TIfK KVK.VIX1. M-W. VO?"IUV, JIAV in, 1910. THE EVENING 'NEWS MILTON J. SHOEMAKER CARL D. SHOEMAKER BAM J. SHOEMAKER Editors and Publishers. ISSUED DAILY EXCE1T SUNDAY Subscription Rates Ball Per year, by mall $3.0 Par month, delivered Semi-Weekly. Tn year 12.00 Iz mons I-00 Entered as second-class matter, . -WoTember 6, 1909, at Rnseburg, Ore. rader act of March 3. 1879. MONDAY, MAY 15, 1010. Sj'HK I'UHLIO SERVICE COMMIS. SION. There la no more responsible po sition In the state, from a business .standpoint, than that of 1'ubllc Sor-j vice Commissioner, and It should be, billed with a.. man with a capacity to ileal In big things, and the business ability to rill It. In looking over the Jlold (or a candidate to (III this place, the Lebanon Criterion has this to Jaay: "There Is a young man out (or the arepubllcan nomination who by train ing and ability has tho necessary qualifications for a commissioner mod one of the young men who Ib making a name for hlmsulf in state affairs. This man is Fred O. Buchtel, mho (or the past four years has been jia charge of the state weights end measures department, mulor tho of Hica of State Treasurer Kay, and he jiaa proven himself to be a man o( ,ughiioss In every detail o( his work, and has brought this depart ment up from a chaos of conflicting county Interests to one of the best managed parts of the Btnte business. -A promotion of Mr. Uuchtol to the Jilgher office will not be a mistake." Mr. lluchtcl is no stronger to the "WotorB of Douglas county where he us beon on numerous occasions In vonnoctlon with the duties of his of- tflce. and was ever found to bo anj Sntolllgent, affable gentleman full of -buslnes. who can be recommended : arnostly to the votora for tills place., JMNK TEAS AMI POLITICS. The News, is always ready to give miy proinlnenro to tho society IteniB ! tho city and therefore calls atten tion to thc-program of tho first bo clal function ot the Woodrow Wilson -Hon-Pnrtlsnn League. On this cvont .Jul occasion addresses will be made y such well known non partisans as' ., ... i-.i-i.mi, i.exier;.a.i mans. u is lenrneil nillliortln- ,.,.,. uiiu ... , oo auoco tl.no witchery of sweet music and tho, (MfneductlveneBS of punch. Tho next: luiictlon will undoubtedly be a pink j t ni wnicn i in ner, l eiand and jieveral other or the smart set will j eervo thu appetizing bevernge, nnd' ihese will In tutu 1 followed by al series of evening receptions Tor dress j 'Hulls and low cut gowns. It certainly "to-Ill bo Immense help to society eill-' iora during the coming months. I There was more interest today In luo wedding at t he gypsy ramp than: In any other event, including poll-' tics, bond Issue. Mexican affairs audi the Kuropi-nu war. Hundreds of lieople went there JuM to see if it' as truo that the ceremony lion-j I.ONHON, Miy l."i.--l'lad In a Xinted In the rouplo Jomiiing oer a:,,eed.v, frayed suit. Lord Casement, Uiroomstlck. ..ooilt (lie iToudcst people in the, Mdty today were the members of tlioj local fire company, as they were be- log taken over the streets In their; iew motor flro truck, and no doubt' Koino of them wished an nluiiu might! bo turned In Just to show how i nuli'k they could get there. It l9 a ureal iMi.iiii.iu 10 mo lire iiguinig apparatus inl everybody Is gi, (he boya have It. IIMel VAX HI REN'S PUPILS IN UE( ITVL.' It Is slated that when (he German ("auxiliary ship was sunk nt the time ' A splendid program has been pro- Casement landed with his small jure,! (or the recital which will be luml of followers, she carried 20. not) then at tho Presbyterian church to- rirles with which to arm the rebels night nt eight by pupils of Miss ' and a million rounds of ammunition' Mabel Van Huren's piano classes. besides machine guns and bmnbs. Ex The church lias been beautifully changed Irish prisoners make the lis deeked In tho Benson's flowers and sertlon that Casement attempted to a largo audience will doubtless he In Induce Irishmen who