hc.ht THE ETEXING NEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1016. Refrigerators ! Our line of lWrigcrators for 191G is now .on display. All solid Oak with heavy brass hinges anil fastenings. All perfectly ventilated, with large roomy ice compartment. Prices Range (i $10.00, $10.50, $12.00, $12.50, $19.00, $22.00, $23.50 Lawn Mowers! High grade Lawn Mowers, all ball bearing, light running. Prices 7i $5.25, $5.75, $7.00, $12.50. A. J. LILBURN & SON Complete Housefurnishers TALK ATANTLERS (Continued from jihko 1.) NOTICE Trotters Dancing Club to- night at 8 o'clock .at the Arm- ory. 541-inl2 am ia fuvor of driving Woodrow Wilson and tho "democratic party out of t ho W h t to It o ii ho and out of powor. 1 believe that the good nf the country demands It. No ingenu ity of tho Hon-in-taw of the presi dent hag been aliln to save the treas ury from hoint! emptied and now tho people are bolug called upon for one hundred millions of dollars to pay the extravagances of the adminis tration. lyiv-Nir4idniK INiIIHcn, "All hough there In n great need for, u larger army and navy tills de mand Is not an fundamental as tho spirit of tho people. We must hnvo men and women who look upon tho flng for safety a ling which will pro. tect tho Uvea of Its citizens against danger and death no matter what part of the globe they are inhabit In r.." j Here tho speaker paused to pay n iTlbutn to the many veterans of the Civil war who were in the audience and compared the small 0. A. It. button which they wore In the lvpe! of their rout to the magnificent medals given bv the countries of Rurope to their heros, drawing from the comp.iiinnn that the liberty for which they fought must bo sustained by the people of today. He also ex pressed hls'bellef that an adequate navy must bo provided to protect Che Pacific fs well us tho Atlantic con.it, as the people of one part of iho United States deserved protec tion ns well as those of another, re gardloBs of tho center of populutlon. Following the address an oppor tunity was given to meet Mr. Cum mins, Beveral hundred citizens shak ing hands with htm. This afternoon Tho party visited tho Soldiers' Home where an add rows was made to the old soldiers. They left this after noon lor Kuguue, where Senator Cummins will speak tonight. ; i: i o i a x s jticri'i s k i is atti:mi'tin; to iik- TAKK lOST POSITIONS PA 111 8, M:y 13. The German al tacltH which woro aimed to rocap J.ire positions lost to the French Inut Wednesday, were repulsed. K has been officially denied by The French war office that the French commander In chief at one timo con templated having his army retire to the forts northwest of Verdun. The communication stated that two days after tho battle opened. General Decary ordered overy point held at any cost. NEW NOZZLE ! GIVEN TEST Evidently fate has decreed that the closing days of the present fire apparatus shall be busy ones as two fire alarms have been sounded In the past two days, although the an nouncement of the arrival of a chem ical fire truck is expected momentar ily. Today the home of Mrs. Minnie Wallace was threatened by fire which originated evidently .from a defec tive flue. Before the t alarm was sounded neighbors had rushed to the scene and with the aid of a small garden hose the flames . were pro vented from spreading until the fire company arrived; when they were quickly extinguished. The damage waa not great and will amount only to a few dollars, as the blaze was confined to the rear ot the house and the water did no dam-! age to the main rooms. The house j Is siteuatod on Washington St. direct, j ly west of tho railroad crossing. In-j citlontally tho fire department had an opportunity to test out the new j nozzle which they have recently pur. chased. It Is constructed in such aj way that the size of the stream can be controled so that it may be Bent either In a spray of direct strc3m. At today's fire it proved very effec tive and a great Improvement over the old stylo. morning and spent the day visiting and attending to business matters. Mrs. O. C. Itader, of Tyeo. and