THE EVE3IHG .XfcTVS TUESDAY. AUGUST 1, 1018. A. J. LILBURN & SON Complete Ilousefurnishers CARPETS RUGS CURTAINS DRAPERIES LINOLEUMS and FURNITURE Cannin Suggestions! Try llio wliln mouth Jura. Fruit tun bo put In wholo. Cans can lu easily washed. Cost but II tllu moro If any tliun tba small Pints 80c, uunrtH 11.00, two quarts $1.25. Then you Bhoulil hnvo a sot of two of tho "Handy" Jar holder. Ret a Jar In placo hi bollor and you will not need anything to sot cans on and will havo nls an puny way to lift them In and out or boiler, DOc, per set of six. " Wo wish especially to call attention to tho "Whlto Crown Caps" for llio Mason Jars. Willi these you can havo as good success using the Mnsnn a with any of tho newer makes. Tho rubber Is used on top odgo of Jar and a wbllo glass cap Is all that conies In contact with the fruit. Absolutely no metal can ho touched by contents of Jur. Tups will last an lung as Jars. The only replace ment la tho rubber band, at lie. per don. Caps complete 35c do. Tho llattlo Creek Sanitarium has discarded 21,(100 zinc caps for the "Whlto Crown". Try them out. A small lot of Aluminum fruit funnels for 10c each. Churchill Hardware Company lltONMlVN'CEHS, The NORTH SIDE GROCERY HAVE A FULL LINK OF Groceries, Flour and Feed TO SELL! tiifv A It E r.tYixo M.UtKI-.T Pltlt'E FOIt EftGS, The North Side Grocery ALTON S. EHEY. Prop. IMXMSK AMENDMENT KINDS At it CHILLY Only lis 1 Paid Kupimrtars lluve Ixmim Tongues Committee Not EiitliM.sla.Htic. PORTLAND, Aug. 1. Getting en thusiasm for the proposed brewery tiuendment to the prohibition law Is meeting with small results. Thus far '.lie only persons who are evincing vithusiafim are the attorney for the Welnhard plant, who is chairman of he campaign, and the secretary of he committee, and the fact that they -re receiving remuneration accounts for their Interests In the measure. Among the citizens who were askol to servo on the general com mittee there Is no work being done to promote the causo of the brewers. While In sympathy with the Idea, embers of this committee explain that they personally believe that tins not the proper time to submit 'he nuostlon to tho people, Some f t' argued that the measure .Vntld n't have lien brought up for ....',- ,.f:,r. t lrvt.. so that the present law could receive a genuine ust. Six months, explained these ' is pot suff'cleni 'line to study tho operation of the taw. Suli'in lli-cvcory Muhas Fruit Juice. Even members of the committee :lo not place niueh hope In the suc cess of the amendment, particularly used a springy bed of canvas and light frame nidae to extend across the top of the front seat and allow space for the pillows over the back seat. This affords a waterproof roof for the sleepers (n case of rain, and even If la storm should come up, the campers can remain snug and warm hv buttoning the flaps from the top of the car. Mosquito netting instead of side flaps may be desirable In some camp sites." - AITO AND ftAHAOK AltE ItlllNEI) The garage and automobllo owned by H. K. Burchfleld, of Winchester, were destroyed by fire originating in some .unknown manner this morning. Mr. Durchfleld was work ing about the car when he noticed that It was blazing and Immediately mado attempts to extinguish the flames. He was unable to do so however, as they had obtained a good start and was quite badly burn ed about the arms and face while fighting the fire. The car and garage were completely destroyed and will be a heavy los8 as they are only par tially covered by insurance. The nuto iraj an Overland and was pur chased only fhls spring. ISETlllNS KI'.OM MONTANA Let Us Repair It. The lucket that Is broken need not be laid aside. We can repair It and make it good as new. And the outgrown ring can be en larged to the exact size required. Perhaps you have some articie ' :w that you would like to have made over Into some other orm. It can be done to you r absolute satisfaction in our repair lepartment. We make a spec! ilty of watch repairing and guaran- a.u lee every piece oi worn we pjt out. Bring in mat aisaDiea time Kj niece and let us put It in ord t. You will be pleased with, the c.ass of work we do. glAMTV SERVICE BUBAR BROS. Formerly Y'oung & Bubar. JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS PHONE 311 it IWHJl'E HEROINE IN ".MEENA'S ROMA.Vt E" scope-bag, to live with her wealthy aunt