The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 25, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE EVENING NEWS. TUESDAY, A PRffc 25, 1916.
;the evening news
Editor and PublUher.
Subscription Rule Dully
Per year, by mall . .$3.0'
Per month, delivered 50
fer year : .. .2.00
lx mon's I-"11
Knturod as second-class matter
Noveipber 6, 190!), at Roseburg, Ore.
nrtT net of March .1. 1879.
TUESDAY, Al'ltIL S!i. 1010.
Percy Yett, proprietor of the Royal
'Bakery, who was arrested' yester
day charged with driving bis auto
mobile at an excessive rate of speed
today entered a plea of guilty and
was fined $2.50.
Township 28 8., Range 7 W., Will
amette Meridian,- has filed notice of
intention to make final three-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and receiver of the United States
Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon,
on the 26th day of May, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William S. Johnston, of Brockway,
Oregon; W. V. Johnston, of Brock
way, Oregon; Clarence E. Johnston,
of Brockway, Oregon; A. J. Mi'.U
more, of Brockway, Oregon.
480-m22 Rogister.
Department of the Interior, U. 8
Land Office nt Roseburg, Oregon,
April 14, 1916.
NOTICE Is hereby given that
Horace M. Macy, of Brockway, Ore-
son, who, on September 18, 1912,
! made Homestead Entry, Serial, No.
08323, for the NE Vi of Section 35.
About the flimsiest dodge, that
lrss as yet been attempted to bolBter
up a losing cause, is the attempt
! now being inado ovor tills slate to
organize what they are pleased to
call "Non-l'arllsan Woodrow Wilson
: .Leagues," with tlie futile hope of
catching .the unwary asleep. Tho
professed plan Is to concentrate the
on tiro efforts of the league to the re
election of Woodrow Wilson, now
president of tho United States
through the grace of a family quar
rel among (he republicans four years
ago. Local county 'Mid stale candi
dates are to be neglected and left to
shift for themselves, that is If one Is ;
to believe the uiuteincnt of the or-
jianizor, which, It might bo slated in'
liassing, no one does. A local branch!
was organi.ed hero lSHt night, mid u:
tttgnod tho rolls and were elected to
Bonio office or placet! on a committee
but, for a non-partisanship organi
sation, scan the list and see whero
oven tho most enthusiastic believer
in Bfueh 'mi idyllic political league
can see whero such a name Is npplle-
able. Ueland, Turner, l-'isher, Darby,
Strong. Wlmberly, ReUeustuIn, l'ear
auin. Blugleton, Schuehort etc. Non
partisan forsootli, composed of office
holders under an administration thoy
are forced to support, and of past,
'present and future aspirants for of
fice on the democratic -ticket. 1 It Is
safe to say that not many republi
can voters are going to be caught
with ich pnlpahlo chaff as Is em
braced under the heading of this
aumon pure democratic organization.
C. C. Chapman, In his "Oregon
Voter" says some nice things about x
Charles 1). Moores, candidate for the
republican nomination for secretary
of stato. Ho also says some oven
liner things about lien Olcott, who
seeks re-olecllon. But the one boii
tonce in Chapman's puff of Ben
which tells tho entire truth and la
really tho nTdsT Important ls the fol
lowing: "Tho Clovernor und Slato
Treasurer aro Republicans, and Ol
cott is a Democrat". There Is the
meat of tho wholn matter, baldly
elated by a friend and supporter of
Olcott. Olcott is a democrat, yet
he aoeka nomination at tho hands of
republicans. Cnn republicans rally
round his standard when ho is op
iHweti by Virh a man as C. 1.
Moores, who really merits their
Natnro Is doing her very best lo
tiliow tho delegates to the slate Sun
tiny school convention now In session
hero, Hint the boast regarding the
unrivalled climate of the timpquu
valley Is not an Idlo one, and many
of thorn will go away with a reinem
liunco of the beautiful days which
may eventually bring them buck.
HORN - April 24th, to Mr. and Mrs.
Kred Finher, of Kdenbowcr, m
IIOKN To .Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Taylor
of 1133 Corey avenue on Tuesday.'
