Daily Weather Report , Fair Tonight iuhI Sunday. Highest temp, yesterday ......86 Lowest temp, last night 52 VOL. VII. ROSEBURG, DOUGLAS COUNTY, OHKGON, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 10IU. Jio. in BATTLE FIELD S COVERED WTH MUD Heavy Rains Make Infantry, Attacks Impossible. ALLIED FORCES 6TILL ift THE OFFENSIVE ; , I Reports States That Five Thousand of Kaiser's Famous Guards men Were KlUed In . One Rattle. LONDON, July 8. (Dy Keen, spe cial U. P. correspondent.) The sec ond week of the allies' offensive, found the allies everywhere attack ing, despite counter attacks. A heavy downpour of rain has convert ed the battle ground into a vast sea of mud, but despite this handicap, the French today claimed some slight further progress south of the Somme. taking four hundred prisoners. The British troops north of the Somme, improved the positions taken yeste "day. Fighting at the village of Con talmaison has been deadlocked. Paris reported that five thousand of the kaiser's famous Prussian guardsmen were killed at Contalmaison. Petrograd today reported the cap ture of three villages in the region of Kolkl, after heavy bayonet fight ing. The wild rumors that the Aus-tro-Germans have begun a general Vetreat from Riga to Galicia, are dis credited here. The British aero planes have rendered valuable ser vice despite the unfavorable weather yesterday, and aided in reconnais sance work, besides completely wrecking an enemy hanger. AustrinnH Arc Cut Off. PETItOGKAD, July 8. An Aus trian force estimated at between 20.000 and 30,000 has been cut ofi southwest of Kolomea. The Aus trians had massed to the eastward, when a sudden dash or the Russian infantry seizing the railway station, Btopped the retreat to the south. The right wing of the Russians has severed the communications north. PLANS ARE READY . T L. G. nounced Hicks, city engineer, definitely today that an- the plans and specifications for the Koseburg & Eastern Railroad would he completed and ready for adoption by Monday night, the regular meet- JnS night of the city council, isear 1y everything pertaining to the work has been completed. One more draw- iog of the 100-foot truss for the North Cmpqiia bridge remains to ; be completed while tho totals for the estimate have not yet been add-: ed. In preparing the plans Mr. j Hicks has made 40 drawings which j together with the alignment sheet and profile map which he has also prepared, make 4S documents which will be filed as plans for the rail-, road. . The specifications are composed of 80 pages of Houblo spaced extra length typewritten pages represent- (he 'air for the past week but dur ing hours of work In their collection ng the past two days the air is Ilter and compilation. During the period ally charged with it. Tlanners are In which ho has been engaged in lying across the streets nnd pen thls work Mr. Hicks has given up nants are streaming from aiitomo practically all outside business and biles. Boosters are everywhere In has di-voted himself entirely to the evidence wearing booster hats bear one project. He has been asslFted lug the slogan "Chautauqua, Let's throughout by V. W. Gilkey, and a Co". Even the children caught the part of the time by It. H. Fleser. TV.e spirit this morning and an Impromp stenographic work was done by Miss t it parade through the main streets Kthel Patrick. I of the town was the result. Over -10 The specifications this time are children decorated with war bonnets minus the form of contract which ac- and pennants were in the parade rnn.-Tied them when they were showing that they, too, were boost brought hefn- .o council the first ers for the big week, for Chautauqua tin e. The form Is being worked on Is a (rood time week for the kiddies by the legal department and will be as well as the grown tips, submitted after the plans have been Chautauqua will commence on adopted and the bids advertised for. Tuesday evening when the Com us An ordinanco adopting the plans Players present their famous "Car- ana: specifications 18 now being pre pared by the city attorney and also a resolution authorizing the city re corder to advertise at once for bids for the construction of the road. The ordinance bears an emergency clause and will be effective immediately aft er its passage so that there yill be no delay in this regard. The length of time for advertising for bldB lias not yet been decided upon, but will be at least ten days or more. STOI.KX Al'TOS AUK 'COMING THIS WAY. The local officers toduv -received W01a trom to be on the look- out for three stolen autos which it is believed are coming this way. The numbers of the cars and their de scription was furnished in the tele gram. Douglas county has received a great deal of prominence during the past few years because of the fact that so many auto thieves have been captured here. HKXY K.NGMSHT RKPOltT OF NAVAL ISATTI.K I i HIOULIN, July 8. A submerged enemy submarine attacked without v. arning, nine peaceful German trade ships enroute to Swlnemude ,n July 2. The ships luckily es caped, the admiralty announced. The torpedo wake was clearly observed as the torpedo passed between two of the ships. Armed patrol boats at once "gave pursuit. The admiralty denied the correctness of Admiral JelVco's version of i lid lossei in the battle of Skageraek,. and declar-j ed the German statement was