The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 17, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE EVT53SIHG MfcTrS'lOMJAY, Jl'I.Y 17, llfl.
Complete Housefurnishers
Accused or d I orderly conduct Leu
Williams, Walt (looilinan, Gordon
Gugo, Charles Howard and Jennie
Warner wore arrested hero today. Ac
cording to tho officers the party re
ceived a shipment of liquor Satur
day afternoon about two o'clock and
went with It to the houso of Lee
Goodman In North Itoseburg. Mr.
Goodman wan out of town at the trine
and knew nothing of the occurrence
unlit ho returned at night. The
Iiarty then engaged In revelry until
bout four o'clock In tho afternoon
when their noise making attracted
tho attention of neighbors Night
Officer Wilcox, who resides near tho
house was called and accompanied by
Sheriff (Juiiie, went lo tho place
where they wore drinking, and con
fiscated tho liquor.
They found fourteen full quarts of
fcoer loft from the shipment of 21,
tho remainder having been disposed
of. Tho boozo was taken by Sheriff
Qulne, who Is holding It to bo de
stroyed at the order of tho court.
WarrnulR of arrest were Issued this
morning from tho recorder's court
charging all with disorderly conduct.
The "re served by Marshal Will
iams who notified them to appear in
court at once. Mrs. Warner appear
ed and waB fined t li 0 . half of the
amount being remitted during good
behavior and tho balance was paid.
Later In the afternoon Gordon
Gage appeared and entered a plea of
guilty he was fined $10 which he
paid. The others had not appeared
at a Into hour this afternoon, hut It
was understood that thev had stated
they would plead guilty and pay tholr
I'lOKS CI, I'll.
Dance at Dlxonvllle Thursday
night, for members exclusively.
KAGI.K I'ASS, July 17. Tho Cnr
rnnzu troops at Piedros and Negrns
and Monclovia moved southwards to
oppose a large force o7 ViTTstas who
ore marching toward the border, ad
vices from Mexican Rources reported.
Jar trimmings of all kinds and
standard makes of fruit jars at money
saving prices nt tho People's Supply
Groceries, Flour and Feed
, The North Side Grocery
Al.TOX S. I'Itl:V, nip.
Id It Id K li 8 0 j',,pV ITS DIll'KltHNT.
fl Ac ADMISSION lOe IPnf'JlliJ "Ahvnya Good Show"
1 V??y
WASHINGTON, July 17. Villa in
(load, and Pershlngs troops wili
leave Mexico within the month, and
the militiamen will return to their
homes within three months, wan the
declaration of a hlh war office de
flce department official today. The
minority leaders are using the name
of Villa to Inspire fear among the
Carranzistas. Carranza fs stronger
in Mexico than ever btrfore today,
principally because he averted war
with America without loss of dig
nity. Army men declared there was
not one chance in a thousand for
further trouble with Mexico , either
throuKh a repetition of tho Parral
and Carrlzal Incidents, or bandit
raids. Since the Carrizaf'attack was
cleaned up, and the note of Car
ranza received, tho war department
considered the Mexican troublo end
ed and over. "Villa himself could
not hurt Carranza," declared this
iTirfal, "antf Villa is dead, accord
ing; to our reports. I believe his
name Is being used to embarrass
Carranza and Inspire fear. Wo bo
Meve hp l dead and his cause buried
with him."
Roseburg company under the com
mand of Capt. J. A. Buchanan and
First Lleutonant Russell Dunham
and Second Lieutenant John Ker
nan left here Saturday night, J5
strong. A number of new recruits
were taken into the company at the
last minute, making a sufficient
number to man one of the big guns
at the fort.
Even the best laid pluns some
times go astray, the proof of which
statement is evidenced by the at?
tempt . made yesterday by E. 1.
Snyder, of Portland, and Miss
Amanda Tester, of this city to be
quietly married and slip out of town
without the knowledge of their
friends. The many acquaintances of
the happy couple have known of the
coming event for some time, but tho
exuet date was not known. Yester
day Mr. Snyder and Miss Tester took
an automobile from lioseburg to
Sutherlin where they were married
shortly before noon. Tho fact that
they hau left for Sutherlin quickly
became known and hoarding train
No. 11, which train the young cot:nIe
Intended taking for Portland, a num
'!' of their frienda started In pur
suit. As tho train pulled Into the
station they were taken captive and
not released until nfter It had left
Sutherlin. During their delay there
tho bridal couple wero subject to ft
number of practical "okes much to.
the enjoyment of their friends. They
went to Portland on the early morn
ing train.
Mr. Snyder ls clerk in the auditing
department of the Portland Railway;,
I-lght & Power Company. He has a
great many tacquaintnnces 'in this
city and Is a well respected younp,
mnn. His bride is also well known
In Roseburg, having spoilt the great
er part of her life here. They will
make their futuro home In Portland.
ItritAli CHKD1T mix
WASHINGTON. July 17. Aceom
paulug his not with a speech paying
tribute to the farmers, the president
:!gneil the rural credit bill this morn
ing, providing for a system of land
mortgage banks to handle long time
loans to farmers.
