The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, July 11, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tln3 EVE.VI. SKn TUK8DAY, JI W 11, 1910.
nBTllll f . s-r?ji"r;:.,ii-.V'vrf"5.?
fT?ft til ' 'f -f '
c- ' V A ,." A v. iJf it III f C- ? Iri i V-v
t ts Vtv jt t- k k 1 H "vilf
F r fr-.4. .i.u.Lt ,.,.jaj,.j!i.j.Jv ..lAL.-..,.
. . . . T . rrT (u con:
Uy Hlr IlfiluMi IUmmIhiIiiii Ttchj.
JWy real initiation Into tlio cluoinu
brotliorhood of Culil'oniiu took jilueo,
X ahoiild Riiy, ono plousuut utlcriiuon,
winio four w(h;Uh after my arrival at
Iho TrluiiRlo Htiullofi, In Hollywood.
It wub quKo liilot-uHtlnK-
1 wns walking along ouo of tho
jirincipril BtruotH, glancing Into tho
shop wlndowu, and enjoying n par
ticularly linlmy atnioapliuro, wIum t
vsb suddenly Holzcd Troni behind In
a jiowoi-rut Ki'P, and u gag wna
UiruHt Into my mouth Of cuuvho I
Atrugglrd vloh-nt ly. Imt It was quilo
no uho. Two burly follows lum inc.
fliio liy tho ariiin and tho otlior about
tho body, and all my efforts lor
freedom were In vain.
My amotions may he Imagined. All
about inn I huw per;uuiH going alout
tholr, (ititu mironeenied as
J writ hod In tho grip of my raptor.
Several Indiviilnais glance at me
and iulled( noihlfil to one another
and evidently enjoy vt t lie proeeed
InR hugely. It neoined to me ns
though 1 must he having some iih
touching nihl mare, fro in which 1
nhoiild proHi'titly awaken, and fiml
myself safe In lied at my hole'.
Hut nothing of the sort , It was
dragged ihm-oks tho sidewalk, still
uttering Incoherent cries and trying
to free m y sol i , and thrust into an
automobile which had been standing
at the curb. Aly assailants piled in
after me, tho chauffeur threw on all
speed, and away wo wont. In few
moments tho pressure was somewhat
modified. 1 got tho gag out of my
mouth, and shouted for help. A po
liceman ran out Into the road and
commanded the chauffeur to half. As
wo en mo to a stop, my companions
released me, and the chauffeur turn
ed around, with a grin on his face.
IiihI then another motor pulled
up Ix'stde us, and a chap jumped out
of It a perfect stranger to me and
thrust a slip of paper into my hand.
"Thanks, Sir Herbert, ' he said.
'That's going to he a great 'hit'. II
the check Isn't enough, just say so.
Tho c heck w as fur t w o h u u d re d
pounds. Cameras had been clicking
away when I v;is bundled Into the
automobile, ami again when 1 called
the policeman. I had been aiding in
the making of n picture for this man
who I had never seen before. I told
him the amount was highly satis
factory, though the manner In which
I had been called upon to earn it was
fcomewhat disconcerting.
tut when I told people about t'
later on, they just laughed and sail.
it was one of tho customs of tho
country. Hero Is a truu democracy,
I thought, if over then; was one
tho principles of social eiinality
ouldn't b carried much further, j
am sure,
Up to the time of whih I spefiTi,
I had spent so much time at the Tri
ungle Hiudlos aiul "on location" that
1 hadn't seen much of iho town of
Hollywood, and the remarkable
event a which are continually trans
piring in Its streets without attract
ing more t han I lie most casual at
tention ()f the passers-by. Otherwise j
I might have been prepared for my 1
ov n ordeal, anil I might not have
come near spoiling n s'vno for MisJ
('uilit-r, a day or two later. j
I was n.otnring, this time, and'
happened to he jut pa-sing a bank.'
when Miss t'ollier came bursting out!
of the door, in tears, and pursued 1
by a (hap who was shouting at herj
aad evidently annoying her greatly I
Yen mivht think I would have sus
pected what going on, but not a bit
of it I still had now grown accus
tomed to thinking of Hollywood as
one vast moving picture stage. 1 1
pulled up, jumped out of my car, and
was rushing to Miss Collier's side,1
when she called out: "Avaunt, Mir j
Herbert, or you'll crab my scene!"
I aviuinted, and after that they
couldn't surprise me.
Another most democratic Institu
tion of tho film fraternity 1 dtscov-'
ered in a much shorter time utter
my arrival among the Triangle play-1
ers. I mart, it could not have bceuj
more than a day orjwo. We had.
been working all day, and then a ;
Uue portion of the night, when our
dinrtor kindly caller a halt, about.
a. m. I was fueling quite hun
,;i y. I supposed my fellow players
jijst ho in like plight, and lament
ing with in o our evident -absence
from any base of supplies. i
All of u sudden I found myself sur-
rounded by red bandanna handl-1?"-;
chiefs. They were Knotted together,
at the corners, like the bundle a
tram per carries on a stick. Where :
they came from I had no idra. I ;
had not notice,) them previously;"
they acemed to spring from nowhere.
I was almost the only person who
did not possess oue. When they
were opened, there were sandwiches
of all kinds, tarts, cakes, fruit ex
cellent food, and how we did relish
it, with tho glorious appetites m
had! That night 1 had to throw
myself on the mercy of my coiupjm:
ioiiH, but alter that I possessed my
own red bandanna, which my daui
ter Iris would fill an(l knot up for
me whenever it looked as though we
were off for a long ordeal.
