The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, April 13, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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District Attorney George Xeuner
today gave his decision in regard to
the question whether or not the of
fice of justice of the peace shall be
placed on the ballot at the coining
primary election. The question has
arisen over ai recent amendment
which provides that judges shall be
elected every six years, whether or
not this also applies to justices of
the peace. j
Mr. Lenox, the county clerk, did!
not know whether or not he should I
place the names of the candidates'
for this office on the ballot or not
and so asked for the opinion which,
was given. j
Attorney Neuner held that as the!
petitions had been filed that the;
chrk had no authority if.o -(reject
them. 1 he matter as to the length
of office can be decided after the j
election when It will probably be
passed upon by the attorney general.
An opinion by ex-Attorney Gen
eral A. M. Crawford received by the
present Justice, I. B. Riddle at the
time that he was elected to the po
sition held that the six year term
does not apply to Justices of the
peace. Mr. Riddle wrote to Attorney
Genoral Crawford shortly before the
election in regard to the matter and
received the following reply: v
'Replying to yours of January 30,
relative to the length of the term of
justice of the peace, beg to advise
u that such justice serves for a
riod of two years, under section
31 85. L. O. L. The amendment of
section 7 of the state constitution,
providing that tho judges of the su
preme court and other courts shall
be elected by the voters of the state
or of their respective districts for
the tern of Bix years, .does .not apply
to Justices of the peace, .the ' only j
judges therein referred to being
those considered as forcing part of
the state's judicial system, that is,
justices of the supreme court, circuit
court and county court. "' '
""Therefore, it Is my opinion jus
tices of the peace will only hold for
two .years.
"Very truly yours,
Mrs. S. F. Chadwiek, wife of tho
former secretary of state, died at
her home in Seattle lust night after
a lingering Illness. Mrs. Chadwiek
Is an old pioneer of Oregon, having
spent the greater part of her life
here. She was about 83 years of
Her husband, Stephen F. Chad
wiek, came to Oregon in 1853, and
settled near Scottsburg. lie here
nhet Mrs. Chadwiek, whose maiden
.jfame was Sarah Smith, and who re
sided with her parents about five
miles south of Yoncnlla. They were
married in the year 1857 and moved
to Roseburg where ho engaged In
the practice of law for many years.
In 1874 he was elected secretary
"Passeo Our f'AK) J Teuuto All. Adour rr To tub
y idotf & 605 BACK t,OMe
T' i is the season when the hopewuls of the early-training days return
The maniiKtr has had a chance to pick them over and in baseball as
Up to five o'clock Saturday
night over C9SG residents of
Douglas county had registered
to vote at the primary elec-
tion. Tho number registering
during the week was 4 06. There
are only four more days left as
the books close Tuesday even- !
of state and moved with his family
to Salem, where their home has
been since that time. When gover
nor Grover was elected to the posi
tion of United States senator, Mr.
Chadwiek rose to the position of
governor, which!, he hold for the
remainder ol the unfinished term.
Mrs. Chadwiek Is survived by four
children, Mrs. Ella Gray, of Seattle,
at whose home her death occurred;
Miss Mary Chadwiek, of Salem; Stev
en J. Chadwiek, of Oiympia, and
Pitzer Chadwiek, of Seattle. Sho
was a member of the Episcopal
church and the Eastern Star lodge, j
Try a Tango Sunaae at Galls'. j
Get poultry foods. Diamond qual
ity, at wholesale prices from the
People's Supply Co. 4 71-tf
M. Cotturri. special agent for the
S. P. Co., spent the day In Roseburg j
th's afternoon attending to business I
Mildred Parks and Ruth Caro, and
Mrs. Irvin BriuTu spent the after
noon at Winchester enjoying a short
On account of having considerable
switching in the local yards train
No. 14 was about 15 minutes late
in leaving the city this afternoon.
Each lot of P. S. C. steel cut cof
fee Is tested chemically, to determ
ine that the different properties of
finest coffee are In proportion. That
Is why the flavor and strength of
P. S. C. steel cut coffee is always
the same. Every package guaranteed
by the People's Supply Co. 471-tf
The balloon owned by T. N. Sher-
-man nd-:R:4i:t- Cook" was today taken
to e warehouse adjoining the of
fice of the Umpqua jValley Fruit
Union where it will be put In condi
tion for the ascension which the men
will hold April 22. They will also
make several ascensions during the
Strawberry carnival.
