THE NEWS CLASSIFIED AD PAGE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS TRY THEM. EVERYBODY READS THEM. BENT, SELL OR TRADE YOUR HOME OR RANCH BY . USE OK A NEWS "WANT AD." FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE, j I'ETEY RINK They Ain't No One O liiu to F.xit tlie Old Codger, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomi nation at the primary election to be held on May 19. 1916, for the office of circuit Judge for the second Judic ial district, composed of Coos, Curry, Douglas, Lane, Benton and Lincoln counties, for the next ensuing term. If 1 am nominated and elected to said office, I will administer Justice economically, Impartially and with out fear or favor. I have no enemies to puniBh or friends to reward. Every litigant, plaintiff and de fendant coming before me, shall have a' square deal. My motto shall bo "A square deal to all. Special privileges to none." pd. ad. C. A. SEULBREDE. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I herewith announce my candidacy before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket, for the office of District Attorney for Douglas coun ty, subject to the decision of the qualified voters. My platform will be enforcement of the law, and economy in Its administration, pd. adv. GEORGE NEUNER, Jr. I herewith announce my candidacy before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket, for the office of District Attorney for Douglas coun ty, subject to the decision of the qualified voters. nd. adv. I. B. RIDDLE. H FOR REPRESENTATIVE. to FATHER WEHOME To Ouu CITv l CALLIkl' TvxThe 7 Ily Chile key. I M "Voott. 3ow PfTfm- WONT Vn.l ki.M.. IHE SC TV C wTf- !!' C. A. Volgllt 't-IVSE Kim at That GOT I WMI lAKIU WO CHANCES VITH . -u OLICK MTV FELLER. t i . . 03 1 KNOW NOU AIWT "APE UP To J ,M Vo -A V .. . "-.v- i v HKCS SOME pv77 ( Drs. Seely Sether and Stewart. Physicians nun Surgeons Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bauk, Ground Floor, Flume W17 Rosehurj; . . Oretroo ( IrTTtrn ALIO ThIUGS To PRove W IDEKiTlTV NOTmvj' Doiu' NoowO reLLER Hovm do 1 Knomj Them aiwT Faked Too Hon ? . I hereby announce that 1 am a candidate for republican nomination for representative in tne staie ijb" lature, subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election. It elected, I shall give the business of the state the same careful considera tion that I would give the business of a private Individual who retained me to look after his Interests, pd. ad. ORA H. PORTER. t i.,.hr Announce my candidacy lor representative on the republican ticket, f irbject to tne oeciswi . solera at the primaries to oe held on May 19, 1916. "The people! Interests are my Interests." pi. ,d. ROYGRIQOS. I BELIEVE IN OREGON and Douglas county. Its present and future- In rural development as the basis of town prosperity; in good roads radiating from local centers; in demanding value received for ev ery cent of taxes; In the best system .. .j,.tin for the young; in clean politics, economical business administration of puDiic ..,. h..r laws: In representation of farmers and business men by a farmer and business man. I therefore ,e, mvselt as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Rep resentative from Douglas, . ,,mrv election. It you are for these things I respectfully solicit your vote. ) CHARLES.A. BRAND, pd.' adv. Wilbur, Oregon N EC GOT & -RlQTn NlAfc- OM VOUB. Back Voo show Me that :' I AlLiT TAVCILi NO CHALICES saith Now suck. ciTv peller. "r, DR. B. R. SHOEMAKER Physician & Surgeon. Office rooms 219-220 Perkins Building Phones Office 194 Residence Sl DR. GEO. E. HOUCK Physician & Surgeon. Office Perkins Bldg., Phone I. Roseburg, Oregon DELAPP & SNELL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Rms 200, SOT, 208 Perkins Mdg 121-1, Rcsldcnco Phones 210-L Offico Phone 1110. DR. N- PLYLER Licensed Chiropractic Physician 222 W. Lane St., RoBeburg, Or. Consultation and Examination Free. Offlcellonra 0 to 5. Sundays and evenbigs by Appointment. Phone 152. FOR TREASURER I herewith announce my name a a candidate for rnomlnatlon for tho office of treasurer of Douglas coun tv on the republican ticket, subjec to the decision of the primary elec Hons to be held In May. pd adv. JAMES R SAWYERS. I hereby announce my name as a candidate for the position of treas urer of Douglas county, on the re oubllcan ticket, subject to the de cision of the prlmnries to be held In May. MRS. INEZ MILLER. pd. ad. . FOR COMMISSIONER FOR CLERK. I hereby announce my name as a j.j-!