SKVE3I RENT. SELL OR TRADE YOUR HOME OR RANCH BY USE OF A NEWS "WANT All." THE NEWS CLASSIFIED A1S GET RESULTS TRY Til EM. EVERYBODY READS THEM. f HE EVENING NEWS. THURSDAY, MAY II, 1910. 1 1 THE NEWS CLASSIFIED AD PAGE 1 FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. I hereby announce myBolt as a candidate for the republican nomi nation at the primary election to be held on May 19. 1916, for the office of circuit Judge for the second Judic ial aismci, couiposeu ui u,i;, Douglas. Lane, Benton and Lincoln counties, for the next ensuing term. If 1 am nominated and elected to said office, I will administer Justice economically,-Impartially and with out fear or favor. I have no enemies to punish or friends to reward. Every litigant, plaintiff and de fendant coming before me, shall have a square deal. My motto shall be "A square deal to all. Special privileges to none." pd. ad. C. A. SEHLDKEDE. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I herewith announce my candidacy before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket, for the office of District Attorney for Douglus coun ty, subject to the decision of the qualified voters. My platform' will be enforcement of the law, and economy In its administration, pd. adv. GEORGE NEUNEll, Jr. I herewith announce my candidacy before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket, for the office of District Attorney for Douglas coun ty, subject to the decision of the qualified voterB. ml. adv. . I. B. RIDDLE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce that 1 am a candidate for republican nomination for representative in tho slate legis lature, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election. If elected, I shall give the business of the state the same careful considera tion that I would give the, business of a private individual who retained me to look after hts Interests, pd. ad. , ORA H. PORTER. , I hereby announce my candidacy for representative on the republican ticket, tubject to the decision ol tne Tolers at the primaries to oe held on May 19, 1918. "The people interests are my Interests." 9d ad. ROY GRIGGS. I BELIEVE IN OREGON and Douglas county, its present and fu- ture; In rural development as the basis of town prosperity; In good roads radiating from local centers; in demanding value received for ev ery cent of taxes; In the best system of educatiti for the young; in clean politics, economical business administration of public property, and fewer laws; in representation of farmers and business men by a farmer and business man. I therefore announco myself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Rep resentative from Douglis County at the coming primary election. If you are for these things I respectfully illicit your vote. 7 CHARLES A. BRAND, pd. adv. Wilbur, Oregon. JOINT REPRESENTATIVE. 1 mil a candidate for tho republican nomination lor Joint 'representative from the district comprised of Doug las and Jackson counties subject to tho primary in May. If nominated and elected I will serve the people ol the district to the best of my ability. W. H. GORE, pd. adv. Jackson Co. FOP, CliERK. I hereby announce my name as a candidate on the renubllcan ticket, for the office of clerk of Douglas county, subject to the decision of the voters at the May primaries, pd. adv. CHARLES W. CLARK I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the democratic nom ination for County Clerk at the pri- niary electiou on May 19th, laih pd. ad. E. II. LENOX. FOR SHERIFF. To the voters of Douglas County: I herewith announce my candidacy for sheriff of Douglas county, on the renubllcan ticket, at the primaries to be hcdl on May 19. 1916. pd. ad.-ml3 SAM W. STARMER. I hereby announce myself as republican candidate fur sheriff riouglas county. t the primarii May 19. 1916- i' art. 'FRANK BARAGAR. t r.rT.-ltfc announce myself 48 a tujidldrte for j-e-nominatlon aa a , IIIMIIMMIIIimmil I II Ill MIMI WM liril u iiiimimiii I'KTEYDIXK Ain't It Touching Th lie Way Pop Stlcka to His Pipe. - - . .. - ' ?i fpBftJn'S' f Stw. dow'tVou h lM SMovUvr' JSIL -WEAVCUi 0IuY (ASB WE TUB CV6ARS?OMe OP 'EM New fj AT "T I (CIGARS (' ffiT. AlilU "BREAKS UP MY gssmmsh-r oh oh " J --i . Ui I Seears. Te. I'iy ' "andidtae for the office of sheriff of Douglas county, subject to the de cision, of the republican voters at the May primaries, pd. ad GEORGE K. QU1NE. I hereby announce myself as a .andldate for sheriff of Douglas county on he democratic ticket, bud ject to the decision of the primaries to be held on tho 19 of May. ' od. ad". HARRY PEARCB. FOR TREASURER ' I herewith announce my name a a' candidate for renominatlon for thf office of treasurer of Douglas coun ty on the republican' ticket, subjec to the decision of the primary elec tlons to be held In May. pd.adv. JAMES R SAWYERS. I hereby announce my name as a candidate for the position of treas urer of Douglas county, on tho re publican ticket, subject to the de cision of the primaries to be held in May. MRS. INEZ MILLER, pd. ad. . : FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a republican ennoidato for the office of county commissioner of Douglas county, subject to tho pr'.mary elec-i tiou i bo held Mi- 19, 1916. 