A THE KTEXINO NEWS, MONDAY, JUNE B, 11)10. SEVEN RENT, SELL OR TRADE YOUR HOME OR RANCH RY USE OF A NEWS "WANT AD." THE NEWS CLASSIFIED AD PAGE THE XEWS CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS TRY THEM. EVERYBODY READS THEM. f ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE ' CREDITORS. TO la the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. . The the matter of the estate or George W. Morris, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was by order of the above court made on the 8th day ol May, 1916, and entered on the Jour- nal thereof, appointed Admlnlstra-1 tor of the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate arc hereby notified to mako payment to the undersigned at Roseburg, Ore gon, and all persons having claims against said estate should present the same duly verified within s! months from the first publication or this notice. Dated this 9th day of May. 1916. , 'First publication, May 11, 1916. H. B. CHURCH, 5 8 5-j 8 Adminstrutor. LOST Pink and White Cameo brooch. Finder please leave at News office. G5S-J7 WELL DRILLING Let me figure .. on that well. R. E. Henselman. Roseburg. R. 1. 64 5-tf FOR RENT Furnished room with or without board. 1127 Harvard avenue. 657-Jylp 1 FOR TRADE Big maro for small horse or good vugon, J. M. Judd, onnosite fair ground?. Cii2-ip W ELL DRILLING Horses or cows taken as payment, work guaran teed. W. F. Kernlu, Koseburg, Oregon. 671-jy3p WANTED- Office fixtures. What have you to offer in roll-top desks, typewriter desk or filing cabinet for spot cash. Inquire News, or nhone 214. 670-tf FOR SALR. FOR SALE 1st cutting alfalfa hay at Farmers Feed Shed. 427-tf van SALE iii incn oak or fir wood. Call phone 202 Cor prices. 439-tf FOR SALK AT A BARGAIN Water motor In spoil condition. Can be SAim at News office. tf FOR SALE Hay gelding, ' 7 years old, ceiiLlo and true, 1S00 pounds, .1. I. Chapman. W'.lbur, Ore. 2S1-K FOR SALE 35 II. P. fire box boil er in good condition, cheap! Also 7x9 engine. Address Melrose Saw Mill. Melrose, Ore. 62S-5p FOR SALE The News has a num her of packages of papers for sal at fi nnd 10 cents per package. Good big bundles. Make cbeaj fire starters. " FOR SALE Ranch near Dixonville. good for sheep, cows, turkeys, hoge etc. Or will exchange for town property, business or acre age. Address XYZ, Roseburg. Or. 663-J7P FOR SALE Used bicycles $8.00 to $15.00; motorcycle presto tank a. Front wheel drive motorcycle speedometer $5. Roseburg Bicycle Shop, 319 N. Jockson. 668-jTp JERSEY MILK COW FOR SALE Four years old and in good condi tion. Price $40.00 If taken at once. Also buggy and double harness. Apply 1370 Umpqua Ave. West Roseburg. 643-tf FOR SALE Broccoli, beet, prune land. $10o. acre, close to railway, 50, 80 or 130 acres. Pay itself from year If properly nandled. Write owner Box 441, Riddle, Oregon. 650-j5p FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn and Barred Rock day-old chicks. May and June hatch, $8.50 and $11.50 iier- hundred. Date of hatch: May 3. 9, 16. 24. Place your orders early. G. W. Burt, Ttosebure. Phone 17F3. 489-tf FOR SALE 80 acres, 30 acres till able, 50 acres, oak timbered, pas ture land, good Improvements; will be sold cheap on easy terms. No trade. Address, Box t66, Breckway, Douglas county, Ore gon. 422-tf FOR SALE 9 fresh Jersey cows, 7 calves, 1 bulls, 2 6-year-old mares. 1 hearr horse, mower, binder, S harrows, separator, 1200-egg In- cubartor, gas engine, saw, grind er, chopper, wagon, back, har ness and saddle. J. M. Moore Roseburg, 402 Fullerton St 47-tf DINK PetoyV Xot Soured, but He's Discreet , lly C. A. Vttiht I r- PETEV ( lo Pop. how s v,vlfL ,Ut Dm, SPoscThcrej f wfu, GvJpVT) , -Rhe emu? ttKeew ) I Hva t uvjuiii- Skiooch WNAMneTHeReHlT vout r-y I STlFF- COMING- AM OTHf VM.'OU' L f. V yQ -L0 OPTHfK ROr. J I AlOUi - tk A COUt'tA WNS 'sP I X - Fu 7 r" L Pro w-d immM mm- A uf hrirJMt & ffQ (ivll rs' sv ! pofff; ' f2v "-v -fXxuVRS AMD, I J-jST I J&S A. 43 tfe SlYV" CEUTsV X,- 111 . (gA 'Ml . - p Imp fjjfiif ; w I p, . FOR SALE scy bolfer, a pot. fresh soon Fowler St. 65 FOR SALE 16 inca b-..ib wood, S1.75 tier delivered In Roseburg, or $1.50 In 10 or more tier lots. I J. C. Carson. Melrose. 