were held nrl 1 " ' -" in mo past have been most enjoyable. , T GIVEN TRIALS The fire truck which arrived here Saturday was unloaded today and placed in the city hall pending Us acceptance by the council. It wasi removed from the car by Mr. A. W. I'lymton, of the American La France Fire Engine Company, who has been In this business for the past 20 years. Ho will remain In Koseburg for sev eral days putting the truck in shape for steady use and drilling a man in the care of the apparatus. The machine wss given a tnorougn test this morning on the many hills about the city. With a load of about firtcen men it started from the city hall and made a quick run Up Main street, the grade being easily made without a shift of gears. Returning, the truck was driven up the steep Lane street hill. On this slope all three gears were called into requisition, but the speed wbb not allowed to drop to less than fifteen miles per hour. Another run was made up Winchester street at a speed of about 20 miles an hour and on returning a speed test was made on Stephens and Mill Sts. The car easily made 35 miles per hour, al- I though this might be lessened If plac ! ed under the capacity load. The council will meet tonight and accept tho truck If It hns been de livered In compliance with the terms of the contract. A driver will also be selected to care for and drive the machine. Two applications have been received, that of Corbett Wilbur and; fieo, Grimm. Mr. Wilbur has had several, years' experience in garage work, and served for a number of months In the Albany fire depart ment, where two trucks similar to tile one herd are in use at the prOB cnt time. He has had considerable experience with driving automobiles and If given tho position will un doubtedly fill the place capably. Mr. Grimm has had no experience, but stated that he was willing to lenrn to drlvo the machine and would serve Iho city to the best of his ability. AMERICA PROTECTS MAIL SEIZURED WAttlltVCtTOV Mnv ir. U'llunn - , prcl,al.lng vlKoroua me88llg0 to' ,.:nKlall, reKlir(Ilg the 8t,zure of' ,., , : of figures Bhowlng how far tho llrit Ish huve gone with mall seizures. ..ttuslng stated this morning that the nllre subject of confiscated mulls was tinder consideration. This Is In terpreted to mean that a new protest Is planned, ns It Is believed that the lust llrltlsh memorandum was un- sullsfuclory. It is expected that the administration will Insist on tin en-. tire freedom of passage for Ainerl ...eiy ina ine presuteni is impnti-i llml ustslMt.a Mr. Lilburu. liie local ! eut over tho continued holdings of BK,,ni i tne .i,,,,,,,,,,,,,!,,,, A buck-' the nNiils. It Is expected Unit the',,, ... .,,.,,.,.- nn,.,! ',,'m! note will be completed soon. The! government lias received inanv nro- pro- tests from American ' business men abroad regarding tho Inconveniences resulting mails. from .tho delays Jn the IfiflfS ON TRIAL TODAY the Irish peer accused of treason imalnst the Hiltlsli crown, went on trial today In the liowsttcet court. As the aged noldenuin entered the court room he smiled to his many ai-o.iialntancrs who crowded tho tiny court room. Daniel Halley. a soldier who la also un used of treason accompanied Casement. Prosecutor Smith read the cimrge against the prisoners and stated that Casement planned the I revolution ,u, plotted to land sev eral expeditions on the Irish mid English coasts oners or war ny tne Germans to de- ,ert and enlist In the German army. t it slated that some of the prison-i-a accepted li.o o.Tcr of tho Irish nobleman. This is merely a preliminary hear ing, and the crown reserved much of the evidence (or presentation at the formal trial. Enough evidence was submitted today to show lliut Case ment planned to land several expe ditions in Ireland. L PETROGRAD; May IS. Develop ing a swift offensive, the Russians have smashed across the Persian frontier, southwest of Urumiah and are at the present time within 80 miles of the Turkish