KWiHT THE EVEAfRG NtriYH KRIDAV, JCLY 14, 1016. a A. J. LILBURN & SON Complete Housefurnishers CARPETS RUGS CURTAINS DRAPERIES LINOLEUMS ana FURNITURE SPECIAL THIS WEEK ON ELECTRIC IRONS We Have Electric Fans too, among others a small one for $5.00, just right for the table or to keep the flies off of the baby ROSEBURG ELECTRIC CO. Phone 123 Do It Electrically. Phone 123 Newport Rficed 1'Olt Summer Trips Wlion summer comes and a vncntlon outing la planned, remombur Now port Is cool. Tho breeze from off the mighty Pacific novor fniln. With tho ninny diversions and attractions to pass tho hours uway, surely you could find no bettor plueo for your vacation. The Cost is Low Hound Trip Tickets are on salo dully from all Southern Pacific stations In Western Oregon. Tho roturn limit 1b October 31at. Onlly Trill us from Alhmty and Cnr valllH make iweollent ittuiie-rilons Wrlto for Illustrated booklet "Newport" or ask local agent ? for complete Information. John M. Srolt, (.eiionil l-'jissenger Agent, Portland, Oivgon. SOUTHERN PACIFIC OFFICERS WIU 1 Coming to Roseburg upon a prom i ise of marriage, unable to locate tin I man with whom she was In love and f with an attempt made to swlndk j her out of her meager savings by c : fraudulent real estate deal a woman today appaeled to tho sheriff's office for assistance. According- to her story she was living In California when she mot the man to whom she ! Is engaged. Shortly before the niar ; Huge ceremony was to take place she became 111 and she was forced to i go to the hospital and submit to an i operation which kept her confined to ' her bed for several weeks. The man J In the meantime had gono to Port j land. Ore., to attend to business mat ! tors, leaving word for her to follow him as soon as she was able and thai ! they would be married In Portland, i She reached the Oregon nietrop , oil only to find a message telling her j that he had come to Roseburg tc look after some timber Interests ' which he held in Douglas county. I She Immediately came to this city and endeavored to locate him. but has not yet been able to do so. Shortly after her arrival in this city an attempt was made to sell hor a homestead consisting of KB acres of timber land located within u mile of Uoseburg and within a short distance of a saw mill. The Insistence of the real estate dealer that she invest her money in this gilt odgo proposition finally aroused he suspicion and he made Inquiries which led to the disclosure that there was not a homestead within many miles of Uoseburg and that 120 acres of timber land were worth much moro than JH00, the amount of money for which the land dealer was endeavoring to sell the piece of prop erty. 1'nable to secure assistance in any other way she today appealed to the I officers. She says she will remain In Uoseburg for a Tew days, as she ha not yet given up hope of locat ing the man with whom she Is ' love, but if she does not find him soon, she will go to eastern Oregon, where ho has a brother living and will locale him by this method. She has secured work and is sup porting herself while remaining In 1Mb city. ADDS TO LAURELS IN FRENCH DRIVE -;:& p iAsSZ NOTICE. """ft-s-: Bubar Bros. Announcement! To tho people of Roseburg and Douglas County. The change in the firm name of Young & Bubar, Jewelers & Optometrists doe not signify any material change in the business. D. B. Bubar, Junior member of the old firm, remains with tho business as be fore and P. T. Bubar, his brother who has for several years con ducted a successful Jewelry business In Maine, has sold out his Interests there to locate In Roseburgand him purchased my Interests In the firm of Young & Bubar. I personally know both of these young men and cheerfully recTiimend them to your confidence. They are both expert Jewelers and optometrists nnd thooughly hon est. Their policy will ba to carry only goods of proven merit and their constant aim will, be to give tho utmost in service to their patrons. . , , Special attention will be given to the repairing of watches and icwelry. Their optical parlor Is ono of the best equipped in the state. With the latest scientific Instruments they are able to give your eyes their exact requirements In lenses. They merit your pat ronage and I cordially Invite you to visit their store. Respectfully yours, G. W. YOUNG I'ltt TI' CROP WKSTERX STATES IIEI.OW NORMAL it k i: l, s o .V ADMISSION" 10c SOB rue (mm ""lliiin iiiimiiiiiiii n IT'S DIFFERENT. 'Always n Good Show" M; TIN EK EVERY PAY AT 2 TO .1 1 M KVHX1.M1 7:1. TO It TOII.XY ONE lAY ONLY The Question' An iiV.sorl-.ini; sli'iy ot social life, with M MEGI EKITE LESLIE, England's low Ih'st woman In t Icnllng r. .!. full of striking (treruM tun! Klliiatlniis. in whii':i a our-Mion of vital Importance receive! a 'om!usi.' ,,i'.ser. in f!v.' i-arts. li. C. Benson, secretary of the Uoseburg .Merchants Association, to dny received the following report of I lie .California fruit crop.. Advices for the stato commissioner of horticulture of California, Just re ceived, stato that tho California prune crop for this year under the latest survey Indlcntes a crop of 52 per cent of the normal. A total quantity, Iherofore, for the yenr will . no uoout l)i million pounds. j The report on apples Indicates that the crop will