The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, May 11, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Frozen borries at Galls.
J. S. Hodges made a business
trip to Youcalla this morning.
Dance in Maccabce hall May lo.
given by Royal Highlanders. Ou 'l
orchestra, five pieces. Tickets ,1n
Henry Johns and wife, of Eugene,
arrived in this city last night and
will visit for a few days with rela
Charter No.
At the closo of business May 1, 1916. ,
Loans and discounts 1292,996.98
United Stntc3 Bands 12.500.00
Other Bonds, Stocks, etc....: 33,091.08
Bank Building and furniture 23,600.00
Other Real Estate K. 7,424.25
Cash in Vault and Banks 99,913.34
Capital ' 50,000.00
Surplus 15,000'.00
Undivided Profits 4,994.00
Circulation .. ; 12,495.00
Deposits 387, 037. 65
, 4GS). 62605
Safety, first, liberality next.
Both are essential to suc
cessful banking. If you are
satisfied with our platform
come and see us. : : ' : :
The Douglas National Bank
Capital and Surplus $130,000.00
Try a Itlt. Shasta at Galls'. 561-tf
Sheriff George Qutne made a busi
ness trip to Drain this morning.
Kodaks, Eastman puoto supplies,
at the Roseburg Book" Store. 494-tf
Sam Starmer, candidate for the
office of sheriff, left this morning
For high class, clean, Jersey milk,
' vail 33F23, Sanitary Dairy. .
; 673-ml3p
W. E. Bossernian returned last
night from Springfield where he. at
tended the funeral of bis father.
Mazelwooa French Vanila Ice
Cream on sale at the Rexall Drug
Store. ' 563-mlY
A. E. Kent left this morning for
Leona where he will' spend a short
time attending to business matters.
Hazelwood Frencn Vanila Ice
Cream on sale at the Kexall Drug
Store. 5G3-ml7
3Ir. C. M. Cheek, presiding -elder
of the M. E. Church, South, tl,ient
last night in this city, returning to
his home in Corvallis this morning.
Shoot with a Kodak, and send
your ' films to the Roseburg Book
Store for finishing. We do the best
work at moderate prices. 494-tf
E. Bradford, who lives at Rock
creek up by Glide, received word
yesterday afternoon that his wife
was sick here in West Roseburg
and needed him, and as it was too
late to catch the stage in and there
was no other conveyance to be had,
he started at four o'clock In the
afternoon on the long hike 25 miles
on foot. He arrived here at one
o'clork this morning and found ho
Gip out and present six coupons like the above, bearing
consecutive dates, together with our special price of 98c
Book on display at office of
6 98c Secure tlij $2.50 Voleme
Beautifully bound in rich Maroon cover stamped in gold,
artistic inlay design, with 1 6 full-page portraits of
the world's most famous singers, and com
plete dictionary of musical terms.
"I4CAPT fTWf'" The song book with e soul I 400 of the
niUJ-l 1 JWllUJ song tianiti of the world In one yoU
ame of 500 pages. Chosen by 20,000 music lovers. Pour years to complete
the book. Every song a gem of melody. jgy t 9,6
was in time to greet the new ar-
rival of a nine-pound boy. That
was some tramp over part of the
mountain roads.
H you want to buy or sell If you
have rooms to rent -If you have. lost
something, try a classified ad. They
bring results. (
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gotter, of En
terprise, Ore., who have 'been visit
ing her mother in this city, left
this morning for a visit at Corval
lis. '
Big Bargain value ' in dried
peaches, fancy size, fresh stock.
While they last 10 lbs or more at
5c per lb. People's Supply Co.,
wholesalers to the consumer. 567tf
County Treasurer James Sawyers,
who Is a candidate to succeed him
self at the coming primary election,
left this mornln gto meet with some
of the citizens of Yoncalla.
For sale, all kinds of bedding
plants, Canterbury bells, and Pan
ama Exposition grade of pansie
plants on sale at Gall's confection
ery, Cass street. Phone 4lf. Mrs.
F. D. Owens. 375-tf
Attorney General Georgo M.
Brown will deliver the address at the
Memorial services to be held in Eu
gene on Decoration Day, May 30.
The exercises are to be held in the
I. O. O. F. cemetery thore.
. Tho missionary society of the M.
E. church. South, will hold their'
mooting on this coining Thursday aft
ernoon, at the home of Mrs. W. J.
Hughes, v04 Spruce street, and all
members are requested to be pres
ont. - W. H. Richardson Is planning
some extenshi Improvements to the
interior of his drug store on the
corner of Cnsg and Jackson streets.
The rear partition will be set back
several feet so as to give more
room for the main part of the store
while a thoroughly equipped pre
scription room will bo built In. the
rear of the building.
