SEVEN eevt, sell on trade TOUlt HOME OR RANCH HY lTSE OP A NEWS "WANT AD." THE NEWS CLASSIFIED AIS GET KUSULTS TRY THEM. EVERYBODY READS THEM. si p f:- R ' - - t V LADY MOTORISTS. pktey v.t i. 1 y ! Drs. Seely Sether and Stewart. PhyslrliiiiN una Kurgi-ons Suit of offices. Rear Douglas National Hank, Ground Floor, Plume s7 Roselniig . - Oreson :,inav, may ). 101 :i. ME Would you like to drive to Chica go and back without c puacture? You can if you nave your tire filled with National Rubber Tire Filler. As easy as air. H. Jay Stone, &fctnt. . 556-J2u RICE & RICE Insurance uud bonds. The very ! vcv&Zk ) f'" " --HI , j A ' -;'-W 17 s ) ' V tcOKIMt 'Max". urn best old line Insurance companies. Automobile, fire and damage insur ance, life insurance. Insure your boiue In those old familiar time-tried companies. Have your policies le gally written. 5 2 - J 1 WELL DRILLING Let me figure on that well. R. E. Henselmon, Roseburg, R. 1. 645-tf LOST On Thursday evening a ladies black hand purse, contain ing five dollars in gold and some silver, also some receipted bills Reward for return to News of fice.' 641-m2!l LOST Wishbone brooch with pearl center, by visiting Rebekah on Thursday. Finder please return to J. S. Jennings, 212 Brockway street, city, or News office. G40-m29p WANTED. WANTED Girl to assist In house work in good home. Address 632 News office or inquire at office. ; ' - 632-tf WANTED An all around mr.n on a ranch, must be good milker. Steady work with good wages. Ad dress N. L. Conn, Roseburg, or call 6F15. 615-ui28p FOR SALE. FOR SALE Oil RENT Good piano. Call phono 106-Y. 548-tf FOR SALE 1st cutting alfalfa hay at Farmers Feed Shed. 427-tf FOR SALE 16 Inch oak or fir wood.' Call phone 262 for prices. 439-tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Water motor in good condition. Can be seen at News office. tf FOR SALE 4 burner gas range, double oven, moving away, sold at bargain. Call 402 W. Lane St. 646-m30p FOR SALE Baled Lay, oat , or wheat and veth. Frod Fisher, Edonbowcr, Or. Phono 26K2. 426-tf FOR SALE Work team, two wag ons. Cheap if taken at once. See Grant Wilcox, North Side. 44S-t FOR SALE Bay gelding. 7 years old. gentle and true, 1S00 pounds. J. I. Chapman, Wilbur, Ore. 281-tf FOR SALE Horse coming four. Will make a 1200-tb. horse. Priced to sell, $85.00. Farmers Feed Shed. See Slgnor. C38-ni29p FOR SALE 35 H. P. fire box boil er In good condition, cheap. Also 7x9 engine. Address Melrose Saw Will. Melrose. Ore. 62S-Jup FOR SALE The News lias a nunt ber of packages of papers for sal at 5 and 10 cents per package. Good big bundles. Make cheap flro starters. tf JERSEY MILK COW FOR SALE Four years old and In good condi tion. Price $40.00 If taken at nncA Also buggy and double harness. Apply 1370 Umpqua Ave West Roseburg. 643-tI FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn and Barred Rock day-old chicks. May and Juno hatch, $S.50 and $11.50 per hundred. Date of batch: May 3. 9, 16, 24. Place your orders early. G. W. Burt, Rnsehnrg. Phone 17F3. 489-tf FOR SALE Wagon, heavy hack p.n& set double harness, only slightly used. Cost $305, will take $210, or sell each -separately. J. F. Bonebrake, Dixonville, Ore. 634-m30 FOR SALF 80 acres, 30 acres till able, 50 acres, oak timbered, pas turn land, pond Improvements; will be sold chenp on easy terms. No trade. Address. Box 166, Krackwav. Douglas county, Oro-42S-tf FOR 100 flrro? mountain 'ranch, some Improvements. Will-, P"U ali or rnrt. Within 2 n-il(s wrst of ncsTmrir on old Cno T?? road. A. M. Friedlunrt, 4'"5 W. AVaiiinctan siroGt, Koabnrr. or call at ranch. 617-jlp FOR SALE. West Side Grocery. All stock fixtures, horse, wagon. E. C. BENSON Receiver. Room 4, Com. Club. Building. 331-tf MONEY TO J.OAN Plenty of money on long time loans, good farm security, privilege to havo same drawn payable on oi beforo twenty years. This is the op portunity for the farmer, write for particulars.. Hice & Rico, Douglas county representatives. 