The employes of the railroads
over the entire United States are at
the present time taking a vote upon
tho question of calling a general
strike of the employes of all roads
during tho early part of next month.
Tho strike question is not one
which involves so much the increase
of pay " stands at the preaen'.
time, but more a shortening of the
working hours of the employes as
thoy exist at the present time.
A great many runs of the train
men as they are at tho present time
cause them to be on their runs for
a period of time greatly in excess
of eight hours and It Is this to which.
they object. They base their claims
upon tho theory that more than eight
hour3 of continuous emlpoyment In
the cabs of one of the giant engines,
such as arc employed In hauling the
trains over the S. P. lines, is det
rimental to tho best interests of the
railroad company, and that the safe
ty of the passengers themselves Is
hot properly safeguarded by de
manding that the trainmen work
longer than eight hours.
A strike vote has been polled in
this city among the many workmen
employed and whilo the result of the
vote will not be known definitely for
some time yet, It is known that most
of the trainmen aro In favor of the
The results of the different unions
and brotherhoods are mailed into
the headquarters of tho railroad
trainmen In New York City and as
fast as received are counted. This
result will not be made public until
every lodge has been heard from
which is expected to bo, somt time
early in August. A number of fami
lies of railroad employes aro antici
pating a strike In spite of the appeals
made to them by the officials of the
company to remain loyal to tho com
pany, and are making preparations
to move their families from tho city
until after tho expected strike is set
tled. Merchants, loo, are anticipating a
possible tio up in freights and arc
ordering their fall purchases which
are usually shipped from the eastern
markets early In August, to come
forward at once in order that they
may have the merchandise upon tho
shelves when the demand comes for
Toric Kryptoks
Nature's laws are fixed and we all must grow old. It is no fault
cf ours that our eyes grow dim. We like very much to appear
oung and why not? The tiiua was when wo had passed the 40th
milestone and glasses becamo necessary for constant wear. The old
bifocal with cement wafers were a dead give away on our age, as
the double vision Blood out ve-y conspicuous. Conditions are dif
ferent now the new toric Kryptok has revolutionized the whole sys
tem of glasses and is tho only correct glass to wear as they con
rn";i to the shape of the eve thus eliminating all prizmatic effects
and instead of a cemented waftr as used in bifocals for near vision
V.u k-nc is made up of Crown and Flint glass fused together bo
orroara as a single lense t0 look at but the refraction for both
r?r r.nd near is perfect. The cost is a little more than the com
'pr ?.;ind b;:t the pleasure derived from wearing a perfect pair of
'--:?3 nore than makes up the difference. Let us fit you with a
pair. We guarantee to please you.
Mrs. J. E. Perry, of Riddle, was
brought to Roseburg this afternoon
and taken to Mercy hospital where
she will be given medical treatment.
Mrs. Perry has been quite 111 for
some timo and It was thought best
to bring her to the hospital hero.
Fhe is under the care of Dr. K. B.
roiiAY, firm tit vrn it ok tiii;
"Secret of the Submarine"
and Mth Chapter u( the "IliOX CLAW." four thousand feet of
thrills. You don't need to bring cushions to sit on because yon
won't sit on tiie mm I only pur of the lime, the picture won't per-l-i
1 1 It.
i'lrili: M:ws A no w .paper in pii'tuves,
"Till-: llt P AT III Dili. PIPS" A Vogue Comedy and Is a scream
from the first font .if U it. to Hi Ian
Harvey Moore, son of 1,. B. Moore,
of this city, was quietly married Sat
urday afternoon to Miss 01ads Wil
son, of San Francisco. The wedding
occurred nt tho home of Mr. Moore's
grandparents. M. I,. Moore, of this1
city. Mr. Moore was for ninny
years a reisilent of Itoseburg the
greater part of his early life having
been spent here. About eight years
ago hn enlisted in the U. S. navy
and has been ndvnnrecl rapidly until
be lR now a non-commissioned of
ficer stationed at the Mare Island
navy yards. His bride Is a Cali
fornia girl and the wedding grows
out of a happy romance which begun
shortly after Mr. Moore's transfer
from Bremerton to San Francisco.
They will leave tomorrow for San
Francisco where 'they " will make
their home.
iomokiiuh nil. t m i; 1 1: -v ,;, r,- uri!
Kdiieatloiiiil. ",ll IIKY's MUM-IMCNT," comedy
itosi'iit i:t;
111 K'l tlKlc.ll I ." in five parts.
!SI) Y " HITS il ll.TV"
SA IT'llll.W
Tir iu:r "
K1M1U I, YOt Mi In "Tilt.: KLl.oV
Orecon' eii;ht companies of const
--"""- under the command of Cnl
! Creed Hammond, of Kiu'ene. left
Portland yesterday morning at 11:30
i for their annual encampment nnd
drill at Fort Stevens, where they will
spend tho next two weeks. The
IUVIX liltl'.N.X
om That Sntlsfj".
