The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, June 28, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Matinee Idol of the Hour.
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Sixth infantry nisiiing up hill with bayonet. fixed: officers cf Wth cavalry.
These pictures have just been received from General Pershing's headquarters in Mexico. Uyper photo
shows 6th infantry in practice drill. The soldiers are in complete readiness to repel a Carranza attack. The
officers of the 10th cavalry, which was attacked by Carranza soldiers at Carrizat, are shown below. They are,
left to right: Lieut. H. Abbey, Jr., Capt. S. D. Smith, Lieut. J. F. Richmond, Lieut. O. C. Trosc land Capt. Mel'.
Elbert Clayton, one of the offi-,
cers of the state hospital for tuber
culosis, arrived in Roscburg this aft
ernoon and took charge of Bob Tapp,
who took French leave from'that In
stitution a short time ago. Tapp will
be returned to Salem this afternoon
and be placed under close guaard.
According to the lastest word re-'
ceived the second troop train to pass
throughS Roscburg will arrive be
tween six and seven o'clock this ev
ening. There is considerabie talk'
about hiring the Concert Band by
popular subscription and giving the
boys a royal welcome.
The Delight
of Children
The self-developed, inuer-flavmn- of New Post
Toasties licai- a unique attraction for the kiddies
they even like them dry from the package for their
lunches. A box of Toasties provides "eats" that
will delight the children.
New Post Toasties are usually served with
cream and sugar, in which form the flavour is more
pronounced and the flakes more delicious. These
New Toasties do not "chaff" or in the
package and they don't mush down in cream both
common defects of old-fashioned "corn flakes".
Then, too, notice the tiny bubbles on the
flakes, produced by the quick, intense heat of a new
patented process of making which imparts delight
ful crispness and a substantial body to the flakes.
New Post Toasties are a vast improvement
over any old-style "corn flakes."
For tomorrow's breakfast
New Post Toasties
Sold bv Grocers Everywhere.
Heprescnting berself as tjxe daugh
ter of a Snriner from one of the
southern states, autl iiiat she had
either lost her ticket anil money or
it was stolen, a well tiresseit young
woman stopped off the early morn
ing train and sought some assistance
from local members of the order here,
to help her on her way unlit her
friends could be reached. A close
inquiry was made which convinced
that her story was entirely true, and
a purse was quietly taken un among
the local Masons sufficient to carry
her on her way south. "She missed
her round trip ticket just after enter
ing the car in Portland and had suf
ficient change to pay iier way on
the train this far, for which she took
a receipt from the conductor who
telegraphed hack to Portland of the
loss, and if It Is found, slie will have
the amount of her cash fare refund
ed. 'Typically southern in speech,
refined &n well dressed, the young
lady felt tiie humiliation of having
to ask assistance and as she said
she had many friends throughout the
west, she desired no publicity, and
while her name and address was giv
en, she declined to accept help if
these were made public, stating she
wouid stay here until funds couid be
telegraphed, before she would allow
this to be done. She left on the
morning train south.
A special train of ten Pullmans
containing the comiiiauderics of
Knijjbts Templar from Maine, Massa
chusetts and Rhode Island who were
returning from the Los Angeles tri
ennial conclave, passed through
Uoeeuurg last night about eight o'-
j-'-'-V. and made the usual division
; stop of fifteen minutes. A large
' number of the knights and their
ladies alighted and took a look
around the grounds during this time.
In conversation with the grand com
mander o( Massachusetts, he told a
News representative that they haj a
most enjoyable time all the way
throiiKb. Another special containing
the Grand Commandory of the
t'nfU'd Stafcs and Canada, passed
through later in the night.
Vera Janus, of Yoneaiia, was t
visitor In Roseburg today,
Eva Pruner, cf Riddle, was in this
city today taking the teachers ex
amination. il. Howell, of Round Prairie,
was among the teaeherB taking thv
examinations today.
Mrs. E. 3. Odell, of Yoncaiia, re
turned home this afternoon aftei
chopping in this city for a few hours.
Mrs. H. H. Houghton, of Grants
Pass, came to Rosebnrg this after
noon for a visit with friends.
Twenty-acre Improv&c ranch one
mile from Myrtle Creek, io trade for
rtoseburg property. C. H Arundel,
box 703, Koseburg, Or, 536-tf
Mrs. 'E. J. fCeltey, who has beesi
visiting with her mother-in-law, Mrs.
P. Sinnoi returned tbis morning fo
her' home at Kverett, Wash.
K you warn to iray or sen If you
have rooms to rent if you have lost
something, try a classified ad. They
bring results.
