The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, May 11, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Kdllon And Puhllwtiet-K.
SulMci'i(llon Kates Dully
Pr year, by mall 3.0
Fer month, delivered 60
Pr year '. $2.00
Bl mon'ts 1.00
ICnterod as seeond-claHB matter
November 6, 1909, at Rosehurg, Ore.
.imlT aft of March 3, 1879.
BOISE, Jluy 11. News reached
hero today of a disaster In Farmers
valley In the Teuton country which
happened lust Saturday.
The Packsadddle dam burst and
thu water which it confined rush
ed down the valley carrying away
farm houses and destroying crops.
The roar of. the wnters gave the resi
dents of the valley warning bo thatj
tney nad sumcieni tune to iukc io
the hills.
frcshments will be nerved
Cracksmen looted the store 'of
James Illingsworth at Kandsburg
last night, and escaped with $ 10,000
in gold, and ' several thousand In
checks. The money was part of a
mining pay roll. Automobile posses
are pursuing them through the ues-
MiiHtacho or whiskers aro to pluy
n important part In the republican
national politics again this year, for
of .the four leading candidates for
the nomination, none of them are
smooth faced. Since going on tho
supreme bench, Justice Hughes has
managed to get the fierce bunch of
; chin whiskers trimmed down to a
mthor moro genteel shapo than his!
cartoons showed 'luring the famous
Insurance trial. Senator Cummins
liua the heavy drooping mustache so
much In vogue In tho middle 'iVesl
and South, and very similar to the
ono Worn by the elder Morgan. The
short, stubby uppor II) decoration of
Itoosevclt Is too well known for
description, hut ltB asscrtivincBs' and
pugnacity fit the man as no othor
Hirsute; nppendago would. Senator
llurton wours a closely trimmed
short mustache of the typical big
elty business man variety, nnd It fits
admirably In tho general contour
of Ills features. Ab the chancos are
very strong that ono of these four
' men will be the standard bearor or
tho b. O. P. this year, it will be
soon that whiskers or must'acho will
enter strongly In tho cartoons of the
Bummer campaign.
In last night's society columns a
mistake was made In the announce
ment of the murrlago of Miss Irma
Clements to Mr. Matthew YV. Quay,
in Idaho. The iwcdding occurred
last Sunday, May 7, Instead of the
27th, as stated.
"Word ban, been quietly sent out,
through tho consuls In that country,
for all Americans In Mexico to get
out and come home. This coming
through the official channels of tho
stale department, coupled with the
omulous movements of troops from
all iiarta of tho country toward tho
Mexican border, must have hut ono
moaning, and that la tho watchful,
waiting policy Iiuh been found to be
utterly Inefficient and lH to be dis
carded. As the Mexicans Miavc Jl
ways quieted down and remained
good ttheu Uncle Sum showed Ilia fnr'
Jean Kroy left this afternoon for
Portland whero 'he haB accepted a
Mrs. Kay, Wright returned .this
afternoon from a visit ut Grants
Leo DeVaney returned this nfter-
noon from a visit with friends at
(1 rants Puss.
Tho Kullorton Parent-Teachers
Association will bold their regular
monthly meeting In the Pullerton
school houso on Friday evening, Kay
12, at which time a fine program
Will ho given. Mrs. O. C. Urown
will also deliver a talk on tho sub
Joct, "How tho Home can assist with
LanKtingo Training." As this Is tho I
meeting at which tho annual elec
tion of officers of the association Is
hold. It is hoped there will he a
complete membership present. He-
Mary Hart, of Wilbur, visited
with friends in Koseburg today.
Myrtle Carter, of Vvinston, arriv
ed in HoBeburg this afternoon for a
visit with friends.
Mr. BettB, of Canyonvllle, today
purchased a Ford auto through the
local agent, W. A. Buir.
Anthony .Maddox, who has boen
visiting for a few days at Grants
Pass returned home today.
Mrs. Mark Hanna, of Wl'lnir,
visited in this city yesterday with
her friend Mrs. Win. Lee.
Mrs. Andy McCarthy, of Grants
Pass, came to Rosehurg this after
noon and will visit with friends for
a few days.
Mrs. A. Anderson was today re
leased from Mercy hospital where
she "has been recovering from an
Victor Boyd returned today, from
Myrtle Creek where he has been
spending a few days attending to
business matters.
A troop train of U. S. regulars
from Vancouver barracks will pass
through this city tonight on the
way to the Mexican border.