Instead of tho regular mid-week
prayer meeting on Wednesday night
at the Christian church," the Young
Ladies' Missionary Circle will give a
special program, consisting of a mis
sionary play, entitled, "A Living-
Dream," also "The Ten Virgins,"
dramatized. Special music has been
planned. No admission will be
charged, but an offering will be tnk
en. mlO
Big dance by Roseburg Concert i
Band on Thursday night, May 11, at
new ' Armory. Music by 30-piece
hand. 5S2-mllp
Miss Anna Hilllard, who has been
visiting with friends in Roaeburg, re
turned home to West Pork this
I wish to notify that my money Is
all invested and I have none to loan
at present. Alfred E. McCulloch.
Mrs. Ella Cavey, who has been
visiting Mrs. C. W. Hughes, returned
to her home at Grants Pass this
Bedding plants now ready. Call
on Mrs. F. D. Owens, the florist, at
Gall's Confectionery, Cass street.
Phone 414. 629-tf
R. D. Scofield, of Colton. Calif.,
who lias been attending to business
mattors in thlB city for sevoral days
returned home this morning.
Twenty-acro improved ranch one
mile from Myrtle Creek, to trade for
noseburg property. C. H. Arundel,
box 703, Roseburg, Or.' 63C-tf
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Emmons re
turned home to Medford this morn
ing after a short time spent In Rose
burg attending to ouSinoss matters
and visiting with friends.
Save your Junk. Best prices paid
for old rags, rubber, metal, hides,
wool, auto tires and sacks. Phone
188-R. I will call. Address 401
Fullorton St. 622-m26p
W. H. Gore, candidate for Joint
representative, who has been in this
city for a few. days, left this morn
ing for Myrtlo Creek, Riddle, Cau
yonville and other points whero he
will stop on his way homo to Med
ford. From the cheapest to the best
flour, you will find our prices low
est on all grades. Do not 'be mis
led by low quotations on inferior
grades. You will find the same
quality for less at the People's Sup
ply Co. We recommend High
Flight Flour. GG7-tf
Sidney Adams, of Oakland, yester
day paid a fine of $2.50 for cutting
corners In violation of the vehicle
ordinance. He as notified by the
night police about two weeks ao fb
appear before the city recorder, but
as he v.-as forced to leave town im
mediately failed to do so. On .his re.
turn he went to the city hall and
paid the fine Imposed.
Call for brown packago P. S. C.
coffee. You will ike it. Remem
ber the big dried peach special. Buy
your season's supply now. Dried
fruit is the only fruit practicable
for .carrying into the mountains.
Ten lb. Iot3 or more fancy dried
peaches at 5c per lb. See' them and
get them at the People's Supply Co.,
wholesalers to consumers. 57-tf
Wm. Bell, the weather obsorver of
this station, reported a telegram this
morning, stating that Baker, in this
state, and Boise, Idaho, both had
temperature of below 24 last night,
tho lowest on record at this date. He
mated that as It is a fruit Country
there, the damage would be very
large. To stop any alnrm for ex
treme drops of tempernturo In tlilB
locality, he said that the records of
the local oftlre show there has nver
boon lower than 32 recorded after
May 12.
An important real estute transac
tion was cloBed this week when Jim
Gu'Vman sold his fine largo farm in
T.ooking Glass valley to R. Mor
ris, of R2lni, Oregon. The place
contains 240 acres with about 180 In
cultivation and now In growing crop.
Having two good sets of new farm
buildings and being clone to the
store, school and church it is con
sidered a very fine location and a
nice home. Two fine teams and Ml
other slock, tools and machinery
were sold with the place. The new
owner will take possession of hi?
lew homo in a tow days, while Mr.
Goodman and family expect to move
to Salem where he intends to go
into business. The transaction was
Many of the French blouses of dell
tato colors of linen have a white vest
uid collar. This blouse, of flue blue
lnen, is laid in the fine French laundry
pleats and has a collar, vest and cuffs
of white linen, with blue itiset band
and a lace edge. The upper cuffs and
the shoulder are gathered Into shirred
and corded bauds.
uiade through the Perrine & Mars
ters real estate firm".
Marl; Tisdalo, of Sutherlln, was a
''s'noss visitor In tills city today.
O. E. Paul, of the Soldiers Home
left til is morning for a visit at Med
Mrs. A. Stock, of --.ard, return
ed home this morning after a day
spent shopping in this city.
Tho ladies of St. Joseph's cljurcli
vill sell homo cooked foods, aprons
handkerchiefs and other articles on
Saturday, May 27, last day of tho
Carnival. 672-tf
One of the most prominent doc
tors of the West who attended the
meeting of the Medical Association
hero, was Dr. A. C. Smith, of Port
land, the surgeon who performed tho
very successful operation on Carl D
Shoemaker, of The News. Tho repu
tation of Dr. Smith is not confined
to the state, but Is nation wide.
