneys and bladder, audi as backaeho, weak back, rtieiunatifuu, droppy, con (reHtinn of tho kidnoyti, Iiillani'ination of tho bladder, eealdine urine and uriimrv trtniblea. Tho pliyrtieians and )ieciaiflt nt lr. Pierce's great Institu tion, at buffalo, N", Y., hav thoroughly te..UHl Uiis prencription and have lieen with ono nccoid succewful in eradicat ing theno troubles, and in most cases absolutely curing tho diseased kidneys. Patients having once usei "Anurio at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, have ro peatodjv pent back for more. 8in-h A aemaiul baa been cvatixl tliat Dr. Pierce lias divided to put "Anurio" in the drug stores of this country, in a ready-to-nso form. If not obtainable send one dime by mall to Dr. Pierce for trial package, or 50 cents for full treat incut. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Is a blood cleanser and alterative that starts ihe liver and stomach into vigorous action. It thus asfisi the bo Jv to make rich, red blood, which feeds the heart, nerves, brain and organs of ths body. You foci olsiui, strong and streuuou. -.. JiOTICK. v ' All persons having collected post caids for the W. F. M. S please scad the same to m committee be fore Friday night of thieek. No cards will be received latr than tli.it time. , . COMMIT! i:n. CITY M'.iVS. Car owners, read Cl)'urclilll's adv. i a7 Special Bargains in used cars. Cull at Itosiibuig Garage. 9-a3u David Fleming, of Carnes, was In the city today looking after busi ness affairs. Names of winners In Ever-Iteady name contest will appear in our win dow April 6. Churchill Hdw. Co. J. T.' Howard, of Looking Glass spoilt a few hours In the city today transacting business affairs. Don't forget that headquarters for lawn mowers la at Churchill's. i Slaia Robert Gile returned last night j from a business trip to Purtland and Salem. A. M. Gallagher and W. D. McCube or DIxonvillo, spent yesterday in tho city looking after business affairs. The Pollyannn, serves the best chicken tamales to' bo had anywhere at any price. 1233-tf Commissioner Ben Nichols re turned to his homo last night after attending court in this city. For your midnight lunch go to Dole's European" .Cafe. The Jackson street place, for quality eats. 7 Gtf 15. A. Stewart, of Canyonville, was a visitor fn this city yesterday, at tending to business matters. Have your dudB cleaned and press ed by Sloper, tho cleaner and pressor. All work promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. tf Miss Anita WJiipple returned lnrt night to her home nt Myrtle Creek after spending tho day shopping in this city. Order bedding plants now. All kinds in nny quantity. Prices right. Mrs. F. D. Owens, florist, at the Pollyannn, on Cass street. lCG9-tf Mrs. O. Coomb, or DlllardH re turned homo last night after a day siicnt In this city attending to busi ness. You cannot savo monoy on cheap seeds. You know what a crop fall iro nioaais. Get Tresh tested seeds at the People's Supply Co. 74-a7 Rain Dodson. of the Dodson moun tain district upent the day in Hos'e "hurg visiting friends and attending to business matters. Are you a "fan"? Then read tho Oregon Journal Hasebell Kxfra, de livered at 5:30 a. m. Tho Rexall Drug Store. , 68-119 II. B. Itowman. of Myrtle Crook, returned homo last night at'-er spending the day in this ely attend ing to business matters. Make suro your Income for life by taking an Income policy from the Mutual I.lfo of N. Y J. F. llutchn-j son, malinger, office First State & . Savings Bank. 1553-tfl Mrs. I.. I.. Miller, of Riddle, re turned homo .this morning after spending a couple of days in this city visiting and shopping. We still have u goodly supply of the large tender asparagus. Oak brand at Oc per can is cheaper than Tresh stork. considering waste. While it lasts at the People's Supply Co. 7 4-1.7 Miss Hess dough and her aunt. Mrs. Lueretia Knyurt, Tit Medford. relumed last night to Rldillo Kftei spending the last few weeks In this city. The Benson school will hold k homo cooked