DBB9 All Kinds of Gardening Tools Rakes, Hoes Spading Forks, Trowels, Etc. Also high grade Garden Hose. Tbe celebrated Klnk I(!8b, all Rubber; also Cloth covered Hose. AH grades guaranteed, both In quality and price. A. J. LILBURN & SON THIi COMPLETE HOUSE 1 'UltNISIIEItS REGISTERED MAIL THIEF ! tered malls In Now York last Jan- CAITUItED IN SAX DIEGO nary. SAX DIKOO, April 8. Marshal j. f. Young and wife, of Port Carso today arroHted James Morgan, land, who have been visiting at Car who confessed to llio theft of a mil-. don valley, returned home this after Hon and a half dollars from rcglH- noon. Idalac THEATRE I'OllAY ON I A' The Favorite Screen Star Marie Walcamp In the Four-Roel Sensational Druma of the Sea 'CORAL' The Original Cartoon Comedy 'Safety First' By tho Knmous Cartoonist Pat Sullivan TOMORROW AXI MONDAY THK FAMOUS SUBMARINE I'KTl'KES Seven Reels of Mysteries of the deep. To lo sure of a seat come e:irly. ANY SKAT XY TIM I 5c ALWAYS A (iOOI) SHOW MaueaHaOTwtiii"iuiaa John J. Grouch dips the scratchy end of an old-fashioned steel pen into spattery ink. Wasteu the ink all over the paper and his clothes. Wastes time. Henry H. Happy man walks into our store buys one of our "Mercantile" foun tain pens goes back to his office exiles the ink-stand and rites his head off. With neatness and dispatch. Many styles of these famous "Mcrcantiles" here. $2.50 and up It Is not too lato yet to enter tho contest and win tho ?S Pen. A. S. Huey Co. THE BROCCOLII GROWERS MEET Over fifty of the prominent broc coli growers of the Umpqua valley met at the office of the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union to discuss plans for the future and make arrange ments for the handling of next year's crops. Tho growers are very well pleased with the results of this year and have strong hopes fur tbe fu ture. The growing of broccoli In this valley has proved Itself to he vory successful as the pnarket Is good and prices high. committee was appointed to pre-, cure information in regard to the care and propogatlon of the crop and to report their findings to tho other growers that they may profit from the exjierience of others. There was very little done In regard to arrange ments, It being merely a get-togetth-er meeting to plan for what tli' Bhould do next season. Several of the growers made very interesting talks which wero very interesting as weTl as helpful. CHOOSE ORCUTT FOR CHURCH SHE (Continued from page 1.) board and the structure will be re moved In a short time to give way for the new high school building which will bo built on the I.ane school site. Services will be hela Tn tho present church buItfT.ng until after Easier. Mr. Orcutt Is making pluns to vacate the newly purchased residence and this will bo occupied by Rev. Cleaves within a few weeks. TO Till I'l'IIMC. On nccount of tho school board not purchasing my property on Hose and Douglas streets, many people have Bald that I was holding up the school board in the price I asked. For tho benefit of those who thought my price wub too high, I wIhIi to slate that I asked $0,0(10 for my three lots, size 100x120 fee), street and Intersection paving included. Compare this with the other prices paid for property thero. It. WILLETT. , that sub-contractors Send -bidB to him. He also desires prices on lum ber, sand, gravel, cement and lime.; Wilbur Brown, of South Deer ! creek, spent the day In RoBeburg at-! tending to business matters. j W. E. Camack returned borne to Sutberlln this afternoon after spend ing a few days in this city. J. F. Maboney, of Sutherlln, is spending a short time In this city attending to business matters. C. R. Trussell and wife, of Round Prairie, came to Roseburg ifi after noon and will visit for a short time. W. E. St. John, of Sutherlln, can didate for county comxissloner. was in the city today attending to business matters. M. C. Miller, who has been spend ing a few days at Dillard attending to business matters returned to I Roseburg this afternoon. Lillian Krogel returned to Oak-j land this afternoon (after visiting with her parents in this city for a short time. I - I Hubert Wilson and Harry Booth, students at the University at Eugene are in the city, spending their spring j vacation with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Howlett, of De troit, Mh., who have been spend ing the winter in California, arrived this afternoon and