Dr. Geo. E.. Houck returned last
night from Round Prairie where he
superintended ;tho fumigating tf
the houses In which tho cases of
scarlet fever were treated.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller, who have
been wintering In California, stop
per In this city today on their way
.homo to Iowa and will visit for a
short time with Mrs. S. .1. Henry.
I). F. Nichols and County Road
master K. A. Sinclaim returned to
day from a trip of Inspection over
the road between Kiddle and Tiller.
ilao the Crater lake cut-off and
Weaver road.
P 7 f '"vT QTV & Vf -KtawS '
r ! I -vwamaI :t , 11
.''. ' IcocRorrJ Li
U & : 4 u wVrsS4 I
The woman's training camp idea, , prominent women invited to talk to
rapidly paining popularity in the the dimpled rookies.
Miss Rortlia Eldridpe, who has
been visiting with relatives at Med
ford, arrived in this city this aTLer
noon and will visit for a short TTme
with Mrs. R. V. Dunham while on
her way home to Medofrd.
Mrs. R. J. Stang, of Wilbur, was
in this city yesterday intending lo
business matters. She has recover
ed sufficiently from tho injury which
she sustained some time ago when
a heavy block of wood fell on her
foot to be able to walk about with
out the aid of a cane.
United States, received new impetus
this week. At the woman's training
camp just opened in Washington,
where are gathered women from all
over the county, Mrs. George
Dewey. Mrs. George Barnett, Mrs.
Gibson Fahnestock, Mrs. F. F.
Fletcher and Mrs. Hugh L. Scott,
wife of General Scott now conferring
with the Mexicans, were prominent
The President of the United States
witf present on the opening day and
addiessed the camp. On this oc
casion Mrs. Scott, .Mrs. Barnett and
M rs Fletcher, representing the
army, marine corps and navy, re-
Bpfcctively "manned" the lanyards
and hauled the stars and stripes to
ti.t top of the flagstaff.
The physical side of the training
CRtnn idea is strongly emphasized in
the national capital camp. Susanna
Cocroft, the noted health expert, of
Chicago, an enthusiastic supporter
of the camp idea, was one of the
"1 believe in training camps for
women," she said, "not because I be
lieve that these wili be put to the
actual test of war. 1 hope that this
war in Europe will teach us a lesson
and that we will never have another.
But because I believe every -nnther's
son and daughter w'll be a better
man and a better woman if 'hey will
give their time and thought and
energy for a certain period of their
lives, be it six months or a year, to
something outside of their personal
"We of America, in our smug self
complacency, have become too self
centered purblind to other than
self-interest The consecration of
devoting a definite part of our
thought and life md energy to the
nation would result in that nation's
good, through the good to the indi
vidual citizen.
"The self-sacrifice, the surmcunt
ing of hardships, the learning to
subdue self-will by putting oneself
under discipline and guidance of
others, the ability to see the good of
the many as above the good of the
one, means to build character. It
means a broader seif and it means
the making of men and women.
"To live in tents means to appre
ciate the value of fresh air. The
physical training means the sur
mounting of minor ailments; it
nieans a recognition of physical con
quests over the physical self; it
means better health, strength and
vitality, and the power of resist
ance. AH of thee work for the
greater good to the individual and
to the nation.
"I should like to see a certain pnr?
tion of every life given to active
work, not idleness, in camp life un
der direct and definite training. j
"Such training, such consecration,
would make us realize broader is
sues; would awaken us to our own
and our nation's possibilities. Life,
as we came from these camps, would
take on a different aspect, greater
freedom and greater enjoyment
"We talk much of self develop
ment through unsel.'shness, but we
do not put our ideas into actual practice."
fr)itwpleway$ oracquinivja&ood looks. ?
; L fur xv
.1 1 tf exorr
ri'KAItA.M'K litis under. la bly. sr
oinou are :n''nuMl. :i
(slug a Kiihtle nfhu'iico on
'prsonulll v. Moreover, It hit mi iin-
uoti'd iiiflunicv upon t lit outlook of
jtlii-r ppopW? with whom we cumim hi
MUiiurt, Tor, although we are fully nlhe
in thrso days to lht ImpiM'tiutcp of on
I'lroiinii'iit mo far as wi oiirschi'i arc
1 nut oniod. niu Is some w hut inclined
! ;n overlook tho truth Unit tu'h tu
, t f v iil tin I living a common IliV In t lit'
ttoriil is ii fitclor. nnd ol'hMi an Impor
tant oiu', In (ho environment nf ether
I people.
