TirE FVEVTXU NEWS, VEINE8IAY. JUNE 7, 1010. It Is rumored that some more the quarantine may be again noces cases of Bfarlet fever are developing sary for nonie famllieB until the dis- LADY CARSON MAY IE ULSTER'S FIRST LADY at Round Pratrie and It Is possible esse is thoroughly eradicated. Hit Club ant Society Circles -iF) !H The I The editor of tbla department , will be pleased to have atten- ! tion called to Items for pub- ( flcatlon la these coluiims for the Wednesday and Saturday Issues of Tbe News, and may bo reached by telephone at. The 9 Jtawg office, number 135, or ' at U7-3, . . , , Tho VcII-I,III.iiiii WeililiiiK. Last night at Hie lioino of heri liarcnts, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. I.llliuru,' Mlfia Klorence Lllburn became the bride of Or. Lee' Arrlngton Wells, of i Portland. Nearly a hundred friends j were assembled before tho appoint ed hour and at half after eight Mrs. C. S. Ilulnllno took her place at the piano and accompanied Miss AlllO lllack as she sang "Those Knilcar- j ins Young Charms," at tho close of which M" llclnllno look mi tliej strains of tho wedding march. Then from the stairway emerged twclvoj maids forming an aisle with tl)o ( festooned ropos of pink roses which they carried. The maids wore the. Misses Anni liryan, Alllo Black,. Lucy Bridges, Helen Hamilton, Kmma Ueland, Cora Ueland, Hesse "Wharton, Hlldegardo Shoemaker, Iiortha Hunter, Mabel liryan, and Mrs. Drumflold and Mrs. Klnley. The path led from the stairway lo tho mantel In tho largo living room, beforo which the bridal couple were; to pledge themselves, Tho mantel j was banked in fonts and roses, and' before this ,Mr. It. K. .lope, pastorj of tho Christian church, took hisl place followed by Dr. WcIIb who was attended by Mr. Kronk Lllburn, brother of tho bride. Little Helen Ann Scleeman then appeared bcur- I lng a basket of roses which she BCattorcd In tio path of tho hrldo; who followed upon tbe nrni of berj father. Tho brldo was lovely In hen gown of white satin with long train and tulle veil, oaught up with orange j blossoms. She carried a shower j bouiiuet of Moonbeam roses and J lilies of the valley. Airs, llclnllno continued to play Boflly during tho j ceremony and the troths were; plighted to a very simple, but lin-j prosslvo ceremony In which tho I bridegroom placed upon his bride's; finger a ring which he himself had I modeled. ' j After congratulations and well; wlsheB h'J'd been showered upon the newly made couple, the guests wnroj Invited In groups Into tho dinntg room wheru n hovy of maids and ; matrons Borvcd refreshments from1 tho dining table throughout thol evening. Tho table was prettily ap pointed with a center of pink shaded pontiles witli 'pink lullo streamers extending to the cluster light which was shaded with fernery. Tho un married contingent wis served first; with the hrlde and groom, the werl-j ntng case cninaining mu symnoiH ni fa to being, pusssd, only to these guests. Miss Lucy llrldges found tho tiny sliver ring, MIhs Kmma I'e land (he thimble, Miss llerthn Hunt er the wish hone, Mr. Fred Hamil ton tho coin. Mr. Frank Clemens the button and Mr. Huron Clough The Man Behind H'i'H't--,, 3 i 1 MARY PICKFORD, FAMOUS PLAYERS-PARAMOUNT STAR, AND JOH I B. O'BRIEN, HEJ DIRECTOR. It mny be tho mnn Uhinl tlu kh:i, llio imin U'hlml tho wluvl, the man Vrhlnd tl orcanliEiitlon vhoso ikuih- is never heanl of who does tho work, yet pt-ui'h' wtMuler tiluuit iheui and nltthuea nsk who they lire. This Is rarely the rae In ni'(ioii pli'ture. Mary rtekfonl with her hnlre!s of (housainU of dollars In salary com ing to. her eaeh year Is the wurl-r- motion il ture favorite, but ti ts a rare orrnMon to have anyone ask "Who U the man WhhM Mary IMekftmlT Who tells he,r what to do? Who iniikes her apical ti ten million pwpk eaeh week In rniamomtt tln-aU'e's?" It's John U. tV'len, Who Is ilftured wHIl 'tlH nations' sweetheart" tlf Tretlnt! tier m u x I::-" ri-i" To him credit fur nnuU of her woutleiful rmrh J One. the heart. Punch was served from a ttfblo on the veranda which was completely screened with Japanese ahacreg. Tbe wedding gifts were arranged In an upper room, and will contribute much to the attrnc.