t THE EVENING XEWS, TUESDAY, APKIL 23, 1916. TUREH Wanted- - We want you to test our capacity for handling busi ness. We have Ample capital and a force of trained help that knows how to do bank ing business right. THE Douglas National Bank Capital and Surplus $130,000.00 : CITY NEWS. T. J. McKean left yesterday on a business trip to Portland. For hot chicken tamales, go to Galls'. 260-tf Virginia Buffum returned yester, day from a visit with friends at Medford. Before buying a cream .separator, investigate the New Sharpies suc tion feed. Douglas County Creamery. ZlJ-tf Mrs. H. S. Oarter left this morn ing for Albany and Portland where she will spend a week or ten days visiting. Shoot with a Kodak, and send your films to the Koseburg Book Store for finishing. We do the best work at moderate prices. 494-tf Lester Dungey and Clarence Gar ret, of Gold Hill visited at the home of Fred Reidel yesterday on their way to Marshfield. j W you want to buy or sell If you have rooms to rent if you have lost something, try a classified ad. They bring results. Mrs. J. A. Buchanan left this ' morning for Ashland as a delegate Irom the Ladies Auxiliary to the convention of the Womens Federated clubs. Pance at Dixonvllle Auditorium Friday night, April 2S. Ott's or chestra. Supper and dance $1.00'. No undesirables admitted. 508-a28 Florence Kohlhagen returned to Corvallis this morning where she is attending school at the Agricultural College after a few days visit with her parents in this city. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. will r-Mc' a window sale of home cooking at the Bee Hive grocery Saturaaj. April 29. 607-a 28 Mrs. Morris Wilk and daughters, Irma and Madallne, who have been visiting at 7.ie home of F. A. Stewart, left this afternoon for their home at GKAXD MAY BALL. Tuesday, May 2nd, at Arm- ory. Music furnished by Ott's orchestra. Price of admission $1.00, ladles free, to be given by the members of the St. Joseph's Parish. A cordial in- vitation is extended to the peo- pie of Roseburg and surround- ing country. 460-tf Minneapolis. They will stop enroute at Portland, Seattle and other points. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenman and son left this morning for a few dayB visit at Portland. H. G. Wilson left yesterday for Susanville, Calif., where he will spend a few days attending to busi ness matters connected with the In dian service. , , Every day, is bargain day. k All ?ood strictly fresh at the Spot Cash Basket Grocery, 238 N. Jackson street. " 435-m4 W. A. Pettit, of the Review staff, left Saturday night for Marshfield, where he will serve as a witness in the libel suit against the Marshfield Rceord. For sale, ail kinds of . bedding plants, Canterbury bells, and Pan ama Exposition grade of pansle plants on sale at Gall's confection ery, Cass street. Phone 414. Mrs. F. J J. Owens. 375-tf There should be 'an Investigation by the trade commission into the war among Roseburg druggists which reduced the .selling price of 25-cent talcum powder to 2 cents. Why should they sell goods at cost? Portland Telegram. High Flight flour is now Belling at absoltely wholesale prices, the price the mills are getting for the same grade. It makes more loaves of bread per sack. We have other and cheaper grades of flour at the same wholesale basis. People's Supply Co: 514-tf THERE ARE GOOD REASONS WHY JlMMY DUNN AND KILBANE TAKE NO CHANCES we'o B'H 1 j STUPID To 7aks -roe rS?i Jimmy Dunn, Kilbanes manager, recently explained that Johnny earned over $10 01)0 IhbI year and that for this reason (hey are unwilling to take chances with thr title in lighting such tough boys as George f--Many opine that in '.rcaking a contract to lijjht Chancy, Kilbane tec ii forfeited his title. - CHICHESTER S PILLS J .. ' THE IHAMlN! IIRA,I. ' A I-n.II-! A!i your HruaaUl tot A 'lil.rrun.lcr-' lliumuntl HruMdA I) IU4 ami lir.li! nrUllicWX wai l with Illue RiM-nn. no otLor. Riit of vour v in.xu'i. Asi-fri'iii.r:ii;.TERir H.MtlNT lRNI I II. 1.4, for Itj yerrilinr.triiI'j-.i.E' 'e.t. Alwirt Ktlii! So R. O. Thiol, of Yoncalla, was the lowest bidder on the Union high school building to be built by three school districts near Walker. The building will be erected at Walker station. The twelve bids were open ed last Saturday afternoon. Curtis Gardner is the architect of the four room modern i building. Eugene ""3rd. Guy Black made a business trio to Grants Pass this morning. O. C. French and wife, of Suthor lin visiteu for some time in the cits today. Rev. Paul J. Lux and wife were dinner' guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hadley last night. Geo. W. Young, of Yoncalla, spent a few hours attending to business matters in this city yesterday. G. B. Kent, who has been spend ing a few days in this city left this morning for his home at Seattle For clean Jersey milk and cream, also sweet skimmed milk, call Sunt tary Dairy. Phone 33F23. 