654-jylp' FOR SA LE OR TRADE Well lo- ; lots on N. Jackson street. , in, se-cr, cement walks. cated Close street paved and Fowler street. par!ce.l. rr,l pr,n-ii:ip FOR SALE One mare with I'er cheron colt, one hor3e two years. Einglo driver, one mare three years, broke to saddle. F. Carroll, 64 5 Fullorton St. 6G6-j7p HOTEL UMPQUA ROSEBURG. OREGON I 'iiiiiLmiii EliliOi'I'.A.N 1'L.A.s 116 Rooms, 44 with Private Rates $1.00 per day up. W. .1. WEAVER. I'mp. Bath, ...i. s the ii',eience iiotween (ury. tolpns traveling incn ami sheep? Traveling men brins; their toile to the fore, shcop keep theirs liehlnd. Little Fo-IVep she loft her Kheep nnd dltln'l hnrr.v whoi-e to find them! o she left them n!o:ie nnd won tlifj -ante home, n hurtling! Their IjiIK iK-lilm! tlieiii'. .Mutton or I n:nh f"hoi ,re nire for a rlinne. TRY THEM! I'hmif. SH THE ECONOMY MARKET fiEO. KOIII.IIA'JF.V, Pn.p. Cheap' well bred Jcr-, FOR SALE 100 acres mountain; l to Rov F. Durbin, M. of F., at I f 'I r5l ranch, some improvements. Will NEW HAND l.AUNDKV "Duds for Mon" store. A. J. j 1 n l) sell all or part. Within 2 Va milts i . -v Ilochradel, C. C; E. E, Wlmborly. .' Will sell all or part. Within 2 Va milts west of Roseburg on old Coon Lay road. A. M. Frlcdlund, 40 V. Washington street, Roseburg, Or. 617-JSp HO I pnTmB fi I ! I H I ! 1 1 ! P UUliLLU I lUtiU Ciius. E. (i'uy Alasoiilc Rldg. RosclMin;, Or. STOP 7TTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG jsHOOT KODAK r.ud send your films to us for DEVELOPING AXI) I'MNTIXG Best work at moderate prices. Ko.-Uiks, E:tNtilian I'hoUi Supplies. liUSEllL'IHi BOOK STOKE j R(obiirfC Oregon Real Estate City and Farm Property GEORGE KITER HI Wnst Osk Street. Mrs. F. D. Owen Cot Flowers, Potted Plants, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bo qneta, etc FOR SALE AT GALL'S CAXDY STORE, CASS STREET. PHONE III. Roseburg, Oregon. A TIP To Our (icittleinnn Kriomls. When you want to win the resjicct of yourself and friondu you will find It pays to keep your clothes repaired, cleaned and pressed. li Doesn't Cost Much if ycu let us do the work. Give us just one chance. Quality is Economy. IMPERIAL CLEANERS 312 X. Jixkson St. Phono 277 Located in old Central hotel building, corner Oak and Rose si routs. All kinds o( laundry called for and delivered. Good Wovk, Reasonable Prices. Plume !i)7 JIM Slimfc Prop. 609-jl7p LODGE DlltECTORV. FAGLES Roseburg flene meets li their hall ou .lackson street, 2nd! kud 4th Monday evenings of each nioatn, at 8 o'clock Visiting breth 'n good standluf, always welcome Howard Hess, W. P.; B. F. Good man, W. Sec. Phone 183. I.OYAL OKDER OF Momtic UoBe burg Lodge No. 1037.. Mccta In every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Vlsltlns brothers Invite' to attend. P. E. Foster, Dictator; tt. O. Pargeter. Secretary. Urotuerhooo ur American Teomcn. Ml. N'ebo Homestead 1828. Meeti av. Macc:ibee hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Visitors welcome. H W. Evans, foreman; C. V,'. Cloake, correspondent. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Oak Camp, No. 125, meets at the Odd Fellows hall in Roseburg, every first and third Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors always wel come. Carl C. Gur.tert, C. C.j M. M. Miller, clerk. ROSEIIURG NEST No. 1117, Order of Owls, moo'.s first and third Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Eagles Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome Roag Goodman, president; C. W Horner, secretary I. O. R, M. t'tnpqua Tribe No. 44 holds stated councils the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Eagles Hall, N. Jackson street VlBltlng chiefs always welcome. W 8. Howard. Sachem; (., H. Teicln ski, C. of R.; W. C. (iaddls, K. ol W. It. I'. O, K. Roseburg Lodge, No 321, holds regular communication! at tbelr temple on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting brothers are rordinlly invited to attend. E. B. Stewart, E. R.j I. B. Riddle, Sec. K. OF I. Alpha Lodge No. 4 meets every Wednesday evenln? In I. O. O. F. Hall. Visiting Knights