5iL'-,ii K8WWmilL! K'SKi JTf f iUS HOTEL UMPQUA ROSEBURG. OREGON EUHOI'EAN l'LAN 116 Rooms, 44 with Prlvato Bath . Rates $1.00 per day up. W. J. WEAVER, Prop. What's Uie illfforcnco rxTvccn story tollfnfr traveling mon and sheep? -.. ,vii:iM nit'ii brwi their t.'y ( tlio foro, s!;r"i kwp tltrirs behind i -. 1 : -m-iiv v' :'v to l'ie;n' o ';!." JeU (' tl J!ld S'miII tlw1 ':n t'li;;! u tu' 1.:itnh 'Iitn- r n't-c tirr n rh-in.-.o, '!'!;V Tf ' i-- I : THE 'ECONOMY MARKET K). KOIILilAfJKN, Pl-op- : pm i op? :;:z t SKW - ;tULuuuIlUliu ''K'b,'r8'6r- Mt. Nebo Dairy Good Clean, Fresh Milk. QUARTS If'J.OO FOR MONTH 1'IXTS SI. OO I-'OU MONTH O. fi. COLLINS, ISosclMH'K. 612-ilSp STOP HTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG SHOOT 'r KODAK r.nd send your films to us for DUVKIjOI'ING AND PRINTING Beat work at modorate prices. UmIus. Eastinan lMioto Supplies. itosEitvnc; hook store Roseburg - - - . - Oregon Real Estate City and Farm Property GEORGE RITER 111 West Oak Street. Mrs. F. D. Owen Cat Flowers, Pottod Plant, Fnaeral Designs, Woddinx Bo quetH, etc. FOR SALE AT GALL'S CANDY STORE. CASS STREET. PHONE 411. Roseburg, OregGn. A TIR To Our rifiitlpmnu Vrienils. Vv'Jirn you want to win V.m rf.-jprt of yourself ami fii';rnU you v.jlJ find It pays to km-p your elot'ii'M r-s ;:irt.:!, cl'-ant;! a rid pre"iif!.i. (I Doesn't Cost much r if i5 I'd H do Uii work. Civo 1 us Ji;t mir ol.'uto-'. Quality ., Kconoi.iy. i IMPERIAL CLEANERS 3ia V. Jkon St. Plmnc 277 i 1 Lofiited in old Central hotel tuiSlcllii tr, corner Oak and Rose streets. All- kinds or laundry celled for and delivered. ;tKd Work, Itonsontilde Prices Phono 3!)7 JIM SHUCK, Prop. ooD-jnp LOOCE KlItECTOltY. RA(iLES Rosehurg Aone rneets li! tlielr ball on Jackson street, 2nd knd 4 th Monday evenings of eacli month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting broth in good standing; always welcome Howard Hess, W. P.; B. F. Good man, W. See. Phone 183. LOYAL ORDER OF MUONB Rose burg LodRe No. 1037. Meets In every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Vlbltln brothers Invite to attend. P. E. Foster, Dictator; H. O. Pareoter. Secretary. Brotberhooa or Anjcncan Teoineu. Mt. Nebo Homestead 1828. Meoti a. Muccabee hall every l!ud and 4tb Wednosday. VisitorB welcome. H W. Evans, foreman; C. V,'. Gloake, correspondent. WOOIlMKiV OF THE WORLD Oak Camp, No. 125, meet at the Odd Fellows hall In Roseburg, every first and third Monday evening. Visiting neighbors always wel come. Carl C. Gurtert, C. C.J M. M. Miller, elork. iSOSKHURG NEST No. 1117, Order of Owls, meets first and third Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Eagles Hull. Visiting brothers always welcome Ross Goodman, president; G. W Horner, secretary. O- H. M. Umpqua Tribe No. 44 holds stated councils the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Eagles Hall, N. Jackson street Visiting chli fB always wtsleome. W, S. Howard, Sachem; ( . H. TeiCln ski. C. of H.; W. C. ii"l:llB, K. of W. I!. P. O. K.- tfos-'tiiiroc Lod:;e, No 32C, It'ilils retrtilfir romniunlcittloni at tlielr t-ijile on e'Cnd and fo'irtb Thursdays f euch month All invnilM'TH rquipld to att(?rji r'-?n!;;ilv and ail vM'Jot? brothers rue cordially Invited to utlond. K n. Stewart, E. It.; I. II. K!dd:. Soc. K. !' P. Alalia I.odno No. 4 n;eeUi every Weilnesday evenll.i; In I. O. O. I'. Hall. Visiting Knights always welcome. Pay dus mm to Roy F. Durbin, M. ot F., at "Duds for Men" storo. A. J. llochradel, C. C; E. E, Wlinlierly, K. R. S. I. O. 9. V. Phlletanan LortK-e, No 8, meets in Odd Fellows Temple, corner of Jackson and CaB streotw ou Saturday evening ot encn week Members of the order In Kood standing Invited to attend. P. E Turnoll, N. O.; O. H. Pickens, V G.; J. B. Balled P. S.i