April 25, J daughter. j
uf Mf fm ' ''3'"
The German crown prince was caught with a smile on his face (upper photo) just as he' was reading a
Wcssage from the Verdun front telling of new gains for the Germans. French officers captured at Verdun ore
hewn in the background. The lower photo, taken near the Russian front, shows the czar and his son, the
rrown prince, reviewin a regiment of Cossacks.
After a short preliminary exami
nation, Justice of the Peace I. II.
Itlildlo placed Walters under $30u
bonds to appear before the grand
jury. Being unable to furnish the
bonds ho was confined in the county
Jail. ...
ST 1 ! V. I-.T l 1 A X I N i N T h ' E.
To the citizens of Koseburg:
Monday and Tuesday. May 1st and
2nd being annual clean up days for
the city, I would ask you to closely
follow these rules, as we have a very
largo territory to cover in a limiteu
time, and it will save unnecessary
work for citizens and street clean
ing dfumrtment
Wagons will covor all territory
south of Douglas street on Monday,
May 1st. Anything put out later
than noon of that day will not be
hauled away unless at the owner's
expense. Territory north of Douglas
street will o covered on Tuesday,
May 2nd, and anything put out litter
than noon on that day will not be
taken away. Will also aBk that you
put all trash and rubbish In sacks,
barrels or boxes, -so It can be easily
handled by tho men with the wagons,
as we cunnnt'take anything requiring
to be hundled loose or with shovels.
by order of tho street committee.
ml Street Supt.
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of Ordinance No. 642 passed
by tho common council and approv
ed by tho Mayor April 17, 1916, a
special election has been called and
will be hold In the City of RoBuburg.
Oregon, on Monday, tho 22nd day of
May, 1916, for tho purpose of voting
upon tho acceptance or rejection of
the following proposed nnienduiout to
the existing municipal charter of tho
Everyday Wisdom
As long as there nro kimonos, tho
iTorco laws should be
There Is good money In a golf ball
on hard.
A pair of scissors Is verv good for
taking Ink Mains out of a handker
chief. Uverv music lover should keen a
pair of guineas.
If vou 1ll,e athlcti,-,. hv not 'mv
"iiio moth balls and play u...iu
Wonder why nohodr ever prii" "
i Iocs to t.-ar iwf hU,. j.,,,,.
City of Roseburg, towit;
Proposed Chnitoi- Amendment.
An act to amend sections 156 and
157 of tho miiuiclpul Charter of t!iu
Cily of Koseburg, Oregon, as enact
ed by the legislative assembly of the
state of Oregon, by "An Act to in
corporate tho City of Koseburg ami
to repeal all cts and parts of aeu
in conlliet therewith, to-wit: "An Act
entitled an 'Act to Incorporate the
City of ' Koseburg,'. approved Octob
er 3, 1S72; and an Act entitled an
Act to amend an Act entitled an
Act to incorporate tho City of Koso
burg, npproved October . 19 -880;
and an Act to amend an Act entitled
nn Act to incorporate tho" city of
Roseburg, approvod Kebruury 23,
1889, also an act amendatory of said
Act, filed in the office of tho sec
retary' of state February 19, 1891;
and also an Act to Incorporate the
City of Roseburg and to dotine the
powers thereof, approved February
25, 1895, and to repeal all acts
amendatory thereof, and In conflict
therewith," (which act was filed lu
the office of tho Secretary of Stato
on February 22, 1905), and as
amended by vote of the people of
said city at an election hold May 6,
1907, and as amended by the vote
of the people of said city nt the
general election held therein on the
5th day of October, 1914, and as
amended by the voto of the people
of said city at tho special election
held therein on tho 3rd day of
June, 1915.
BR IT ENACTED by the poople
of the City of Roseburg, Oregon:
That sections 156 and 157 of the
municipal Charter of tho City of
RoHOburg, Oregon, as enacted by the
legislative assembly of the state of
! Oregon by "An Act to Incorporate!
the city of Roseburg, and to repea
all nets and nnrts nf acts In conflict I
therewith, to-wlt: An Act entitled
'An Act ontllled an Act to Incorpor
ate the City of Roseburg, npproved
October 3, 1872: and An Act en
titled nn Act to amend nu Act entitl
ed nn Act to Incorporate the City of
Roseburg, approved October 19,
1SK0: and an Act to amend an Act
entitled an Act to Incorporate the
City of Roseburg, npproved Febru
ary 23, 1SS9; also an Act amenda-i
tory of said act. filed In the office of
the Secretary of Stato February 19,!