- n the reuublican ticket, .. rr.o. nr clerk of Douglas county, subject to the decision of the voters at the May prima... nd. adv. CHARLES W. CLARK t whv announce myself as a ,. tho democratic nom- inatiou for County Clerk at the pri mary election on May 19tn, pd. ad. B. H. of county assessor of Douglas coun ty, subject to the primary election to be held May 19, 1916. pd. ad. D. P. McKAY. I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for County Assessor at the primary elec tion In May, believing that seven years' experience under Assessor Calkins has qualified me to efficient ly perform the duties of this office. pd. adv. GUI CORDON. I hereby announce myself as a republican candidate for the office of county commissioner of Douglas county, subject to the primary elec tion n be held May 19, 1916. 1 stand for a straight business admin istration. A HENRICKSEN. pd. adv; Oakland, Or. T hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county commissioner of Douglas county, on the republican ticket, subject to the primary election to be held in May, i qi ft. pd. adv. AHTIIUR E. STOCKER. the voters of the republican party. Second term. Very respectfully submitted, pd. ad. O. C. BROWN. I herewith announce my candidacy tor assessor of Doulgas county on the republican ticket at the May primaries. I stand for Just and equal assessment to all which my record will bear out, and respectfully solicit your support H. W. JONES, pd'. adv. Myrtle Creek. FOR CORONER. I horoby announce my candidacy or the ol'ilce of coroner of Doug las county on the republican ticket, mbject to tho doclalon of the votort it the primaries to be held on the ,9th of May, 1916. DR. C. B. WADE, pd. ad. Roseburg. FOR SALE. FOR SALE 1st cutting alfalfa hay at Farmers Feed Shed. 427-tf FOR SALE 16 Inch oak or fir wood. Call phone 262 for prices. 439-tf FOR SALE Baled hay, oat or wheat and vetch. Fred Fisher, Edonbower, Or. Phone 26F2. 4 26-tf FOR SALE Work team, two wag ons. CheaD If taken at once. See Grant Wilcox, North Side. 448-tf FOR SALE First class alfalfa hay, baled. Address A. L. Doross, Roseburg. 451-al4p FOR SALE Large wicker baby biiEcv reasonable, and in good condition, also baby sulky. Call phone 216-L. 405-al4 I herewith announce my candi dacy on the republican ticket for the office of assessor of Douglas couuty. subject to the will of the voters at the primary to be htld May 19, 1916. Having had 20 years- experi ence In the general merchnndisina business, gives me sufficient knowl edge to enable me to give the ta payers a Just and equitable assess ment. pd. adv. A. A BELLOWS. To the voters of Douglas county: i will be a candidate for the of- ! of Commissioner of Douglas county on the republican ticket, be fore the primaries to be hold in May, and solicit your support. pd. ad. - J. T BKIUUB.S. I OK COUNTY SURVEYOR 1 hereby announce myself as a re publican canuidato fo.- the office of surveyor of OouglaB county, subjoct to the primary election to be hold May 19, 1916. pd. ad. MILTON B. GERMOND. FOR SALE Good clean oat hay, baled. Address R. A. Calhoun. Wilbur, or phone 31K4. 456-m8p FOR SALE Buy gelding, 7 years old, gentle and tiuo, 1800 pounds. J. 1. Chapman, W'lbur, Ore. 281-tf TOR SALE 110 head well bred Angora goats. Will trade for stock callle. J. F. Barker, Rose bure. Oregon.1 437-tr FOR SALE Cow and 2 hcUer calves. Cull at 015 FHllerton street or write Frank Carrell, Roseburg. 465-air.p TOR SALE 4-room hoUBO, plaster ed, electric lights, sewer end 2 lots, east front paved street on S. Jackson, 1 block S. of Rose school. Price $1100.00. E. If. Billings, phone 161-J. 440JC CHAS. F. HOPKINS Attorney at u Room 420 Perking Illdg. Roseburg, Oregon. Especial attention given to con veyancing and "the examination of titles to real estate. Prac tices In all state and federal courts Of. Phone 8H4 Ilea. Phone 120-K C. B. WADE Physician & Surgeon. Rooms 41!-10 Perkins Building Rnxeliurg .... Oragnn FOR SALE Team of 4-year-old horses, good workers. 14 head .pigs, past 2 months and ono boar year old. Inqulro J. T. Epporly, Jr. Melrose, or phone 24F11. 390-tf The Heinline School of Music. Mrs. Charles Heinline, Director Mrs. Mux Combs, Aunt. Teacher. Beginners a Speciality; Conoert Pianists Developed. Morning classes In Kindergar ten; children culled for and taken home. Studio 423 Ella St. Phone sS-R. ii r . f - 1 I n ins . n.A. nt MtA bottom land. For description ana price address Lock Box 25, Camas Valley, Ore. 399-a26p FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks, day old chlckB, April hatch $10.00 per 100.; B. P. Rocks $12.50. Special for May and Juno, $8.50 and $11.50, per 100. Book your orders early. 0. W. Burt. Roseburg, Or. 401-tf FOR SHERIFF. m. .v. (r nf Douglas County . .. i.i. .Mnnunre my candidacy 1 uerexiiu - ,.-, f rw,iii7lns county, on tne IOr HIlf.HL '"-o republican ticket, at the primaries to be hedl on May 13. pd. ad.