SKYKH KENT, SELL OR TRADE YOUR HOME Oil KAXCH ItY USE OF A NEWS "WANT AD." THE- NEWS CLASSIFIED AD PAGE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS TRY THEM. EVERYBODY READS THEM. HE EVENING NEWS. FRIDAY, MAY 13, l10. 1 TOncineuxVuiTGir"'' IpFT-vTiT-r"'?'-""" - " n .-n-m. i - , ' IMv Maybe IVto Will Let the Old Gent Re After This t hereby announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomi nation at tbe primary election to be -l.t tlow 1Q 1 0 1 a fn. ,1... Hum uu aiu, wi 1,110 utiiLC 01 CiruuiL .iuubb lur lu ui:UH(l JUUIC .t -Hoti-lnt nnln unooil nf r Doubts, ijaiie, rjemon anu i.,iiicoln counties, for the next ensuing term. If I am nominated and elected to said office, I will administer Justice economically. Impartially and with out fear or favor. I have no enemies to punish or friends to reward. Every litigant, plaintiff and de fendant coining before me, Bball have -a square deal. My motto shall be "A square deal to all. Special privileges to none.' pd. ad. C. A. SEHLBREDE. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I herewith announce my candidacy before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket, for the office of District Attorney for Douglas coun ty, subject to the decision of the qualified voters. My platform will be enforcement of the law, and economy In Its administration, pd. adv. GEORGE NEUNER, Jr. I herewith announce my candidacy before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket, for the office of District Attorney for Douglas coun ty, subject to sthe decision of the qualified voters. pd. adv. I. B. RIDDLE. 1'OK KKI'KEfc.EXTATIVE. I hereby announce that I am a candidato for republican nomination for representative in the slate legis lature, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election. If elected, 1 shall give the business of the state tho same careful considera tion that I would give the business of a private individual who retained me to look after his interests, pd. ad. ORA Ii. POUTER. I hereby announce my candidacy for reproaentadve on tho republican ticket, tnbjoct to the decision, ot the Yoters at the primaries to db neii on May 19, 1916. "The people Interests are my interests." ad. ROY GRIGGS. I BELIEVB IN OREGON and Douglas county, its present and fu ture; in rural development as the basis 'of town prosperity; in good roads radiating from local centers; in demanding value received for ev ery cent of taxes; In the best system of educatn-n for the young; In clean politics, economical business administration of public property, and fowor liws; in representation of farmers and business men by a rormnr nrt huslnoss man. I therefore "announce myself as a candidato for the Republican nomination ior i-v resentative from Douglis County at the coming primary election. If you are for these things I respectfully solicit your vote. CHARLES A. BRAND, pd. adv. Wilbur, Oregon. JOINT REPRESENTATIVE. I am a candidate for the republican nomination for Joint representative from tho district comprised ot Doug las and Jackson counties subject to the primary in May. If nominated and elected I will serve the people of tho district to the best of my ability. W. H. GORE. pd. adv. Ja00 Co- FOU Ci.K.RK. I hereby announce my name as a th romiblican ticket, ntrto nt clerk of Douglas county, subject to tho decision of the voters at the May primary. pd. adv. . CHARLES W. CLARK I hereby announce myself a candidate for the democratic norr, Ination for County Clerk at the prl mary election on May 19th. 1916 Pd. ad. B. H. LENOX. FOR SHERIFF. To the voters of DouglaB County: I herewith announce my candidacy for Bheriff of Douglas county, on the republican ticket, at the primaries to be hfdl on May 19, 1916. Pd. ad,ml3 SAM W. STARMLR. I hereby Biinounce my'" 8 republican candidato for sheriff or Douglas county, at the prlmarlM, Mv 19. 1916. ad. FRANK BARAGAR. - hrwl!h announce myfolf ' c,ididMC for re-nomlnallon ai i : : , ,, - , ! L for. TUe. Love of f i was losT , sosn- oo -you I ! ' w.e- -trcr vnj 1-7 ' WE.Plwd HENRIETTA W CeTAVJoTHEC I AVKE fc-E wr4' wi-r'-Tuc oraivi.i Owe ov-TMoSE STROKES? "andldtae for the office of sheriff of Lotiglas county, subject to the de cision of the republican voters at she May primaries, pd. ad GEORGE K. QUINE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Douglas county on the democratic ticket, sub ject to the decision of the primaries to be held on the 19 of May. d. ad". . HARRY PEARCB. FOR "TREASURER I herewith announce my name a a candidate for renomination for the office of treasurer of Douglas coun ty on the republican ticket, subjec to the decision of tbe primary elee tions to be held In May. pd adv: JAMES W. SAWYERS. I hereby announce my name as a candidato for the position of trons urer ot Douglas county, on tho re publican ticket, subject to the de cision of tho primaries to be held in May. MRS. INEZ MILLER, pd. ad. l'OR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a republican candidate for the office of county commissioner of Douglas county, subject to tbe primary elec tion o be held May 19. 