THE EVEXHIG .SfcTT SATURDAY. AUGUST 13. 191B. A. J. LILBURN & SON Complete Housefurnishers CARPETS RUGS CURTAINS DRAPERIES LINOLEUMS and FURNITURE Rifles i)on't you need one? Now li time to buy. j We have atock bought before the last rise. We will gJve you the benefit of the rfae If you buy soon. Our next buy will oblige us to advance prices. Tents Tent Fly, Wagon Covers, a fair Block. Dutch Ovens, l!nt:o Ovens or Reflectors. And a folding camp stove that in ikon a package only an Inch thick. Kodaks One la necessary If you wish to not tlio greatest pleas ure) from your trip. The game you get with It will give you moro last Ink pleasure than that you get with rlflo. Churchill Hardware Company IKOXMOXtiERH. K9V The NORTH SIDE GROCERY HAVE A FULL LINK OK TO. SELL! TINY Alii: PAYIMI ;i i:M:r pun e nm ec;;s. The North Side Grocery ALTON S. I-ItlOV, I'liip. tllV Mitt'C The best Is cone too good tor yon. brir.g or mail your films to Clark's Studio, Cu atreet. 8S6-tf Mrs. B. L. Hammond returned this morning to her home at Newport: after visiting for a few days at the home of Ed. Bushnell and wife. i at the Church of Christ, on Cobb j j treel. Sunday morning, August 13.1 I a07-al2 1 SI I Groceries, Flour and Feed Ij ifr. and Mrs. F. A. Clllam s?ent a few hour In thin city today, re ; turning to their home at Winches ter on the afternoon train. Mrs. M. W. Wilson and eon, Harry who have been visiting with Mrs.' W. H. Davis returned thin morning! I to their home at Harrlsburg. ! All the latest novelties In fotol ; work. OonuIt uh before having any! kind or work done. Ail work the! best and prices reasonable. Clark's I Studio. t UK-It' Evangelist Taylor O. Bunch will! i speak In the gospel tent on South J ! Stephens street Sunday evening at i i 7:45. This will be a treat. 8C9 ali'p F. A. Green and wife, of Turlock, Calif., came to this city last night and left this morning for Edenbower, where they will visit with Vean Wells and wife for a couple of weeks. Your friends can buy anything you can give them except your foto graf. Make an appointment. today. Oct the best. Clark's Studio. 8CC-tf Mrs. H. R. Staggs and daughter, Edith, Miss May Thompson and 11. E. HiidBon and wife leave Sunday for flriiHhy Butte where they will spend a couple of weeks enjoying their annual vacation. Attorney E. A. Burt and (laughter left this morning for Drain where they will spend a few days before go ing to their home at Portland. Miss Burt has been visiting In this city for several days with friends. Oihor flours are good ; but High Flight excels I hem all. The reason begins with the locality In which !he wbent Is grown; which Is conced ed to be. the best wheat producing district In the west. Other reifsons are tbo perfect milling and care In producing the finished article. Solve your bread difficulties by using High Flight. A speclnl announcement con cerning High Flight of Interest to children will lie made soon. Peo ple's Supply Co. SIS T V. II. Kenny and daughter re turned lo their home lit Portland l"is arii-rimon nft-r spending a cou ple of davs In tli's r!tv atfmdlng to basinet matters and Tisiting with JgJ menu. Harold Beil Wright's new book "When a Man's a Man." for sale at the Roseburg Book Store. Itii'i Mrs. A. Cole, of Winchester, re turned to her home this afternoon after spending a few hours Id thii city shopping. Bessie Gcodell, who has been spending a short time visiting here. returned to her home at Yoncalla j this afternoon. Mrs. Hattie Hague and daughter, ! WJnnlfred, returned to their home! at Sutherlin after trading In this city for a few hours. County Commissioner B. F. Xicb 0I3, of Riddle, came to this city this morning and spent the day looking after business matters. Miss Elizabeth Miller, of Leland, arrived in Roseburg this afternoon and will visit with her friend. Miss Jessie Bunnell for a few days. Charles Heskett and