Fred Reidel, of the Wrlght-Rcldel
grocery, today received a card from
a friend at Gold Hill, notifying him
that a couple of hikers known as
the Walking Jarboes were on their
way to Roseburg and would prob
ably ?ach this city Friday or Sat
urday. They are walking around the
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always .bears
border of the United States, start
ing from Kansas City. The card
also stated that there was another
hiker ahead of them who had prov
ed to be a fake.
Wm. Pullman, general manager of
tho Douglas County Water & Light
Company, spent tho day in Roseburi;
attending to business matters.
.Mrs. P. McNabb, of Iteedsport, who
has been visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Winston, return
ed home this afternoon.
FOR SALE Three heavy horses,
two well matched. Heavy wagon
and .harness. Also fiiglo buggy.
Can be booh at Farmers Feed
Shed. 474-al!ip
In tho Circuit Court of the Stale
of Oregon for Douglas County.
Gitph Steinmvz. I'lalntlfi',
Mary E. Stelnmetz, Defendant.
To Mary E. Stelnmetz, Defendant:
OF OREGON, You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in above
court wthin six weeks from the first
publication of this summons, to
wit: within six weeks from the,3td
day of April, 1916, and if you tail
to so appear and answer said com
plaint plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for in his
complaint, to-wit: The dissolution
of the marriage contract now exist
ing between tho plaintiff and your
self and for such other and further
relief as tne court nicy adjudge
This summons 'reserved upon you
by tho publication ' thereof in the
Umpqua Valley News, a semi-weekly
newspaper published nt Roseburg,
Douglas County, State of Oregon,
once a week for the term of six
weeks .under and pursuant to an
order of Hon. J. W. Hamilton, Judge
of the sain Court made on the 2."Ku
day of March, 1916, and entered on
the Journal of said Court.
The first publication hereof will
be of date April 3rd, 1916, and
thereafter in' each, weekly Ibsuo :Of
said newspaper to and Including the
Issue thereof of date May. 15th, 1916,
making seven (weekly Insertions ,, of
tills summons in" said' newspaipehqi
" ! J. C. FULLERTON, "
41B-nil5 . . Plaintiff's Attprney.
Notice Is hereby given that at, a
meeting of the Common Council of
the city of Roseburg, Oregon, held
on the 3rd day of April, 1916, the
following resolution was adopted:
Resolved that the Common Coun
ell deems it expedient and necessary
and proposes to improve Second
Avenue North from the east line of
East Third Street to tho east line
of East Fourth Street in the fol
lowing manner:
First: By grading tho street to
the proper sub-grade;
Second: By paving the roadway of
said street twenty feet In width
with concrete pavement;
Third: By constructing concrete
Fourth: By construtlng sub
to whence they came with an aching
eUewherc many are calbJ but few
drains. If necessary:
Fifth: By constructing street
Sixth: By laying vitrified sewer
Seventh: By constructing catch
basins and Inlets.
Said Improvements are to be
made In acocrdauce with the Char
tor and Ordinances of tho City ol
Roseburg. Oregon, and the grade,
plans, specifications and estimates
of tho City Euglueer, filed In the
office of the City Rocorder April 3,
1916, which said grade, plans, spe
cifications and estimates aro hereby
approved and adopted.
The entire cost of said Improve
ment Bhall bo assessed upon the
property especially benefitted there
by, as provided- by tho Chnrter and
as requested by tho petitioners, and
no part thereof shall bo paid by tho
City of Roseburg.
The estimate of tho City Englnoer
of the probable detailed cost Of said
improvement is the sum of 12312.13.
Resolved that tho City Recorder
be and he is hereby directed to give
notice of said proposed improve
ment as provided by tho Charter ol
the City of Roseburg.
Remonstrances against said pro
posed improvement may bo filed in
writing with tho undersigned within
twenty days from the first publica
tion of this notice which Is April 6th,
Recorder of the City of Roseburg,
Oregon. 441-sw-a27
Notice Is hereby given that at a
meeting of the Common Council of
the City of Roseburg, Oregon, hold
on the 27th day of March, 1916, the
following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED that the Common
Council (looms it expedient and
necessary and proposes to Improve
Fleser street from the east lino of
East Sixth Street to the eastern
termluous thereof in the following
manner: - I
First: By grading the street to
the proper sub-grade;
Second: By building wooden head
er boards or curbs;
Third: By paving the roadway
twenty feet in width with gravel:
, - Fourth: ,. .By,,, constructing .. glib:,
drains, if necessary;
- Fifth: By constructing street mon
uments; ' ' . " '
.ji.Stxfh; By laying ,, verified sewer
PlpejJ- -r .." ; : ji .