From a friend of Mrs. Lux In her
new' home in California, word was
received here that the Dr. will not
have to give up tho pleasuro of fish
ing he enjoyed so much here In
the Umpqnn, as a former resident
of Roseburg. Mr. Finn, who lives In.
Lindsay had invited him out to try
his luck on the "mud tats" thoro.
Dr. Lux was always known as a
keen, skillful and clean sportsman
while here, and his friends will be
glad to hear thnt ho ran still enjoy
the sport. They liko their new loca
tion very much.
Among the members of tlio party
of prominent democratic politicians
who were In tho city last night, was
Dr. J. V. Morrow, of Portland. In
conversation with tho doctor, it was
learned that his only son Is on tue
Belgian front In the medical scrvi
of tho American Red cross, he hav
ing gono thcro shortly after the
breaking out of the war. He hns
obtained great recognition and only
recently was signally honored by
King Albert who Tiersoniilly con-
ally conferred on him one of the
highest orders at his disposal, that
of' the Legion of Honor nd the
Order of Albert. 'I he word com
from France that he Is considered
one of the rising surgeons of the
world. Dr. Morrow Is one of the
candidates on the democratic ticket
for delegate-at-largo to tho St. Louis
"thm rnn Tinrn
in run i mm .
Use "Tiz" for puffed-upt burning,
aching, calloused feet
and corns,
Why go limping around irith aching,
puffed up fwt feet o tired, chafed,
ore and evrollen you can hardly get
your shops on or offf Why don't-you
get a Bo -cent box of 'Tie' from the
drug store now and gladden your tor
tured feet?
"Tii" make your ft glow with com
fort; takes down swelling and draws
the snreneM and misery right out of
feet that chafe, smart and burn. "Tlx"
instantly stops pain in corns, callouses
and bun inn a. "Tir." U trlorimia for
'tired, aching, sor feet. No mor ahM
tightness no mora foot tor tux a.
30 ncros in orcuaru. 12 acres In
A No. 1 bearing Italian prunos, bal
ance being a fine commercial or
chard, in the best of bearing. This
year's fruit crop estimated at (4.000,
15 acres in corn, 2 acres in potatoes.
Clover, vetch and oat hay crop will
make 30 to 35 tons. Fine 9-room mod
ern house, hot and cold water, bath,
pantry, etc., house well furnished.
Good barn, and complete set of out
buildings, in good repair. This plnco
Is watered by a fine creek, 2 good
wells, windmill, 3000 gallon tank,
gasollno engine and lump Lose
than a quarter of a mile to good store
postofflco nnd school. miles from
good town on S. P., and noar Roso
burg. On fine automobile road. 3
fine horsos, 2 good milch cows, 2
heifors, 13 hogs, about 100 chlckons,
turkoys, ducks, gceso; all farm and
orchard tools, doublp seated back,
buggy, wagon, 2 plowB, disc, hnrrow,
spray, machine; in fn,t everything
This In ull the very broccoli
Price $185 per arre. Good terms.
Grand Hotel Annex.
By pupils of MIsb Mabol VnnBurcn
at Presbyterian church on Mondny
evening, May 1G. Public Is cordially
invited. 684-ml5
Would you llko to drive to Chlca
go nnd back without a puncture?
You can if you have your tire filled
with National Rfubbor Tiro Flllor.
As oasy as nlr. II. Jay Stone, agent.
Tills is a most welcome rain wo
are having.
Every one has been busy cultivat
ing their orchards. .
Arthur Morgp.n, who was struck
by a base ball a week ago Hunriny,
is on tho mend.
Tho party at F. A. Becker's Satur
day evening was ono of the many so
cial events that havo taken pluce
hero this sprint?.
Rev, Uuinmel, of Wilbur, Rave a
very Interesting sermon Sunday aft
ernoon. Runnel Fleser has y turned from
his surveying trip south of Rose
burg. Geo, Reynolds was on tho sick list
i- Ji (LP ITU
That's where the
Grafanola is pre
eminent. It brings to you the pure and varied tones of any musical In
strument, snd tho beauty and Individuality of the human voice-
absolutely true to Ufa. Why not let us prove this to you today
West Side Grocery. All stock,
fixtures, horse, wagon."
- E. C. BENSON ,
. 1 Receiver.
Room' 4, Com. Club. Building. -
but is ahlo to be about again and
resume his work. "
' R. W. Vanwey and son-in-law, Bam
Ogle, made a business trip to Rose
burg ono day last week.
News is rathor scarce.-
Furniture Co.