will visit for a short time with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lewis. An important deal was made to day when Henry Lambert traded his 40-acre farm In British Columbia for tho brick building at the corner of Pine and Cass streets formerly owned by James Hlldebrand, but re cently purchased by Mr. Nichols. O. V. YOUNG 1. B. HUBAR Emblem Goods YOUR FRIEND THAT RODE THE GOAT RECBNTLY WOULD APPRECIATE AN EMBLEM BUTTON, PIN, RING, CUFF LINKS, -TIE PIN OR CHARM. THEY WEAR THEM (WITH PRIDE. WE HAVE A NICE LINE OF THESE GOODS." THEY ARE NEW AND THE LATEST DESIGNS, AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT FOR HONEST GOODS. QUALITY SERVICE YOUNG & BUBAR JEWELERS & OPTOMETRISTS Phone Two-One-Four Host-burg, Oregon V ANTLERS THEATRE YT-TTVyy? WEIiXER & KOLLER, lessees mtJ Exclusive Home of TlilAXGL: and Paramount Motion I'ictuno Features. Always tho Best TUIAXGLE PROGRAM TONIGHT Remarkable five-reel spectacular TRIANGLE-FINE ARTS pro duction "ALOHOE OE" featuring WILLARD MACK and ENID MARKEY. Also the ex cruciatingly funny two-reel Keystone ComeiTy The Village Scandal' featuring Raymond Hitchcock and Rogtoe Arbuckle HEELS Adjn btslon 10c and 15c ' REELS HUNTER'S SPRAT. Spray that orchard with Hunter's Lime-Sulphur Solution. Strength and purity absolutely guaranteed, recom mended by the fruit inspector for Douglas county, nndorsod and sold by the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. 2S9-dswtf SPRING TROUBLE? Let us solve your Spring Trouble. We have the latest improved Spring Equip mentbest equipped shop in Roseburg. Try HENDRIE TIRES and forget your Tire Trouble KISNER & MARSH MAJESTIC THEATRE THE llltKiHT SlOT TOIIAV THE DIVINE SARAH BERNHARDT "JEANNE DORE" There Is no use to advertise this wonderful woman for she Is known to everyone. This will probably ho the last time. She will ever be seen in any play, so don't miss this opportunity to seo her. GERTIE'S BUSY DAY An L. Ko Co mod. 6 REELS 6 CUII.DI.I'N ten CENTS ADULTS 1.1 CENTS SUNDAY MONDAY TIIKKKII CIRCLE AMI THE GIRL AND THK GAME TUKHIKW THK 1A) K MA It, Fl-UTIIINO CRANE Wll.llt II WKONHHOAY "THK JK AT II UH'K," A Special Feature. It's an Alaska Story nud Ib better than tho "Spoilers". CITY NEWS. 1. P. Gardiner, of Riddle came to Rosoburg on a business trip this aft ornoon. H. .Morrow today moved his house hold goods to Looking Glass, where he will reside. Alvln Tipton and S. S. Johns, of Myrtlo Creek, made a trip to Rose burg today. T. A. Walker, of Osrden Valley, was In town for soveral hours to day. F. K. Doorner, tho well known Cleveland resident, was in tho city today. John Coshow leaves tomorrow for Hood river wheTo ho will spend the summer. A. S. Ireland, of Olalla, was a business visitor In Roseburg this afternoon. V. N. Poole, of Days Creek, came to Roseburg for a business visit this afternoon. Illrdie Clark and Pearl Cummins left this afternoon for a visit at Rice Hill. Mabel Miller left this afternoon for a week end visit with her par ents at l.eona. Fred Price, of Oak crock attend ed to business matters In Roseburg this afternoon. S. J. Choneworth, of Oakland, was a business visitor In Roseburg for several hours today. H. G. Wilson returned last night from a business trip to the south: orn part of tho slate. The Commercial club today re ceived notice from James S. Winters, of Portland, that ho was Intending to submit a bid for the construction of the federal building, and asked AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. Have you seen the NATIONAL pure live rubber tire fillo, . Takes the place of air, cannot puncture. Let mo show you a sample and take you for a ride. II. Jay Stone, agent, Roseburg, Ore. 4 2 4-a31p UK,-A I i TEACHER COMPILES TEXT HOOK OX HISTORY SUNDAY A51) MOXDA Y WITH SUNDAY MATINEE PAHAMOUXT PROGRAM BLANCHE RING . In tho beautiful five-reel Paramount feature "The Yankee Girl" Also a new, up-to-date Animated Gazette and a Good Comedy. 1'ltKE SUNDAY AND MONDAY- FREE Patrons of the Antlers Theatre Sunday and Monday will be pre sented with a free copy of the PHOTO PLAY Magazine. A fif teen cent book and a 25c show nil for a single Admission price of . 