Mrs. Joe Harris, of Myrtle Creek, were admitted to Mercy hospital to di: and will receive medical trea -meat under the care of Dr- Sether. The son of Mrs. Tisdale, of North Roseburg, was taken to Mercy hos pital yesterday and Is reported to be very low with appendicitis. Dr. Sether Is the attending physician. The boy was taken suddenly HI "Wed nesday evening and his conoTZton at the present time is wry serious. On account of last night being the meeting night for several lodges as well as social events the sports men were unable to held the nieet hig which they had sceduled for the Commercial club. The meeting was indefinitely postponed, but will prob ably be held the first of next week. ALACF 1 tltA IKt TONIGHT w'KTli'AN IWSSKNGEK I.IXKH IS SI NK WITIIOl-T WARNING lUOltl.lN, May 12. (via win-loss to Savvllliv 1 - Tlin Austrian infer IHilii'cnulk sulmrinctl In tTiir;:d riatic ma without warning, nrr'nrd llii; to delayed dispatches. Tho linor It Said to have boon unarmed. Dintrirt Attorney Geo. Neuuer ro coived word this morning that the hearing of tho brief on the Farnuni nppeal will bo postponed indefinite ly. This action was taken on ac count of Mr. Neuner's presence be ing desired at the circuit court ses sion which begins .May 22, tho date which had been set by the supremo court for the. hearing. Mr. Nemier is at present In Kn geno were he has boon invited to act as Judge In a dcTiato for the slate clinmpionship. The debate is be tween tho Crook county high school und the Jefferson high school of Portland, these two schools having won out in the elimination contests. The question up for debate has not boon announced but will undoubted ly bo on one of tho Important ques tions of the day. Last Time of the llig Southern Comedy Drama In Four Acts "The Squash Head" TOMORROW AXI) Sl'XRA Y Farewell Performances of the Popular Madison Square Thea tre Company, presenting the World'B Greatest Drama In Hve Acts and Fourteen Scenes "Ten Nights in a Barroom" One Week Commencing Mon TTay night, change of program every other day A .VAUDEVILLE A ACTS and Feature Pictures Adults 10c Children 5c JUNIOR DAV IS oiim;ki:ki. Fill your home atmosphere with exquisite lnstinsr fngrance ED. PINAUD'S LILAC Tho jrreat French perfume, winner of highest international wards. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as the living Lilac blossom. A celebrated connoisseur said : "I don't see how you can sell such a remarkable perfume for 75 cents a buttle" and remember each bottle contains 6 or. it is wonderful value. Try it. Ak your dealer today for liD. PINAUD'S LILAC, tor 10 ctnls cur American tiflues ttill send )vu a testing Mile. Writ tedjy. r ARFUMEUIK CD. PINAUD, Dipt M D. fWAl'D DUg.. New York yaw..iijjwittJuniT.r 7 REKI.S 7 I IK KM ,1, XDMISKION 10c IT'S DIFFERENT. Always a Good Show" mm) t!!ii ftt TODAY, ONF. RAY ONLY The Better Woman' I'VnttiriuK l.cnore 11 rich, a vcnatkaMe five-part Drama of Lovo, Jc;;1oiimv. llr.le ami Heroism. The I'lay ia a Virile, Thrilling Ro mance, covering life in a western town as well na an eastern city, with a well acted drama of love, Intrigue, crime, remorse and final achievement. A story with a punch. I OIIII i:i:iI.V Always Coml. "TIIM Ul.OK'S SMII.lNti SIM HIT" A Kalwtaff Comedy full of fun ToMORKOW Tho World Film Co. presents .NAT C.(H.V!X In "The Master Hand" A five-part photoplay from tho ell known drama of tho same name, and a Cub Ctunedy, Tho DcHtrmto Chance," featuring George Ovoy. tho funnloBt man In America. Coming Tliurmlny. "W'lioV Cullty?' About fifty of the memebra of the Junior ehisa of the local high nchooi left this morning for the forks of the river, where they will spend the day enjoying their annual picnic. Junior Day, aa it called, Is an r n nual event for the members of this class and comes at the last of the school term. On this day the mem bers Visually go to. some favorito picnic grounds where they spend the day. The high school was dismiss d this morning to nllow the students to attend the mass meeting anil meet Senator Cummins and this afternoon the classes were shortened