1891; and nlso an Act to incorporate
the City of Roseburg. and to deflno.
the powers thereof.' npproved Fehrn-
ary 2". 1S95. and to repeal all j
acts nmendatory thereof and in con-
flict therewith." (which act waa fil-l
ed In tlie office of the Secretary of j
State on February 82, 1 90S). ami as'
amended hv vote of the people ot .
said City nt an election held Mar 6.
1907. and as amended by the vote
of the iwmi. of Ll -"v rt thJ
general election b
(I t-v'e!n ou the
ih day of () 1914. and m
amendi'd by the vote of the people
of sid city ot tho special election
hMd therein on the 3rd of June.
19t. shall be and the same are
anienjl"d to read as follows:
Section 156. The common council
Is hereby granted tho power, in ad
dition to all other powers granted
by tho municipal charter of the
City of Hoseuurg, to construct, equip
and operate or lease a standard
guaso railroad from the city of
Koseburg to Rock creek at Its con
fluence wllli tho North Umpqua river j
In township 26 south, range 3 west
of tho Willamette Meridian in
Douglas Counly, Oregon. Said rail
road shall be a common carrier for
both' freight and pausonger sorvlce.
Section 157. For tho purpose of
raising the necessary funds to con
struct and equip said railroad, the
Common Council is hereby author
ize to issue and to sell the bonds of
tho city, bearing five per cent in
terest per annum, In a sum not to ex
ceed three hundred thousand dol
lars. Said bonds shall mature and
become payable thirty yosrs from
the date of their Issue and may be
paid at any time the Interest is pay
able at or after ten years from the
date said bonds are Issued, at the
option of the City of Roseburg.
The form In which said proposed
.charter amendment will be submit
ted on the official ballot is as. fol
lows, to-wit:
"Amendment of sections 156 and
157 of Roseburg Charter, authoriz
ing the construction, equipment and
operation or leasing of a standard
guage railroad from Roseburg to.
Rock creek In township 26 south,
range 3 west, and authorizing the j
Issuance' of five per cent thirty yeari
bonds in the sum of three hundred '
thousand dollars to pay tho cost of ;
construction and equipment of said!
Voto "for" pr "against",
300 For I
:l'll Against. j
Tho "polling place in each ward
for holding said election and the
pmlKes an(1 c,Prks "1'Polntod to con
duct me same nro as ioiiows, to
wlt: Ward 1. Polling place, Court
House. Judges, F. W. Dillard, Celln
McClallen and W. F. Thomas.
Clerks, Lloyd Cole and Alta Black.
Ward 2. Polling place, Caro
Judges, J. M. Fletcher,
Mrs. C. C. Christie and Morris Moore.
Clerks, Florence Grinsted and
waru 3. foiling place, Koscuurg
hotel. Judges, J. P. McKay, Geo.
Neuner and Molllo Brand. Clerks.
Knima Chambers and Edith Abeene.
Ward 4. Polling place, City Hall.
Judges, C.
' Sprague and Dee Howard.
- v- Wlmberly and Ana Cordon.
Tbo flw,lo 'wl11 commence at
nl" 'cln,-K ' on "lu 22nJ nl'
1 nt Mnv lOK .1 lutlt Miillnna
P- m- 01 al" nar-!
Provided thn the Mn.irr., may in!
Ir discretion ad'o-'m a!d electlor
fnr one hour at. noon, due proclama-f
tion beir- made of such adjourn-'
ment. j
Dated April 18. 1916. ' I
Cltv Recorder of the City of Rose-!
tn:'7, Oregon. !
Spring and Summer
Dress Goods
In Dimities, Batistes,
Now On
New Spring
For Ladies
Corset Deo't
is complete in every detail. Models for every
Be Friendly, Come in and see us Occasionally.
I. Abraham
The Dependable Store
Less Than Wholesale Cost
Voiles and S0k Mixtures
and Summer
and Misses
or our hams and bacen. That
denotes first that they come
from young, tender pigs and
next that they have been
E-'operly cured. All our hams
and bacon are cane sugar
cured and hickory smoked.
They hae a flavor of their
own which once tasted you'll
always prefer. Try some for
breakrast tomorrow.
1 a
497-mll "