...THRKB Try a Mt. Shasta at Galls'. CSl-tf Mrs. Addle Carr spent the day vis iting with friends at Edenbower. For oak and firs wood, Bee W. C. Davis, or phone 295. 60!-jl5p John M. Jeans, a resident of the Soldiers Home left this morning for a visit at Eugene. . Buy In quantities. Get wholesale prices at the People's Supply Co. IS PUBLICITY MAN FOR REPUBLICANS The Douglas National Bank Capital and Surp'us $130,000.00 NO" IS THE BIGGEST LITTLE WORD IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. LEARN TO USE IT WHEN TEMPTED TO SPEND ALL OF YOUR MONEY. IF YOU WOULD BE SUCCESSFUL, REGARD YOUR BANK. ACCOUNT AS ONE" OF THE NECESSITIES. SAY NO TO' THE LITTLE THINGS TODAY AND YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SAY YES TO THE BIG THINGS OF THE FUTURE. ONE DOLLAR. OR MORE WILL OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT AT T HIS BANK. Once you open an account with tlilg bank, the same seldom closed for we give you the best facilities to be had for the handling of your banking business. We want now business but never lo&re sight of the old. Coine and see us. 659-tf A. A. Engles, of the Soldiers Home left this morning for Corvallis where Roseburg National Bank Jackson and Cass Sts. Roseburg, Oregon he will visit. STRONG SAFE CONSERVATIVE Mrs. A. J. Ford returned last night from a visit with friends and relatives at Brownsville. THE EVEXIXG NEWS, IHl ItSDAV, JUNE 8, 1916. ft xLj 5Cl-tf ' . I Kodaks, Eastman pnoto supplies,! at the Roseburg Book Store. 4 a 4-tf j Another load of materials for the high "school building, arrived and was unloaded this morning. ' Big dance ai Dlxouvllle Auditor ium on Friday evening, June 9. Good music and good time. 678-j9p - A. C. Marsters returned this morning from Portland wtjere he at tended the banker's convention. Rev. Starmer, of the M. E. church, South, will occupy the M. E. church pulpit on next Sunday evening. Twenty-acre improvod rench one mile from Myrtle Creek, to trade for itoseburg property. C. H. Arundel, box 703. Roseburg, Or, 636-tt Reports from the hospital today are that Charles Greemnan, who has been very low for the past few days is slightly Improved. His cousin D. L. Greenman, of Ashland, who has been staying with him for sev- 2for- 25c ASH BY 2.f IN LEXICON 2M IN. ARROW COLLARS FOR B!G TUCKED-IN-ETND BOWS Frozen berries at Galls. DELAWARE'S CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT li V ' ..sBjSS; T. Coleman du Pont. T. Coleman da Pont is Delaware's Republican candidate for the prc.it. dency, and will get Delaware's six votes on the first ballot at the Chicago convention. Du Pont was president of the du Pont Powder Company at the outbreak of the European war. He had held this position for many years, but resigned bectuse he did not wish to bo respcr.sible in a:iy way ot the b1o of ammunition to the warring nation f Europe. . SOUNDED KEYNOTE AT BI'Mj MOOSE MEET. i Raymond Kubl.-iA. Raymond Robins, of Chicago was temporary chairman at the progre.v sive national convention. He h picturesque figure and an effective orator of the fiery type. He started life as a coal miner in Illinois, went to the Klondike and got rich and has since studied sociological problems. He was formerly a democrat. eral days, returned home this morn ing' E. A. Ladd, of Portland, came to this'city th's morning In response to a telegram sent last night announc ing the serious illness of his hrother, W. A. .Ladd. Dressmaking or plain sewing by the day. For information call phone 44. ,, 677-Jia Joe Sullivan, of the Soldiers Home left this morning for Pendleton where he will visit with relatives for a few days. Sargt. S. Montgomery, of the Sol diers Home, loft this morning for Mc.Minnville, where he will spend a week or ten days. , M you want to buy or sen If yon have rooms to rent if you have lost something, try a classified ad. Thoy bring results, i J. G. Hodges and R. H. Jennings, motored to Yoncalla this morning and spent the day attending to busi ness matters.' Mrs. J. F. Thomas, of Albany "ame to Roseburg last night and will visit with her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Zimmerman, ,r Miss Viola Martin left this morn ing for Portland where she will visit with friends and relatives for a week or ten days. . Shoot with a Kodak, and send your films to the Roseburg Book store for finishing. We do the best work at moderate priceB. 4 94-tf Miss Jennie Cook,-a teacher In the local public schools, left this morn ing for Albany where she will spend the summer. The ladles of the M. E. church, South, will hold a window sale at Perkins' grocery on Jackson street, Saturday, June 10. Home cooking. 