BIX THE EVEX1NU NEWS, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1016. GLENDALE NEWS LODGE DIRECTORY. Whon you want the very best Re mem be "Diamond W" Canned Fruits & Vegetables Will satisfy. Our stock of these Is very complete. Price and quality satisfy. THE CASH STORK WE SAVE YOU MONEY 125 CASS STREET i.ypnii.jiiiM),MUfflmtmn ALL LAUNDRY ItWEIVKD OX FRIDAY I1Y 0 A. M. will hh delivered Saturday ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY ASK VH AltOUT OUH I'KICES OX HOUGH IHtY FAMILY WASIILNQ Phone 79 and Our Autos Will Call SPRING CLEANING is Easy with the aid of aVACUUM CLEANER Wo ront tliom for 'Ale an hour. Wo sell them for 1 1..1(, $:t5.()U $1.W.M. Roseburg Electric Company Phone 123 234 N. Jackson Not in the Combine WK WISH TO INFORM TUB PIJDUC THAT WE HAVE ESTAD LISllUDOUR OWN PRICES and ake in no WAY affiliatku WITH THOSE WHO HAVE COMBINED TO RAISE! THE PRICK OF MEAI.S ON MAY 1st. Our Price is 10c and up. The Cafeteria PHONE 8t 122 CASS ST. ijHiagrafj-tTPwy The NORTH SIDE GROCERY Tho E ister entertainment at Olivet church, drew i ktrge congregation. Tho Easter cantata, "Death and I. iiu," v. as wull rendered and other numbers ou the program elicited spe cial commendation. The choir of the Presbyterian church and the young people of the city had charge of the exercises, rand our young, people cer tainly bavo talent that under direc tion can produce splendid results. .Mr. and Mrs. Farn Harral, of Hol nians valley, were city visitors ou Saturday. A. V. Trump, a Fortland business man, spent Sunday in this city. Mrs. Cutsforth, of Kiddle, is viBit in at tile home of her son and fam ily In this city, Chas. Cook and wife, of Wolf creek, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. McNieholus, in Glcndale. Ospt. T. F. McOinnis returned from an extended business trip to Portland last week. We regret to hear that Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis will leave this city after the school closes and will make their home in a northern city. They, with tholr interesting family, Will be missed In this community, where they have many friends who sincerely regret tholr going. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stafford, of Eu gene, who have been visiting at the Pollock farm, returned to Eugene on Tuesduy. Frank Maxwell has resigned his position as section foreman and will leave for Portland soon. Mr. Max well has a host of friends who re gret his going. Work on the Pacific hinhway from tho Cow creek bridge to Stage Gulch pass, will commence in two weeks. The right of way is being secured for the same. - Ilov. Dr. J. W. Knott, and R. M. Eborlo, of this city attended the Presbytery of Southern Oregon, which was held at Mcdford last wee,k. Sam W. Starmer, candidate 'for the nomination for sheriff on the Re publican ticket spent two days in this valley last week. Air. Starmer went out to Galesville, on the Cow creek road Saturday and returned to Rose burg Sunday evening. James Thomas, the Anchor, post master, was In Glendale Friday. He reports a rush of farm work on ac count of the delay caused by inclem ent weather. Mrs E. E. Wall and two daughters, who have spent tho winter with rela tives In this city, left for their home at Medford on Saturday, Later on she will go to Kcnnet, Calif., where her husband Is superintendent of a large mine. Jacob Cline, one of our leading citizens, is just recovering from two weeks' illness. We are pleased to note his recovery. Mrs. A. T. Reynolds, of Portland. was tho guest of her sistor, Mrs. F. C. I. add last week. Miss Alva Wilson returned to Eu gene on Sunday to resume her studies at the university. uMOLLlE. K-AGLKS Roseburg Aeno meets in their halt od Jackson street, 2nd -knd 4th Monday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock Visiting breth n good standing always welcome Howard Hess, W. P.; B. F. Good man, W. Sec. Phone 183. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOKK Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets In every Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Visiting brothers invito to attend. P. E. Foster, Dictator; . H. O. Pargeter, Secretary. A. F. A A. M., Laurel Lodge No. 13 Kegrlar Communications 2nd and fourth Wednesdays each month at Masonlo Temples, Roseburg, Ore Visitors welcome. R. D. Williams, IV". M.. w. P. Harris. Sec. Brotherhooc or American Teomeu. Mt. Nebo Homestead 1828. Meet a'. Maccabee hall every 2nd and 4tb Wednesday. Visitors welcome. H W. Evans, foreman; C. V.', Cloake, correspondent. WOODMEN OF THK WORLD Oak Camp, No. 125. meets at the Odd Fellows ball In Roseburg, every first and third Monday eVenines. Visiting neighbors always wel come. Carl C. Gurtert, C. C; M. M. Miller, clerk. K. OF P. Alpha Lodge No. 47 meets every Wednesday eveninr; in .1. O. .O. F. Hall. Visiting Knights always welcome. Pay dues to Roy F. Durbin, M. of F., at "Duds for Men" storo. A. J. Hochradel, C. C; E. E. Wimborly, K. R. S. . O. R. M. Umpqua Tribe No. 44 holds stated councils the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Eagles Hall, N. Jackson street. Visiting chiefs always welcome. W. S. Howard, Sachem; (., H. Tei'Cln skl, C. of R.; W. C. CJaddls, K. of W. 1. P. O. . RoseDurg Lodge, No 826, holds regular communication! at their temple on second and fourth Thursdays of each month. All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. A C. Seely. E. R.: I. B. Riddle. Sec. NOTICE TO TAKE VP IIOXDS HAVE A FULL LINE OK Groceries, Flour and Feed TO SELL! THE Y ARE PAYING 18c for Eggs Notlco Is hereby given that the City Improvement Bonds of tho City of Roseburg, Oregon, numbered 20 ! 27, 28 and 29 in Series "H" have ; been called for payment nnl will be j taken up and cancelled on the first j day of May, 1910. Interest will ( reuse on said date. Also all City j Improvement Bonds of tho City of I Roseburg, Oregon, previous to and I Including No. IIS in Series "I," have been called for payment and will be taken up nnd rancellnd on the fif teenth day of May, 1910. Interest thereon will cease on said date. Dated this 2nth day of April, 1916. CITY OF ROSEIH'RG, Py Corinno C. Alley. ."lOO inl City Treasurer The North Side Grocery ALTON S. I'ltF.Y, Prop. THERE ARB AS GOOD FISH IN THE SEA As have e,r been caught" an.l some of them have como more than half way to meet you. They have come up tho river as far as UoHcbmg - R:i.iey fellows and sond Junipers; but they can't Jump Into your huket. Yet '.he bas'.et Is where they belong and hero is where von mt the kind of Rod, Line, Reel, Hook and Bait th t putt them there. XATIIAV I I I.LF.HTOV I'orklim llllll.llilK. His ttexaSJL Store CLEANING PRESSING REPAIRING You have been passing our estab lishment dally and no doubt noticed that we do expert work. You have concluded to bring in that suit which really needs our attention, but have neglected to do so. LET IS SAVE YOU THE TKOl'ItLK Phono us right now. Wo call for and deliver. No extra charge. IMPERIAL t'I.EA.ERS Sia N. Ja,kwn St. Phone S77 ROSEHUHO NEST No. 1117, Order of Owls, meets first and third Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Eagles Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome Ross Goodman, president; G. W Horner, secretary . O. O. F. Union En amjmeut No !, meets in Odd Fe.lown Temp) i every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. E. S Cockelreas, C. P.; J. B. Bailey, II. S.: James Ewart. F. S. I. O. O. F. Phlletarian LnflRe, No. 8, meets in Odd Fellows Temple. corner of Jackson and Cass streets on Saturday evening of each week Members of the order