correcl. j LOCAL COMMITTEE Plans Discussed For Selling More Chautauqua Tickets. MONDAY LAST DAY FOR REDUCED PRICES CVmuisf 1 Mayors Will Op;n Wook's Kntortaiiunent 'ton Tuesday Kvo-nliig With "Carson of the North Woods' At a meeting held this morning in the Commercial eluh rooms definite arrangements were made by the local "'--"fliia asorintion for the sale of the remaining two hundred tickets. Tonight at 7 : ;t 0 the cam paign will he given a send off wtih a concert by the hand at Cass and Jackson streets. During the inter mission the "flying squadron" iof ticket sellers will make talks from automobiles and sell tickets to those . ... . This committee made a systematic canvass of the town dur ,ng (be (ay They wnn( u l(n(1(jr 8tood( howevori that thoy werG nol Me tQ. c&n Qn everybodv an(J thttl tk.kpt8 are OII sale at the (h.ug atore8 am) thei Douglll8 NationiU Hank. As a special feature of the Com mercial club picnic on Monday even ing the band will pray such tunes as ("Everybody's Hoing It, Doing What?" Buying Chautauqua tickets, of course. They will be the last chance for the business men to pet their tickets at the reduced rate of Tilt, for on Tuesday noon the prlro advances to $3.00 Tnp Chautauqua spirit has been BANDITS UNDER VILLA AGAIN IN THE FIELD Towns Along International Border in Danger of Attack. REPORTED WELL ARMED AND MOUNTED DlffereiiMM Itetwocii Countries May Re Di.si'iiixod by The Active itios of llanilit Thought IHwI. Klj PASO, July 8 Several sources today reported that Villista bauds were moving toward the Blgbonu country in Texas, to raid the Ameri can towns. These are believed to be the 8'tine one about which Carrunzu warned Lansing, intimating that the .Mexican troops might not bo able to oefcat the bandits. The VllliBtas left Falomir yesterday, and smaller groups are joining the band every where. They are .reported as being well armed, with plenty of ammuni tion and well mounted. Prcconcerted ly the Villistas .liove (gathered at Folomir and are moving toward La mnio pass. Army officers bolieve that Villa may succeed in shattering the attempts now being made to ad just the differences between the United States and Mexico. It is re ported that a bullet through the muscles of both thighs caused Villa's wounds, and that he is now recover ed sufficiently to walk without a limp. The war department does not place much faith in the reports that son of the North Woods". This Is a play of the life around Quebec and the setting and characters are true to the quaint llfo of that region. Seven full days are on the program for this year and every number 1h a headliner. Tho local committee is very de sirous of selling the full number of tickets and ask the co-operation of the people of Hoseburg in this mat ter. These people want it under stood that they do not get a thing out of their work except personal sat isfaction, but they are willing to plan and boost and do all In their power to make it a success. Mr. C. S. Heln llne. secretary of the local associa tion, said today that "Chautauqua Is a worthy Institution and needs the support of everybody to make It tht success that it should be. He said further "We are greatly pleased with the outlook and In a few years Ttose burg will have a Chautauqua which will rival that of Gladstone or o1 any city In the west". HOLLOW SQUARE OF 5 1 Just as tho travelers In "prairie schooners" did in '4!. whn tj.c place for a white man, the soldiers of Uncle Sam in Mci'o tar" ro c mean their death and the des'.ructiou of the supplies ti ty are ti-;.;!i, f In the interior. The photo shows the autornonit U It.! ' Pershing' camp, af'.er having been arronre i ,t, . ' v. t soldiers hav a subsLanUal piotecUon iioin wmcij Lo uit, u. c..,.... Villa Is alive, but the stato depart ment Is less skeptical. No Alive""" Money for Mexico. f WASHINGTON, July S The pres ident will not attempt to rehali!" Mexico with American money, unless Carrnnza requests It, as the adminis tration officials have been Informed that offers of financial assistance will he refused. Cnrranza needs mon ey, but refused to consldor borrow ing from any foreign country," be cause the loan might mean interven tion In order to collect the interest. NO ROSKIiritfj WOMAN WOVI.l) DO THIS In the city of Buffalo tho other day one of the women's clubs held a "White Klephant" party, the Idea bo-' ing that every woman must bring something of no real use, but that was too good to be thrown away. A prize was offered for the most orig inal contribution and the woman who won it brought her husband. It is not stated whether she was a suf fragette. ARTILLERY MAY GO TO BORDER I.ocnl coast artillerymen are con fident that they will lie called ,to service In .Mexico within a short time. With the recent orders to recruit the fourth company to war strength of 1 0 il men coming at the saino time as the preparations for (ho annual encampment it is believed significant that the government is seriously contemplating tho sending of tho coast artillery to the border. The orders for the annual encnmp-1 nient at l-'ort Sunens ware received j some time ago. This' is the event j ?v tho year for tho company for thon ney go to tho fort and have several j days of practivo with the big guns j binder regular war conditions. It is believed by many that this year as! soon-as they arrive they will be! changed from