vovn THE EVBXIXfl -NEWS, WEI)XEHI)AY, JUNE 28, 1016. THE EVENING NEWS MILTON J. SHOEMAXEIl CARL D. SHOKMAKUK 6AM J. SHOLMAIiKlt Editors and lwliUwhers. ISSUED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Subscription Jtate Dully , ' Par year, by mall $3.0' Par month, delivered 50 Semi-Weekly, tr year .12.00 1X D10ll8 . . 1.00 Entered as second-class matter November 6. 1909, at Kosoburg, Ore. . aider act of March 8. 1879. 1VEINKSIAV, JL'XE 12H, 1910. "Capla?n" Marguerite Clark i 1 1 1 1 81 KKI'UMJCAN" CANDIDATES, 1010. For President Charles E. Hughes For Vice-Pros Chas. W. Fairbanks For Sec. of State D. W. Olcott For Pub. Service Commissioner... Fred O. Iluclitol For Circuit 'Judge J. A. Buchanan of Douglas Co.; John S. Coke, of CooB Co.; Edwin O. Pottor, of Lane Co. For Senator B. L.- Eddy For Joint Rep Wm. II. Gore For Representatives Charles A. Brand and Roy Griggs. For Dlst. Atty Geo. Nouner, Jr. For Clerk Cluis. W. Clark For Commissioner W. E. St. John For Sheriff . Geo. K., Qulne For Assessor Guy Cordon For Survoyor M. B. Gerinond For Treasurer J. E. Sawyers For Co. School Supt 0. C. Brown For Coroner Dr. C. B. Wade For Justlco of Peaco....C. F. Hopkins For Constable IT. B. Church HOW IS Til K I'XIXTION t'O.MINCi OUT THIS YKAK? Would you llko to know lite oul como of the presidential election in November? If so, we enn supply you tho basic Informutlon just about ns well now as on the 'second Wednes day In Novonibor when wo oxpoct to print the detailed returns., More Is Uio story, Bays the llcmUm Ilonild. JiUKlieti Is winning in a walk. The progressive parly is not only abo'it to abandon its organization, but It will formally bequeath ltd possessions to tho republican organization, Roosevelt himself Is coming out for Hughes, Hut that will bo only an other liiHliuu'O of Its never raining but when It pours. From tho day of Hughes' nomina tion to tho present tho drift has been all-In his direction. Have you seen anybody who voted for either Tuft or Roosevelt four years ago who will not now vote for Hughes? Thero are vory few, If any, Biieh people. And tho combined nupporters o .these candidates worn then In an over whelming majority. New York will decide tho election, and New York Is now casting repub lican majorities with unbroken regu larity. Tho west Is more friendly to Wilson than tho east, but tho states of tho great valley are too established In their republicanism to brtak away In n presidential year. Foreign com plications, might tell in the presi dent's favor, hut they are hardly likely to assume such a peculiarly dramatic status as to counteract thV lido now running strongly against him. The country hns mvonled no dem ocratic, president a second conseeu llvo term since Andrew Jackson. It bIiowh tittle disposition to break that long record of restrained enthusiasm fur democratic executives by giving iur. Wilson a second term In this year of grace. It Is only to be expected that the Japanese "bugaboo"' will show itrlf with unconfirmed re pons of Japs an licadlng some, of the Mexican rigl xneiits. Thero are soldiers of fortune In every war, as witness tho Ameri can aviation corps iuw in the service of France. There is little danger of Japn8 efforts on the side of the Mexicans going further than Individ ual struggle. MARGUERITE CLARK, FAMOUS PLAYERS-PAR AMOUNT STAR Captain Mnrirucrlto Clark, the dlmlnutlvo star In the Famous Players pro duction of Paramount Pictures who "commands" the Interests of an army of millions of photo play funa, will be a real cuptuln In tho picture "Silks and Satins." .The .Mexican minister of war says (ho people down there aro peacefully disposed, but righting mad. In that re spect they do not dlfrer much from ihose on this side of the border, ex cept thai wo havo a bettor excuse for being mad. Roseburg citizens showed their hn mau Interest in the passing through of tho soldier boys fnim otlter parts of tho stato, by giving them a hearty welcome and godBjxied at tho depot. CIU XTY Jl lKiH I'Kltl'OU.MS .m.i;i;ia;i: ckhksuixv the suliie as usual and are an excel lent test for the fitness of tho in structors In every respect. ' STATU VKTUUIX.UtlAX IIKl'tUtTS AI DISKASli A.MOXtj CATTI.li John L. Standofer, of Los Angeles, and Thoodosia Clay, of Douglas coun ty, were united in marriage this nft ornoon. County Judge 11. W. Ma ra ters officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Stund.i fnr will leavo this evening for l.os AngeU's w'here the groom holds a re pponslhle position and where they will make their future home. KKAIX JI STH'H UV 1'IIK I'KACK IS .11' OIXTl:i) County Judge Marsters today ap pointed Tom Krewson, of Drain, as Justice of the peaio of that precinct. Mr. Krewson Is a prominent resi dent or Drain and the petition pre sented to the judge was signed by sev eral hundred. rxia-.Moxi.v i'i;ovi:s i atai. Klevon-yenr-old Kvelyno Lauerson died this morning after uti Illness of several months. During the wiui.