SEVEN BENT, BELL OR TRADE YOUR HOME OR RANCH BY USE OF A NEWS "WANT AD." THE NEWS CLASSIFIED AD PAGE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS TRY THEM. EVERYBODY READS THEM. THE EVENING NEWS. TUESDAY, APRII 25, MM. I FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate lor the republican nomi nation at the primary election to be held on May 19, 1916, for the office of circuit Judge for the second judic ial district, composed of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lane, Benton and Lincoln counties, for the next ensuing term If I am nominated and elected to said office. I will administer Justice economically, Impartially and with out fear or favor. I have no enemies to punish or friends to reward. Every litigant, plaintiff and de fendant coming before me, shall have a square deal. My motto shall be "A square deal to . all. Special privileges to none.' pd. ad. C. A. SEHLBREDE. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I herewith-announce my candidacy ' before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket, for the office of District Attorney for Douglas coun ty, subject to the decision of the Qualified voters. My platform will be enforcement of the law, and economy in its administration, pd. adv. GEORGE NEUNER, Jr. I herewith announce my candidacy before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket., for the office of District Attorney for Douglas coun ty, subject to the decision of the aimed voter3. adv. I. B. RIDDLE. FOR KEl'RHSENTATIVE. I hereby announce that 1 am a candidate for republican nomination for representative in the state legts i,,,r smliiect to the doelidou of the voters at tlio primary election. If elected. I shall give the bqsiness- oi h t-,tn ihe same careful considera- .; t wniilrt give the business of a private individual who retuined Die to look after bis interests, pd. ad. OltA II. PORTER x horoi.v announce mj candidacy for representative on the republican ticket, tubject to the decision of the voters at the primaries, to Da held on May 19, 1916. "The people1! Interests are my Interests." pa ad. roy griogs. I BELIEVE IN OREGON and Douglas county, Its present and fu ture; in rural development as the basis of town prosperity; In good roads radiating from local centers; in demanding value received for ev ery cent of taxes; In the best system of educatun for the young; In clean politics, economical business administration of public property, and fewer laws; in representation ..mora nd business men by a farmer and business man. I therefore , announce myself as a candidate ior nomination for Rep resentative from Douglas County at thfcjoming primary election, ii you ar for these things I respectfully solicit your vote. CHARLES A. BRAND, pd. adv. Wilbur, Oregon. . ' FOR CLERK. i announce my name as a candidate on the reuubllcan ticket, for the office of clerk of Douglas county, subject to the decision of the voters at the May primaries, pd. adv. CHARLES W. CLARK t vomiiv announce myself as candidate for the democratic nom ination for County Clerk at the pri mary election on May 19th. 1916. pd. ad. B. H. LENOX. - FOR SHERIFF. To the voters of Douglas County: I herewith announce my candidacy for sheriff of Douglas county, on the republican ticket, at the primaries to be hedl on May 19, 1916. pd. ad.-ml3 SAM W. STARMER. I hereby announce myself as a republican candidate for sheriff of Douglas county, at the primaries. May 19. 1916. rrt. ad. FRANK BARAGAR. I herewith announce myself s a candidate fr re-nomlnation as a c-urt'dlae for the office of sheriff of Dnitelas county, subject to the de-rtsl-i of tho republican voters at th May primaries, pd. ad GEORGE K. QL'INE. i rpmbv announce myself as a candidate "for sheriff of Douglas rounty on -be democratic ticket, sub i. t to U' decision of the primaries tit te held r-u the 19 of May. pd. adv. HARRY PEARCB. l'KTEY RINK I'etoy Never Will Crow Up to the Old Man lty Vol8ht ' P OOSH IM A NtA,OE MIPI f NESJiRCE ' TwwT EMCtlV MftW IM SKOHOVKE. p WcfcLB TRUST AT THE AGE OP POUD V J Si-I Picutc Tbustvvmo c.h J HiMsev-P Javs To me, He sans, P dcav. SIGN CWECK4 6NO EvEtff- 1 peTU, TwerJES KlOBoDN KVIOW V1- L V : TV-IVWC y lop THAT 5 OCH CYCCUTWE S ,sfl5-s W , ' VA-BttlTW J s- ri S - . wv Mmwm- mm i fAM'MC sanPN ( PETEN K,jlf (j-tS) - SAM "BOSSES 1 TJOBU COMMA.WDER& j CACUW6V0U ! f fl I AM' CET ME 4 PACKAGE - ! V AMD 7?0.t S ' "BAKIO 5MoIM6- 1 ' L ' .fr..