M. M. Mill er. R. 8.; W. T. WrlRht, Treas. KEI1EKAIIS nosetiurt; Roboliali LodKO, No. 41, I. O. O. P., mueti in Odd Fellows Temple every Tuesday evening. Visiting' iHsteiv and brothers Invited to attend. Laura liabitco, S. O.; THlia John son, i;!c. Si'C.; Kilo ihuiijihrey, V Sec; M. Fickle. TraH. I. O. O. V Rising F.Iar Lodge No 174. meets in Odd Fellows Tempi 1 every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. F. B. Hamlin, N. 3.; J. II. Harsh, V. O.4 Carl W. Ohman, Ileo. Soc; M. Fickol. Fin. Sec; A. S. Hunt. Treas. I. O. O. I". Union En -aMpment No t, meets lu Odd 1'uilowfl Tempi I every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always wolcome. B. H Cockolreas, C. P.; J. B. Bailey, R. 8.; Jnmes Ewart. F. 8. A. F. & A. M., Ijiurcl Lodo No. 13 Hegrlar CommuulcationB 2nd and fourth Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temples, Roseburg, Ore Vlk.'tors wolcome, R. D. Williams, (V. M.. W. F. Ilnrrls. 8or. L. O. T. M Roseburg Hive No. 11, holds regular revlewa on second and fourth Thursday evenings In Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting In the city are cord ially Invited to attend our reviews. Maccabee ball on Cass street, Elizabeth Piorce, tuny com.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. UNITED ARTISANS Assembly x 105 meets at the Maccabee hall every Nrst and third Wednosday even ing. Visiting mepiberr are always welcome. Elsla Humphrey, M. A. AII110 Horfinan, P. M. A.; Emma Faulkner, Hery. O. E. S. Roseourg Clinpt.", No. 8 holdH their regular meeting on the first and tblrd Thurrdays In each month. Vlv-Itlng membnts In good snndlng are rei)ertfnlly Invited to attend. Mario M. niter, W. M.; Free .lolmnnn. Hoe. WOMEN OF WOOftattFT- IJI Circle, No. 4, meets on first, and third Monday- evenings of each month In the I. O. O. If. hall. Vis iting members In good standing are InvHert to attend. Elma I.ewel len, O. N.; Clara Cawlfleld, lrrk DR. B. R. SHOEMAKER Physician & Surgeon. Office rooms 219-220 Perkins Building Phones Office 194 Residence 310 DR. GEO. E. HOTJCK Physician & Surgeon, Office Perkins Bldg Phone S. Roseburg, Oregon DELAPP & SNELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Kins 200, 207, 208 Perkins Hldg I1M-L Itesiileiiro Plumes 2I0-Ii Of flro Phone 111 U. DR. N. PLYLER Licensed Chiropractic Physician , 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Or. Consultation and Examination Free. OfflceIIour, 0 to B. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. Phono 162. CHAS. F. HOPKINS . Attorney at tjhv Room 4UO Poikili!) ltldg. Roseburg, Oregon. Especial attention given to con veyancing and "the examination of titles to real estate. Prac tices In all, stale and federal courts. Of. Phone :iH4 Res. Phono 12II-H C. B. WADE Physician & Surgeon. Rooms ll.VKI Perkins Building HoNohtirg - - - - Oregon The Heinline School of Music. Mrs. Onirics lleliillne, Director Mi's. Mu Combs, Aast. Tearlior. Beginners a Speciality; Concert PlanlstB Developed. Morning clussos in Kindergar ten; children called for and taken, home. Studio 423 Ella St. Rhone 33-R. TEACHERS & PUPILS ATTENTION The Nows orflce has a spion dld qunllly of bond papor put up In pound pneaknges (200 Bheets to the pound, size 8Vix7) at 25 cents per package. tf Survey Estimates GERMOND AND FREAR t)V"j MIIII iUl'Vt!,Wllfi. CTIvil Kntflnern and Surrey ore lluebiirK, Oreoa lUnnn 0 Masonic Dlldg. Phone 887 NICHOLS & MARTIN GENERAL I'ONTRACTORS Plans and OBtlmateB furnished on carpenter, brick and cement work. Patronage Solicited. Phono 38-T L. G. HICKS SURVEYOR KUI Perkins llnllding ItnaehufK, Ore. Phone 131 -It FOR RALE 9 frorh Jersey cows. 7 calves, 2 bulls, 2 6-ycnr-oId luires, 1 heavy horse, mower, binder, 3 harrows, separator, 1200-reg in cubartor, gas engine, saw, grind er, chopper, wagon, J?ack, har ness and paddle. J. M. Moore Roseburg, 402 Fullcrton St. 47tf