1910. I stand for a straight business admin istration. A HENRICKSEN, pd. adv. Oakland, Or. hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county j commissioner of Douglas county on , the republican uckci, iuujiti iu u primary election to be held in .May, 1916. pd. adv. ARTHUR E. STOCKER. To the voters of Douglas connty: j will be a candidate for tbe of fice of Commissioner of Doivglas county on tho republican ticket, be fore the primaries to be hold In May and solicit your support, pd. ad. J- T BRIDGES. To the voters of BouglaB county: I wll be a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Douglas county! on tho republican ticket, before tho primaries to be held In May. and solicit vour support. W. F.. ST. JOHN. rd. alv. Sutherlin. I hereby announce my name as a cmdid.ite- on the republican ticket,! for the office of commissioner of cn the Republican ticket for the of DoiieIus county, at the primaries toi irG of Justice of the Peace for Deer bo held May 19. I respectfully so-1 Creek district, subject to the will of HcU your support, and If nominated, (he voters at the primary election to and elected, will aim to give a good; be beld May 19, 1916. business administration of county f-j pd. advt. CIlAS. F. HOPKINS, fairs. JOHN BUSENBARK. p,j Melrose, Ore. vou .Husiki'T Do . ciwmud . 7 Merc let t -H ! S'f;T. VTHa-T POP!! S V Mie Ta ,t. Tl? iH! . t 1111 ?ROMSE ME SCWT HERE MUFPteo' That Vou'u. neveta. oo T a&aim pop': V '5 TOO VMOCH FOR AVj oto V TAkc. THis off -CW UK Vou I Ma new I FOU ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a re publican candidato for the office of county assessor of Deuglas county, subject to the primary election to be held May 19, 1916. pd. ad. CHARLES ROBERTS. I hereby announce myself as a republican candidate for the office of county assessor of Douglas coun ty, subject to tbe primary election to be held May 19, 1916. pd. ad. D. P. MeKAY. I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for County Assessor at the primary elec tion In May, believing that seven years' experience under Assessor Calkins has qualified me to efficient ly perform tho duties of this- office, pd. ai'.v. CUV COR DOM. I herewith announce my candidacy for assessor ot Doulgas county on the republican ticket at the May primaries. I stand for just and equal assessment lb all which my record will bear out, and respectfully solicit i your support H. W. JONES, pd. adv. Myrtle Creek I herewith announce my candi dacy on tho republican ticket lor tin office of assessor of Douglas county, subjuct to the will of the voters u the primary to bo btld May - ID. 1916. Having had 20 years' expoil nnr In tho i-pnfriLl im-rchnml IkIii l )llam,68i givt.a m0 ,uft,clEnl knowl. tj enn,)(( ma q (he U) payers a Juci and equitable asi-.esH nient pd. adv. A. A BELLOWS, FOR COINTY SURVEYOR I hereby announce myself afl a re publican canuidale fo,- the offlco of surveyor of DouglaB county, subject to the primary election to be beld May IK, 1916. pd. ad. MILTON B. GERMO.ND. I hereby announce myself as a can dldate for the office of county sur veyor of Douglas county, subject to the primary election to be held on May 19, 1916. pd. adv. FRANK CAIN. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEAC E j horebv onnmmce my candidacy I will be a candidate on the re- ' publlcin ticket at tbe May primaries, for the office of Justice of the Peace for Deer creek district, and respect fully solicit the support of the elect-J ors at said primary. H. 1L GRINSTED, pd. nJ.v. Roseburg. FOR SCHOOL SUPERLNTEXIlENT To tho voters of Douglas county: . I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county school sup erintendent, subject to tho will of the voters ot the republican party. Second torm. Very rcspeGtruVy submitted, pd. ad. , O. C. BROWN FOR CORONER. I horoby announce my enndidacj '.or the office of coroner of Doug las, county on the republican ticket, subject to the decision of tho voter: at the primaries lo bo hold en tilt 1 9th of May, 1!1. DR. C. B. WADE, pd. ad. RoBehiirg. FOR TRADE Modern B-room bun galow and 4 lots, for farm prop eray, either small or large. Murt bo disposed of. AddresB P. O. Vr.s 424. RoseburK. 