The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 27, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Tins nnxrao news, thI'ksdav, ji'ia" 27, toto.
J'.' -, -- ffnTTlr.iiiil!! m
Li 'w.SJl 1 Pi
Miss Frances A. Kcllor at work in her office.
Miss Frances A. Kellor Is chairman of the Women's National Com
mittee of the Hughes Alllunce, and Is one of the couniry's busiest women
at this moment. She has taken upon her shoulders tho task of or
ganizing the womon of tho nation into a lineup for Charles E. Hughes.
MisB Kellor had luncheon with Mr. Hughes at the Hughes summer
home on Long Island a few duys ao.
CAMP DAlllOA, Sun Diego, Cal..
July 27. Captain (iiiorgo 15. Houk,
of Itoschurg, arrived today. Ever
Blnce the troop bucamo u separate
command it hus been without a phy
sician. Colonol Swift, chief of staff of the
Western Division, accompanied by
Colonol Clenard McLaughlin, of the
Third Oregon: Captain George A
"White and Lieutenant Cicero F. IU.
gnn, tonic au auto trip today to In
spect the marching route and camp
site where Troop A Is soon to b.
: -Ktulioncd.
Captain White has received fresh
"Assurance that mounts will be here
. qrlthin a few days and as soon as they
arrive and tho horses have had
FOR SALE Hay baler, John
p Deere power press No. 2, 8
h. p. gasoline engine, com
plete, good condition, bar
gain for cash. E. C. Uon
boii, room 4, Commercial
Club building. G29-tf
try-out, the move to tho permanent
camp will be made.
The Inspection party left early and
dlil not return until late tonight.
It Is understood that the Place where
Troon A will be stationed will lip he-
; 'tween Campo and .lacumba. It Is
estimated that It will be four duvs
! march from hero and w ill be near
i the edge of Death Valley. The trip
of the officers today was for the pur-
:iTe of ft'.urlvlm: iHfl'ercnt cant'j
sites and of familiarizing themselves
1 with the country over which the troop
! Is to travel.
Children Cry for Fletcher';
VI ft. J
Tho Kind You IIuvo Alwnys I'.iiiilit, nntl which Ims been
lu uso lor over ii jours, Ims Imrno tho Klutuuiiro of
nun mum Hem iiiutlo under his per-yy-rv-
Biiiml supervision hIiu-o its infancy.
CC-cAU Allow no on toiUx eivo run in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations mill ".lust-ns-gooil " nro but
Uxpcilinents llmt trillo with anil endanu'i'r tho liealth of
luiuiits untl till 111 ron lixiiciieneo iigulnst J-vpciluicuU
Cnstnrlti Is tx lmrtnli'ss snlstlliito for Castor Oil, Pare
Korlo, lrop nnl Sootliintr Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains liiltln r Opium, iMorphiuo nor other ISareotlo
Mthstunco. Its HKO is its guarantee. It, destroys Worms)
mid allays lVvorlslinoss. I'or moro than thirty years It
lias been In oonstaiit tiso for tho relief of Constipation,
llatiileney, AVIntl Colic, all Teething Troubles nml
llarrho-ii. It roifulates tho Stoma. U and liowcls,
iissimilates tho l'ood, givinir healthy and natural sloep.
'i'lio ChlUlrcu's l'aiiiifi-u Tho Slotlicr's rrioiui.
Bears the Signature of
The following interesting letter re
garding Oregon scenery was receiv
fcd by Mr. A. A. Guewits, and writtet
by his daughter.
"Oh, it you could only have
been with me yesterday, 1 should
have been perfectly happy. I wrote
you that we taiked of going up Larch
Mountain trail part way. I was
awakened al six by the guns uuu
whistles, and it was just like New
Years, and I soon realized that w
was a perfect morning, just ideal
lor a hike. After breakfast we start
ed and arrived at Multnomah r'alis
at 9:3U, from where we started our
trail at once. It starts up towaru
the Falls, crosses tho concrete bridge
just below the falls, and from there
on the top talmost 70u. leetj is a
switchback. Everytime one turns
the view is grander on account oi
added height. Then the trull leaves
the face of the cliff and penetrates
the wilderness. At this point a side
trait leads down the stream to the
heaj of the falls, where you can lean
over and look down the same 700
Teet, really an awe Inspiring proced
ure, as one has the inclination to
leap over. The water was high and
in some places covered the trail, so
We retraced our steps to the main
trail and proceeded into the heart
of the hills. For two miles we fol
lowed the creek, a tumbling, pound
ing mountain stream, through a ra
vine well wooded and between mam
moth rocks.. It may surprise you
to hear that we came to a snow and
(ce drift and Bnowballed one an
other. The stream became more
beautiful as we journeyed on, and
until we came to two falls quite near
each other, each about 100 feet in
height, and from here the scenery
was still more wild. The stream
formed a series of cascades over fal
len logs and immense stones, moss
covered and a tangle of undergrowth.