Seventh: By constructing catch
basing and Inlets.' , ' .
Said Improvements are to be made
in accordance with the Charter and
Ordinances of the City of Roseburg,
Oregon, and the grade, plana, speci
fications and estimates of the City
Engineer filed In the office of ta'e
City Recorder March 13, 1916, which
said grade, plans, specifications and
estimates are hereby approved and
The entire cost of said Improve-
in a
ONE person will buy your property; One
your house or apartment; ONE person will- give
help? Could it he accomplished nt all?
The classified advertisements help you to find the ONE PER
SON you seek bqnauso that one person, in most instances, ex
perts to get in touch with yon through the classified advertising
columns. Relf-intcrest makes your classified advertisement
IMPORTANT to this one person.
Your "ad" will be read hy the wrong people, of course Vy
many of them. P.ut, with a Tittle persitsenco on your part, it will
como to the notice, unfailingly, of one person to whom and for
whom it was written.
That's the RERVTOTC our classified columns offer tn vmi.
1 !
Uun-uu uf Liikiuviiik itud
The government's big stamp and paper money factory, tho Bureau dP
Sngrnving and Printing at Washington, has not shut down, nor gone on
short time, nor made any changes in the colors, because its director, Joseph
E. Ralph, cornered the American color market immediately nfter the out
break of the war. Realizing that with Germany cut off the price of dy
would skyrocket, he bought all the dyes available in August, 1914, therehf
saving Uncle Sam between $300,000 and $400,000. ,
ment shall be assessed upon tho prop
erty especially benefitted thereby, as
quested by tho petitioners, and no
pnrt threof Bhall bo paid by tho City
of Roseburg.
The estimate of the City Englnoer
of the probable detailed cost of said
improvement Is tho sum of $975.15.
Resolved that the City Recordor
be and ho is hereby directed to give
notice of said proposed Improvement
us provided by the Charter of the
City of Roseburg.
Remonstrances against said pro
posed improvement may be filod in
writing with the undersigned within
twenty (20) days from the first
publication of this notice which is
March 30, 1916.
Recorder of the City of Roseburg,
Oregon. 406-a2Q
Notice is hereby given that at a
meeting of the Common Council of
the City of Roseburg, Oregon, held
op the 27th day of March, 1910, the
f Allowing resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED that the Common
Cquncll deems It expedient and
necessary and proposes to Improve
East Sixth Street from the Bouth line
of Second Avenue South to the south
line of Fleser Street in the follow
ing manner:
First: By grading the street to the
proper sub-grade;
Second: By building wooden head
er boards or curbB;
Third: By paving the roadway
twenty foet In width with gravel;
Fourth: By constructing sub
drains, if necessary;
Firth: By constructing street mon
"The One Person'
Whole Gtyfuli!
ITow long would it require to find that "one
V )
-ri . . n
'.11. . .. -
Pruning ui W iisliuiKiuii.
Sixth; By laying vitrified
Seventh: By constructing calcki
basins and Inlets.
Said Improvements are to
made In accordance yith the Charta
and Ordinances of the City of Ham
burg, Oregon, and tho grade, plana,
specifications and estimates of U
City Engineer filed In office of taai
City Recorder March 13, 1916, whit,
anid grado, plans, specifications a.
estimates aro hereby approved aa.
Tho entire cost of said Improve
ment shall .bo assessed upon t)
property especially benefitted there
by, as provided by the Charter an
as requested by the petitioners, aaft
no part theroof shall be paid by U
City of Roseburg." '
Tho estimate of the City Engineer
of the probable detailed cost of
Bald Improvement Is the sua eC
Resolved that the City Reeordae
be and he Is hereby directed to (it
notice of Bald proposed imprvetMalt
as provided by the Charter of tk
City of RoBoburg.", ''
RemonBtrancos against said pro
posed Improvement may be filed I
writing with the undersigned wUXia
twenty f2M,Jll5'8,from tne flrt
lica'tron 'of '" 'ths notice, ' Whlek la
March 30, 1916.
i ,w R. L. WHIPPLE,
Recordor of the City of Rosebart.
Oregon. 40T-al
Real Estate
City and Farm Property
111 Wmt Oak Street.
person will rent
you employment
person" without I