" It N. therefore, from no selfish or
Au excellent article containing a leM'eentreil spirit that we slui
tonth. It is possible that thu present
Bhowlng of force- may infltieiico
whatever of authority there, is in
that country, to seo whither they
aro drifting and the breakers ahead,
unless 'tltey ot together und 'he
pood, lint, at the present iiiuiiin.1,
H looks like Intervention.
a so after the first quarter century l
ntssed; then with Hie Hps of i!e
fi liners gently work the eie.un Into
the skin, heulnnln at t he hin aid
MmklttK upward and outward alotu: t ie
lines of (he jaw. continuing Hie pr .
In pa rn I lei lines, as It were, alcve l;
first and most Import nit one.
You will understand that the !;-! '-t
which is the most epro-r ; -A
to use should In ea h cne l . it
the chin or base of the iimh- -n r I
more or less ahor.i the; ih'- -Im
no rulihinj; to and fro. o f
pressure downward or a : , . a
journey of the m t-wiulnij:!-.
Some six or eiht st r w ' 'i.
number of good points, was mailed ,i,l,'r lo ,jiy some specirie eontlit Ions tfiveu slowly with firm li uu
at. .-.i i - !. i which are very commonly U he no-! pressure, should he chen to ti
to Ihiuili last im,t, h.,1 it tl(,, , n;.,,. .,, , ,,s, ,
slKIHid only Citiz.iMl". VluWr I hi' I I'lnlnlni'iil ninnmi tlu'm conn's lhMti:i In- In llic niiihll,' !'"
Btrirt lilies of iill iH'iVMiiaii.'rH oi' mil s(:i'"' ft' the fnco whit-h Is Ic.'lmii'allv i I In- hum! nil tho ni'lltat h.itit
ntKiulliiK, llm iminn of the ivi-itoi- r.l.l.-! tl- kn..w.i n f .;on-
. . l-iir. Nnlhinu' in 'V" :i::'Hi:. anil lew
- uiunt t.' HIKiK-it In any mlii l,. ii- i.,,,,,,!, ,m. f v. ,-,' ln,.-.' .i.'-lvu. Itv
pnlillriltlon, ("Villi thiillKh It la mil nf ;' I.10K1. Anil vnt II i n slali'
UM"(I lit the t'llil of tin' ai lu-h" w lu II
Dulillaliiiil. (lu aiinnni ,. tiu, m.
iliiuhtni) ini'iit l oiuain,-,! In Uua , oin
inniilialinn on (lie Innnl Issno, The
Nnwa will flin i rally ,nl)hsh It In
a Inter Ismie, If th.i wi'iter will cull,
or write Ilia name showliiK Ihe anth-ui-Kjiip.
After nil, heailllliera are only lo
lio folllli! Ill Hie iluinua nt llie C. I).
I". l)i.ii:ili'he9 from CllhaKo stale
tbnt tlmae III chart;" (if the ! li liiii
InnrlcH of the repiihlican national
ocinvi-iitlon, aro literally twnniiHiJ
'Willi ttlti'licationa for m-iiU at oin1
hundred dollars per M-ai, while
tii'keln for the Mt. Lonla affair can!
Imi had for the asking. As tlie (lie
Konlnn my: "It la worth cornel hliii:
lo peo tho next i eattlent of the
United Stales nominated '. i
first and tlilnl a !., ami l.c:
spiv-t ivcly. 'I'iils Is l lie ii" '
taut i:irt. nnd tlie itinount of
which Is devcled to the m!'l :
k.uIs mere in- h -s on the He
an he uh'en t'" the treainte.'i
slale of slie kltess in w hi h
has fallen.
il D-c , I
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Handy return-1 this afternoon after visiting In this
' ed to their home at Cottage Grove' i-ity for a few days.
UOUN To Mr. and Mrs. George
Jones, of 1324 N. Jackson street,
an S-uoiind boy.
i'IAN'0 KOK KliNT Kino, almost
new piuno for rent. Charles A.
Uraud. Phono 31. BS-tf
c'Uli iiAl.K Heliminishmeut on
liomestrad. Koj parutumrx wr'.io
A. Itonsli, Iioschlll'K. DSu-lllSllli
KOU SALE Pedigreed brlndle bull
pap, .') motuu old. iuu.,i la-..
oNS-ml T
WA.NTliU Qiiairyincn to work at
the cement, plant above Ciuacs
Btatioii. VBi". SSe per hour.
Sleaiiy work. fTT-nU'0(,
will, h conies on so In-iilloiMy thai few
H'"!'le are nware of it ihemseives,
W e all know II In olher people llie
less ef the dear line of the jaiv. the
dro"; of the cheeks and nioiilh, the
tuti'i'V iippearaiee nmler Ihe chin.