-r she nurtured from an attack of pneu monia the cfofits of which was the cause of her death. She was a step daughter of .less ltussell, of West Kosehurg1 at whose homo the death occurred. The funeral wil he held tomorrow. An outbreak of blackleg Is report ed, to tho stato veterinarian from nuar Roseburg, in a herd of about sixty calves, and a supply or vaccine has been sent with 'which tho stock men will try to prevent its further spread. As tiio disease la transmitted from tlie ground to tho animals, the places becoming Infected are dangerous, the disease kills about S5 per cent or the animals that get It, and those t lint live are valuable only tor their hides. State Veterinariau V. II. Uvtle 1ms just returned from lleppner. In eastern Oregon, where lie investigat ed a mysterious poisoning or horses that has cost the horsemen or that country more than $50,000 in the past few years. CITY NEWS. ' M.YiikIKi) liX Jl'DfJE MAKSTKlth O. W. Perry, of Cottage Grove, and Miss Alice Neal, of Oakland, were quietly married this morning by County Judge Marsters. Mr. Ferry is engaged with his father In the butch t r business at Cottage Grove, and is a well respcted young business man. '-lis bride is the daughter of George Nfal, one ot the prominent residents of Oakland. The happy couple left this afternoon for Cottage Grovo, where they will reside. TWO STEAM KilS SINK. LONDON, June 2S. The Japan ese steamer Daiyetsumaru,. and the Italian steamer Clara, were sunk, means and place not designated. ST. LOl'IS fiKTST OXVli.M'IO.V OREGON'S $10,000,000.00 "exclusively Oregon" institution, invests every dollar of its assets in Oregon securities and is Growing Greater Day by Day. -Ar-rtftlv OREGON'S SUCCESSFUL LIFE I jrCgOflgliC INSURANCE COMPANY THE ONLY COMPANY EXCLUSIVELY OREGON BEST FOR OREGONIANS Home Office CORBETT BUILDING FIFTH and MORRISON Portland A L MILLS president L. SAMUEL. Imiuiunin C. S. SAMUEL, asst. manaqir I. J). Stewart, liesident Agt., Itoseburg, Or. LOCAL COMI'AXY C. A. O. H ILL CKLKlillATE 1'Ol llTI! PHILADELPHIA, June 2S. The Associated Advertising Ciubs of the World will hold their next year's meeting at St. Lou:;;, it was decided today. PUIZKS l)OXATi:i) I'.Y MKIU'II.VXTS The boys of the local coast artil lery company are expecting to hold a celebration at Winchester on tho Fourth, porviding that no mobiliza tion orders are received in the mean time, and have arranged for a very I Interesting program which will be j published tomorrow. They will hike j over to Winchester cn Monday night and pitch their tents, and will mount and maintain guard all night. Citi zens are Invited to come over and visit the camp and enjoy the pro-! gram. panics of. Oregon will be called to the Mexican border soon. In that case the Roseburg company will want about fifty more men to recruTT it to lull war strength. Anticipat ing the oil! T-hlch he thinks will be - . C: ii. 1. ucbanan is preparing a list of those men who do not want to enlist except for service at the front, but who do want to enlist in case tho company is called out .for duty in Mexico. He desires all who contem plate enlisting for service in Mexico, in eas of a call' for men, to commu nicate with him at once. The managers of tho West Rose burg Fourth of July celebration wish to thank the following business firms for kindly donating prizes for tue Bports: People's Supply Co. 1 sack High Plight flour. Louis Kohlhagen Cash, $1.00. A. J. Lilburn & Son Pocket knife. Fullerton Drug Store Box sta tionery. Brunn, Booterle Box Buster Brown hose. Golden Rule Store Ingersol watch. Hut ShopCash, 2"c. D. J. Jarvis Sport tie. Campbell & Son 2 purses and card tray. Velvet Confectionery Box candy. Chapman's Drug Store Bottle perfume. Fisher's Dry Goods Store Ladies' parasol. I. Abraham Silk tie. Ott's Candy Store Box can,dy. Cash Store 1 lb. tea. Bellows Store--$1.50 paid kid glovffs. Miss Bell Ladies' bathing cap. FOritTH COM PAX Y COAST AliTILLKKY WANTS liECUl'lTS Orders have been