In irood standing Invited to attend. P. B Turnell, N. O.; O. H. Pickens, V O.; J. B. Belled F. 8.: M. M. Mill er, R. 8.; W. T. Wright. Treas. REIIEKAIIS Koseourg Rabekab Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F., meets In. Odd Fellows Temple every Tuesday evening. Visiting sisters and brothers Invited to attend. Laura Knbkee, N. G-; THIle John son, Rec. Sec.; Elsie Humphrey, F 8ec: M. Fickle. Trws. I. O. O. F. Rising Biar Lodge No. 174, meets In Odd Fellows Tempi i every Friday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. F. B. Hamlin, N. G.; J. II. Harsh, V. O.-i Carl W. Ohman, ' Rec. Sec; M. Ftckel, Fin. Sec; A. 8. Hunt, Treas, L.-.O. T. M Roseburg Hive No. 11, holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday evenings In Maccabee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting in the city are cord ially invited to attend our reviews. ' Maccabee ball on Cass street, Rllzabeth Piorce, tady com.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. "Heart Songs." The Most Famous Song Book in the World Has Had A Large Distribution by The Evening News Over 400 Complete Songs with Words and Music fell Greatly Reduced Size. Full Size 7x9 1-2 inches Nearer, My God, to Thee S. V. A DAMS L MaJON aiflbjrj.)-l .--t ,i-L-j-lJj4H . , i. Weir tr, tnj God, to Ttm.Mear tr to The; s, Ttougbliko tbft vaa-der-er, TtM tua goni down, 3. Tbert t th waj ap-per Sttpa on to heaven 4. Or if oo Joj-tul wto,ClMv-ta tb aky, E'en tho' it bo crow Dirk-aeu bo o r too, All that Thou oeod-ott do Soajaooa, and itaia tot-got. (Found on Page 423, "Heart Songs1) i Saeah Flower, born at Great Harlow, England, in 1805, married William Bridges Adams, a civil engineer, in 1834, and for his sake gave up the dramatic ambitions and career to which she had looked forward. "Nearer My God to Thee" was written by her in 1840, and first published by the Rev. William J. Fox, at London, in a Hymnal for his Church. Later, the air to which it is now sting was adapted to it by Lowell Mason from one of Sir John Andrew Steven son's "Irish Melodies." It will be remembered that President McKinley, just before his last farewell, said, "It is God's way. His will be done, not ours," and whispered, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and on the Sunday following, in many churches (as on Thursday at the funeral services) this great hymn was sung by thousands, not only in Protestant churches but by Catholic cathedrals, nnd notably at a Memorial Service ordered by King Edward VII, in Westminster Abbey. ' "HEART SONGS" IS THE One Great Song Book of the Age A Complete Musical Library in One Volume 500 Large Tages. 400 Songs. Beautiful Art Binding. Clean Cut Music Text. Clear Type. Fine Paper. Coupon, in Today's Paper, Explains Terms SHOOT v KODAK and send your films to us for HEVKLOPIXtJ AM PRINTING Rest work at moderate prices. Kinlnks KnMnmn Photo Supplier. ROSKlinul ROOK STORK lUweburg Otvgun TNITEJ) ARTISANS Assembly. 105 meets at tbe Maccabee hall every first and third Wednesday even ing. Visiting members are always welcome. Elsla Humphrey, M. A. Aline Hoffman, P. M. A.; Emma Faulkner, Secy. . O. K. 8. Roseourg CUapter, No. S holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays In each month. Visiting members In good standing are respectfully Invited to attend. Marie M. Rlter, W. M.; Free Johnson. See. W'OMEX OF WOODCRAFT Lllao Circle, No. 4S, meets on first and third Monday evenings of each month In tbe I. O. O. F. hall. Vis iting members In good standing re Invited to sttend. Elms Level len, O. N.; Clara Cawltlold, dark ILL A World Beater The New Sharpies Special The Suction-Feed Tubular Sep arator, Twenty-eight new fea tures. Uniform thickness of cream regardless of speed. -VOW OX DISPLAY AT THE DouglasCo. Creamery