RENT, SELL OR TRADE . YOUR HOME OR HAXCH BY USE OF A NEWS "WANT AD." THE NEWS CLASSIFIED AD PAGE THE NEWS CLASSIFIED AlW GET RESULTS TRY THEM. EVERYBODY READS THEM. FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the republican nomi nation at the primary election to be held on May 19, 191G, for the office of circuit judge for the second Judic ial district, composed of Coos, Curry Douglas, Lane, Benton and Lincoln counties, for the next ensuiug term If I ain nominated and elected to said office, I will administer justice economically, impartially and with out fear or favor. I have no enemies to punish or friends to reward. Every litigant, plaintiff and de fendant coming before me, shall have a square deal. My motto shall be "A square deal to all. . Special privileges to none." pd. ad. C. A. SEHLBREDE. FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. I herewith announce my candidacy before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket, for the office of District Attorney for Douglas coun ty, subject to the decision of the qualified voters. My platform will be enforcement - of the law, and economy in Its administration, pd. adv. GEORGE NEUNER, Jr. I herewith announce my candidacy before the May primaries, on the re publican ticket, for the office of District Attorney for Douglas coun ty, subject' to the . decision of the qualified voters. pd. adv. I. B. RIDDLE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce that 1 am a candidate for republican nomination for representative in the state legis lature, subject to the declslpn of the voters at the primary election, H elected, I shall give the business of the state the same careful considera tion that I would give the business of a private individual who retained me to look after his interests, pd. ad. ORA H. PORTER. I hereby announce my candidacy for representative on the republican ticket, tubject to the decision of the voters at the primaries to oe held on May 19, 1916. "The people'! interests are my interests." pd. ad. ROY GRIGGS. I BELIEVE IN OREGON and Douglas county, its present artd fu ture; in rural development as the basis of town prosperity; in good roads radiating from local centers; in demanding value received for ev ery cent of taxes; in the best system of education for the young; In clean politics, economical business administration of public property, and fewer laws; in representation of farmers and business men by a farmer and business man. I therefore announce myself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Rep resentative from Douglis County at the coming primary election. If you are for these things I respectfully sgjlclt your vote. CHARLES A. BRAND, pd. adv. Wilbur, Oregon. FOR CLERK. I hereby, announce my name as a candidate on the republican ticket, for the office of clork of Douglas county, subject to the decision of the voters at the May primaries, pd. adv. CHARLES W. CLARK I hereby announce myself as a s candidate for the democratic nom ination for County Clerk at the pri mary election on May 19th, 1916. pd. ad. E. II. LENOX. FOR SHERIFF. To the voters of Douglas County: I herewith announce my candidacy for sheriff of Douglas county, on the republican ticket, at the primaries to be hedl on May 19, 1916. pd. ad.-ml3 SAM W. STARMER. I hereby announce myself as a republican candidate for sheriff of Douglas county, et the primaries. May 19. 1916. prt. ad. FRANK BARAGAR. I herewith announce myself as a c&ndldpte for re-nomlnation as a candldtae for the office of sheriff of 'Douglas county, subject to the de cisis of the republican voters at the May primaries, pd. ad. GEORGE K. QUINTS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for sheriff of Douglas rMinty on be democratic ticket, sub iprf to the decision of the primaries to be held po the 1 of May. d. adv. HARRY PEARCB. PETEY DINK "Hark!" Is Right C" &ohe wgouc- FOR TREASURER I herewith announce my name a a candidate for rnomination for tho office of treasurer of Douglas coun ty on the republican ticket, subjec to the decision of the primary elec tlons to be held in May. pd adv. JAMES E. SAWYERS. I hereby announce my name as a candidate for the position of treas urer of Douglas county, on the re publican ticket, subject to the de cision of the primaries to he held In May. MRS. INEZ MILLFR. pd. ad. ' FOR COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a republican candidate for the office of county commissioner of Douglas county, subject' to the primary elec tion n be held May 19, 1916. 1 stand for a straight business admin istration. A HENRICKSEN, pd. adv. Oakland, Or. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of county commissioner of Douglas county, on the republican ticket, Bubject to the primary electiou to be held in May, 1916. pd. adv. ARTHUR E. STOCKER. To the voters of Douglas county: I will be a candidate for the of fice of Commissioner of Douglas county on the republican ticket, be fore the primaries to be hold in May, and solicit your support, pd. ad. J. T BRIDGES. To the' voters or Bouglns comity. I wll be a candidate for the office of Commissioner of Douglas county on the republican ticket, before tho primaries to be held in May, and solicit your support. V. E. ST. JOHN, yd. adv. Sutherlin. I hereby announco my name as a candidate on the republican ticket, for the office of commissioner of Douglas county, at the primaries to be held May 19. I respectfully so licit your support, and if nominated and elected, will aim to give a good business administration of county af fairs, ' JOHN BUSENBARK, pd adv. Melrose, Ore. FOR ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a re publican candidate for the office of county assessor of Deuglas cour.ty, subject to the primary election to be held May 19, 1916. pd. ad. CHARLES ROBERTS. I hereby announce myself as a republican candidate for the office lx "vanccx, vmabcuJ 'fl must -Be - : 'o. ( AWW M I HARK I HEAR WIS GCUltE J 1 jfl M?UWS THIS STACC TH& HERO an Vfoot -steps kiow- - J-t'CA ,a. PS I V AN' I SAN, CUT J eyes s CAw r-S r " S ' Rut Not the "Gentle Fuot.sieps", s.o Par with the play inv and tx of county assessor of Douglas coun ty, subject to the primary election to be held May 19, 1916. pd. ad. D. P. McKAY. I hereby announco my candidacy for the republican noiuiuailou for County Assessor at the primary elec tion in May, believing that seven years' experience under Assessor Calkins has qualified me to efficient ly perforin the duties of this office, pd. adv. GUK CORDON. I herewith announco my candidacy for assessor of Doulgas county on the republican ticket at the May primaries. I stand for Just and equal assessment tb all which my record will bear out, and respectfully solicit your support H. W. JONES, pd. adv. Myrtle Creek. I herewith announce my candi dacy on the republican ticket for the office of assessor of Douglas county, subject to the will of the voters at the primary to be btld May 19, 1916. Having'. had 20 years' enpurl ence In the general merchandising; business, gives mo sufficient knowl edge to enable me to give the tin payers a just and equitable assess ment. pd. adv. A. A BELLOWS. ' FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby anuounce myself arf a re publican candidate to,- the office of surveyor of Douglas county, subject to tile primary election to be bold -May 19, 1916. pd. ad. MILTON II. GERMOND. I hereby announce myBOIf as a can didate for tho office of county sur veyor, of Douglas county, subject to the primary election to be held on .May 19, 1916. pd. adv. ' FRANK CAIN. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE I hereby announce my candidacy on the Republican ticket for the of fice of Justice of tho Peace for Deer Creek district, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election to be held May 19, 1916. pd. advt. CHAS. F. HOPKINS. I will be a candidate on the re publican ticket at tho May primaries, tor the office of Justice of the Peace for Deer creek district, and respect fully solicit the-support of the elect ors at said primary. R. H. GRINSTED, pd. adv. Roseburg. FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. To the voters of Douglas county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of county school sup erintendent, subject to the will of the voters of the republican party. Second terra. ' Very respectfully submitted, pd. ad. O. C. BROWN. FOR CORONER. I hereby announce my eandldacy 'or the odice of coroner of Doug las county on the republican ticket, jubjoct to the decision of the voton it tho primaries to be held on tin lilth of May, 1916. DR. C. B. WADE, pd. ad. Rosoburg LOST Near Oakland, crank foi Peerless auto. Finder please leave at Motor Shop garage for owner. 428-nSp FOR RENT A B-room dwelling house, with out-houses and gar den at Frultvale, mile north of the city limits. Address, P.. O. Box 45, Edcnbower, Or. 436al0p FOR RUNT Nice little BO-acre farm two miles from Roseburg, 20 acres in cultivation, 10 acres In crop. Fair set farm buildings. For sale with place two good Jersey cows 2 calves, 1 doz. fowls, harrow, cul tivator, household furniture. Also good team, harness and wagon, If desired. Good little dairy ranch; Will rent for a term of years. Sot) Perrlne & Marsiers. 