artillery to Infantry and taken directly from their camp to tho Moxlcan frontier. The war department issued or- i ders a few weeks ago that four new companies of coast artillery be or ganized within the state as rapidly as possible and if this Is done It will b-lng the artillery to the same stand ard as a regiment of infantry and it would bo a very simple matter to transfer thorn from one brnnch of the ervico to another. Under the new oath which they have Just taken the militia Is under the control ol the war department and enn be taken to any place the same as the regular army. ' Willis KdVards, of Plain came to 1 his city today to visit at the home -f Attorney C. i- Hopkins. PRAIRIE SCHOONERS PROTECTS U. S. TROOPS CARRANZISTAS BATTLE WITH II Result of Encounter is Not as Yet Known. COMMUNICATION LINES TO PARRAL CUT Ooliiy In (.VUIiik Into Couljust With Miuinuliii); llnmls Caused lly llitiiiiiiK Out of Itridg-e. EI, PASO, July 8. A desperate engagement Is raging southeast of Jiminez between two thousand Car ranzistas and eight hundred Villistas under the command of Uenornl Con treras, said the official dispatches to General Gonzales at Juarez. It is unofficially reported that Genera, Villa Is at the head of throe thous and troops advancing on Farral for an attack. Villa ovueuated Jiminez which ho captured two days ago, and has cut the communication lines to Parral. One thousand Currauzistas ure in the garrison at l'arral. Jiminez, which tho Villistas cap tured alter defeating an Inferior force and klling General ignacio Ra mos, has been occupied again by gov ernment troops. The bandits are fleeing through the valley of the riv er Florida. Jlel'llfecs Spread ltoport. Kcfugccs who left Jiminez heforo tho Villislas were near the city were responsible for the story that l'an cho Villa commanded the bandits. Nothing definite regarding his pres cure has been received hero. General Jacinto Trevino character ized as absurd reports that a revolt against the de facto government was in progress and that Alvaro Obro goh, minister of war, would tako the field against tho bandits. He said only a Tew of the chiefs who had nover concluded negotia tions to accept amnesty wore con cerned, nnd added that there would be no reason whatever for General Obrcgon to digniry the bandit opera tions by assuming charge of the campaign against them. Ilridgr. Ai-o lluriiod. Military men here explain tho do lay In getting Into touch with the Villistas as being caused by the burning out of bridgcR, which ham pered transportation of large bodies of troops. General Trevino has an nounced that he realizes fully the 4 h -t BANDIT GANG ' It Is (understood that about flvo hundred names have been placed on tho peti tion to have Ebon Mode, a prisoner In the county Jail, paroled. He was sentenced on a charge of assault, the crime having been committed against Mrs. Fisher, of Kell ogg. Mode lias been In jail several weeks and his health Is such that his friends are afraid h- will become an Invalid If forced to remain much longer. necessity of an Jictlve systematic campaigning mat win crush out the bandits In short order. VO.CAI,l,A WOMAN' D1KH. Mrs. Af. L. Dungay, one of Yon calla's most respoctcd resident's, died last night at Mercy hospital after a short illness. Mr. Dungay, who was 4 7 years of ago, was a native of Minnesota, coming to Oregon and settling with her husband near Yon calla about throe years ago. She had been ifjck only a short time her death occurring last night about 9 o'clock. Sho Is survived by her mother, Mrs. Myra Boohe, by her husband, M. L. Dungay, and one soh, Her bert. Tho body will bo takon to Yoncalla for burial. DREAD PARALYSIS Home Defense League Takes Steps to Check Disease. NINETY-FIVE NEW CASES REPORTED PiiimmiiI to (Jiianilitliio Tho .McUxHi lltt of tho Nation Has Jtoon Abandoned oh Iinpractiuiblo. . .. NKW YOUK, July 8.---Ten thou sand New York citizens, members of tho Homo Defense League, were call ed out to aid In the fight against Infantile paralysis. IOIghteen more deaths and 115 new cases were report ed today, tile majority In Brooklyn. O'lailiiitlno AInumIiiikmI. The proposal for a general quaran tine of tho city was abandoned as Impracticable. Additional assurances woro given today by tho United States public, health service that every posHlblo ntel would be glvcu the municipal author ities in carrying on their work. Six officers already havo been assigned to the task of tracing germ carriers. Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo notlfie, Mayor Mitchell today that after a conference with Secretary of Agrli'iilturo Houston tho latter had agreed to do everything In his power to facilitate the entry Into tho coun try of shipments of monkeys from the Phlllpplns Ixlnnds which nrn urg ently needed for research work In connection with Infantile paralysis. E ORDER ISSUED LONDON, July 8. A royal orrlor chrinKini? thn rul'B of tho tilorkmlo hot been Issued, Thin (stipulated that ships jiitint prove that their iIchU na tion h rtro not IioHtilo, and pcrmlln thn lrltlnh to hold till neii t nil nhtpn n tH thoy can show proof. Neutral vhl)ti carrying rnnlrahnnd to nn tn cmy port are liublo to rapture on their nxt voyan. Harry HIMrhurn, who has born Rpondins; novoral days at- Portland and Bnli'in returned to his houTo la. tl:i city this morning. I'KTITION VOn PAKOLiK.