on ac count of the absence of so many pupils. HOTEL UMPQUA ROSEBURG, OREGON Ji.'uin " 1,.' , r r : 1 l r r Tfc I. " ' .11.. ! rrf fa, Mil 1 rzjL-2--lliLHt 1 rf hi im&Mm&i m et KUROl'KAN 1'IAS llfl R001119, 4 4 with Private Bath Rates $1.00 per day tip. V. .1. WKAVKR, Prop. HAD (itM) C.XfSK l()R ! SKVKliK SIDMACH ACItK STOCKTON, May 12 Itichnrd Williams today knows why ho nf- fo m! from an (xcrutiatln Btouiaeh ai ho. Surgeons who oporatod uinm ; him t'.iis inointlif: found two silver' forks and a teaspoon in his 3tom;iclt. ; It Is believed that he swallowed tlu'i articles whilo ilelirious. I . I'ois o. A. c. s rt hi'N r iiam;i:h .S A UKI1F.I, IX IMM.I SAN KRAXOISCO, .May K Ram' GROUND GHIPPER VkALKlNG SHOE : rhamlra, editor oT n Hindu revoln-: . tiuiiiiry p;iper in this city announc ed today the nws of more exec n ; tions of rebels in India. It Is stated that Vishnu Ganeh Tingle, a former; -student of the University of Wash-! i Ington and S. l.al, a former student; i of O. A. C, at Corvallis, had been! i hanged. I j CiTV MAYS. l ! ! Thomas Harvey and wife, of Oak land, wore visitors In this city to day. A. F. Whoeler and wife, of Inde pendence, arrived In this city thin MEDICAL CURE FOR f LAT-fOOT SOLD FROM COAST TO COAST .niorsed by 25,u00 physicians, "'imo in Itofleburg. I-et us put a pair on your feet. Forget Your Foot Troubles ROSEBURG BOOTERIE lltVIS IIRVXN .''.me Tlmt Sntlsfy. "Hiliis HIiIr. . - - Cans St. LONG after the joy of presenta j tion has passed, the wearer of a wrist watch gains daily enjoyment from the use of her gift. Most suggestive for com mencement is our splendid assortment of latest model Elgin Wrist Watches ready now for your selection and at prices well within the . range of any purse. We have many other appropriate gift-giving reminders which are well worth your time to look over. YOUNG & BUBAR JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS Phone 'Jwo-One-FouT Roseburg, Oregon SPRING TROUBLE? "ft I Let us solve your Spring Trouble. We have the latest improved t-pring Equip mentbest equipped shop in Roseburg. Try HENDRIE TIRES and forget your Tire Trouble KISNER & MARSH SPOKANK THl(J COMMITS ClilMKS J.V IH'PLK'ATK 8POKANB, May 12. Just twenty four hours after ho had entered the home of Airs. Morris Martin, where he bound, robbed and assaulted nor, the same thug entered the home of Mrs. James Stephens and duplicated the crime In every particular. He bound and gagged her aniT looted tho house, after which he threaten ed to kill her if she sounded an alarm before half an hour. The po lice wore delayed In getting news of the crime and the man made' good his escape. A large posse is search ing the surrounding country and woods for him. fourth 8800-ton steamer, to be de livered within 18 months. V hut's the difference between siiiry tellin traveling men and sheep? TKOOIN STAKT JtKVO- 1ATJOX IX IJSHOX Traveling iiiimi bring their tales to ! the tnrv, shcop keep theirs behind. HRRIfN', May 12. A wireless from Cirnnndn. SprT, said a resolu tion had started In Lisbon wero tho troops nro reported to have mutinied and burned tho arsenal. AXOTHKR lll(i STK.Mi:it WILL RE Itlll.T IX PORTLAND PORTLAND, May 12. Contracts were slcnoil here today to hulld the Littlo Ro-Peop she lost her sheep and didn't know wbere to find them! So she left them nlono ml soon they cnnio home, n liiiBtling! Their tjills behind them! Mutton or Lamb Chops aro nice for n rhmiRC, TRV Til KM! Phono 58 THE ECONOMY MARKET GEO. KOIILHVGE.V', Prop. I ANTLERSl THEATRE PARAMOIXT PROGRAM TONIGHT MARGUERITE CLARK In tho magnificent five-reel Paramount Production "The Prince and the Pauper" The Ereatest Triumph in the Stage Career of this favorite Actress. No Advance In Prices, SiwcliJ Matinee Dally at 2 P. M. AIU'LTS 10c ADMISSION OII1LDRRN Be Owning Satunlay Afternoon and Evening, Henry Woodruff and Tsuru Aokl in the five-reel Triangle-Fine Arts Feature "The Beckoning Flame" and Joe Hackson In the two-reel Keystone Farce Comedy "A MODERN KNOTII ARDEX" Coming Sunday and Monday Greenwood and tirant in the five-reel Paramount Comedy "Jane"