food sale. Saturday. April 7. nt King's Kash Store. Buy your Raster dinner of us nnd help pay for our piano. i lao Kr.nk Howard, wife and daugh ter, arrived lust night from S.ileni to visit with Mr. unci Mrs. W. .!. Hughes, of this city for n short time before returning' to Jieir hoiv.s at K lamath Falls. Buy flour now; no- relief Is proh aHo from high iriee vntil another crop ia harvested. Our prices on flour, all grades no was usual, are less than wholesale. We recommend Snow Drift. People's Supply Co. DAILY tt'EATHKIt IIKPOItT. V. 5. Wcathen- Hureau, local of Ice, Roseburg. Ore , 4 hourt ending 5 a. m., April 5, 1917. Precipitation in iuches and bun dredths: Highest temperature yesterday. 68 Lowest temperature last night . 33 Precipitation last 24 hours 0- Total preclp. since rirst of month D8 Normal preclp. for this-month 2.48 Total precipitation from Sep- ,terrTber 1, 191C, to di.to 20.96 Average precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1877 28.78 Total deficiency from Sep tember 1, 1916 7.79. Average precipitation for 39 vet seasons, (Sept. to May "Mnclushe) j. 32.12 .. . WILLIAM BELL, ' , ANNOUNCEMENT While you still have the oppor tunity to get strictly first quality hair goods 25" per cent cheaper than the big store prices. "Up It now." Here but a short tune longer. Have y. combings made up , "The Better Way.". V -" W. H. Girard - Phone 4M Jifrkson at Wnnli. St. 1 n Flour Up Again : " ' i White River Flour $2.25 CASH . Today's wholesale price is $2.30 and it looks like it is'going to go higher. Mrs. F. D. Owen Cat Flowers, Potted Plants, Fwaeral Designs, Wedding Bo. quels, etc' FOR SALE AT GALL'S CANDY STORK, CASS STREET. PHONE 414. Roseburg, Oregon. BEFORE BUYING A CREAM SEPARATOR SEE THE LATEST MODEL . onAnf Ltd ouUIIUtl rttU DOUCLAS COUNTY CREAMERY FOR THE BEST JITNEY SERVICE PHONEg HOTEL HOYT I Fireproof.) Sixth and Hoyt Sts, Two Blocks from Depot. Rates 75 cents to $2.00 Ia V. HIMKS, Mgr. Portland - Oregon KIDD'S GROCERY i " MAKES WHITER, LIGHTER 1IRKAD Worh for a Greater Roseburg GINGER ALE! Fountain Supplies of All Kinds. A Fine Winter Drink and Made Right In Roseburg THE ROSEBURG SODA WORKS 1.10 N. Pine St. E. T. UNRAII. Free Delivery Phone 180 PASS YOUR TROUBLE ON If the tablecloth has a fruit stain, if the favorite waist has a mark that worries you, if Dad'B or Boy's linen has an ink mark, don't try to get it out i-send it to us with your other washing and pass the trou ble on to us. We can remove it without risk of in jury, If the stain has not been "set" in vain efforts to remove it. i ' ' Send us word by postal or 'phone to call for 'bun dle and prove our claims. Will you do it today? ROSEBURG STEAM XAUNDR PHONE 70 ; OUR AUTO WILL CALL Wire Your Home 1 , on The Easy Payment Plan Time is as cheap as cash. Plenty of 1 time for payment' and no interest charges. Why not enjoy KlectHc Comfort on these terms make an appoint for us to explain " THOUSANDS - j of electrical conveniences are wait- 'N ing at your door. Roseburg Electric Company Kvcrytliliiff Klectrical. Refer all your collections and fin ancial matters for adjustment to tho. PACIFIC At,HTMKXT & COli- LKCTIOX 8KKVICK, Inc. for prompt attention. Room 222 Perkins Huildhig. No charge un less collection or adjustment is made. . mMm Your'e Color Blind! Besides missing something worth while, "if you fail to see the beauty that comes from the use of a small quantity of our Easter Colors Nithan Fullerton Tha t&aJUL Store Perkins O ana We ask yon hero to buy our meat Because we know It's pood. ' Wo know you surely would' j Meat! If you knew this as well as we. ! There's nothing better than the best This' you'll admit a fact j That we have It hero, to prove by test. ! WOPLD KK THE PROPER ACT I THE ECONOMY MARKET CEO. KOBLnAGEN, Prop. Glad to See You Come Always Welcome Right now is the time to get after 'that festive squirrel, and we have the.' Suqirrel Poison That will put him m dreamland on short notice. MARSTER'S DRUG STOR Promptness in Filling Orders a Feature STORED