TKK EVENING NKTW9, TUISSOV, APRllffivYoie. . FIVW c VON BERNSTORFF TRIES TO SAVE GERMAN AGENT CHARGED WITH CRIME AGAINST U. S. ains Extraordinary! Barg fe rf&l 0KN ?J "CSSN s ' - Wolfe von Igel after nis arrest, trying to hide from photographer. Despite the emphatic protest of Count von Bernstorff, German am bassador to the United States, Wolfe von Igel, former secretary of Fran von Papen, has been placed under arrest on a charge of plottuig against the neutrality of the United States. Von Igel is suspected of having conspired with other Germans in this country to dynamite the Wellund canal. INVESTIGATES FOR BOX FACTORY Mr. C. J. Kalia, or Wathena, Kans. arrived in Roseburg last nislit and spent today looking about the city and investigating conditions for the erection of a box factory in this city. The factory, if erected, will be worked in connection with the Kendall saw mill and will furnish boxes firfthe fruit industry in south ern Oregon. Henry Richardson, of the bureau of industries of the Com mercial club has been in correspond ence with Mr. Kahn for some time and has kept him fully Informed In regard "to the existing conditions. Mr. Kahn stated today that should he tind that it was certain that the saw mill proposition would be car ried at the coming election he would start work on the construction of the mill at once."" "tie wbuloV thek' ship in lumber until such a time as the waste from the Kendall mill is available at which time he would Hopes Women Will ,. Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass of hot water each morn ing helps u look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a good clear skin; a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom from Illness are assured only by clean, henlthy blood. If only every woman and likewise every man could realize the wonders of Uie morning Inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men. women and girls with pasty or muddy complex ions; Instead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundown.," "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy cheeked people everywhere. An Inside bath is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea Bpoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wnsh from the stomach, liver, kld nevs and ten' yards jf bowels the pre vious day's' Indigestible waste, sour fermentations f.and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before puttihgmore food Into the stomach. Those subject to Bick headache, bil iousness, nnsty breath, rheumatism, colds; and partlculary those who have a pallid, sallow complexion ajufwho are constipated very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound o limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but a trifle but la sufficient to dem-jtistrate the quick and remarkable change In both health and appearance a waling those who practice internal sanii'ition. Wo must remyr'-er that inside cleanliness Is more "V.mporta'nt than outside, be cause the skin does not absorb Impur ities to contnmlnete the blood, while the pores in the thirty feet of bowels do. SVPIiKMK c;u i:t ukveksks HAMILTON' 1 liA.Vii CASK. (Special to The News.) SALK.M. April ?,r. The su preme court today reversed Judge Hamilton's decision in the suit of Mary Dewar against The First National Bank, in an action to recover money. I cbntract with this company for lum I ber to supply his demands. I Ho has had a great deal of ex j perience in this line and believes 1 that there is a great future ahead j for this part of the country. He be- lleves that with the fruit crop of Douglas county should come methods j of caring for it and that a box fac tory would be a paying proposition, not only to the producer but to the user as at the present time boxes must be shipped in small quantities and are very expensive. Willi the growth of timber avail able to the saw mill and the quality of timber which could be obtained by the box factory, boxes which could compete with any manufactur ed in the United States could be pro duced here at a very small cost, re sulting in. u great saving tu the fruit grower. Mr. Kahn expects to remain In Roseburg for several days continu ing his investigations. MAM FIRMS Hl'IIMIT II11W ll'OX FEDERAL HIILMNG The call for bids for the Rose burg federal building attracted wide attention, as do bids of such charac ter and firms from all parts of the country submitted estimates. Telegraphic dlspn-tches reaching Roseburg today stated that Stbbtnger Bros., of Portland were the lowest bidders on the contract. Their bid was $S4,045 tor sandstone and $83, 744 for limestone. The contract has not yet been awarded. The following list of names wrote to the J. G. Flook Lumber Company of this city for their estimate on mill work for the building. Besides these there were others who figured on this line themselves and whose names d not appear In the list. H. F. Aline, Seattle; Welsh Bros., Oakland, Calif.; Campbell Bldg. Co., Salt Lake City; Hiram Lloyd Bldg. & Construction So., St. Louis; King ! Lumber Co.. Charlottesville, Va.; Stebinger Bros., Portland. Oregon; Thomas W. Cissell, Wooster, Ohio; J. B. Sweatt & Co., Spokane, Wash.; Palmberg & Mattsom, Astoria, Ore.; J. S. Winter, Portland, Ore.; Olsen A Johnson Co. Missoula, Mont.; Sound Conhlruction & Kngineerins Co., 8e- i t tie. Wash.; W. V. Zlndorf, Seattle. ' Wash.; Arthur