received by Capt. J. A. Buchanan, commanding the 4th company coast artillery corps, to re cruit the company to 100 men im mediately, with a view to Mexican service. High military authorities be lieve that the order will come soon. The armory will be open every even ing this wee"k, and enlistments will be received afc any time. Those ap plying now will get in on a three year enlistment, but for those wait ing until after July 1, the enlist ment will have to be for six years. A good cook is wanted, and also a young man able to do typewriting, for cmpany clerk. Now is the time to enlist. If a call for Mexican service should not come soon the Fourth company will in any event attend the annual drill at Fort Stevens in July, leaving Roseburg on the 15th. All who join now will be entitled to attend this encampment on full pay. It is believed to be almost cer tain that the coast artillery coin- l.-.-YI AU-OLl) GIRL IS COXVICTKD OK MUIiUKU FORT WORTH, Texas, June 28. Kutherine Harrison, aged 15, was Convicted of the murder of W. L. Warren, an aged hotel man, and sen-, tenced to five years imprisonment today. A BARGAIN For Quick Sale! 10 acres, just outside city limits. Hillside land, 275 three-year-old apple trees. Soil excellent for straw berries. Nice location for . poultry farm. Good house, unfinished; 4 rooms downstairs, upstairs can be finished Into 2 or 3 rooms. House faces east with deep porch on front. Woodshed, chicken pens, etc. Part of place in corn and potatoes. For quick sale, price $1000, $400 down, balance on terms. Act at once. G. W. Young & Son I toil 1 Kstnto and Fire I its until re. Phono 2t4 Rnsotmrg, Oregon pecia Cam Frozen berries M Galls. BGl-ll VAI.l'H I'l.ACCIl (l IIYMU Never agaTu can the black race say the white men do not rare lor t limit. when they remember that an army of 200, (UIO while soldiers was raised to march on tho prison where tw-enty-odd negroes were con fined and liberate them by force, and with no lynching of any of them thej Intention. In a decision rendered by Judge Hamilton today, tho Willamette P.i j rilie railroad was ordered to pay $,- loo us damages for right or way Tor the railroad. The action was broeclit by the company Tor tho condemna tion of certain lands and the fixing or the valuation. The amount .is sol i'V the Judge is considered a fair amount to pay the land holders affected. TKAOIKItS TAKi: KX AMI . TIOVS About sixty teachers from various parts of the county today took the tour horn examinations at tho Hose school. The questions were much Mothers home made bread at the C afeteria. 5c per loaf. 736-tf' Wm. Moore, of Kound Prulrie, was in town today. Mothers home mado bread nt the i Cafeteria. 5c per loaf. TSi'.-tl i llernice and Virginia Higcs left' this morning for Grunts 1'ass where they will visit for a few days. j Henry Hanson, J.ilmar Salo and: Alfred Aiisiiiiiu, of Gardiner, were, visitors In tho city today. j .M's. M. J. Kannon, who has been visiting in this city, returned to her! home at Oram this afternoon. Shoot with a Kenan, and send your films to the Kosclnirg lieek ' Store (or finishini;. We do the i. -t work at moderate prices. 4:t it 1 Presidential The months of July, August, September and October which are before us promise to be the most stitring the United States has experienced in over a generation. Two of the strongest men of the nation will be candidates for the highest office within the gift of the American people. .Questions of national and international interest will be of every day occurance. Every man, woman and child will want to keep in touch with these candidates and questions. This can be accomplished by reading The Evening News In order to add a large number of new subscribers to our list a special offer is made which will continue until the 15th day of July. For $ 1.00 we will mail to any address in Douglas County the Daily Evening News during the months of Julv, August, Sep tember, October, November and December. Call sub scriptions will be taken at the same price. This special offer will positively close on July 15th. To our old subscribers, whose subscriptions expire dur ing the summer months we offer the 'Daily News at $2.00 ' per year if paid in advance and providing that, all back subscriptions are paid to date at the regular $3 rate. Renewals to be made during the months of June and July. Keep in touch with events by reading The News KOH ItENT-Kour-rooni collage close In. Inquire Parslow Bell. 735-jr.p.