Out of the rocks at intervals came
small steams of cold mountain water
and car; shut my eyes now am?
hear the roar and inhale the air made
sweet by the ferns and cedar. Here
one could stand still and entirely
loso oneself In quiei communion with
nature. Here the trail leads off to
ward Mankeena Fails, and we were
forced to turn our faces from all
this grandeur und climb the clff to
the west, where we soon came out
on the Columbia gorge again many
hundreds of feet above the river and
looked down on the trail so far be
low where we hail been a short time
People on tho nll seemed mere
pigmies as we watched them. We
then skirted the hill for a mile and
a half, when stop was made for lunch
and s;it for n loni: time looking up
and down the Columbia river for
many miles. It made me speechless
with awe, tho grandeur and majesty
of It all. From this point the path
gradually descends through a second
growth of all kinds of vegetation,
but as Kankeena creek Is neared the
rira become larger and the steam is
one unbroken mass of white foam
from where It hotls up from under
the roots of an Immense tree to the
top of Wankecnn falls. A big lnnd
slide was encountered on the way
down which covered three laps of
the switchback, causing some diffi
culty, and danger, for if one lost
their footing It ml;.;ht end hundreds
of feet helow.
Again our steps were retraced to
the main trail out upon a long point
where the trees and rorks overhang
tho Columbia highway, and from
here the H'ltos fur below looked like
mere toys. These fulls are not as
large as the Multnomah, but the In
dian names translated means "most
beautiful", ' and they are certainly
I deserving of the title. When the
j highway was reached we were only
three fourths of a mile from where
j the start was made, and the time was
t:irt. Here we found hundred sot
4:15. Here wo round hundreds of
of the wonderful hidden treasures
behind the great wall of rock and
i firs.
The entire trip did not lame or
fatigue me n bit, and 1 am so grate
ful for the opportunity -to see what
lies so nenr. and yet Is known to so
YbtAhs ago A 'Beamed Playe' would I S
5Er OUT aftbo -we eipt-aSi" $S UTY
1 ' -AM K r-s. fiirZV
topcu;rdli.t.e8 .
' I'lUW'n. tee
gATSMA" "r""f
AS '
and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Shepard, and his sister, Mrs. Mattie
Cosper, and her niece, Miss Edna
Cosper, accompanied him as far as
Riddle, where they are visiting with
Mr. James Hensley.
This afternoon they came through
on their way to Portland and were
joined by Mr.-Shepard. They will
be In the metropolis for a few days
and then return, topping In
Roseburg for a short time Saturday.
They will return to Texas about the
first of September.
tiOl'HKltS Kll.l.KD WITH
mals that damage their crops. A
car, preferably one that is light, Is
driven into the field where the go
phers live. The engine is allowed to
continue running and one end of a
hose is attached to the exhaust while
the other end is inserted in a gopher
hole and packed about with a cloth
and a HUle dirt. In a short time
the fumes penetrate the various pass
ages and issue from other holes.
These are then plugged up; after
this has been done the gases pene
trate to the remotest chamber, and
the inhabitants are suffocated.Aug
ust Popular Mechanics.
Using automobiles as gopher-kill- Special. Mason Sanlcnp tops, wnlle
Ing machines Is the novel service to they last 10c per dozen. Extra targe
which cars have been put by Oregon j heavy Mason rubbers oc per dozen
farmers who have set about to kill regular price 3 for 25c. People'?
gophers, and other burrowing ani- Supply Co. 777-tf
Think dog muzzling cruel and then
marvel at the spread "f rabies';
Carefully select your .irand of liq
uor and then feed your children un
pasteurized milk?
. Repeat the Golden Rule and then
sneeze in somebody's face?
Go camping for your health and
then place your toilet so that it
drains into your water supply.
Place an Ad. Here
and Watch Results.
On account of not being able to
reach our entire list of subscribers
during the last thirty days
The Special Offer of
l ie L
g News
Extended Until July 31
In Use For Over 30 Years
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Charles Shepard. cue of the form-
... . f .I,- 1,.,VM... I,.!.a .mw!
for many yrars n resident or !ns-! '
burg, stopped in this city tiv'av 'or.
1 short visit with friends on his ,
through to Vortbind. Mr. Fliepnn'
left hero a year ago for his homo at
Sweetwater. Tevas. and hns been
there since leaving here. His father
The Evening News (Daily) by mail, for One (CO-ftA
Year, if paid in advance, only p.UU
I The Umpqua Valley News (Semi-Weekly) - opj
for One Year if paid in advance, only . . . . pi.O
fuly 31st is positively the last day
at these prices. Keep in touch with
events by reading THE NEWS.