lines south of Dngdad. They have reached Rowanduz which is several miles within the Turkish frontier, and are marching westward toward historical Nineveh, In Mosul. Unless the Russian forces are checked within the next two week the Turkish forces whlcn are holding the British near Kutelmara are In grave danger of being cut off from the rest of the Turkish army. For weeks the official communi cations have been silent regarding auons nave oeen suen regar ing , parat,on fM. fcstivUies. tho progress of the operations in Lru-1 , , , , , . , mlah and It Is thought that Czar'1'6 f 'f, " their hair In o Nicholas has outwitted his enemies. EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA I J 1 J ir values in stationery Rt Die , U(!Vall fltore tnU WC(,k 60U-m20 I'OHESTHY PICTURES AT THE MAJESTIC '1HEATRE Tuesday aud Wednesduy evenings of this week the Majestic theatre will show, in addition to the regular program, a series of films prepar ed Under the direction of the depart ment of agriculture, Bhowlng phases of tue field work carried ou by the United States forest service. The reolB, two of which will be put on each evening, show scenes from the great Wasatch nursery in Utah, where millions of baby forest trees make their start In liTe. These are followed by views on the planting areas showing the process of estab lishing a new forest cover on the barren mountain slopes which have J been denuded by fire und flood and ( given up by .Mother Nature as a bad Job. In another set are views from ,t)iB tie makers oiiernt intiu lin 1he Lodgepole pine forests of the Rocky mountains, and logging scenes from ..,,,.... ,.. .,, , ,,, ,,,., These films have been officially up proved by tho United States gov- nrnment, and are tak?n from actualj operutlons ou the national forests. 'IKK EXTINGUISHERS TESTED1 A demonstration of the Pj roue fire extinguisher was given today ou thuj L-oveinimiii lot across from ilm Per-1 j kins building. One of the agents fori thu POInwny wa ,he ..jty today i alll, u. ,,, iKlt(,,i. smilM 8tri..;,i r l. .,.,1 i i, , . . bluze in an instant. A iiuautity ot ecelslor was then saturated with j gasoline and lighted. This was a mnch more dil'tiiiilt test, us It wasr In lii. i open air and hard to extln- Kiitslt. The I'yrene, however, prov- ed Its ability In nil incredibly short time. other tests equally as severe such as pouring gasoline on the ground, etc., were tried with equally good re sults. Several of the members of the school board were present, as they are considering the advisability . of placing the extinguishers in all the buildings. HEC ipiton ;ivi: To LEV. EATON AND Wil li A delightful evening was spent at the Huplist church Saturday i nlj;ht when the members of the' inch held a reception for ltev. Y. , II. Eaton nud his wife. The at tendance waa large r.nd the capacious re-option room was crowded. . A musical program xvas given und also talks welcoming Mrs. Eaton to Rose-' burg. i At a late hour In the evening a de- j Ucious luncheon which bad been pre-1 pared by the ladies of the church, i was served. , ( SALMON PICNIC AT WIN CHESTER, MWHAV, MAY 1 Object: To advocate the Increas ing of the present capacity of the North Umpqua salmon hatrherv, and to construct and establish a trout NGAGEHOfT CELEBRATED (Continued from page 1.) by the gypsies to furnish the music for tho rlnncpa which wpru lioi.i i.. to open and on the rough ground. ;'-'west '"' "TV,!..! 