W. Kutsrhe, Portland. Ore.; Construction & Engineering j Co.. San Francisco; T. B. Young, ; & Co., Seattle. Wash.; The Morrill i Co.. Bedford, lnd.; John Wallin. Ta t coma. Wash.; Central Poor & Lum i ber Co., Portland, Of"e. Ladies' Spring Suits at a Fraction of Their Cost We received a few days since a large shipment of Ladies' Spring Suits These suits were to have been delivered to us in March we refused them, but the manufacturers rather than have them returned made us such a liberal allowance that we decided to keep them and give our customers the benefit. THEIR LOSS WILL BE YOUR GAIN Striking models in beautiful weaves, poplins, gaberdines, serges and beautiful mixed goods; a large range of colors and all sizes, and range in price from $19.50 to $25.00. We have bunched them all together and while they last we give your choice at $14.95. , : .. ; , I a Come at once They will not last long , at the price offered t ' $14.95 ' ! Jl J. A. HUCHAXAX TO SI'KAK. lUwiclmi-fr Man Will Address Kugene thlil Fellows. Hon. J. A. Buchanan, of Rose burg, has been selected, by the Eu gene Odd Fellows to deliver the an niversary address at the celebration to be held in this city on Wednes day of this week. This will be the 97th anniversary of the founding of the order. The committee in charge first thought of holding an outdoor picnic between the butte and the river, on the site of the proposed automobile camping ground, but owing to the fact that the weather is unsettled, it was decided last night to hold it in the 1. O. O. I', temple instead. The exercises begin at 10 a. m. During the forenoon a program will be rendered and It is at this session that Mr. Buchanan, who is candidate for circuit judge, will de liver his address. A basket dinner will be served at noon in which the three-linkers and Rebekahg and members of their fam ilies will participate. During the afternoon a program of music and other features will be given. CITY XUWS. Tom Weatherford received a let ter today from Win. Parker, former owner of fhe Royal Ba'kery here'. He Is making a trip through Cuba, and the letter was sent from Havana. Parker says the natives there are very friendly and want us to go In end lick the Mexicans first and tlii:ii the kaiser. He Is making quite nn extensive trip, "but will return shortly lo California where he will take charge of a large wholesale bakery he hi.s organized as a stock company. W. M. Petnberton. of Greens, i hrnurht In n crate of strawberries: today and shipped them to the Port-! land market, and Incidentally left a' fine box ft The News office, the first to be received th's year. As far as1 ir. known It is also the first shlpuiei't ' from Douglas county. The berries! are very fine and only need a fewj more of these warm days to he per-) tectly matured. They were of the Mxcolslor variety, one of the earliest in this locality. Besides this kind, he lso raises the Hood River and Gold Dollar varieties. Quite a good deal of attention has been paid to berry culture In the Greens vicinity, and it is expected that many hundred crates will be shipped from there this year. FOR SALE 1st cutting alfalfa hay. 1 N. Ij, Conn, Roseburg. Phone CF15. 519-mlli TOR SALE Large Durham cow, Just fresh, heavy illker. F. C. Gurnee. Phone :iFZ3. 21G-a2!lp WANTED Married man on dalrj near Roseburg. Address 515 care News. 615-a27p ATTENTION DAIRYMEN My reg istered Holsteln bull, Joe Forbes, Is now at tho Leadbctter ranch, 2'4 mlleB north of Roseburg, In service at the Signer & Mordon dairy ranch, where ho may be found until further notice. Ills sire was Grand Champion bull at tho Washington and Oregon stato fairs in 1914. His daiu has a butter record as a 3-year-old, of 30 lbs. in 7 days, and also has three sis ters with an average seven-day rec ord of over 33 IbB. The dam of Joe Forbes has a seven-day record of 23.82 lbs. of butter. There Is no better bred bull in southern Oregon. Tering $5.00 cash In ad vance, with return privilege. N. L. Conn, Melrose, Ore. Phone BFI5. D20-m8 t'hiiH. K. ('ray .Masonic Itlilg. lUiMclilirg, Or. STOCK ItA.NCHES FARM LA M)H Mil A I.I, TRACTS CITY I'HOPKRTr lirsiVKHfl CIIA.NGKS VACANT LOTS Finn i.NHritAvrK MONKY TO LOAN PERRINE & MARSTERS CITY NEWS. . Sherbet today at Galls-. B. S. Radabaugh met with an ac cident from which he will carry a Bore hand for some time. While mov ing a scaffold one of the hoavy boards fell and struck him across the hack of his left hand, bruising and mangl ing It In a very painful manner, but fortunately not breaking any bones. , WrtContCTfalBFlniaPrsiftri ALCOHOL-3 1'BH CENE Avertable PteparatirrrilotAJ- .. , tinftllic-Slniiixtisaiiilllewlsa t n.fcJlcnlterful neiiiuiv.-ws""""7 licss ana ni.wiuiuuu ! Oniumort-uuienoriliitfli 1 VrVr. VahcOTICI. Mm 2 " .. JiimUn . . 'ntGSSl.' tit : ', i r..rf muaiDs norms. rev -LOSSOFil.BE racSlrniteSIitnrot Exact Copy of Wrapper. 1 It will keop bim out of his work Tor several days. Try a Tamo aunaao at Galls'. Kodaks, Enslman pliuto, supplies, at tho Roseburg Book Store. 494-11 John Alexander, the well knon Glide merchant, and his wlfa are visitors In the city today, the wenther being so fine and tba roads in such good shape Induced Mrs. Alexander to come along for ha first time In Beveral months. - 1 - i-J. gastobia For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of IMTAUH OOMMNI, KtW 0 tTY. hjr Use For Over Thirty Years TMt