wife, of Myr tle Creek, epent the day in this city attending to business matters and visiting with friends and relatives. Ruth Williams, who has been visiting friends and relatives at Cor nutt and Riddle, for the past two weeks Is expected to return borne ', tonight. D. E. Carr, of the novelty store, j returned to his home in this city, aft- i er visiting with friends and rela- lives in Seattle and attending buyers- week In Portland. Mrs. R. L. Robinson, of Los An geles, arrived In the oity this after noon and will visit for a couple of j weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Munson. During Your Vacation Leave your watch with ns during your vacation and let us repair ; :.4 nut it in reject order. While yon are away enjoying a rest . from the continual grind give your watch a rest too. We will have ample time to rcpilate your watch and when you return it will be ready for you. And Lke yourself it will be more efficient for it's vacation. QUALITY SERVICE BUBAR BROTHERS Formerly Young & Bubar I JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 214 Lawrence Hanninger and wife, of! Oakland, were visitors In this city for a few hours yesterday. YOUR AUTO Is your auto insured against Iops by fire and theft? If not, you should consider it. A 6mall Hum will protect you. "Ask us about rates on automobile in surance. "InMirancc that Protects.' G. W. YOUNG & SON 1 lfl Ca-ss Street. HOTEL UMPQUA ROSEBURG. OREGON 1 r.4 r r . rrf m : r- -", DAILY WEATHER REPORT. THE PACIFIC BUILDING AND LOAX ASSOCIATION Why not avail yourself of the opportunity to save? We have organized a branch of the Pa cific Building and Loan Asso ciation. Pay renst to yourself. ABk for explanation of their investment stock, how $5.00 per month will mature to $1000.00. RICE & RICE Loan Agents. 1 It h K I. H 7 AJX IT'S DM I'KRENT. 1 . i,!.iiviissio. lite lIMGniJ "Alwny a flood 8how" I pov 1 CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signuuire wars U. S. Weather Bureau, local office. Roseburg, Ore., 21 hours ending 6 a. m., August 12, 1 D10. Precipitation in Inches and hun dredths: Highest temperature yesterday 87 Lowest temperature last night 87 Precipitation, last 21 hours .... 0 Total preclp. since first of month 0 Normal preclp for this month 33 Total precipitation from .Sep tember 1, 1915, to date 29.32 Average precipitation from Sep tember 1. 1877 31.17 Total exce?i; from Sep tember 1, 1915 5.15 Average precipitation for 39 wet seasons, (Sept. to May inclusive 32.12 WILLIAM BELL, Observer. Giltl. WANTED To help with housework on ranch. For particu lars inquire at this office. SOStf FOR SALE Rood six year old work horse, weight about 1100. Also a few thoroughbred Shropshire ram lambs, registered and not regis tered, from ?10 to $15 each. II. E. Iteed. Roseburg, Rt. 1. Phone Phone 5E5. 870-tf EUROPEAN' PLAX 116 Rooms, 44 with Private Bath Rates $1.00 per day up. W. J. WEAVER, Prop. "The Smell of Print er's Ink Is Music to My Ears," Says The Successful Merchant. Mixed Metaphor, But Good From an Ad Standpoint. Over All and Above All- Is the roof SPECIFY RED CEDAR ind It will be an ALL RIGHT ROOF 1 liSHvNGlv Kenny Lumber Co. Phono Xos. 451, 1 INSURANCE! 1 v a a J v jl x r x T.'"-iJ-rrV'Ml tcV i, rii:n i: i:itv iv at a to n v. m., evenixh 7:in to h TOD.W "INSPIRATION" Featutliu! At'DUF.Y MI'NSON', the Pnnanm-Pnrlf ic Girl Miss Mun son was chfiHiMi from tint r In ii.ImmIs of applicants to pose for unity of tlio clumbal tiumii II, nt ,voii saw lit the I'alinmn-Paclflc Expo sition, III this grlpulng slory "Inspiration" you will see how they made ninny of the statutes, using Miss Munson perfect form for the model. A CI II COMEHV Willi (iciiiB,. Ovrv. the funniest man In America. AMI HH'A I'lllvr , KAItltHlX KOMK'S TOMlHIROW "THi: (.111 I N I I II (illD., "IIKIN II.IW" tsth chapter of the !Mh chapter of "THE SECRET Of HIE SI HM.AHIXE," It's