'in I e cold- , , . nnd transparent stockings In ine com Carrying gay-colored streamers weHiei, exhibit a tcchnlenl and the young ladies who were dresseu critical Interest In the theatre, In Her in silks of al hues circle about wiiolmird Shaw's latest utterance" nnd re , , , ,., . , , . , irard Oscar Wilde as an urlist of the a quick-shifting, yet graceful step in,. ,,,., (.,lnll.u,r, and they all talk a dance which Is as peculiar as the 1 m rather high voices and with author people it represents. As the music Itutlve airs ut meal times, quickened more Joined In the line! "I""''" ' "ri1" .I'fT'lv iftt e .. , .', , ed about singing in a monotone and keeping perfect time with the Btrains from iho orcliootr. Snn.otl.no. nno would call a sharp ringing call which was quickly taken up aud re-echoed throughout the entire camp. Popular airs thev did not care for. The slow dance strains so familiar to ine usual dance were not desired, out cries for "Yankel Doody ' arose from till parts at the conclusion of Oall select (fin an thn nrchoatrn wna to repeat many times the bare which comprise one or America's most fain- ous songs. The main celebration did . not occur until along in the aiter- noon, the morning being spent in pre- ...B u.uius iruitu wcio men uiuck- ened and caused to shine with a grease preparation. The usual , , . " dresses were changed for highly col- ored Bilks which lent an Btmosnhere of the Orient to the scene. The ,,,.! u ,J r , """"" " hub, aim minis idu nieniDers. Tney are under the charge of Chief Ephriani John and will leave tomor row for Portland where, after a stay of about two days they will leave for Minneapolis. This band Is the third in size in the United States. It is traveling In 22 automobiles, three having gone on ahead with 14 in the party camped at Winchester and four more about a day's travel behind. They expect to reach Minneapolis about tue first of July. SIMMER SCHOOL. The Mrs. Halverson , Summer' Bchool or 8 weeks for pupils wish-, WASHINGTON, D. C, May 15. Ing to make up their grades, or to The indications are that the corn do extra studying during the sum-' Ing week will be generally ovet'east'j mer. will be held in the Benson' and cool with occasional local rains: building beginning the first Mon-' throughout the Atlantic states, the' day In June. Grades from the 4th to Ohio valley and the region of the '.he 8th Inclusive will have from 8 Great.lakes. Similar conditions will 1 to 11 a. m. Lower grades 2 to 4' prevail the first half ot the week in P. m. Charges will be 75 cents per the Upper Mississippi, valley and the. week in advance, or ?2. 75 per month, 'plains states, followed by generally' or $o.0() for the two months. Chll- ,ir(,n who lwe 1)evei. attoniled school may bo sent during the arter- noon nnd carefully looked after for the same rate. Parents who desire that their children should lake this i work, please romtminlcate with Mrs. Maude Halverson, 502 dimmer- eial Avenue, or at the rienson build- Ing. fill ,1-in20 h-.llprv , lhp -.. ,.,,, 5 1 s!""c puc0' 11 ls "P'ed that the governor and several members of the fish and c.nne commission will l,e n resent n,. , : The picnic will be free to every-i bo(lv Cars will leave the Commer-i ,...,, ,.ru, , , , for Winchester , 111 rli'Ufu ,F 111,, fitil, nii.l mutm ,!! eauineiu win oe iiieseiu, i.uri i.. Slioemaker. W. L. Flnley, Clnnton Mrs. M. Borchers, with the Barthol-, omew Co., of Portland, will show Suits, Dresses, Coats, Waists and Petticoats at the Hotel Umpqua, Tuesday, May 16. The Ladies of Roseburg are cordially invited. hElIIEPWLHI OF EVERYDAY LIFE M the mother of three grown Msnm.lly. I have no objection to their nB ,ui"lltll. . MX ."reel Ilvluu their own lves f they won d - " . .. iilir il-iuirhters are all del ghtrmiy loiuy un u imo .... oil, iwufciiiem me .,,. raruur mien, nut tnev want to or- modern. Thev ou tin'ir nmr Insipin. ihs n,i.;j;iu-) "--" -what dessert it n at th? lieglni...i- of dinner, anil retinues mr .ii Hon of lb-' preceding cou'ses "l' :' Im.lr She lik i' .,...", i--.. :w it is "rniiiiur.a'nle,' vi-i:- so r ..'. nnd remmls tne uciinuui:. . mi - i "I"1" lu:-' ami i,aruJU:'.l.!o pia".:-J".'Ua. f T..E SUX?i i:V3BAND. f-.T, n.. ters are nnxiousi t(1 u,.