TUK EVEXIXfi NKV.'H. SA7CKIUT, ACGC8T 3, 1310. i- 1Tn Club ant Society Circles -kA HV SUSS VKVA Itl'K'K Harden Valley Improvement Society, j Sclecmans, Barkers and Joseph Mur- 1 ! . . v, no.- for thft daV B j E. page. oi Pa wm luo This week was marked with sev eral pleasant society affairs during the firat part, but the last four days hnwo been set aside almost entirely to that most talked of and wonder ful of all motion pictures, "The Rice, Rhea Sykes, Clayte Black, Katherine DeVoe and Beuiah Jcwett. With. Birthday. On Friday Rev. Ilobt. Booth cele brated his ninety-sixth birthday Birth of a Nation". enjoying with his' family a picnic on There Is in the picture and the the banks of the North Umpqua. Mr. music that "something" which ho J. ill. Booth also celebrates his birth, -vitally affects one that the time and day on the same day of the month as '.Mi. King Honored. Mrs. King, of Washington, D. C, who is the house guest of Mrs. Hein line,, continues to be the center of much entertaining. On Monday i .Mrs. William Bell complimented ' :.rrs. King with a delightful lunch- con. The table, laid with covers for 12. was attractive under the glow ui sotiiy suaueu canuies. i ne pleas- The home of Mrs. Garden Valley, was the scene of a picnic, verv nleasant meeting of the Gar den Valley Improvement Society . looking ilass rnrty. yesterday. There was a good attend-) Mrs. W. E. Clingenpeel, of Look- ance of members and several guests, ing Glass, entertained a number of - I. . . ,.. ft...-.,.!.... nftor. present, these Included Miss J. U. me young ioik u j uui.u.,. Legcet. who will soend the coming -noon In honor of -place Ib absolutely forgotten and we! his father. Mr. and Mrs. Robert; ure 0f tne afternoon was heighten .live with people of the past, suffering when they suffered nnd rejoicing with them, eager and expectant of the pains and the pleailires, and feel ing their Intense patriotism to the cause they felt to be right. The tur moil of tho battle and the glare of , Ted Booth making up the family the 'burning towns, the answer to' party, which greatly enjoyed the day the never-to-be-forgotten Ku Klux' together. Klan will remain vivid pictures In I a tho mind and we are made to real-MTry-(i'o-loiiiid Club. iiootn or f.ugene, with Mr. Will e,i hv ih iinrino r Mr- n,.,.ii.i Booth, of Prlneville. arrived on accompanied by Mrs. Heinline. Mrs'. Wednesday to be with the father for! nell was assisted by Miss Hunter and the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Single- "vrg. Brumfleld. ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Booth, Mr.1 and Mrs. Herbert Ogden, Harrle and" Tenuis I'lit-tv. At an early hour on Monday morn ing Ruth Caro, Mildred Parks, Eva lze the greatness of our ancestors and made proud that we are the chil dren of so true and fine a people. An Interested spectator to this marvelous picture was Miss Bellows, the sister of A'. J. Bellows, who for the first time saw a movie. Miss liellows is In her RCth year and tells the most thrilling stories of tho war and well remembers seeing and hear. Ing the- great heroes and generals of those days. Aunt Addle saw Laura Kcene In "Our American Con sin," In Boston mnny years ago, so the pictures brought, to her mind many very real Incidents of those days nnd she greatly enjoyed the -whole of It. Think of tho nlmost forgotten memories that came to the minds of some of the old soldiers who went "to each performance and who fought, -some on the North and some on the Sou lb, hut all for what to them was tho right. - ft Dninclng Party. The affairs of keenest interest o a social nature during the week was tho evening dancing party given by Br. and Mrs. Ilrumflcld ut their beautiful' home in Alexander Park on Wednesday evening. Seldom is there found a Inline so dclightfull) arranged ror dancing. Tho largo liv ing room and spuclouH veranda "was thrown Into one by opening Hie series of French windows which ex tend tho full liHigth of till' 1 i v I