he slightly less th'an ; the normal. Pears will not exreed BO to 70 per cent of tho normal. Krom Idaho It Is reported that the prune, nppln and pear crops are nl- most completely destroyed this year by frost. '.l!l OT THANKS. On behalf or the old veterans of the Oregon State Soldiers Home, I desire to thank Mr. A. o. strange, I superintendent of the Uoseburg rhail I tailqua, for his courtesy and kindness ! - 'ending an invitation to tin old veterans to attend the sessions of tin1 chautauqua as hii guests. The old soldiers especially appreciate the cordial manner in which It was ex tended. UOMKItT C. MARKER. Commandant. Oregon State Soldiers' Homo. File House on Hokum Hill" Just a fnnny coimMy, TOMSUI!0Y HO. tilt! ink 1 1 I.I W in "TM K FAMILY (TP. pnlt!V a fivo-part World f cut arc, ami "Till-; MAX WITH TUK HiM," a Vo4uo comedy. A hint, itrr not too t;i:n,i:. These ith'asunt pointers for par ents wore brought out in a ilinner table conversation the other evenini:: A sweet younp thing had a beau vho didn't mind .Koine to sleep over his work the nevt day. Pad deliber ated downheartedly on the prospects, of civinjr h!in a hint that would short en his calls. On a cool evening he carried in tuo larre In -.Vets n wood. -If this doesn't last you," he I obsered. "there's more in the base-: meat." All the wood he brought up was burned. Somewhat after nld-j nkht ho admlnipiered the finfshiim , rebuke. Oolnc to the had of the; tairs he called out In n voire thei neighbor niiuht have heard. "Marv. ' j when your raller eoes, if we're not j Hlreadv up, I wish you'd bring up the I morning paper." General Foch. General Foch, second in command of the French armies on the western front, is adding to his laurels in the present hut?e allied offensive. Gen eral Foch comes of Alsatian stock, as do many other noted French com manders. ltK Sl llli HAW KltriTS AM) VIXiETAIil.KS AKK C'LKAX Ity Siunncl Olxoii, M. I. (Pennsylvania's Commissioner or j Health.) Fruits and vegetables are a ncees-' sary part of tht diet during hot weather. Many of these are more ap-, petizing when eaten raw. Berries, apples, radishes, onions and salads, arc popular and have their value as j food. Care fiuould ho exercised in ! tho preparation and serving of green 1 foods, however, as i-'.iuy are subject to much handling between the garden and the table. In many market gar dens the gathering of the produce is entrusted to a class of labor which ; is not any too cleanly; and care sel-! doni Is exercised to Insure cleanli ness. ' ' Food exposed for sale in markets also it often subject to Indiscriminate handling by prospective purchasers. . As a protection berries and food stuffs paten raw should be thorough ly washed before being served. It is much better to risk a slight impair ment of tho flavor than to chance i eating unclear vn;. Nightsoll should not he used fori fertilizing gardens from which the produce may be eaten raw. Water cress should not be gathered from 1 streams polluted by sewerage. Many cases are on record where typhoid fever has resulted from failure to heed these points. Having sold our stock of groceries to J. H. Campbell & Son we hereby notify all persons having accounts with us to pay the same to the said j J. H. Campbell & Son, who also as-i sumes and pays all wholesale bills! r.ow against the Wriht-Ueidel Gro-i eery Co. I July 13, 191G. (Signed.) j J. W. WRIGHT, F. A. REIDEL. J. H. CAMPBELL & SON. I SAVE YOUR JUNK! Best pries paid or Hugs, Itub bcr, Metnls and Hide. Men's Secoml Hand Clothing Bought and Sold. BERGER'S JUNK SHOP Phone 1H2 410 Cuss St.- Good merchants take their discounts; why not get yours through Green Stamps? f They are now redeemable in cash. Get all your coupons exchanged for 2&C Green Stamps. btore I Always ask h for The NORTH SIDE GROCERY I'OR SAI.K Cued l.ahy cah, In good condition. Price S5.00. Cnn be seen at News office 774-J20p LOST Nose glasses with tiny chain. Reward for roturn to" News of fice. 771-J15 FOR SALE Motorcycle. 7 h. p. twin Indian In Rood condition. Price $75.00. Hose-burg Bicycle Shop. 772-j20p Something New In White Shoes and Slippers ROSEBURG BOOTERIE lit VI X I'.H.I NX Slim- Tlint Satisfy. l"k!im Hitler. . - nun St. HAVE A FULL LINE OF Groceries, Flour and Feed TO SELL! TIIKV ARE PAYING M.VRKKT PRICE M)R HUGS. The North Side Grocery ALTON S. FREV, Prop. ANTLERS THEATRE P.MtA.MOl XT PKTl KKS TONIGHT JKSSB L. LASKY presents America's leading character star THKODORK ROBERTS, In an elaborate and stirring plcturizatlon of MARK TWAIN'S Pudd'nhead Wilson' with the consent and sanction ot the MARK TWAIN CO A' faithful representation of one of the classics of American I itera tare produced with all the art of the Lrskv studios. A photoplay combining melodrama, love and human sympathy. In addition an instructive "PAR AMOUNT PICTOCRAPII and the funny comedy "A TKMPOItA It Y III'SIIAXI) ' Adnilion for thi superb lnm- .ic am! IOc. 1 Coinlim Sn unlay only. .Mallnoo ami XIKlit An Elegant Triangle Show, "Molt.U, F.MlRir" with Frank Mllles and KdRhJte.vo; "A LOVE RIOT - , two-reel Keystone Comedy. (Vmlnir July SO and 27, Matlneo niul MkIiI, "THE HATTI.K CRY OF PKACK." a call to arms against war. The Intention of this Picture I, to portray tho great need of preparedness of peace spelled 'P-rMV-F.-IP'