525-m25 LOST Sunday night, black and tan pup, about 2 months old. Last Been on Jnckson street. Notify C. L. Springstcnd, lleirington Houso. CUO-mliip A BARGAIN- Swellost residence site In Roseburg. Speculation price $250.00. Buy before tho railroad boom. Addresa Ralph L. Russell, 620 Commercial ave., or telephone S29-J. tf FOR S A LP:. I'Oit sale 16 inch oah. or Hr wood. Call pboue 262 for prices. 439-tf FOR SALE 1 Ht cutting alfalfa hay N. Ij. Conn, Roseburg. Phono 6F15. B 1 9-in 1 6 FOR SALE Hay gelding, 7 years old, gentle and true, 1800 pounds. J. I. Chapman, W'lbiir, Ore. 281-tf FOR SALE Seed & corn, Minne aota No. 13 and Yellow Dent, at farm near Melrose or phone N. L. Conn. CF15. G37-ml2 FOR SALE The News has a nmn bcr n rnVT'n of fiapers for sal et 5 and lo cents per ;o''d bg buri' Make eherilj ftA turier tfl FOR SALE Tomato, Geranium, I'ansles, Asters and all kinds of flower plauts. J. W. Dowell, 1205 Umpqua ave. Phone 266-1. 604-m20p FOU SALE OR RENT Good piano. Call phono 106-Y. 648-tf FOR SALE iBt cutting alfalfa liny at Farmers Feed Shed. 427-tt FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Wator motor In good condition. Can be Been at NewB office. if FOR SALE Pedigreed brindle bull pup, 6 month old. Phono 49-.1. 688-ml? FOU SALE Relinquishment on homestead. For particulars write A. Rousb, RoBoburg. G85-m23p FOR SALE Good fresh milk cow giving 24 qtB. per day. A. W. Yocom, Mountain Houso Ranch. Roseburg. 655-mlCp FOR SALE Ruled liny, oat or wheat and votch. Fred Fisher, Edenbower, Or. Phono 2CF2. 426-tl FOR SALE Work team, two wag ons. Cheap If taken at once. See Grant Wilcox, North Side. 418-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE One regis tered Short Horn bu77. B. R. Ban ning, Rosoburg, R. F. D. 1. 496-ml9 FOR SALE Cheap or will trade for a good cow, a thoroughbred trot ting filly, a fine nulmnl. Addresa W. A. Sebrlng, W. Roseburg, or Phone 6F5. 676-ml3p FUR SALE S. C. White Leghorn and Barred Rock day-old chicks, .May and Juno hatch, 18.59 and $11.1.0 1'iT hundred. Date of hutch: -May 3, 9, 16. 24. Place your orders early. G. W. Burt, Roseburg. Phono 17F3. 489-tl FOR SALE Medium heavy extra good 2-scated hack, now last Biim mor; not used over 100 miles, good as now. Coat $105.00, will take $75 cash. W. E. Clingen peel, Looking Glass, Or. 552-ml6 FOR SALE 80 acres, 80 acres tlll altle, 60 (ores, oak timbered, pas tore land, good Improvements; will be sold cheap on easy terms. No trade. Address, Box 166, Breckway, Douglas county, Ore gon. 422-tf WA.VTEf. WANTED I havo good pasture for 10 or 15 head of cattle. Rate $1 per month. A. Teal, Wilbur, Oregon. 678-mS'i WANTED Quarrymen to work nt tho cement plint above Carnes station. Wages 22 c per hour. Steady work. 677-m20p Drs. Seely Sether and Stewart. I'hysli'imm una Surgeons Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Hank, Ground Floor, Phone 11(17 ItoKt'lmrR - Oreiron DR. B. R. SHOEMAKER Physician & Surgeon. Office rooms 219-220 Perkins Building Pbonei Office 194 Residence S19 . dr. geo. e. Hone:: Physician Si Surgeon. Office Perkins BId Phone S. Roseburg, Oregon DELAPP & SNELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Kins 20(1, 207, SOS Perkins nidg ll-lj Residence- Phonea 210-L Office 1'llono HID. DR. N. PLYLER Licensed Chiropractic Physician 222 W. Lane St., Rosoburg, Or. Consultation and Examination Free. Offlcellourg n to 5. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. Phone 152. CHAS. F. HOPKINS Attorney ac Tdltv Room d20 rci-kiim Illilg. ' Itoaehurtf, Orcjrou. Especial attention given to con veyancing and tho examination of titles to real estate. Prac tices In all stave and federal courts. Of. Phone I1H4 Res. Phono liiO-R C. B. WADE Physician & Surgeon. Rooms -11.1-10 Perkins Building' Hosc-burg .... Oregon The Heinline School ot Music. Mrs, Charles tlelnlliio, Director Mrs, Max Combs, Asst. Teacher. ' Beginners a Speciality Concert Pianists Developed. Morning clnHsoa' In Kindergar ten; children called for and. taken home. Studio 423 Ella St. Rhone S3-K. TEACHERS & PUPILS ATTENTION The News office has a splen did quality of bond paper put up In pound pacakagos (200 Bhccts to the pound, size 8'Ax7) at 25 cents per package. tf Surveys Estimates GERMOND AND FREAR UriM.n iiinuy Nill'veyoi-. Civil Engineer ami Surveyors Itooeburg, Oregon Room 0 Masonic Blldg. Phone 38T NICHOLS & MARTIN GENERAL CONTRACTORS Plans and .estimates furnished on carpenter, brick and cement work. Patronage Solicited. Phone &88-T L. G. HICKS SURVEYOR S2 Perk In. HulUIng lUxteburg, Ore. Phone 131-H FOR SALE 9 freah Jorsoy cows, T calvcB, 2 bulla, 2 6-year-old mares, 1 heavy horse, mower, binder, 3 harrows, separator, 1200-ogg In cubartor, gas engluo, saw, grind- or, chopper, wagon, hack, har ness and saddle. J. M. Moore Rosoburg, 402 Fullcrton St. 479 tf