- S AWD CHEVWIKI& . J y r- X N A. ( T AVW HURFTN IT UP! FOR """REASL'RER I herewith announce my name a a candidate for renomlnatlon for th office of treasurer of Douglas coun ty on the republican ticket, subjec to the decision of the primary elec tions to be held In May. pd adv. JAMES R SAWYERS. I hereby announce my name as a candidate for the position of treas urer of Douglas county, on the re publican ticket, subject to the de cision of the primaries to he held In May. MRS. INEZ MILLER, pd. ad. FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a republican candidate for the office of county commissioner of Douglas county, subject to the primary elec tion o he held May 19, 1916. 1 stand for a straight business admin istration. A HENRICKSEN, pd. adv. Oakland, Or. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county commissioner of Douglas county, on the republican ticket, subject to the primary election to be held in May, 1916. pd. adv. ARTHUR E. STOCKER. To the voters of Douglas county: I will be a candidate for the of fice of Commissioner of Douglas county on the republican ticket, be fore the primaries to be hold in May, and solicit your su-pport. pd. ad. J. T BRIDGES. To the voters of Bouglas county I wil be a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Douglas county on the republican ticket, before the primaries to be held In May, and solicit your support. W. P.. ST. JOHN, pd. adv. Sutherlln. I hereby announce my name as a candidate on tho republican ticket, for the office of commissioner of Douglas county, at the primaries to h lntf ID T rpRnertfllllv fio- ... - - r - , licit your support, and If nominated: and elected, will aim tp give a good business administration of county af fairs. JOHN BUSKNBARK, pd adv. Melrose, Ore. FOR ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a re- aulillcan candidate for the offlre ofi county assessor of Dsuglas county. iibject to the primary election to bej bold May 19. 1916. pd. ad. CHARLES ROBERTS. I hereby announce mjself as a republican candidate for the office of county assessor of iuougias couu ty. subject to the primary election to be held May 19. 1910. pd. ad. D. P. McKAY. I hereby announce my candidacy for 'the republican nuutiuution foi County Assessor at the primary elec tion in May, believing that seven years' experience under Assessoi Calkins has qualified me to efficient ly perform the duties of this office, pd. aCv. GUT! CORDON. I herewith announce my candidacy for assessor of Doutgas county on the republican ticket at the May primaries. I Btand for Just and equal assessment tb all which ray record will bear out, and respectfully solicit your support H. W. JONES, pd. adv. Myrtle Creek. I herewith announce my candi dacy on the republican ticket for tin office of assessor of Douglas county subject to the will of the voters a. the primary to be htld May 19, 1916. Having had 20 years' export ence In tho general merchandisitu- busiuess, gives me sufficient knowl edge to ennblo me to give the tn payers a Just and equitable assces ment. pd. adv. A. A BELLOWS, FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby announce myself as a re publican canuldate to.' tho ofrice of surveyor of Douglas county, Bubject to the primary election toy be held May 19, 1916. pd. ad. MILTON D. 0ERMOND. I hereby announce myself as a can- 1 i dldate for the offlco of county sur veyor, of Douglns county, subject to tho primary election to be held on Muy 19, 1916. , pd. adv. FRANK CAIN. I OR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for the of fice of Justice of the Peace for Deer Creek district, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election to be held .May 19, 1916. pd. advt. CHAS. F. HOPKINS. I will be a candidate on the re publican ticket at the May primaries, for the office of Justice of the Peace for Deer creek district, and renpoct fully Bollcit the support of the elect ors at said primary. R. II. GRINSTED, pd. adv. Roseburg. Foil" SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. To the voters of Douilas county I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county school Bup- erinteadent, Bubject to the will of j Ihe voters of Hie republican party 3ocond term. .Very respectfully submitted, Ml. ad. O. C. BROWN. t'Oii COKONliU. 1 hereby announce my candidacy or the oflico of coroner of Dons as county on the repulllcau ticket. ..ujeel to the decision of tho voter! a the primaries to bo held on tin Ulh of Muy, 1916. DR. C. B. WADE, pd. ad. Roseburg FOR SALE. FOR SALE 1st cutting alfalfa hay at Farmers Feed Shed. 427-tf FOR SALE Good clean oat hay, baled. Address R. A. Calhoun, Wllnur, or phono 31F4. 456-mSp FOR SALE 14 hoad of plg3 paBt 2 months old. J. T. Epperly, Jr., Melrose, phone 24P11. b77-tf ('OK SALE Hay gelding. I years old, gentle and true, ItSOO pounds. J. 1. Chapman, W'.lbur, Ore. 281-tl FOR SALE 110 head well bred Aiit'ora goats. Will trade for stock caitle.' J. F. Barker, Rose burg, Oregon. 