-, b in;: it tttct,1 -tcu-Mn- is a mutter (if iiMif fortmce to the child, ami Cecilia, who, I u musician. i.eplure the ever Incrcas- im' ncprliitv and shr llness of Isobb.v s "gu and the reckless tempo vi,n,lteil wneti she (very unwillingly) .tlses on the long suffering piatio , ..... ti. nieekest of mothers. Like ',, Ille s, j Iry ..Milense cv,.,.viv, nnd sui'ieen ill pleasing mi- body but Hobby! Hobby loves me. "e' ' warm-hearted child, and lis tll(, ,.miiip on of thedown-troiideu. Myllm"',wlld. a silent man. a unit in a feminine household, looks on and I mnses. It Is possible that the humors ot femininity are more obvious to him than to us. What each of mv elder daughters wishes for, what, lu fai t, curb insists on. is ou "living tier own lire." 1 er I AM NO CANDIDATE But if you want to buy a farm you better see a farmer. I have some very good bar- j gains and Improved farms (or sale now. Call me up or come out and see me. C. M. Ander- son, Melrose, Ore. Phone 10F25.. 59U-ml9p FORECAST FOR THE WEEK. fair weather and a reaction to norm a! temperatures In these regions! nfter Tuesday. Generally fair and: ' cool weather will prevail during the week over the Rocky mountain. and plateau regions nnd the Pacific states. In the Gulf states the weath- er will be generally fair with normal leiniiemturna E. II. HOWIE, Forecaster. I , , , , A bicycle belonging to the son of Dr. Hrndburn, of Winstons, was stol- cn Saturday by some unknown party. ' "u,u '"1 nlu"K l"H " IOOK o'tt for the ninchine with the re- VO,t ALK-F.ill blood Delaine buck ' four years old. Price $12.00 for j quick sale. Phone G. W. Hurt Happy Valley or address. A. I. DeRoss, Itoseburg. fi02-in2Dp frownV severely ou hooby'paHialltyHlen. We live In i suburb not fur 't-i.tr. rrowns " ,,;....;., I the ettv. I detected untimely Imls in Oeriiuiine "eauiwi" aiide'wta'inj" wiiy a' the bushes, and 1 realized with a lUsh . , ... ....i,.. .l ,,lttmulval ."" ;..... .i i.i, UUIll UOW llll-ll Hll'in ,.,. , HUU I, too, nre to live also. Once, long ago, I tried living my own life, ii ml 1-found It u little dull. So I Joined my life to another's, nud we set about the Joyous task of making new lives. The infinite variety of It pleased me at first, hut now I begin to find It a little wearing. The new lives are crush, ins mine nut. nnd Just bernuso my life ls"beiug crushed it is stirring nfre.su wl!h sui'i'.en. Irrepressible new Ini- !m wish for no career, for no ' , . ,,.:U, u. Mv wants, like niv- s(lf n. ni,i., j only wish freedom I tu lie nivseu. to live 111 uiy own way. So ... r."!does Hobby, and with a irlr.dness in my heart ! often think now nappy bobbv liuij j t.0L;j oi! toi and 1 euUid oo toi,e.Lcr. A COUNTRY COHAdE. S- Cne inonilue: not so very long ago I. heard veiitiiiiwonie nuns witieitiig in t tie out eiiu iief ni nit uMiL in our ..r- that spring was here. So I decided to do what I had wished to do take a country cutta to which Hobby and I could flee away and be at peace. There we could b.- ,1$ untidy and Irregular as we liked. The uames of G. H. S. aud Oscar Wilde would not resound within its wails; I shuuld have the books I !oved and u.ifr those approved of by my daughters, wf should have plenty of fairy tales lor Hobby, nnd of all the moderns only Harrie and Robert Louis Stevenson, children liotn. nice Konny and me. would find a place on the little she shelua ely t'Uu T 1 should fit up beside the humulj place. As for my husband dear man he shall be grai lousiy permitted to luue refuge lu the cottage as often an he chooses. SUFFRAGE WORKER IN JUNE 7 PARADE Mrs. Joseph L. ISowen. One of the prominent women who will march in the Chicago suftYae-e parade on June 7 is Mrs. Joseph L.. bow, wno was responsible for the init r :rts establishment of the juvenile cout m (. Incago und the various coi; thn; K'rew out of it, such as the court o, domestic relations, the morals coart, und the girls' court She was instrumental in securing the inve.-di-f!.;r.Mi of public dar.ca halls and in prWiiI-itiinr the i;ale of liquor in them, and her work for suffrage has been extremely active. suit that it was found in the hands of stranger at Drain. The man was arrested and will be brought to this city tonight.