always welcome. Pay dues lv. ll. s. I O. O. F. I'blletarlan Lodge, No 8, meets lu Odd Fellows Temple, corner of .lackson and Cuss streuU on Saturday eveuing of each week Members of the order In good standing Invited to attend. P. E Turnell, N. O.; O. II. Pickens, V Q.j J. B. Railed F. S.; M. M. Mill er, R. 8.; W. T. Wright, Troas. KEIiEUAIIS rtoseuurg Robeklili Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F., meet! In Odd Fellows Templo every Tuesday evening. Vhd'lnk eJstcra and brothers Invited lo attend, l.udru Kuhkea, N. 0.; THlle jolm on. It'i:. Hcc; I0lsi? Humphrey, F Sec; M. Fickle. Treas. F. (). ). F Rising Star i.odge No. 174, meets in Odd Fellows Tempi I every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. F. B. Hamlin, N. O.; J. H. Harsh, V. O.-i Carl W. Ohman, Roc. Sec.; M. Flckcl, Fin. Sec! A. S. Hunt. Troas. I. O. O. F. Union Em-aiunniont No t, meets In Odd Fuilowa Temp) i every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. E. S Cocltolreas, C. P.; J. B. Bailey. R. S.: Juntos Ewart. F. S. A. F. & A. M., Laurel Lodge No. lit Regrlar Communications 2nd and fourth Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temples, Roseburg, Ore Vlkitors welcome. R. D. Williams, (V. M.. W. F. Harris. 8er. L. .O, T. M. Roseburg nive No. 11, holds regular revlows on second and fourth Thursday evenings In Mnccabee hall. Slaters of other hires visiting in the city are cord tally Invited to attend our reviews. Maccabeo hall on CaBS street Bllzaheth Plorce, tudy com.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. UNITED ARTISANS Asseisbly., 10S meets at the Maccahoe hall every first snd third Wednesday even ing. Visiting momberr are always welcome. Elsla Humphrey, M. A. Aline Hoffman, P, M. A.; Emma Faulkner, Secy. O. K. 8. Rosenurg Chapter, Mo. 8 holds theur regular meeting on ths first and third Thursdays in each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Mnrlo M. Rlter, W. M.; Free Johnson. Roe. WOMEN OF WOOIICII1FT Lllas Circle, No. 49, meets on first snd third Monday- evenings of ea'ch month in the I. O. O. F. hall. Vis King members In good standing are InvHed to attend. Elma Lewel len, O. N.; Clara Cawiflold, clerk Mt. Nebo Dairy Good Clean, Fresh Milk. QUARTS $2.0O FOR MONTH riXTS 81.00 FOR MONTH O. i. COLLINS, Hoschui'K. G12-18p Drs. Seely Sether and Stewart. Physicians ana Surgt-ons Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground - Floor, Fhone 87 Rojiebiirfs . Oregon DR. B. R. SHOEMAKER Physician & Surgeon. Office rooms 219-220 Perking Building Phones Office 194 Residence 319 DR. GEO. E. H0UCK Physician & Surgeon. Office Perkins Bldg., Phone J. Roseburg, Oregon DELAPP & SNELL OSTEOPAT 1 1 IO PHYSICIANS Kins 24)0, 207, 208 Perkins Illdg -l'-M-L lleshlence Fhoitcg 21fl-Ij Off Ire Phono 111". DR. N. PLYLER Licensed Clilroprnctio Physician 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Or. Consultation and Examination Free. Offlecllours 0 to 5. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. Phone 152. CHAS. F. HOPKINS I Attornoy ac T4iw Room I-" I'oil.liis Hldtf. Roseliurg, Oregon. Especial attention given to con veyancing and 'the examination of titles to real estate. Prac tices In all state and federal courts. i OL Phoms iJSt Res. Phone 1 2(1-1 1 C. B. WADE Physician & Surgeon. Rooms 1 15-1(1 Roseburg 'erKliis Building - - Oregon The Heinline School of Music. Mrs, Charles llelnllno, Director Mrs. .Max Combs, AhsU Teacher. Beginners a Speciality; Concert Pianists Developed. Morning cIubscs in Kindergar ten; children called tor and taken home. Studio 423 Ella St. Phone S3-R. TEACHERS & PUPILS ATTENTION Tho News office has a splen did quality of bond paper put up in pound pacakages (200 sheets to the pound, site 8 V6 x 7 ) nt 25 cents per package. tf Surveys Estimates GERMOND AND FREAR I'l'puty 1 otmly Surveyors. Civil Engineers and Surveyors l&ofceburg, Oregon Room 0 Maaonlo Blldg. Phone S87 NICHOLS & MARTIN KN ERA L ( DNTHACTOHH Plans and estimates furnished on carpenter, brick and cement work. Patronage Solicited. Phone 3-8 8 -T L. G. HICKS Ht'RVEYOII t2!i Perkins llulldlng ICoeebnrg, (inv Ilione lill-Ii