437-tf FOR SALE 108 acres of good bottom land. . For description and prico address Lock Box 25, Camas Valley, Ore. 399-a20p i'OU fALI'I The. News has a hum ber 0! r.;;cUuf fl uf papers for sal at 5 und lu cents per package. Good big bundles. Make cliea:) f I in stiirt'Ta. t FOR S.M.M Number one baled oats and vetch hay, $ 16.00 per ton. Toj buggy, good as new $u5.00. Muin tain House Ranch, Rt. 1 Itoso- burg. 422-m2p FOR SALE Tomato, Geranium Fancies. Asters and all kinds of flower plantB. J. W. Dowcll, 1265 l'muiiim avei Phono 2i B-J . 004-m20p DAHLIA BULBS FOR SALE Finest selected variety, guaranteed to grow and true to name. John E Runvnii. 801 -Mosher St. Phone sk-.t MKl-mn FOR RALE Lot In Edenbower DOx 120. 4-room houBe built within a Year, on Pacific highway. Bar gain at $450.00 for quick deal Address li. M. Stone, Edenbower Oregon. 472-a26p FOR HALE- SO acres, 30 acres tlll 50 teres, oak timbered, pas turn land, good Improvements; will be sold cheap on easy terms. No trade. Address, Box 1C6, Breckway, Douglas county, Ore gon. 422-tf FOR SALE 16 inch oak or til wood. . Call phone 202 for prices. 439-tf POU SALIC AT A BARGAIN Water motor' In good condition. Can be Been at News offico: .tf FOR . SALE Baled hay, oat or wheat and vetch. Fred Fisher. Edenbower, Or. Phono 26F2. 426-tf FOR SALE Work team, two wag ons. Cheap If taken at once. See Grant Wilcox, North Side. 448-tf FOR SALE Two cylinder Maxwell auto. Price (25.00. Cun be seen at Ivor's Garago on Ouk Streot. 611-a29p FOR SALE OR TRADE One regis tered Short Horn bull. B. R. Ban ning, Roseburg, R. F. D. 1. 496-ml9 FOR SALE 4-room house, plaster ed, electric lights, sower and t lots, east front paved streot on S. Jackson, 1 block S. of Rose school. Price $1100.00. E. H. Hillings, phone 161-J. 440JB FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn and Barred Rock day-old chicks, Muy and June hatch, $8.50 and $11.50 yor hundred. Dato of hatch: May 3, 9, 10, 24. Plnco your orders early. G. W. Hurt, Roseburg. Phono 17F.1. 489-tf FOR SALE 9 frosh Jersey cows, 7 calves, 2 bulls, 2 6-ycar-old mares. 1 heavy horso, mower, binder, 8 barrows, separntor, 1200-ogg in cubartor, gas engine, sa. grind er, chopper, wagon, hack, har ness and saddlo. J. M. Mooro RoBcburg, 402 Fullerton-St. 479-tf W ACTED. WANTED By experienced land ncapo gardener, work caring for lawns, steady Job preferred. Phono n02-R or West Sldo Grocery. J. W. Stoops. A483-a31p FOR RENT Three light housekeep ing rooms. Call 335 N. Hobo St. Phone 41 5-Y. 512-a29 FOR RENT Either 2. 3 or 4 mod ern furnlBhed houHekeepltig rooms with Bleeping porch, also bed rooms, 420 8. Mill St. 506-a28p L. G. HICKS SURVEYOR 223 Perkins IIiiIMIiir RoonharK, Ore. Phone 181-11 Drs. Seely Sether and Stewart. Physicians ana Surtii'ons Suit of offices. Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground Floor, . Plione 8(t7 ltoseliiii'K . . Oregon DR. B. R. S'HOEMAKER Physician & Surgeon. Office rooms 219-221) Perkins Building rhonui Office 194 Residence 319 DR. GEO. E. HOUCH Physician & Surgeon. Office Perkins Bid,, Phone S. Roseburg, Oregon DELAPP & SNELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Itms SOO, 207, 208 Perkins Uld Iti'hldcnco I'lionew 210-L Offlco IMuino lllO. DR. N. PLYLER Licensed Chiropractic Physician 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Or. Consultation and Examination Free. Offlcollou'' 0 to ,5. . , Sunduys ' and evonlmgl by Appointment, Phone 152. CIIAS. F. HOPKINS Attorney at tjiw Roiini 1 1:0 1'crliliw UlOg, Ro.selmrg, Oregon. Especial attention glvon to con veyancing and the examination of titles to real estate. Prac tices in all sta've and federal courts. Of. Phono 9H4 Itos. Plume 120-U C. B. WADE Physician & Surgeon. Rooms 415-10 Perkins llulldlng Kowburit .... Oregon The Heinline School ot Music. Mrs. Charles Heinline, Director Mrs. Max Combs, Asst. Teacher, Beginners a Bpeolallty; Concert Pianists Developed. Morning classes In Kindergar ten; children called lor anil taken home. Studio 423 Ella St. Phone US-R. TEACHERS & PUPILS ATTENTION Tho News office has a splon dld quality of bond paper put up In pound pacakagos (200 sheets to the pound, site 8'Ax7) nt 25 cents per package. tf Surveys Estimates GERMOND AND FREAR lM'i.l.i K IHINI.V OJ'OI'H. Civil ICiiKlnot-ra And Hurreyora ItoMilmrK, Oregon ItiKmi 0 Masonic Blldg. Phone 887 NICHOLS & MARTIN ; EN Kit A L CONTRACTORS Plans and estimates furnished on carpenter, brick and couiont work. Patronago Sollcitod. Phone M8-T Dr, R. P. Bradford & Wife Licensed Chiropractic Physicians. In Practice 7 Years. All Chronic Diseases our specialty. Consultation and examination free. All oils promptly attend ed. Phones, office 260. Res. 855-J. Hours, 9 to S. After office hour call nt 8111 N. Jackson street. If you have floiuctSiIng to Hell or trndn. if von wtnt lo buv or rent. try a claBslflod ad, Tho coat, U small tbey bring results. jv..:s..'.jz.'Z-:-