Mrs. V. H. liowden loft last night
for Park City, Utah, in response to
a telegram announcing the serious
illness of her mother, itrs. A. A.
The Umpqua Valley Fruit UnioJ!
is nov taking orders fr St. Val
entine Broccoli plants, grown fron
imported seed. Order early and ge'
the beat. StiG-dsw-tf
Col. U A, Dorington, of Washing
ton, 13. C official Inspector of the
Indian service, was in the city today
and paid a official visit to the local
Use P. S .C, coffee, you will get
the essence of pWlty, strength and
fiavor. All chaff and dust la remov
ed, assuring when ordinarily pre
pared, the '.lear amber fluid. Call
fr the brynu package a fm
rrcple'a Supply Co. 732-tf
Mr O. 13. Whitney and Mrs. N'elUe
Nash, of Oakland, Calif., -who yester
day instituted the Ladies Auxiliary
of the Order of Railway Conductors,
left this morniug for their home.
Bargain prices prevail through out j
the large slock of NEW dry goods,
shoes and notions recently purchas
ed. Ail goods far below wholesale
cost. Over $4,000.00 in good de
pendable merchandise at great reduc
tions. People's Supply Co, 732-if
Mr. an(i Frank Shepard and
Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Bender, of Port
land, stopped in this city Jast night
on their way to San t- ranclsco by
n V.oih Mr. Shepard and Mr,
liender are members of tbc Portland
police force.
An order Is placed for another car
lot of High Flight, the good bread
flour. The kind that causes pleased
customers to return and buy again,
flour and other commodities of like
merit at the People's Supply Co.
Tito car will contain 20 ions of pure
wholesome food. Enough, to feed
Pension's finny for a spell. The
wheat Is raised ana" milled in the
famous lilg IBend valley in Washing
ton. The place where the best wheat
grows. Try High Klight flour, you
will like It. It is the most econom
if ai flour you can buy. Get it at the
Pf-opie's Supply Co, 732-lfj
j .j . V : J rim If
' A " , , , ; I I j
1 hi h'- - r H
R",nii!Ms "ro;:aiiJ aai Jaiia eniJ Sue" trt iss tiso catrcat stsga saoces
h Sitcii wSS) b rsirast-iS on tho Paramount I'rogrRsa witisia ihe est fovp wep&s.
Mr. artaa i& onu of Uie bw most pojniiar 8rc ob t3MS s!iijc
SUbb E:!itli CaSey, who has beonj J. v. Hoover and wifa reiarac
visiiing at the home ol A. SciiiB))er, horns to MyrtSe Creek te! isioraios
reiarnod hojne to Yoaealia liile affer- after swatting a oB!e of days J
noon. ! iiiia city.
Are You Contemplating
A Camping Trip?
Thea don't torgct that we can eHHia yo with the iln ei5CBiia)is.
TENTS " - '
Bolh Wiiiamoile and SratUie, S or. ducii i vavioaa aiws. Also tent
tfJy. and if yoa wish jst a tcBiorary aiieiter a 'wagon cover
thrown serosa a rope stretched between two (roes wSSl do eat
The re-KHlar sheet iron, and also the fiwr fohlifiR aiove will fee Is
stocii in a few days. Ily Utnc this wt sell is passed.
111 you ever eat better hot bread than that nfade in lim old Ontch
oveu, or wlththo Jiefieeior oven. The latter 1 iishier and ta
efiwtlve. KhIvcr, Korlis, Spoons, enameled 1 wsro fry nana
etc. Rifles and slioJ guns, an a coO( fififiortment of flhing tackie.
Don't forget t& take one alonseyea ihmigft only the Jirownle, Th&
pietares you get will nrove & constant reminder of the ptasrasi days
of yonr trip and you will he enabled io Jive your cxfrlfl5s over
Churchill Hardware Company
. . . . . ' 1
CfTi- .VKWS.
Try a at. SJiasfa at Galls'. 31-lf
Ko!ak, Ka?im;Jn pTmto anjjplleaj
at the Roscburg Book Siura. 4S4-tf
V-ra Campbell Joft this raornine
for hf-r home at 3J)!!ani sfirr visitine
for a phort time in this city. 1
Karl Ilirrr retrnet this morning ,
front Portland anft Saif-m -wii-j? he'
has htf-n vipititig for a shorty time.
Mrs. 5. Itocard'is. who ha bpn
vfsitine in towhurg for a xhort time
rotarned to Mj-rHc Crick this morn-;
The World's Best Chautauqua
Talent Will be in Roseburg
July 11th to 17th.
Help the Local Committee by
Buying Your Season
Ticket Now!
The New York City Marine Band of 50
Pieces Will be One of the Splendid
Attractions this Season.