IV ";! Illdit. . . . Cuss St.
(Continued from page, 1.)
to keep back the tears and the trickl
ed from his eyes while he, with his
associates, Ralph F. Potter and Leslie
P. Hanna, were receiving congratu
lations. Mr. Wilkerson stated that In his
opinion Orpet had been more than
declared not guilty.
"Ho was proved innocent," said
Mr. Wilkerson. "He is going home
with his mother now. Then he is
going into the country for a much
needed rest after the nerve-racking
experlepe" brought on him by a re-
markable if not unprecedented series!
of circumstances. Then he will come'
back home and make a man of him-j
seir. I
Three ballots wero taken by tho j
jury. The first stood 11 to 1 for
acquittal. Foreman O'Sliea stated
that by agreement of the jurors the;
name of the obdurate member would'
noo be made public. I
The usual, Saturday night throng,
of farmers and their families in for!
the week end shopping nn( rccrea-!
tlon was present in extra force and i
crowded the route which Orpet took1
after leaving the jail. i
COl'ltT AT t HAl'TAI yCA
many a strange dovice, and broad
and trusty sword. While the maid
ens of court wore. wreaths of gaily
hued flowers upon tholr brows.
Tho legend of the Hock and Sword
was first depicted which lead to the
finding and crowning of the right
ful king. Loas Wright was the
strong (and gallant young Arthur
and Maurlne Buchanan was the
sweet Guineviere. After Arthur be
came the king, he chose the bravest,
most gallant men and made them his
knights of "The Table Round".
One day as the sweet Guineviere
and her maidens danced on tho
green the wicked Sir Malgrace stole
them away to his castle. But one
maid escaped and she carried to Sir
Jjaunselot Lady jGuinevlere's ring.
The gates of the castle are stormed
and at last the maidens are releas
ed. By foul play brave Sir Launce
lot Is thrown into dungeon and left
to die. The porters maid discovers
his plight and rescues him from the
dungeon and death. A tournament
rollows and the wicked Sir Malgrace
Is slain by Sir Lnuncolot.
Tho last scene shows the winding
of the May pole and the court maid
ens dancing.
This pageant wns greatly enjoyed
by both the audience ni.'l the chil
dren and Miss Alexander will be re
mci.ibered with pleasure long after
tho chautauqua is gone. Little MIbs
Frances Strange, (laughter of tho
superintendent, has n'.m made many
friends here among the juniors she
has helped entertain, as well as the
grown folk.
Miss Hazel Alexander, who is in
chnrge of the Junior Chautauqua in
this city, presented her little chil
dren to us In the Legends of Ring
Arthur's Court. '
The legend was enacted In panto
mime by the children whilo Miss Al
exander charmingly read the story.
The small boys were gaily clad in
shining helmets, shields bearing
A Good
Creates New
Beautiful Bust and Shoulders B
ire pfw-tihle if you will wear i
men joiic urassierc.
iclentiflcally constructed
Th drniririnir weight of an anennfnrd bint no strstehes the
upporting muscles that the contour of the figure is spoiled.
yVTTlMI W Pnt the hl,,t WW where It be-
lu&ITsa g lonfri, prevent the full bust from
IQIILrII& bavmft the appearance of flat-(bs-an
ko-i.k) biness, eliminate the ilniti.r of
&RA.S'IERJl? 'IniKKiiiB muscles and conllne tho
flesh of the shoulder giving a
graceful line to the entire upper body.
They are the daintiest and most serviceable garments Imagi
nablecome in all materials and styles; Cross Uncle Hook
Front, Surplice, Bandeau, etc. Honed with " Wnlnhn," the
rustless boning permitting washing without removal.
Have your dealer show you Dien Jolle Urnssieres, If not stock
ed, we wiiyjladly send Uim, prepaid, samples to show you.
BENJAMIN ft JOHNES, 51 Warren Street. Newark. N. J.
She of the naughty eyes In
"Madame LaPresidente"
Ilr.hbling over with laughter and the joy of living, by Maurisc
ll Minequin and Pierre Veber, produiAd by the Oliver Morosco Photo
play Co., released on the Paramount program
Also an Interesting "I'AltA.MOl'XT TU A VEI.OCC K" and "COL
ONEI. 1II:i:;:ai.I. II AND TIIK PirtATKS." a Pray Cartoon.
COMIMi TCKSDAY AXI VK1INKMAY. a popular Triangle pro
gram. M.VH M AISSII, the pet sister Klora In "TIIK BIRTH OP A
NATION; in her latest Triangle release
and Mack Swain In the two-. col Kevstono Comedv
IMcos m Vsnal 8c nnd 10c,
Comlnit July 'M nnd 27, Mntinec and Night, TIIK I1ATTI.E CI5Y
OK ri'.AO:," a call to arms against war. Tho Intention of this
Picture Is to portray the great need of preparedness of peace
spelled "P.O-Y-E-U"