1 stand for a straight business admin- stration. A HENRICKSEN. pd. adv. Oakland, Or. I hereby announce myself as a caudidntc for the office of county commissioner of Douglas county, on the republican ticket, subject to the primary election to bo held iuMay. 1916. pd. adv. ARTHUR E. STOCKER. To tho voters of Douglas county: I will be a candidate for the of fice of Commissioner ot Douglas county on the republican ticket, be fore the primaries to bo held In May, and solicit your support, pd. ad. J. T BRIDGES. To the voters of Bouglas county: I wil bo a eandiilate for the office of Commissioner of Douglas county on tho republican ticket, before the! primaries to be held in May. and solicit your support. W. ST. JOHN. i,d. adv. Sutherlin. I hereby announce my name as a; candidate on the republican ticket, lu.rehy announce my candidacy for tho office of commissioner of on the Republican ticket fur the of Iouk1;is county, at the primaries to. fief, of Justice of the Peace for lieer be held May 19. I respectfully BO-'Cr'i-k di.-itfle;, rubjnri to the will ol' licit your support, and if nominated th(. voters nt the primary election to and elected, will aim to give a pood hi. held May 19, 1916. business administration of county af- . d. advt. CIIaS. F. IIOPHIN3. airs. JOHN Bl'SKN'BAnre, j I will be a candidate on the re Melrose, Oro.! publican ticket at the May primaries, ?d adv. FOR ASSESSOR. . I hereby announce myself as a re publican candidate for the office of county assessor" of Deuglas county, subject to the primary election to be held May 19, 1916.. pd. ad. CHARLES ROBERTS. I hereby announce myself republican candidate for the office' of county assessor of Douglas coun ty, subject to the primary election to be held May 19, 1916. pd. ad. D. P.' McKAY. I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for County Assessor at the primary elec tion in May, believing that seven years' experience under Assessor Calkins has qualified. me to offiuibut ly perform the duties of this oTfice. pd. ai'.v. GUy COP DOS. I herewith announce my candidacy for assessor of Doulgas county on the republican ticket at the May primaries. ' I stand for Just and equul assessment to all which my record will bear out, and respectfully solicit your support H. W. JONES, pd. adv. Myrtle Creek. I herewith announce my ennd Jury on the republican ticket for 11, i l ul'ti. e of ol Dour.ins ro;inty sulijert to the will of the voters in tiio primary to be htld May 19. lii;c. Having bad 20 yeai.V expjri elice In the i-enoral nierrhaiulisili!. bmdness, gives ieo i;iiiflrlent know! edge to enable me tn give lite tin t-:lers a'jliil al! 1 equitable a-se.-r. merit. Id. adv. A. A BELLOWS. "Oil COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby announce myself as a re publican candidate fo." the office of surveyor of Douglas county, BiibJect to the primary election to be hold May 19, 1916. pd. ad. MILTON II. GEIl.MOND. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of county sur- veyor, ui Douglas county, subject to the primary election to bo held on May 19, 1916. pd. adv. FRANK CAIN. I FOR JUSTICE OF THE PE.VCK I for the office of Justice of the Peace for Deer creek district, and respect fully so.lcit the support of tho elect-j ors at said primary. R. II. GRINSTED, pd. a J.v. Hosebiirg. FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT To the voters of Douglas county: T harahv nnnnnnen mv rnnrlirinrv fQr of county 8chool up. erlnterident, subject to the will of tho voters of the republican party. Second term. ' Very respentfury submitted, pd. ad. O. C. BROWN. FOR CORONER. I hereby announce, my candidacy ror the of coroner of Doug las county on the republican ticket, (uLjecl to the decision of the voter: it the primaries to be hold on the I'.Uh of May, 1910. DR. C. B. WADE, pd. ad. RoBoburg. FOR TKADK Modern 5-room bun galow and 4 lots, for farm prop eri'.y, cither si'iu'.l or largo. Must bo disjo.ied of. Address P. . O. Box 421. Roseburg. SiS-uiSS LOST Sunday night, black and tan Piiii. ubout 2 mouths old. Last seen on Jackson street, NotLfy C. L. SpiHlgatcail, Heniligton House - 5 l".0-ni I K i i'.Ai.GALN SuelUht re;;li!etiee site iu Unsrl.ti! .;. Spevr.lation price ?2:n'.'i('. Buy i" fore the railroad boom. Addre.