n; Toom nnd the hardwood flours of the veranda were a joy to the danc ers who "stepped" to the strains of tho music. Several clever feature dances milled to the fun of tho ev ening, Dr. mid Mrs. Brumfleld mak ing the most gracious host ami "hostess. Those of the party were "Messrs. and Mosdnmes Seloeiyn, von Plantn, Ilayncs, Wilder, Hell and "Wharton. The Misses Vellc Barker. "Margaret MrClallon, Cora and F.niini Telund "lid Messrs. Farlrourt Slew- rt, Frank Clemens niid Joseph Mur-i phy. Miss Bertha Hunter churmliig "ly assisted the liostess during the evening. !M:i-M. Sclcs-man Kutortaiiis. On Tueaduy of lips week Mvs. King and Mrs. I, mils Jesse shared honors at a charming luncheon given by Mrs. Selenium at lier home on Com mercial avenue. Great baskets of "wonderful sweet peas In varying col- Mrs. Warner, of Greens, was the j hostess on Tuesday of this week for I the Morry-Go-llound club of the i neighborhood. About 20 ladies were present and the afternoon was pleas- antly passed with sewing and discuss. I Ing topics of Interest. Mrs. Brad j burn, Mrs. ilenner and Mrs. M. B. Green kindly assisted the hostess of the afternoon. Catholic Dedication. ' Sunday morning the new Catholic church will bo dedicated. The ser vices will be conducted by the Right Reverend Arch Bishop Christie, as- Itice. Lois Russell, Maybelle Miller and Gertrude Dlllard" hiked over to the west side tennis court for the day. Breakfast was cooked and eat en out in the grove and several sets of tennis were played in the cool of the morning. The girls remained In the grove for their dinner and though they had a mighty good time the day was a rather strenuous one. S Luncheon Club. Mrs. Cooley was the delightful liostess for tho Thursday luncheon club of Edenbower. The table was charming with a bowl of dainty pansles land the five covers were marked by little pansy placo cards. Those seated -"'bout the table were winter teaching in the Garden Valley school, anu Mrs. and Miss Ritchie, of Portland. .Miss Lillie Wilson applied for membership and was unanimously elected. During the afternoon music and songs were rendered by Miss Leggett and Miss Ritchie which were much enjoyed. Great amusement1 " was created y a novel guessing fanning Club of Benson School. competition, the result of which I The Umpqua Canning club of the her niece, Miss Esther Miller, of Cupertino, Cal. who Is a' guest at the Clingenpeel home. The invited guests were Ro bena and Luella Brown, Fern and Gladys Morgan, Veda Arnold, Lucille Myers, Rosa Brishln, Katy Jacob', Vera Klore and Katherine Montgomery. slsted by priests from various soc-j Mrs. Cooley, the hostess, and Mrs. Hons of Oregon. Tho church is one' nor,,. Mrs. John Porter, MrB. Marguerite Courtot Joins Famous Players V.'sr Ai3-hi . .xwte. T.im y; TOW" 1f-v V proved to be a tie between Mrs. J. Parrott and Mrs. P. Sinclair. Mrs. Page then served a light lunch which brought to a close a most enjoyable afternoon. The .next meeting of the society will be at the home of Mrs. J. Parrott, on August 18. fx Party for .Miss Kay lloyle. A very delightful time was had at the home of Miss Lola Newman at Canyonvllle Saturday evening, when Miss Newman and Miss Claire Fullertou entertained with a parly in honor of Miss Fay Boyle, of Rose burg. Those enjoying themselves a? guests were Misses Ethel Fullerton, Ellis Fallln, Ethel Hughes, Virginia Newman, Fay Boyle. Messrs. John Fallln, Clyde O'Conner, Marvin Pardee, George Carter, Ira Bernard, Coral Smith, Clyde and Corwln Full erton, Herman Bollenbaugh and Wlllard Pardee, and the hostesses, Misses lola Newman and Claire Full erton. Riddle Tribune. Informal Party. Miss Jessie Pickens entertained in formally a number of her girl Benson school met with the advisor Mrs. O. C. Brown on the court house lawn Tuesday, giving a demon stration to sjiow their skill. A num ber of jars 'being added to the store and more experience gained by the girls. ' The team will met again on Tues 'day next at the home of Mrs. Ben nett on W. Washington street. Guest. Mrs. J. A. Jamison, of Portland 'is the house guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. R. Hanan. Mrs. 