An! It has mtlhltie. Ie do with supcr
flolis ftell, nllh'MiL'h it Is couiiuonly
eensiot"i,Ml t't te llie result of fat:
Indeed, lu many cases an Increase In
plumpness hides rat her than out the condition. The mischief
K'"es hack to the uuderlyliitf muscles
mid so disproves the old ndai;e thai
Penny Is only sUln deep; and nothtnc
has a more disastrous effect, upon
tlii'M" muscles which, like til Hot rei erse position to that used
cushions, snpisirt the superstructure i ci her person, the thumps coiei" i;e
t"f the face than nniely and icrry w ard instead of d wuwar.l. as it i
lohhsl lo tin' strain of unaccustomed ! It would he rMronioly tirini;. even if
woik. lin-k i"f accustomed exercise and ; possible at all. to use the h:"mls I
i'O.t 1 KADH Will trade good
clean business, Kuaranteed to
yield over Jl.OuD.oi) profit a
month, for thoroughly equipped
iinincumhered farm. N. K.
Thr.nio. 517 X. Hock St.. Cen-
tralia. Wash. 5tii;-mlJ
(If course. It is a treltincMI c
more eas'Iy irlven by apolpel' '
when she will stand helil'id '
llent. and her hands, in im
position for - atari hiK. w ill h..1
fluirers nuM'tlm: under the '
the thuluhs mere 'r less on Hi
lint it Is really ipille easy .
lo"'s self if one starts In the tl. 1
lint Mils will he with Ihe hand
1 I .
Tomorrow- will he a j-.rcal .la for
Ull "bawkeyes" In the I' in pn n;v al
ly, for thin country is full of former
mHldontH ("f Iowa, md they will nil
ho on hand to hear ono of the
1irlnliMit men ever produced by their
slat. !
lie on.
And Ihe remedy?
Well, this Is, lu the early stases
aiuway. easily fouti'l In massinje with
a cream of sllululy astringent char
ai ter. h. h naik-- Is uv,.d is .( mat
tor for . !u., e. hut it should ; here, the fi'-st s m
he not ui I'ety an etnelll,-et or a e'eacs-' clr of nt'diUe ai; -.
other way on one'.- own face, hut the
cli.iinre of position, nliho'iir'i it would
not naturally su Kcst llclf. ui:kcs it
ipille easy.
ttavlm; done tbe all Pcport-id law
mil cheek, the undcrncalh par; or ti c
hln will In nest rases i'ltent:. n
'lei-eia'lx I'n re is n te '
f t:
Ie .-Mn. And
j Notice Ig 'lerehy given that the
undersigned, executor of the lust
I will nnd testament of l'riaeilla 1'.
Jei'l'ers. deceased, ha8 filed in tho
I County Court of the- Stale ot Ore
j con tor DoiiKlaa County his final
iu-coiiut as executor of said estate,
and that Tuesday, the day ot
,'. 1 Niay, l;t 15, nt tho hour' of 10 o'clock
a. ni. bss been fixed by said Court
as the time for hearing objections
to said account and the settlement
E. HAncEM.
Executor of the Inst will and testa
ment of Priscilla P. Jeffers, de
ceased. 47.1-ml5p
tin; rem ii. t-ni oee Uii--Ii ineorp -rites
innrt'itieuls to streni;theii the mU"vU's!
ti re.iuvciuiti (he tissues.
itn.e (nsM-sti'tl of this. It shoiiM be
put in little lumps wi tiie .l.'i h l.e ;x
nUe it lo the temple. If I her; nc
'i- 1" 1 l' in the !'!'rr
this, ten, I1'
ilerTnllv l.v tV
pn. Uletl It Is pi
e:ire!est aihl U'i:
'il i;llPe Wt'ti
: lie .r
Hi 1 1'
a led
ef the ihvi'k, ua will tuvbahly be tuciscta uut tu viruieut
c''iy'd''(e"ailhoi'"ii Our Aim is toiveyouRc sujls
: no m actor wi icl tunaoi o
! WintAd uou put in ova
ant l-1 , 1 . . ( i lt i f 11
chin eri'itioi l e ;
as it only too e-isl
coiu'.nt hi w hu U
Spring and Summer
In Dimities, Ilatistes, Voilos ami Silk Mixtures
Now On Display
New .Spring and Summer
For Ladies and Misses
ep t
is complete in every detail. Models for every
Our !
He Friendly, Come in and sec us Occasionally.
The Dependable Store