wbo lives In New York. Her ruling passion of wanting to have everything scrupulously clean, makes her undertake to scrub the front steps; and here she meets von Ritz again, this time coming to pay court Meena Bauer, the heroine of "Lit-I Meena s cousin. He renews nis tie .Meen's Romance." a forthcoming j attentions to little Meena, quite Ig-Triangle-Flno Arts release, to be norant that she Is wealthy. But the seen at the Antlers theatre tonight Passing of Ills country's ambassador Moomi 1 timer- Has Fortune of Her Own lint Insists on Scrubbing; Relative's Fmnt Steps. and tomorrow, is a little Dutch girl living in a small Pennsylvania town. Brought up by her wealthy but frug al father, she knows no life hut scrubbing floors and washing clothes. Mr. E. II. Rohr returned this morning from a two months stay In Montana where he was enuaeed In inin nr u,. , .i, . since Its benefits. If any, would be I sheep shearing contracting. Mr. Rohr j Frederick von Ritz. a handsome stated that times are excellent Tn 'young man whose temporary lack of the state he Just left, duo to the tie-! funds Is being made up In the sale mendous demand for copper. The i of patent clothes-wringers: and she confined chiefly to Portland, and thereforo, would not receive warm support in the other counties. For instance,, the brewery nt Salem has 'cor. converted Into a factory for icturlng fruit Juices, and the tntement has been made that he-ii-a" of the future of fruit Juices a'- S-i'e-n nlanf will never revert to the brewing of beer ngaln. KAISER STARTS PROPAGANDA TO I'M FY GERMANY ON PEACE BERLIN, Aug. I. Tne kaiser to day inaugurated a speethmaklng propaganda throughout Germany to unify the empire on Germany's peace terms and to prepare the public mind for peace. Under the auspices of tho German National Committee, an organization having the approval of the official censorship, fifty well known German orators will make the same speech in fifty German cities today. The speech lR inoff iclally known to rep resent Chancellor von Ret hmullll- Ilolhveg's peace term views. The speech Is being awaited with the keenest Interest by both friends and foes of Dr. Hollweg. This propaganda may mark the beginning of re-established friendly relations between the chancellor and those with whom he has politically disagreed on the conduct of the war. Dr. Hollweg Is the man who engineered the ousting of Grand Ad miral von Tirplt and his subma rine wnrtare campaign nnd kept friendly relations with the Pnited States when a break seemed Immin ent. It is known that the Moderate. Conservative, National-Liberal and Catholic elements have been strlvlnc to make a reconciliation between the chancellor and the Pan-German element. dumps of the abandoned mines are being worked over and huge minis of money made by the ijwrntors while the new mines are working large shifts of men to bring the out put up to the highest point. If a combination of our climate and the eastern business conditions could ho made. Mr. Rohr thinks this would he an Ideal place to live. FRANK II. HITCHCOCK RAPS (JOVEIiNMENT SERVICE jve ADMISSION lo "Always flood Show" 1 In an article on job5 with a poor future In the August American Mag arlne, Frank H. Hitchcock, the form er postmaster general. Is quote, as saying: "The government service In Wash ington is a good place for a young man who wishes to pay his own ex penses while receiving hl education at one of the universities In Wash ington. Hut after he has received Ms education, he Is far better off out of the service than In It." A GOOD AVERAGE MATINEE EVERY- DAY AT 2 TO P. M.. EVENING 7:1.1 TO It TODAY ONE DAY ONLY MASTER SHAKESPEARE, STROLLING PLAYER An Interesting drama based on the Sliake-ipearo-l'.acon ronlrmersy starrlng I -'LOIS K NVK LallADIK. Two lovers quarrel over who w rote Shakespeare. The man g to the Mexican border with the troops and is wounded. See the finish. lis In five interesting parts. HE Xlj I.IEE Your Magnttne I i pictures. THE HERO OK E. . RANCH This is 1 ! . otaie 0 ey "the f iiiiniest man In America. TOMORROW Willi VM IMS.I I I, ii, -'.m l I, M U r .' ,n i7u. Fust of the new Mutual Star Pio.luctTbns, TIM liNPAY W IIO'S Gl ll.TY """ " l i;ti i. w iu;i: Kl Itltl , i" ,v uiu, Vimt;F"i llliicMi.l Play In j arm. At one time today there were by act mil count, eleven men and three teams at work on the exi-avatlon for the new postofrice. w hile on the walk above the latter was being bossed by 19 onlookers. The excavation should be practically complete,) M C:i v cning, as very little remains to be done, when the false work for the cement foundation will begin and rushed through. Nll RDY FLORENCE RKID in -A OX s LAW' HOW TO PITCH CMP IN AN Al I'OMOIlll F "Comfort is to be fe';:i.t in the camp t ar." sa-s a v. i:;,-: in ; h.