'Jamison will be a week-end guest at 'the home of Df. and Mrs. K. L. Miller and on Saturday evening the Miller and Curry families will pic nic with Mr. and Mrs. Sewell at their home' in West Roseburg, for Mrs, Jamisons' pleasure. Week-Knd at Winchester Bay., A number of families from Rose burg are summering at Winchester! Bay this year and tomorrow George Neuner will motor down to visit with family, taking with him Miss Pitch ford, John Parker and Fred Chap man, who will all stop at the Chap- I'ortland Guests. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Nottage, fit Portland were guests for a brief time in this city. On Wednesday aft ernoon they motored out in the country and in the evening Mrs. W. R. Willis entertained them at din ner. Thursday they continued their trip south. Tmtteis and Steppers. The Trotters and Stoppers enjoy ed another very pleasant dance at Dixonville on Friday evening of this week. About 75 of the members be ing present. This Is the smallest party they have had, but was due to the show In town. A most delight ful evening was spent as usual. " Among the Sutherlin folk to see "The Birth of a Nation" which has caused such a furore these last few days in this city were Mr. and Mr3. R. M. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Tisdale and Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Phil Hps. Mr. Earl Markee, of Portland, is a guest of nis parents, Comamdnan guest of his parents, Commnadant and Mrs. Markee, at the Soldiers Home. Chautauqua Park. Mrs. Harry Stapleton is camping with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Terrell and son at the beautiful Chautauqua park in Ashland. A'ti ri ti I rrienrls on Tuesday evening at her home on North Jackson street. Those! nian-SinoIair camp for the week-end to enjoy the pleasant evening were Merle Mattliows, Vera Tipton, Nina Marshall, Junia Young and Mrs. Moore. if Coon Creek. Leaving town on Saturday Chas. Wharton nnd wife, Mr. and llrs. Josse and the Sawders will motor to Coon Creek for fishing, and on Sunday, the Stewarts, von Plantas.l normal I.ffalot Club. The Laffalot club will have a "stag" party on Monday night at the home of Leah Sykes. An exception ally good time Is anticipated. HotiNe Gnest.s Mrs. George T. Crompton has for her house guests Miss Northrup and her mother who are spending several weeks with her. I Mrs. Rudolph Harness entertain--i ed at dinner on Friday Mrs. J. S. of Suth- Montgomery and Mrs. H. W. Mercier i their and small daughter, who are visiting in this city from Portland. Sutherlin Guest. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fox, eriln "-o entertaining a guests Mr. Fox's brother, Mr. Lee Fox, of San Francisco. I On Tuesday next Mrs. Heinline will Miss Mildred Waite returned to 'eave for a holiday at Ocean Park her home in Sutherlin from the sum- while her guest, Mrs. King will con mer session at the Monmouth state - I 1 (Continued on pase 5.) v 7 ANTLER'S THEATER LAST TIME TONIGHT ELLIOTT SHERMAN Present Matinee 2: 15 sharp Evening 8:15 sharp EIGHTH WONDER OF THE WORLD POPULAR FILM FAVORITE TO CO-STAR WITH OWEN MOORE IN PARAMOUNT PICTURES. Miirtuoiito Courtot. one of the most popular of the voiin.-i-r ni.ilii.n i.ici.nv , i!iv..i lli.s. has 1 ii eui'iiwd hy the Fuir.ous I'luyrrs Film Comnnnv and will be t .1 .1 fl'.i.l lV 11, .It 1,1. .,,..., ...,..... ..... I ' ".i.i: ri.