617-mlp Mrs. L. St. Orr returned home to Portland this afternoon after visit ing in this city for a fewidays. O. T. Larsen left last night for Portland where he will spend ashort time attending to business mattors Geneva Wagenblast, who has been visiting with Miss Verle Johnson, re turned home to Portland yesterday Buy the best coffee. It is more satisfactory,- and costs- you less per cup. Call for the brown package steel cut cuffee. Always 35c and a! ways fresh at the People' Supply Co: 614-tf ' ii. Y. Harry, organizer of the Woodrow Wilson leagues, who was in Roseuurg yesterday, left this morning for Oakland where he will endeavor to organize a loague to night. Among the people from Myrtlo Creek who are attending the state Sunday school convention today, arc Mkts Helen Beeson, T. M. Whitten and wife, Geo. H. Dyer and Cnrl Starbuck, Those baby chix need many differ ent food stuffs to build their bodies and get started to growing right Diamond chix food is prepared and chemically tested to fill every want of a growing "hick. Get all varfeties of poultry supplies. Diamond qual ity, at the People's supply Co, 614-tf AT MAJESTIC TOMORROW. m "HEART SONGS' COUPON PRBS E.NTE.D BY THIS PAPER TO YOU HOW TO GET IT ALMOST FREE Clip out and present six coupon like .the above, bearing consecutive dates, together with our special price of 98c Book on display at office of The EVENING NEWS COUPONS I AND 98C Secure this $2.50 Volume Beautifully bound in rich Maroon cover stamped in gold, artistic inlay design, with 16 full-page portraits of the world's most famous singers, and com plete dictionary of musical terms. OUT-OF-TOWN READERS WILL ADD 10c EXTRA FOR POSTAGE MUE ADT CnVCQ1' Th. song book with a tout I 4O0ofth. XlCr 1 tOJl 1 VJJ song tinnm of th. wot Id in on roW nn of 500 pKM. Chosen by 20,000 muiie lovars. Four yis to compUu th. book. Every song a gm of mlody. April 29, 1916. 3t 1?:.t been fully demonsLrated that the recent robbery of Uio Hie Bros. & Adams' general store at Myr- tio Creek, was the work of Rome local party whose identity is practically known. Aside from a sack of fiou 2nd a few- doRars In ciiange, it is not thought that anything else was disturbed. It seems to be accepte that it was a case of wanting some thing to eat, and if the party had made his needs known, he would have been -amply and generously sup plied by the people of that placo. It Is said by citizens of Myrtle Cree here today, that the outlook for most excellent crop of prunes neve was better. Chas. Holland and son, Sidney, H P. Rico, and Ed. Fairbanks, of Myr tle Creek, came to RoBcburg today to prove TV a homestead for M Fairbanks, located In section 18 township 283 west. Mr. Holland re ports that the men who were n pointed to settle the dispute ove land between Hodgson and Steuer, returned a finding in which Hodgson was allowed the crop and must va cate the land by November 1, th land then going to Hteucr. This Is the case tried there several days bro, and In which iJistrirt Attornfy N'eu ner made the recommendation that the settlement be made by arbitra tion rather than criminal or civil process, and the result fully bears out the wisdom of this advkc. 0' l''EVJ William Russell, Sfar In The Crav ing," Amencan-Mutua: Masterpio ture, De Luxe Edition Just In, another car of High Flight flour, 20 tons of pure bread Btuff., High Flight flour Is the biggest sell er on this market. The quality 1b right and tho price satisfactory. Get it at tho Peoples Supply Co. 514-tf DAILY WEATHEK REPORT. U. S. Weather Bureau, local office. Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 6 a. m., April 24, 1918. Precipitation In inches and hun dredths:. Highest, temperature yesterday 70 Lowest temperature last night 4 5 Precipitation, last 24 hours 01 Total precipitation since first of month 1.92 .v-rnial preclp. for this month 2.4SI Total precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1915, to date 33.68 Average precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1977 30. Dl Total excess. from Sop-, tember 1, 1915 3.07 Average precipitation for 88 wet seasons, Sept. to May, liiKHiBlve 32.00 WILLIAM BELL, Observer Whoever else may have a "Key to the situation" You Alone Have the Key To a Roseburg National safety deposit box, and It Is the final safe guard protecting your valuably therein. It Ib useless In the hands of a wrongful holder and there Is no safer place in Hosoburg than our safety deposit valuta. Roseburg National Bank Jackson and Cass Sts. Roseburg, Oregon NOTICE TO THE I'UULIO. We the undorsigned, owners and proprietors of the places of business following our names, hereby announce that upon and after the first day of May 1910, we will not serve any regular meal or dinner for less than thirty five cents. This action has become neces sary on our parts on account of the continued high prices of all articles Whicu aro served on the tables. (Signed.) W. J. Weaver, Umpqua Hotel. J. W. Oliver, Grand Hotel. G. W. Llli, McClallen Holol. D. L. Martin, Roseburg Hotel. J. K. Kalbe, Royal ilub uafe. L. Is. Lewis, Lewis Cafe. Goorgo Foutch, George's Res taurant. J. W. Horner, Jack's Coffee and Chop House. E. C. Herrick, Herrlck House. W. L. Harmon, Semaphore, Res taurant. Gee Wong, New York Cafe. 483-a30 YOUR STOMACH BAD JUST TRY ONE .DOSE of MAYR'S Wonderful Remedy and Bo Convinced That. You Can De Restored to Health. WILL YOU BE THE ONE MAN? - "Only one man In 108 lives to be fifty and leaves anything but Insurance at death. Are you certain you will bo that man?" Apply for a Llfa Policy to- day with Tho Mutual Life of N. Y. It is the oldest company in America; Is safe, pays the largest dividonds; gives most protection for the lowest net cost. no company excepted; never raises your rate; you don't have to die to win; your monoy is saved safely invest- ed and returned to you If you live and desire It returned; it you die the claim is paid promptly ; if you have the dis- ability clause and get Bick or have an accldont the company cancels the premiums; if to- tally disabled policy becomes paid up for life. ' The Mutual has over 600 policy holders in Douglas oounty, most of them written by the present agent, whose figures must be correct or he could not hold his position. Full information tree by calling on J. P. HUTCHASON, DUt, Mgr. Office over first State & Sav- logs Bank, Roseburg, Oregon. tf tom&ch Remedy ii-15iH I Tor Salt Hert, Si'XvS Got Rid of My Corns With Magic "Gefs-lt" Simplest Corn Core in the World-No Fain, No fuss. Sew, Sore Way. When corns make you nlmost "dts with your boots on," when you'va soaked them and picked them and sliced them, when corn-swolllng Mayr's Wonderful Remedy haB been taken by many thousands of people throguhout the land. It haB brought health and happiness to suf ferers who had despaired of ever be ing restored and who now aro urging others who may be Buffering with j Stomach, Liver and IntetBlnal All- mcnts to tr ylt. Ono dose will con-; vlnce the most skeptical sufforor. It acts on the source and foundation of these ailments, removing the poison--ous catarrh and bile accretions, and allaying the underlying chronic In flammation. Try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy put It to a test today you will be overjoyed with your quick recovery. Send for, booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mar, Mfg Chemist, 154,156 Whit ing St., Chicago, 111. I'or sale by Marsters Drug Co., and all other rollnblo druggists. Real Estate City and Farm Property GEORGE PITER til West Oak Street. STOP HTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET . ROSEBURG Mrs. F. D. Owen Cat Flowers, Potted I'lanu, Fmneral benlgnc Wedding Bo quota, etc, . , JUST KKCRIV.KI) A FKK8H SUPPLY OP FERNS OP 'ALL KINDS Koseburg, Oregon. Why Ila Corn At All Vfhn "OrU-It" Kmoves Thein tk New, Dead -Wur Wmj 7 upAy-h, and Up, bftniafr, ftnl Klaxters that make coma pop-eyed avo only mnda your coma urow faster, Jtiat hold your hart a moment and TlKur thla: Iut two dropa o; "OMa-lt" on th corn. It drta nns- Taii fttn nut VOUf Rhoe and Blocking- on rlffht over U. Tho , corn la doomed. It maKfi mo corn come off clear and clean. It'a the new, ay way- Nothing to atlck or pr-a I on tho corn. You can wear amallfr hoa. You'll be a Joy-walker, No pain, no trouhla. Ac-rapt no aulwtltntni 'OM-lt" ia sold by druKtclnt every where. 15c a bottle, or nent direct by E. Lawrence A Co.. Chtcano, 111. i. . m t -. ut 4 Mini rtvdiiiiiinilr.l rt tl'tt wor'dV lKr.t coin ri'HKM.jr liy St"iH;i rul'c.l'in iin ft V. . Chapman. GET a Graphanola Now and have Easter Music in your home. On a Grafanola the beautiful Easter numbers are not confined to Kastcr alono You can hear them whenever and as often as you wish. Roseburg Furniture Co.