-.s U:l'li L. Russell, 6'JM Corniiereial live., or telephone :i2!l-J. ' tf FHt SALIC. wood. l.'jll plm (',2 for prices. 43-tr FOR SALE 1st cutting alfalfa-bay N. I. Conn, Hosebiirg. Phono ,tiF15. 519-inl6 FOR SALE lluy gelding, ? years old. gentle and true, 1X00 poundi,. .1. I. Uli.i; uiaii. W'lbur, Ore. 281-tf FOR SALE Seed' & corn, Minne sota No. 1.1 and Yellow Dent, at farm nuar .Melrore or phono N. L. Conn, CF1.".. 5?.7-nil2 FOR SALE Tim News has a mi ni tier of ruu-krttfea of papers for sal n' u and I'l ccuu per pa'-haiv C'k d .k b'Hi'lies. .Make, eliea i fi:-1 iinri' rs FOR SALE Tomato, Geranium, Tansies. Asteu and all kinds of Cower plants. J. W. Dowel!, 1265 Umpqua ave. Phono 2o6-L. 504-m20p FOR PAL 10 OR RENT Call phono 1U6-Y. -Good piano. 518-tf FOR SALE 1st cutting alfalfa hay at Farmers Feed Shed. 427-tf TOR SALE AT A -BARGAIN Water motor in good condition. Can bo soon at News office. tf FOR SALE Good fresh milk cow giving 24 qts. per day. A. W. Yocom, Mountain House Ranch, Roseburg. 6B5-ml6p FOR SALE Baled hay, oat' or wheat and vetch. Fred Fisher Edunbowor, Or. Phone 2GF2. 426-tf FOR SALE Work team, two wag ons. Cheap If taken at once. Sue Grant Wilcox. North Side. 4 48-tf FOR SALE Oil TRADE One regis tered Short Horn buTT. B. R. Ban ning, Rosuburg, R. F. D. 1. V . 490-ml9 FOR SALE Cheap or will trado for a good cow, a thoroughbred trot tiijg filly, a fine animal. Address W. A. Sehrlng, W. ltoseburg, or Phone BFii. ' r7G-ml3p FOR SALE Oil TRADK A- 1915 model Studehakor six, splendid condition, Rood as new. Bargain for quick denl. J, o. Newlnnd. 533-mi lp FOR SALE 4-rooin huiiKC. plaster ed, electric lights, sewor ynd 2 J lota, east front paved street on ' S. Jackson, 1 block S. of Rose school. Price ri 00.00. K. H. Hillings, phone 161-J. 4IOJ5 FUll SALE S. C. While Leghorn and llibrred Uoek- dny-oid chicks, .Mjy and Juno hatch, $14.50 und Ill.aO j-er hundred. Dato of i hutch: May 3, 9, 10, 24. Place j your orders early. O. W. Burt,! Roseburg. phono 1TF3. 489-ti ' FOR SALE Medium heavy extra! good 2-seatcd hack, new last Bum-1 rner; not used over 100 miles, j good as new. Cost 1105.00, wllij tuko $75 cash. W. E. Ciingen-1 peel, Looking Glass, Or. 552-iiiH FOR SALE SO acres, 30 acres till able, 00 acres, oak timbered, pas j ' ture land, good Improvements; j will bo sold cheap on easy Jurms, No trade. Address, Box 166,! Brerkway, Douglas county, Ore gon. 422-tf WA.VTKH. WANTED I have good pasfcire foi 10 or 15 head of cattle. Kmc ji per month. . A. Teal, Wilbur. Oregon. r."8-m?0 Dr8. Seely Sether and Stewart. Physlelniia ana Surgeons Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground Floor, Plume 8ft7 Hosehitrg . Oregon DR. B. R. SHOEMAKER Physician & Surgeon. Office rooms 219-220 Perkins - Building Phonos Office 194 Residence 31 DR. GEO. E. HOUGH Physician & Surgeon. Office Perkins Bldg., Phone J. Roseburg, Oregon DELAPP & SNELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Rm20, &U7. SOS Perkins llldg -121-L Residence Pliones1 1210-L Offli-o Phono lilt). DR. N. PLYLER " Licensed Chlroprnctte Physician 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Or. Consultation and Examination Free. . Office1lour 0 to B. Sundnya and evenings by AppointmcnL Phone 152. ; CHAS. F. HOPKINS Attorney at tjiw Rnoin -I'JIt) Perkins llldg. ItoHebiirg, Oregon. Especial attention given to con veyancing and 'the examination of titles to real estate. Prac tices In all state and federal courts. Of. Phome !1H4 Res. Phono 120-lt C- B. WADE Physician & Surgeon. Rooms 415-10 Perkins Building' RoseburR .... O region The Heinline School ot Music. Mrs. Charles llelnllne, Director Mrs. Mux Combs, Asst. Toachor. Beginners a Speciality; Concert Pianists Developed. , Morning classes In Klndorgar-. ten; children called for and taken home. Studio 423 Ella St. Rhone Jl.l-R. TEACHERS & PUPILS ATTENTION Tho News offlco has a splen did quality of homl paper put up In pound pfieakages (200 sheets to the pound, size 8 ',4x7) nt 25 cents per package. tf Surveys Estlmatea GERMOND AND FREAR - lieptm I o.iiity Mil l cvoi h. . Civil Engineers ami Surveyors ItoMdmrg, Oregon Itonin 0 Masonic Blldg. Phone 387 NICHOLS & MARTIN .i;.m:k.i, ( on i iiactoiis Plans and estimates furnished on carpenter, brick and cement work. Patronage Solicited. Phone 3-88-T L. G. HICKS SURVEYOR KUII Perkins llulldlng HoMhurg, Ore. Ifiuuc FOR SALE 9 fresh Jersey cows. If calves, 2 bulls, 2 6-year-old mare. 1 heavy horse, mowor, blndor, t harrows, separator, 1200-ogg In cubartor, gas engine, saw, grind er, chopper, wagon, hack, har ness and saddle. J. M. Moore Roseburg, 4 02 Fullurtun St. 479 tt