-; tlveness of the newly founded home. Dr. and Mrs., Wells loft on the! r.luht ti'rtl.i for Portland, being ac rumpanicd to the train by almost the entire party who sang thorn on their way, Bhowerlng . libera with roses as the train left the station. Mrs. AVells' traveling suit was a tailored sergo of midnight blue, and her hat a becoming sailor of rose biuld veiled In violet chiffon, and adorned with two clusters of French roses. Tho young couple will spend a few days in Portland and a week at Log La Ilarre, a mountain re sort near l'ortlaiid, aftor which thej will go to their home which Is al most completed In listacada. Dr. Wells has been practicing dentistry In Portland, but has recently locat ed In Eslaeada where they will make their, homo. Mrs. Wells has many friends hero who wish her a wealth of happiness In the new sphere which sho has entered. Thoso from out of town who -Attended the wedding last evening woro Mrs. L. 11. Wells, MiBs Alice Wells, Dr. '.Richmond Wells, Mrs. John Teuscher and Mrs. Kdward Cor nell, of Portland; Dr. and Mrs. 11. V. Adlx and Mrs. A. K. Morton, of HHticada; Mr. Huron Clough and Miss Besso Clough, of Canyonvillo, and Mr. and Mrs. U. li. Uullwlukle, of Hiddlo. lli'limflelds lOiitertJiln Laffalot t'lub. Dr. and -Mrs. Brunifield extended tho use of their delightful home in Alexander's Park to the members of the Laft'alot club for a dancing party last Saturday evening. The young ladies of this club invited an equal number of young men, and a very pleasant evening was Bpent at cards or dancing to the music of Ott's orcliestra. Light refreshments were '"served later In tho evening to the party which included tho Misses Mattle Lee Stephenson, Genevieve Skinner, lleulah Jarvis, Kathorlpe Do Vo'o, Klma Payton, Mildred Mar shall, Clayto Black, Pearl and Clara Patrick, Itliea, Leah and Vera Sykes, Velinn Bates, Lucillo French, and tho Messrs. Hay -Lahey, Teddy .iewett, Klino Henderson, Phil Ilarth, Clif Heihel, Jnmcs Goodman, Carl Stetnmetx. Herbert Qulne, Peter Dldtel, Loon and John' McCllutock, Harold Morlaii. Bertram BateB, ,0arl Black, Lyman Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. llrumflold. The gnosis who came from Port land jand Kstneadn to attend the wedding of Miss Florence ' Lllhurn anil Dr. Lee Wells last night, left this morning for their homes, several of tho party returning by motor. Tho lioyul Highlanders held n dmico In the ' Miu'cabee hall last nlghl, Ott's orchestra furnishing tho music. Mary Pickford i j 'v- - 'u j .! 9 ' HelnlliLO ItvcJUilK ilcKin Tonight. Mrs. C S. Heinllne, with a corps of CHHlKtants, ient tho morning ut tne Methodist church decorating tho auditorium for the recitals which are to be hold iuore tonight, tomorrow and Friday nlghU. The platform hai' been transformed into a pergola, with ivy covered arches about which rosea arc gracefully twined and sus pended. Tonight's program will be presented by tho more advanced pupils of .Mrs. Heinllne, while to morrow and Friday nights, tho pu pils of the priinitry and kindergarten classes will entertain with exhibi tions of their class work and Individ ual selections. Roseburg ia excep tionally fortunate in its music in structors, and the recitals given by them are always a treat, dmwing not only the parents and friends of the participants, hut entirely disinterest ed parties who go for the entertain ment they know awaits them. Mrs. Heinllne will be assisted in this ev ening's program by Mr. F. H. Apple hoff, clarinetist and Mr. Lymon Spencer, baritono. Mrs. Max .Combs will assist her also In directing the platform work. -" 7 Ibu r Parents KntcrUihi. Tho parents of the eighth" grade graduating class entertained the class and teachers oy last Tuosday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Geo. Short. Tho decorations were beau tiful, in the parlpr and living room were vases of sweet peas, and in the dining room roses wore arranged. The afternoon was spent in music and games. Ono feature of enter tainment was a contest in -which each guest represented a city or country,' and prizes were given to the one giua.sing the most and to the best representation. Edith Brown won the first and Gilbert Wood the latter. Toward tho close of the afternoon Kathleen La Hunt In a very effec tive speech 'presented to Mrs. Miller and "Mrs. Cole, for t'lie class, a use ful piece of 'silverware as a token of appreciation for the j'ear's work. Refreshments were served at tho close of the afternoon and all de parted lcollug that this enjoyable event closed a very successful school year. Those present were Mesdames Mary Short, Lou L:i Kant, Daisy Cor valho, T. E. Grae. alliian Short, Wood and Inez Miller; the Misses 1-Mlth Hrown, Kathleen La Kaut. Helen Grae, Mary Hart, Mazio Walker, Gilbert Wood, William Hart and Hrueo Corvahlo. KewinK Club Pienies, Miss Velle Uarker 1h entertaining tho members pf the sewing club and gyntlemeu this evening at a picnic held at the Barker ranch on South Deer Creek. The, party went out In machines early In the evening and built a fire by the stream, cooking part of tho picnic supper over the fire. Tho party will spend the time in the open, returning Into in the ev ening. The picnickers include Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Bellows. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Haignr. Mr. add Mrs. S. S. Joseph son, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wharton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bolter, Mr. nrni Mrs. .1. K. Sawyers, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kidder, Miss Margaret Mc Clallen, Mrs. Hansom, Mrs. H. B. Houston, of, Salem, Miss Gertrude Hast, Miss Velle Barker, Mr. Karl Stewart, Mr. Carl "Wimborly, Mr. Joe Murphy, and Mr. Frank Clem ens. IjidtcA Ativillai'y Meets. At the meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the- Commercial club last Monday evening Mrs. Buchanan, who served as delegate to tho con ference of the Southern Oregon Fed eration of Woman's Clubs recently, gave a very interesting report of the conference and toUl of the work ac complished by different branches of the federation. Arrangements were made to enjoy a picnic on the next regular meeting of the club which will he the third Monday of this month. Officers for the ensuing year were elected. Mrs. L. O. Mndduv botng chosen president. Mrs. C. W. Whar ton first vice-president, Mrs. ,7. A. Buchanan second and Mr. Marie BullwinMp third vice president. Miss M'lybelle Wilson was made secre tary r.nd treasurer. They will assume their duties In October. . ; Mrs. Nathan Ftillertou and niece. Virginia Slossen, will leav tomor row morning for a visit of sovral weeks with Mrs. Fullei-ton's ifer. Mrs. Fenton, In Seattle. I I I I I '-isl '"'VS. : "I I I 1 I I I I I H , Lady Carson." Lady Carson is the wife of the I illustriou.3 Sir Edward Carson, who j may be appointed viceroy of Ulster in case a separation of Ulster from t the remainder of Ireland is effected. Lady Carson is the second wife of i Sir bldward, - ' Fmcwell Pui'ty. Misg Capitoia Willie and Miss Holon Hargreavc3 who left yester day for a visit in Portland were given a parly at the Palace of Sweets Monday evening by Mrs. Ott. Itibbons were attached, to the place can's and upon pulling these, each nest found an amusing favor. Tho evening wa spent about an oval .i'.Me where dainttos were spread for the party, and music begil.ed the i.tfe-r pait of the evening. The party ncluded the Misses Willis, Har-::-.(v- s. Madge MHlcr Mildred Mar shall, Nina Marshall, Grace Taylor, Prudence Clow, Clayte Black, Mrs. Clark Bargjr, Khea Sykos, Eliza beth Kankin, .Vera Sykes, Leah Sykes arid tnie hostess. Amateur Play at Melrose. On Saturday evening, June 10, the Sunday school' class of Pine Grove will present the play "A Soldier of Fortune," at The Melrose hall.. The cast includes a number of the young people of that vjclnlty and Hosehurg, Hobecca Brumbach, Waldo Marsters. Joe Brumbach, " Raymond McCor: mack, Lawrence Krogel, Kloy Mc Cormack, Lawrence Glllam, John Hatfield, Agnes McCormack, Ed. Couie, and Stewart Hall. Mtntso Knteilain liiuTleK. On Monday evening the Moose lodge entertained their ladies at a social evening for which cards and dancing were tho diversions. A late supper concluded a very enjoyable evening. There will be no meeting of the: Trotters Club next Friday evening! as the Armory will lie taken for thei Sportsmen's ball for which elabor-! ate preparations are being mnde. ' The Trotters are contemplating hold- j ing their dances in the Dixonville hall during the summer months. ' , Miss Helen Jane Hamilton return-; ed last evening from a short visit in Eugene where she attended the Commencement exercises of the Fjii- i versity. Her sister Merle will re turn to Roseburg taHer completing! her examinations, next week. ! j I Miss Ethel Tooze went to Eugene today for a short stny, from which place she will go to Newport for the summer, where she has a cottage. Her brothers, who have been at tending the University wilt also sum mer at Newport KOIt BABY'S SAKE VSK CLEAN U H from The Sanitary Dairy Phone 33F23 Wo give you a Good Scale and Good Prlre for. your Junk. BERGERS JUNK SHOP ( Alii. UKItt.KIt, Prop. Dcnlor in Old Rubber, Metals of any description, old Auto Tires, Hones, Sucks, Iron, Hottlos and Hides. Our Special ty Is Kuks and Wool. Nothing Is too small or too large for us to unndle. tt'K PAY roitTKASn PIUI ES l-Oli KYt:i:YTIIINi lltsclmrn, Oregon. Plume 13 4U Ciwa St. NORTH SIDE GROCERY HAVE A FULL LINE OF Groceries, Flour and Feed TO SELL! TJIKY AHK PAYING MAltKliT PltKK FOK KfiCS. The North ALTOX S. 0BU Pipes for Fruit New machinery to make pipes for all kinds of Fruit Driers will be installed at this plant at once and the best of service warranted at moderate and reasonable rates. Call and let us figure with you. Roseburg Sheet Metal Works 222 W. Oak Street ' Spring and Summer ress- In Dimities, Batistes, Now On New Spring For Ladies Coats Our Corset De'p't is complete in every detail. Models for every Figure. Be Frieudly, Come in and see us Occasionally., I. Abraham The Dependable Store Side Grocery FHEY, Prop. Roseburg, Oregon Goods' Voiles and Silk Mixtures. Display and Summer and Misses Driers