1.1c, Children 10c. FOIl BIDS FOR SCHOOL BONDS. Through the courtesy of R. G. Mall, principal of the Rose school, the editor of The News has been pre contod with a copy of "The Students' History of Our Country, for Gram mar Grades," a most valuable and comprehensive text book compiled and written by Mr. Hall, while he was superintendent of the schools at Cleburne, Texas. This book has been adopted by tbe school commission of Texas, and over 65,000 have already been published. It Is dlvlueu Into two parts, and each of those Into periods, making it possible to have events and dates; easily Impressed and remembered. Part one is devoted to early Ameri can history, this being subdivided Into iliree periods, the first dealing with discovery and exploration, the second to colonization, and the third to tho struggle for possession, this part bringing the student down to the end of the Revolution. Pnrt two unbraces tho United States under the Constituiton, with tour periods, tho first of which treats of tho generation of Revolu tion fathers, period two. with the second generation of statesmen, per iod three with the era of strife from 1860 to 1876, and the last period shows the ro-Unltcd States brought down to the date of the election of President Wilson. The book Is profusely Illustrated with mnps and engravings of his torical events, and notable persons, and Is written in an attractive liter ary style, whllo retaining nil the es sential and authentic facts of history in a concise and chronological order. DEXMA. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive sealed bidB up to five o'clock P. M. on April 21th, 1916, at his office in tho Roseburg National lTank Building, Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, for the pur chase of nogotlable coupon bonds of School District No. 4, Douglas County 'Oregon, in the sum of $75,000.00. Said bonds are in denominations of $r.00.00 each, dated May 1, VSlfl, due absolutely seventeen years from date and payable at the option of the Board of Directors, one-fifteenth of the principal amount of said issue on the 1st day of May, 1919 and one- filteenth on the 1st day of May. of each and every year thereafter until the entire Issue is retired, draw five per cent Interest semi-annually, and are payable at the option of the pur- iTiaser in Roseburg or New York. Snid bids will be opened and consid ered by the board at a meeting to be held at 7:30 o clock P. M. on April 24, 1916. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check In favor of School Dis trict No. 4, Douglas County, Oregon, for five per cent of the amount bid. to be forfeitcd to said School Dis trict In case the successful bidder does not complete tho purchase of laid bonds, and the Board rese-vea the right to reject any nnd all bids. Bidders must satisfy themselves In advance as to the legality of said Issue and make tlfblr bids uncondi tional, for which purpose a transcript of the record regarding said bond Issue will be furnished all bona fide bidders. By order of tho Board of Direc tors. Dated this "h day of April. 1916. ROSCOE N. GREEN, District Clerk. School District No. 4, Douglas County, Oregon. 453-al8i -OU SA1-. OR TRADE 14 section j timber .land In Lane Co. Will I cruise 4.000,000 feet. Seven miles j from railroad. M. C. Martin, 337 I S. Pine St. Roseburg. 454-a21p Time to Get Measured For That Easter Suit SIMON CARO'S LEADING CLOTHIEH Agent Jlest Tailoring Co. 1 Relieve Your Aching Feet New Herbal Skin Balm r KMA, tho ; v hcrh.il skin tulni, we nro T, . Vn yoa rl-llt wo bivo (oumt noihiii tlist heelns toenunl triic formul i. made exclu sively ftm Nature's h,Mlhr tierlv. r lhe Lskericw laboratories of Chicwrn Me 1vrn os the rx-luiTe riht to wll u KXMA ii r..ir home town. r.i1 we htve n.vle so mine pu-iiils by recomrrK-iKliitv this jrrent rormulft that we wsnl rou to trr boi tulsr on our rusrriiitee to von prrsotislly tint 11 it doesn't to! "'."1 ""''n aHn at om-e It will cost you nolhlns. If oq sre not Ihor. OUs-hly M lulled. come UMl et your moa. 11, lUxl I'nw lll'UX MolT. Mrs. F. D. Owen Cnt Flowers, Potted Plants, Fnnvrml leealgns. Wedding Bo qurta, etc. JCST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OP FKRS9 OF 'ALL K1XDS Roseburg, Oregon. IX OlAl ORTHOPEDIC DEPARTMENT WE CARRY AT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE LIXE OK MODERN' CORRECTIVE APPLIANCES. IP YOU ARE SUFFERIXG KKOM FLAT FOOT, BROKEN DOWX INSTEP, OH HAVE ANY TROUBLE WITH YOUR FEET COME .-VXD SEE VS. WE'LL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO. Roseburg Booterie IRV1X nitCNN. Shoes That Satisfy. Perkins I It tig. - . Cuss Street 1