an other thriller. tVMINti-U)I'8 COUNTRY AXI' THE WOMAN." No. IS Pies 'At last we get to it PIE. The "Star Spaugk-il lianncr," of all things culinary. The mueh-ahust'd iiisiiuincnt of humor as disil.iyt-d in the comic tilms. The instigator of many a burning tear on the part of the amateur baker and the cause of indigestion on the part of the kind sir who kisses away that tear and cats the pic. My I'irst Pie Never will 1 forget my first cus tard pie. 1 was lueho years of one and had planned a little partv, which iurhiiVd the presentation of a pie "made all by myself." I studied the recipe written out for mc by my mother most rnrcfiillv, and the next morning set about the preparation of the big surprise, l.very minute 1 opened the oven door to see how it was progress ing, when lo, the center of the pie lose from out of the pan as if some thing were poking it irom under neath. The center of the pic rose and the custard on top shifted down to the sides of the baking pan. Simjii the custard pulp in its sputtering endeavor to seek a place of repose slipped down along the side of the Pan anil underneath the dough; in due time thcic were no visible signs of the custard, while, on the other hand, the dough be came nice and brown still rising in the center, until it resembled boa ok the beautiful aun-ljt moun tains that one can see from our studio windows. With a heart that was as heavy as the dough itself I took my hrst pie from the oven and and sought my mother's advice. W ith a sympathetic smile she sug gested that 1 refer it to the waste can, hut. nay, I felt that there Ml'ST be some process whereby the reincarnation of the pic was possible. After several tests' with my none too gentle list 1 foqnd that the summit of the pic would yield to force and could be flat tened out so that it resembled "the kind that mother used to make." I proceeded to do this, and then the wonderful thought came to mc that if the pic be turned, quick-like. I would have that hidden custard on top and all would be welL Placing a plate over the pan I inverted it like a Hash, but somehow or other various parts of the pic WOULD stick to the pan. With the help of a little silent prayer, a little jug gling and considerable shaking. I managed to separate most of the ir.ass irom the pan at least, most pi the crust The matter of scrap ing together the custard in the pan and placing it atop the crust was of little moment. We had pie that day, but it was fortunate for all those who attended the "partv that there were many of them with the result that each individual re fyfo1 a very small portion of that ill-fated dish. I will continue on the subject of pica in my next io Ullmcnti Insurance that is worth something. I write firs Insurance. I sell accident and lire insurance. 1 will secure you a bond. I write auto insurance. I negotiate loans. 1 look after the interests of my clients In many ways. I hav been in business 20 years In Rose burg. Never had a law suit in settling the. many claims I have had. I represent 10 of the largest and stroiiee! t?ir TnQT.nn Companies. All ol.i line, no c ,t rates. Quick adjustments and my H refutation is my guarantee that you will be treated justly. Twenty years of satisfied customers. My office ls at 321 Perkins Building w here I will be pleased to meet my old customers as well as all the new ones I can secure. Special arrangements for tnklng care of piuno dryer Insurance. Call an, see me. W. J. MOON Roseburg, Oregon ANTLERS TH1AXC1LE pi,AY TOXKiHT l'llAXK KEEN AX will, MARY ROLAND In The Stepping Stone How many a man achieves success through his wife )hown Jn this play. KEYSTONE COMEDY HESTER CONKLIX in Bucking Society 5C t KKr UKA' COMEDY COMIXti SUNDAY ONLY DUST1NE FARM M, the Idol of the Screen in "Ben Blair" movements. A Photoplay filled with action and many dramatic Admission as Usual, Children 5c Adults 10c