-ml3 SAM W. BTARMER. I hereby announce myself as a republican candidate for sheriff of Douglas county, at me pr.u,. May 19. 1916- ,.... r-V ad. FRANK BARAGAR. 1 herewith announce myself as a candidate for re-nomination as a candidtnc for the office of sheriff of . . . ...iiifit-t to the de- uouKias vouHL., ,I"X of the republican voters at tho May primaries. pd. ad GEORGE K.QU1NE. . -oiinre myself as a candidate for sheriff of county on 'he democratic ticket, sub , lect to the decision of the primaries to be held oo the 19 of May. i Jpd. adv. HARRY PEARCB. To thn voters of Bouglas county: . .n ho a candidate for the office f commissioner of Douglas county on the republican ticket, before the primaries to be held in May. ano solicit your support. w. ST. JOHN, pd. adv. Sutherlin. I herebv announce my name as a candidate 'on the republican ticket, for flin office of commissioner of t,i rnuntv. at the primaries to be held May 19. I respectfully so-, .. ...H,inrt ot.,1 If nominated i licit ""' and elected, will aim to give a good business administration of county si fairs. JOHN BUSENBARK. Pd adv. Melrose, Ore I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of county sur veyor, of Douglas county, subject to the primary election to bo held on May 19, 1916. pd. adv. FRANK CAIN. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE 1 hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for the of fice of Justice of tho Peace for Deer Creek district, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election to bp held May 19. 1916. pd. advt. CHAS. F. HOPKINS FOR SALE The News has a nil in br of packages of papers for sal at & and 10 cents per package. Uo.ul big bundles. Make cheu I flrn starters. " FOR SALE Number ouo haled oats and vetch bay, $10.00 per ton. Top buggy, good as new $35.00. Moun tain House Ranch, lit. 1 Rose burg. 432-m2p TEACHERS & PUPILS ATTENTION The News office tins a splon dld quality of bond paper put up In pound pacakages (200 sheets to the pound, size 8Vix7) nt 25 cents per packnge. tf FOR SALE Beautiful 1-acro home In Edenbowor, Just oulsldo city limits of Roseburg oil Puclfic high way, 7-rooni houso, barn, wood bouse, chicken house, hog house and corral. Hearing fruit trees, big shado tree and roses In front yard, fine well water, $1,000.00 rash, $900,017 on time. E. J. Ooiirto, RoHeburg. 462-alp WAflTKn. FOR SALE Jersey cow, thorough bred, teslB 7 per cent butrer fat; also large bed and pair of pillows, tnll 1038 Cory avenue. Phone 1...P-U. 406-alS WANTED TO RENT Farm of about 200 acres, suitable for mix ed farming. Addruns with full particulars, Robert TJoinslaud, Edenbower, Ore. 444-al2p Surveys Estimates GERMOND AND FREAR I'epuly l.iiumy fiiliveyoi'N. Civil F.nLrlnecrs and Surveyors t4Meliurg, Oregon Room O Masonic Blldg. Phone 347 FOR ASSESSOR. i k,ot,v announce myself an a re publican candidate for tho office o? county assessor of Dsuglas county, subject to the vrlnwy election to be . . . . n i ii fi pd. ad. CHARLES ROBERTS, j I hereby announce myself as republican candidate tor the office: I will be a candidate on the re publican ticket at the .May primaries, for the omen of Justice of the Peace for Deer creek district, and respect fully Bollclt the support of the elect ors at said primary. R. II. GR1NSTED, pd. adv. Roseburg. FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. FOit SAI.I-; SO acres, 30 acres till able, 00 acres, oak timbered, pas turo laud, good Improvements; will be sold cheap on easy terms. No trade. Address, Box 166, Ilreckway, Douglas county. Ore iron. 422-tf To the voters of Dnuirlas county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county school sup erintendent, subject to the will of FOR SALE In Garden Valley, near Ruseburg, 1' acres rich river bot tom brocfoll land. Can produce $2,000 of broccoli per year; 2 j acres In fi-year-old apples, on ru-, ral n ail route. $!,fiiu or near of-; fer. Mall address H. Carniinielie. Wilbur. Oregon. Phone 32r ?.. J a 1 7 10 WANTED 10 Young men, ages 16 to 21, to Join Junior Band. I teach all Band Instruments. Call or phono 61 L. w.m. ir. Mclaughlin Lender Roseburg Concert Hand. NICHOLS & MARTIN i ii (i KS ERA L ( ONTI! ACTORS Plans and estimates furnished oa carpenter, brick and cement work. Patronage Solicited. Phone t8S-Y L. G. HICKS SURVEYOR 828 Perkins Building Rotchnrff, Ore. Phone 1.11 -It Dr. R. P. Bradford & Wife Licensed Chiropractic Physicians. In Practice 7 Years. All Chronic Diseases our specialty. Consultation and examination free. All calls promptly attend ed. Phones, office 200. Res. 3G5-J. Hours, 9 lo ". A f tor offico hours ;.!! at K"l N. Jackson street. f