- A--.c-ust Woman's Home fomp imon. 'if you know how to arrange for It. The bed should hr in the car if oi have not tent, as the charm of s'ce:. Ing on the gro'Uid soon pal's, an berths In the machine are easier to arrange than a portable shelter. We'' RACK FROM INSPECTING ROADS County Iloadmaster K. A. Sin clair returned last night from a trip through tho coast district Inspecting! the roads ulong Smith river, to Win-' Chester Bay and other points. While! at Winchester Bay ho was successful i In killing a lnrge bear and the! Roseburg people who nre camped j there had the opportunity of enjoying some fresh bear steaks. Mrs. Sin- clalr remained at the bay and will I probably not return to Roseburg for several weeks. having come to his rescue when he is brought up before her judicial father for canvassing without a license, he takes up his residence as boarder in her home. It is not long before von Ritz, who has not made the little family aware of his station in life, is sent remit tances from home; so he goes to .live in bachelor quarters In the city, tak ing llttlo Meena's heart with him. Then Meena's father dies; and she goes, with all her fortune In a tele- reminds him that he should not marry out of his rank. Feeling that he cannot marry her he still invites her to come, w'ith him to a road-house outside the city; and there he inveigles her Into a pri vate room. But seeing her ignorant of his intentions and trusting him Implicitly, his conscience troubles him, and he goes downstairs to fight It out with himself. The out come of this mental struggle fur irishes some of the best moments in a refreshingly human film. CASTORIA For Infants and- Children In Use For Over 30 Years of &&0$&Egk Always bears the Signature GOING TO CRATER LAKE. Sheriff George Quine and family leave tomorrow in their auto for Crater lake. At Winston they will be joined by W. C. Winston nnd wife and Gladys and Clarence Lenox, and nt Grants Pass hy George R. Riddle and family and Joe Wharton nnd family. Tho party will remain nt Crater lake for about a week or ten days. INSURANCE! Insurance that Is worth something. I write fire insurance. I sell accident and life insurance. I will secure you a bond. I write auto insurance. I negotiate loans. 1 look after the Interests of my clients In many ways. I hav i been in business 20 years In Rose burg. Never had a law suit in settling the many claims I havo bad. I represeut 10 of the largest and strongest Fire Insurance Companies. All old line, no cat rates. Quick adjustments and my reputation is my guarantee that you will be treated Justly. Twenty years of satisfied customers. My office is at 321 Perkins Building where I will be pleased to meet my old customers as w. 11 as all the new ones I can secure. Special arrangements for taking care of prune dryer insurance. Call an(i see me. W. J. MOON Roseburg, Oregon II HKAPyl ARTERS OF OREGON TltOO!"- IS CHANGED I SAN DIEGO. Aug. 1. The head quarters of the third regiment, Ore gon militia, has been moved from Palm City, to Imperian Bench. Only a few of the enlisted men failed to pass the physical tests. GROUND GRIPPER WALKING SHOE' MEDICAL CURE FOR fLAT-fOOl SOLD FROM COAST TO COAST Walk Right In Ground Grippers As Nature Intended Let Us Show You ROSEBURG BOOTERIE WE DESPISE NOT THE DAY OF SMALL THINGS Neither will we neglect your o rder for small quantities We have short boards priced as low as 3c each, and we will sell you as few or as many as you want. We have a plank for your walk at 9c A post for your fence 'at 10c A prop for your tree at 5c Kenny Lumber Co. Plinne Xns. 4.", ;-,; ANTLERS IKIAMjLL rP" ATT"xT Trrx tdi , xtot r PLAYS lUlMbHI PiTvc LOTS OF COMF.HY IN PLAYS ll; IN ItKl'NN Mio. Satisfy - II'-1,:. . . Cass St. "Little Meena's Romance" enl clothes wringers. " salf!"'xn ' Pat- O Reel Keystone Comedy o & ''HIS LAST LAUGH O i in i . " 'Xel y.Hir trouble OMIV, J.OOX BILLIE BURKE "PEGGY" The SliKl.lHio PcHlucti.