451-al0p FOR SALIC. FOR SAI.K Bay gelding, 7 year, old, gentle and true, 1800 pounds. J. I. Chapman, W'lbur, Oro. 2R1-I.1 FOR SALE 103 acreB of good bottom land. For description and price address Lock Box 25, Camas Valley, Ore. 399-a26p FOIt S A i , 10 The News has a num her of mickrtgea of papers for sal at 5 and 10 cents per packupe. Good big bundles. Make cheap fire starters. tf FOIt SALE Number one baled oats and vetch hay, 16.00 per ton. Top buggy, good as new $35.00. Moun tain Houso Ranch, Rt. 1 Rose burg. 4 32-m2p FOR SALE Oil TRADE New 2 horBe corn cultivator, 1 small work horse, or will trade for cows. R. R. Wood, Wilbur, Ore gon. 438-alOp FOR SALE $35.00 bicycle, as good as new for $15.00. Postal card will bring It to you for demon stration. AddreBB M. Hober, Rt. 1, Roseburg. 431-a8p FOR SALE 80 acres, 30 acres till able, 50 seres, oak timbered, pas ture land, good Improvements: will be sold cheap on easy terms. No trade. Address, Box 161. Breekway, Douglas county, Ori son. 422-tf By V. A, Voiglit FOR SALE 1st cutting alfalfa haj at Farmers Feed Shed. 427-tl FOR SALE Sowb, Bhoata and calves. G. R. Forguson, MelroBO, Oregon. 430-a8p FOR SALE 16 inch oak or fir wood. Call phone 262 for prices. 439-tt WANTED Boy to work and do chores for bis board. Must b able to milk cows. Phone 203-J. 426-nT FOR SALE Baled hay, oat or wheat and vetch. Fred Fisher, Edenbower, Or. Phone 26F2. 426-tf TOR SALE 110 head woll bred Angora goats. Will trade for stock cattle. J. F. Barker, Roso burg, Oregon. 437-tf FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Wyandotte "Dustin Strain," eggs, $1 per setting. C. W. Bradford, Roseburg. Phone 15F21. 841-alO FOR SALE Two milch cows, also 4 months bull calf, cross bred .Holsteln and Jersey. For prise und terms call 6F15, or address N. L. Conn, Roseburg, Or. 395-a7p FOR SALE Team of 4-year-old horses, good workers. 14 head pigs, past 2 months and one boar year old. Inquire J. T. Epperly, Jr., Melrose, or phono 24F11. . 3'JO-tf FOR KALE S, C. White Leghorns and Barred Rocks, day old chicks, April hatch $10.00 per 100.; II. V. Rocks $12.b0. Special Tor May and Juno. $8.50 and $11. GO, per 10(1. Rook your orders early. G. W. Burt, Roseburg, Or. 401-tf WANTED. WANTED TO RENT Farm of about 200 acres, suitable for mix ed farming. Address with full partlcinarfl, Robert TJomsland, Edenbower, Oro. 444-al2p 10 WANTED 1U Young men, ages 16 to 21, to Join Junior Band. I teach all Band Instruments, Call or phone 64-L. wm. ir. Mclaughlin Loader lUmelturg Concert Band. L. G. HICKS SURVEYOR 128 Perkiiu HulUJng Roaeborg, Ore. Phone 191 -R Drs. Seely Sether and Stewart. Physicians una Surgeons Suit of offices, Roar Douglas National Bank. Ground Floor, I'hono WIT lUweliurg . . .Oregon DR. B. R. SHOEMAKER Physician & Surgeon. Office rooms 21-9-220 PerUaa Building Phones Office 194 Residence 8I DR. GEO. E. HOUCK . Physician & Surgeon. Office Perkins Bldg,, Phone S. Roseburg, Oregon DELAPP & SNELL OSTEOPATHIC TIIYSICIANS Rins 800, 207. 20R rwL l. m.i. Ril-L Residence Phones CtO-L 9 Office Phono Mo. UK. N. PLYLER Licensed Chiropractic Pliystclaa 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Or. Consultation and Examination Free. , Offlcollonr, o to B. Sundays and evenings bj Appointment t Phone 152. ' CHAS. P. HOPKINS attornoy at jmvi Room 4ao Perk liis Illdg. Roseburg, Oregon. Especial attention given to con veyancing and lb examination of tltlos to real estate. Prac tices In all stave and federal courts. Of. Phono U84 Roe. Phono 120-R C. B. WADE Physician & Surgeon. Rooms 41S-10 Perkins Building Roseburg . . . OrigMi The Heinline School of Music. Mrs. Charles Heinflno, Director Mrs. Mux Combs, Asst. Teacher. Beginners a Speciality; Concert Pianists Developed, Morning classes In Kindergar ten; children called for and tnken home, Studio 423 Ella St. Phono jS-R. TEACHERS & PUPILS ATTENTION The News offlco has a splen did quality of bond paper put up In pound pacaknges (200 shectii to the pound, size 8 147) at 25 cents per package. tf a""flv Estimates GERMOND AND FREAR "I"".v ouii!) hui veyii . Civil Engineer nml Surveyors Koaeburg, Oregon Room 0 Masonio Blldg. Phono 887 NICHOLS & MARTIN GENERAL I 'ONTR ACTORS Plans and estimates furnished on carpenter, brick and comont work. Patronage Solicited, phone &88-Y CHIROPRACTORS Dr. R. P. Bradford & Wifo Graduates and Postgraduates of the Carver Chlropractlo College, Oklahoma City, Okla. Consulta tion and examination free to all. Honrs, 9 to 4. Phones, office 2 floj residence 858-J. 421-2 Perkins Building, Rosebnrg, C-egon.