675-J9 Mrs. J. S. Roberts and' Mrs. Rena Gwilllams and daughter, Capricia, left this morning for Ya- qulna, where they will visit for a short ltme. Mrs. Nathan Fullerton left this morning for Portland and points in Washington whore she will visit with friends and relatives for a week or ten days. The Fullerton Parent-Teachers Association will hold a window sale of home cooking at the People's Supply Co., Saturday, June 10. Bene fit of piano fund. G84-J9 The Parcnt-Teachefs Association of the Fullerton school will hold a regular meeting on Friday night at 7 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Fory, 1926 Cory avenue. It Is hoped that a good membership will turn out. At the meeting of the state bank ers in Portland 'yesterday, Marsh field was selocted for the next con vention, and J. H. Ilooth, president of the Douglas National Bank of this city, was elected as treasurer, of the association. The daughter of Rev. Jeffrey was taken home from the hospital last night, after she had recovered from the anesthetics, and is reported as resting very nicely this morning, with the strongest hopes of a steady and fast recovery. Mrs. E. D. Harlson and son Fred, for many years residents of thlB county, have sold their largo ranch and left this morning for Canada. Mrs. HarrlRon will remain tlwre for some time while her son will go on to Alaska where he expects to spend the summer. The brown package Is the secret of the moderate price of P. 8. C. 6tecl cut coffee. It costs about 4c less to pack a pound In the parch ment lined package than in a fancy can. The coffee arrives fresh from the roaster bout twice a week hence you get the best, tho freshest and the most reasonable coffee In the brown package. 35c at the People's Supply Co. 65-tf Simeon D. Fcss. Representative Simeon D. Fess, of Ohio, will handle the publicity end of the Republican congressional cam paign committee's work this year. Get Knriim, 10 lb. sncK3 tor 35c, nt Tim Pnonlo'n Snnnly Co. fi59-tf Mrs. W. A. Taylor left this morn ing for Oakland where she will visit for a short time. Bertha Manning left this morning for Suthoiiin where she will spend a week visiting with her parents. Msr. F. D. OwenB'lott this moruing for Albany 'where she will vlBit for short time with Mrs. W. A. Harvey. Mrs. .1. H. Clark loft this mom lug for St. Louis whore she will DQrwi iho anii.mcr visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. W. E. Marsters and daughter,; Florence, returned last night from Salem, where they have been visit ing Mr. and, Mrs. Lane Morley. The Umpquu Valley Fruit Union i9 now taking orders for St. Val entino Broccoli plants, grown from imported seed. Ordor early, and get the best. 000-dsw-tf Rev. Wm. Riley Jeffrey will go to Yoncalla Sundny morning, where ho will preach the baccalaureate ser- ion for tho, graduates of the high school of that place. M'ss Edith Gross, who has boon teaching school at cottsburg for the winter returned to Roseburg last night. , She will spend the sum mer at her home at Camas Valley. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings of this week in the M. E. church, the June Recital of tho Helnllno School of Tiano Music, will be given. The programs will begin promptly at 8 o'clock and a cordial Invitation is extended to everyone. C73-J7 Ql'INK ATTENDS CONVENTION. Sheriff Geo. Qulne left yesterday for Portland where he will attend the Btnto convention of sheriffs. It Is expected that nearly all the sher iffs of the state will be present at this meeting which Is held annually. FOR KAIIY'S SAKE USE c from The Sanitary Dairy Phone 33F23 We give you nOood Scale and" Good Prlco for your Junk. BERGER'S JUNK SHOP CAUL llEIMiKH, Prop. Dealer in Old Rubber, Metals of any description, old Auto Tires, Hone's, Sucks, Iron, Bottles and Hides. Our Special ty Is Rags and Wool. Nothing is too small or too large for us to handle. WE PAV PORTLAND PRICES FOR EVKUYTHIXO It.) wilin g, OrcKon. Phone la 410 Cu St. Cook With Cool Clean Healthy Odorless Economical Roseburg Electric Company $25 Grafanola Club 50C IBili First Payment Then n-.IL 71 nfti'fV.lrVlwr.H Thls Credit Service mukes It possible for everyone to own a Grafunols. This splendid $2 5.00 model on crodlt terms that gives you nearly a year to pay. This Orafanola has all tho clearness of tone, tho same splendidly finished caso as the other models. It will play any rocord clearly and distinctly. Machines bought under this club plan will be exchanged for higher-priced machlnoB within a reasonable tlmo and credit will be given for sumo, WE CHARGE NO INTEREST. , Roseburg RoseburglceDelivery Phone 390 First of June207 Customers WE HAVE HOLD ICE HOOKS TO TIIIH MIMI1KK OF Ol'H TOMERS, ABSOLUTE PROOF THAT K'E MADE BY ULI'XTTHIO POWER IS BETTER THAN MADE OUT OF EXHAUST 8TKA.M. THE OLD PROCESS USED TWENTY YEARS AGO WILL NOT ANSWER TODAY, CALL UP ," Roseburg Phone 81(0 Read the Advertisements in The Evening News and then patronize Home Industries. Electricity! No Fumes No Smoke 50c A Week ' . t. Furniture Co. v.MMir tm turn Ice Delivery IMlOIKl H0 NOTK THE KINK COLOIl of our hams and bncon. That denotes first that they come from young, tender pigs and next that they have been r .'oporly cured. All our hams and bacon are cane sugar cured and hickory smoked. Thoy hn"e a flavor of their own which once tasted you'll always prefer. Try some for breakfast tomorrow. CAMS STREET MARKET