-uii. uiu cuiut'ni on mo I -iivomotiiir l'l-oi-rnm -ois made the atmosphere of tlio ",sl lUipearancc under the new auspices will be as eo-stii- with linn, rooms rnigrant. Hydrangeas of a beautiful ,pluk hue itrranged with ocean siiray formed the decoration for the table around which covers were laid for I I. Clever place curds which were tho guests own calling cards, afnrnled much amusement and the luncheon was a very jolly and pleasant arfair. Vouro stones. in nu udnptutlou of Udgur Sulwyn's great couiedy-diainu "liolliii:,- of tlte finest in southern Oregon, and one which the mi'iiilicrs might well he proud of. The Interior is finish d In the coollest sliado of green with the wood work done In while After the guests left ! "'"aniel, the whole dispi'lllng an air the table Mrs. Heinline graciously "f saucily and holiness, consented lo play several selections I "which added lo the pleasure of tho I ". c, T. I', and 1.. T, I. altetnonn. The guests were Mrs. King. Mrs. Louis Josse, Mrs. .1. F. Itnrker. Mrs. Chris. Wharton, Mrs George Kohlhaceii, Mrs. W. J, "Weaver, Mrs. K. Miller. Mis. lun ger Hermann, Mrs Willis, Mrs Bell Mrs von Plunta and Mrs. Smith, lit, mother ol the hostess. Miss Velle "Barker nnd Genevieve Skinner .is slslcd the hostess. Picnic. V. and tho L. T. I. very enjoyable pic Sewing Party. Miss Leone Cosluiw i'svoied Mary Aekley with an informal afternoon Satiirtlav. The afternoon was spent happily wltli sewing while several of the girls played their favorite selec tions on the r.illsun. Snaps were taken to remind the girls of the i;ced time and for Mary Aekley to re member her iiienil, M. The especial feature whs the partiiu; vjrt cm h of the girls bestowed upon their chum, tale in the attcnuum deliphtful re freshments were served by the h()slers. The guesis were Marie J'ickens, Fnyo .Millediie, Klmn Pay. toil, Mattln Lee StephciiMiu. F.a I The W. C, T societies held l i nic on Tuesday In the ' Bellows I park In West Roseburg. The i-hH-j dren greatly enjoyed the swings and ' the sand pile. Needless to say the I ladies ol" the W. C. T. I', served a i 'delirious picnic dinner which is al ways a very special feature and a f .'iist ,f go,,,) things Is appreciated on such an oecusli n. ' Hopeless ThlMeen. The girls calling I hercsclvca the Hopeless Thirteen met at the home of Mat tie l.ee sieph-'usun Saturday evening. Tin- girl ,.. the evening with sewing an. I hat. These present M'-re laolie l'e-,i . I', iipii; .lewett, Katherine HoVo". Clavte 1 1 i ,i -k , Hhcii Sykes. Klllllt Pay ten, Kae Milledge. Mary Aekley and Mai'e I'lt-k.-ns. Mrs. Sunford. of Kdenliowrr. en-' tertained Mrs. Thackrah, Mrs. Wal ter Hamilton and Mrs. Kidder at her home on Friday afternoon. i Gulwits and Mrs. Sanford. Tho re- i vuaining part of tho nfternoou was ' emploscd with sewing, i j -Xliiiolliiceineiit. I Hi", and Mrs. Benjamin A. Cathy, of Condon, have announced the mav ! Huge of their daughter. Alice Marie ; Cathey, to liarret 1). Randall, of St. Paul, Mini.. The ceremony was sul- eniiil.ed on July '.'5 III the home a' the bride's parents. Mr. Kandnll is . a lawyer, recently rrom the east. He , has decided to open office: in some . town In Oregon, b it f:.r the sum ; mer Sir. and Mrs. Rainlall will re main at his country hoe:-. If, mile.-, east of C.lendale. Mrs. Uandell Is ' a graduate of Oregon Agricultural ! College in the class of 10la S!ie is. a t.ilented iiinstclan end has many friends in the social set. -- Oregnniau. W'iM'h-l-iiol Ciuiipini. I'uitv. Uuieher of gills left the city Saturday morng for a week-end !n the woods. Kaeh nieipher of the party taking her blanket, knife, fork, spoon nnd cup. and a bathing suit, whlcii : completed the camp equipment with , the exception of the ration for the two davs. The girs plan to spend i the mosT oT the time In the j water and glorious time la antlcl ' pated by the crowd. READ power, I would Tf f3 I 3 JlXfi. ' - ? " compel every man, - XtJC'' V'H- " ' - " ' 1 T b k woman and chlldi 3 rl "ii i.. , j - ore. Xj-r rss ' 'y READ m p i "Tho film is all it is advertised to he. -Eve. News. to see this film of films. Eugene, The most realis Li picture ever shown here. Won derful music." lieview. The Biggest, The Best Symphony Or cnestra Ever Heard in the West. Wcnderful Stage Effects I Evenings prrpc. 50c, 75c, $1.00. $1.50, $2.00 I Matinee -S- 25c, 50c, 7c and $1.00 S SEATS RESERVED BY PHONE 380'