Then, the willingness to work, the
absolute setting aside of personal
comfort or ease, for the good of t!,
work to be done then; again m,
' '"ncracy, in its highest t ssenee.
One day, I remember, I slipped away
from the studio, for just an hour,
to keep a luncheon eu;;.u.emout. T
suppose it was because I was in sin Ti
a hurry to get back, and net keep
t!ir? company waiting, that I slipped
as I was stepping into my motor, and
fell, striking my head agahist- the
mudguard. 1 got a nasty g;,s!t un
d'T my eye. which b!ed rather freely.
N'-vertheless I hastened to the studio,
staunching the blood as best 1 coubl
with my handkerchief.
I did not ask to be relieved from
work. I had seen too much of tho
willingness with which other players
who had suffered injuries had let
thcmsolvces he patched up, and gone
right ahead with their work, A doc
tor at (ended to my wound; it was
neatly covered with plaster and
make-up, and I worked all afternoon
and most of the evening with my
fnco til robbing and smarting. No
one thought 1 was doing anything
out of the ordinary -and I wasn't.
I had many other experiences dur
ing the film of "Macbeth" which im
pressed me deeply with the wonder
ful spirit of camaraderie which
prevails among t ho players. The
whole Triancle colony, consisting of
about five thousand persons, rich
:n,i poor, prrat and smell, connected
with the Griffith. Ince. ind Sennelt
siudi'mf ir just a great group of good
Mlovs. Tiiat T have been privileged
to learn there nnMy Is a place where
such a spirit prevails is one of tho
n-asoiis why I nm glad to have been
n.-fOMatrd with the only film contri
bution to the Shakespeare tercentenary.
The two d:'V 4th of Inly celebra
tion Is a thing or the past. There
was a large crowd both days. Kvery
thliiK passed off pleasantly an, l ev
eryone expressed themselves as hav
ing hud a pteaant time.
Mr. St veit 's uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mid Waddy, of ,! P-d:,s ppl. spoilt
the Hh with him.
from the machine and received sever-1 M il
Mr. and Mrs. Story Martindale are! l painful bruises and cuts about the
the prouii parents of a new baby girl. I face. He was taken to Kosebnrg
Slorv is stepping high these days mi 1 Thursday evening by Mr. Junes for
account of the event.
. SO.IOl'KN I'Olt MON TH !
at in( ih:sti:k hay'
l iisiu:n TitK sami; iav.
If you bring your films In by 9.30
Having Is on In earnest now. Tin
delayed It som d-v.
Mm. Noble, da.ttliter of Mrs. Wool
cot, is visiting with her sister, Mrs
rim. Smith.
While cutting liny Thursday. Mr.
Wric.hl 's team bec:nee unmanage
able nn,j run away. He was thrown: Ashland
medical attendance.
' Kdna Smith is Mill quite 111 at hi r
j home.
Mr and M is. Kd monds and chil
' dr. n spent the Uh with friends at
j South !eer creek.
j Perry Stamiley, .lohn l.ehnheir,
j IU st Ne-eley and wile celebrated In
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Strong and
daughter, Mrs. George Neuner and
son and Mrs. H. Cam pbell and
daughter, Helen, leave Thursday fhr
Winchester Hay where they will
The trip will be made as far u;
Scottsburg in Mr. Strong's auto
from which place they will Muc the
boat to their destination.
Orders will be solicited next week
we will finish your work the same for pure, wholesome milk and cream.
...... nr.. I t n . I .
day. Professional work by Profes
sional Fotopraffors.
700-tf CI. AUK & CLARK,
by the now dairy .iimt started.
r. f'l I '
Jackson St.
is the corset you will wear and be delighted with,
nun you will buy again. There is a model for
cw w figure, for a lady or a miss, a stout, slender or
medium figure. The prices range from tso to $tr.0'1,
fieri lace or bacj; luce. If you have been having nt a
little dissatisfaction with the corset yon are wearing,
if it hasn't quito cnuo up to your expect at inns, step in
and let us fit you with a '"Justice" made by Cage
I'ovvns & Co., sold and guaranteed by
The Place To
Trade and Save
ME-nr J'm him, -""-
Miss Sadie Persons ret tirned yt s
tertlay morning from Portland w lie re
she has been visiting with her umiu
for several days ami left this after
noon on the stage for Melrose where,
she will spend a week or ten days
with her sister.
' THE original
Rich mil k, malted rain extract. in po"der.
For Infants.lm-alids "Oct growing children.
Purr nutntkxi.upbuildtngtlMHhoIe body
lnn'yoratc nursing mothers ! tb
The Food-Drink for all Ages
Ntora butritioua than tea, co(rc, ttc.
Sultitnte cost YOU Same Price
Horses &
Will le in Roseburs; at the Farmer's Feed Shed
on Fridayand Saturday, July 14 and 15. Want
horses 5 to 10 years old. USD lbs up, will buy anv
color, want good rutted animals with plenty of
bone. Want mules from 3 to 7 years old, any
sue, must be broken. Have bought stock in this
vicinity before and will, posiuydy l,0 ju the city
on the above mentioned dates, f come to buy 100
or more horses.