J In Club an6 Society Circles is- Social Afternoon. ! Supper will be forded tbem a mo8t delightful even- ic. A Tbe editor of this department ing. will bo pleased to bave atteu- i i't tion called to items for pub- ; A t t!iixn ot Winston. llcatlon la these columns for the Wednesday and Saturday issues of The News, and may be reached by telephone at The News office, number 135, or at 147-J. So then the year Is repeating Its old story again. Wo are come once more, thank God! to its most charm ing chapter. The violets and the Mayflowers are as Its Insi riptiong or vignettes. It always makes a pleas ant impression on nu when wc open again at these pages of the book of Ilfe.-Goetho. I K. V. Meets. Mrs. Myron Whitney was hostess for the R. A. E. C. on Wednesday afternoon at her home at 736 West A special meeting of the Merry- Lane St. These ladies make It Cio-Itound of Green, was called for Point to carry out the meaning of yesterday afternoon at the home of the club name, and while Bocial con Mrs. I,. B. Skinner, and a number of verse has by no means suffered there additional guests from itoseburg in- by, many pieces of artistic needle- vi I mi In to assist in the celebration work have been turned out from or Mrs .Skinner s birthday. Diver- lheir afternoon sessions. Those who fiuns for the afternoon were many! enjoyed Mis. Whitney's hospitality and the birthday lady was presented 0,1 Wednesday were MesdameB K. M. with a number of surprise parcels Bowers, Ella Palm, Elsie Humphrey, containing tokens of affection and Tillle Johnson, C. P. lcwis, 3Iy- reinenibrance of the day. Besides the members of the club, the party included Irs. Guy Black, Mrs. ltoy ' Bellows, Mrs. W. F. Chapman, 'Mrs. I II. I). Graves, Mrs. K. L. I.eud better. dinner, Edith Daniels. J. Williams, Ai. uevaney, o. Newhard, Wm. Bag- ley, Homy Worthlngton, E. D. Neeley, J. Patrick, J. G. Stephen son, John Bailey. SC. ,H. Cleave. pud Miss Allle Black, of rtoscburic. Tho past dlys have truly b'.-on days A buiot supper presided over by in InHnirn ir t.nt.1 ..,,,1 ,,Itl,,i i'r. h.v.l t,i . . ,7,7. I '"evievo Skinner utfj Miss man can but feel the sentiments n?; fridges, was served to the geiits expressed by the bards, yet his IB I 0wa,,l. evening, a ,he party hs ? "nevertheless equally the Joy of feel-j sonibled on porches, steps and in ing the spirits rise In recognition or tho open rooms, enjoying the balmy llio beauties of Spring. And as man , air whllo partaking' or the repast Is Tiy nature a social being, he cn-j Mrs. Fred lienner will be hostess Joys mingling with hi fellow crca-( for the cIllb ttt t,ler noxt reglllar tures In times of Joy, for the pleas- j meeting, which will be on next We, uro of sharing his exuberance, as-nesdirr. .Mrs. George Skiff, Miss Lucy Bridges) l-'oyd Adams, Henry Snyder, and three guests who had been Invited by tho hostess, Mrs. Win. Anderson. well as when sorrow overtakes him, for the solace of their sympathy. An ir of buoyancy has been noted aB a characteristic or the fair spring days whurover folk assemble, and several fair-sized picnics have blossomed out on the banks of the Umpnua during the week not alono In tho "Jungles', where the knights of tho road gath er betimes, but also at tho "Forks," t Wlnchostor, or evon nearer home whore "some hackonlng trees Invite, or tho speckled fish do bite", - BUmio Itwllnl. A very entertaining evening waB npont by all who attondod the recital Kivon by Mrs. H. Jay Stone's musical kindergarten class assisted by Mrl. I B. Moore and the young ladles piano quartet, at tho Presbyterian church last night. Tho program op ened with a spirited piano duot by Xaillun Flint and George Hiujidcr. Thou, to the accompanimont or a march played by Mrs. Stone, the pro cession of tots filed in upon the plat form, each bearing a tiny red chair which they arranged In a semi-circle. And a very interesting little row It was representing bo many types of iHall-glrl-nnd-boy-dom. There was Maxine Moore, porfoctly sure of her do-re-mt-sol-do; EI'low May Wilson, resplendent in long curlB and enjoy ing tho festivities; Prlscllla Shep rd, whose deep notes and "porfect-'ly-at-homo" air " afforded much amusement; Krick and Graham Townseml in bluck volvot Fauntlo roy suits, who jpromlso to be "basBOB"; Gurdon Fory, Jr., who Ib a 'iuli off the old block," for every nolo rings true; Margaret Fory, of augellc countenanco, who couldn't suppress that sleepy little yawn; Helen Ilnchor, topped with n pink tow which matched tho rosy glow of excitement in hor cheeks; nnd threo llttlo flnxun-halred cherubs, Iluth Hoover. I.ellin llnrness and Holon Itussell, all dalf-ly ruffled and lie-bowed for tho occasion. As Blslod by Miss Minnie Nlckons on the plairnrm, Mrs. Stone demonstrated her Interesting methods of teaching these little folks, who nro all Just fivo years or under, and who re Clawi Picnic. Senior parties have begun. With tho parting of the ways so close at hand, the members of tho '1 0 class of tho Itoseburg high school are real Izlng the bond of union that has been created thru all these years or association and common interest, and are cementing the ties still more firmly thru class functions which will long be remembered. Last night at Bevcn thirty, a gay crowd of Seniors climbed onto the French auto truck which had been transformed for tho occasion Into a huy rack, and headed for Jones' grove near Melrose. Miss Ethel rales. Miss Leila Lents, nnd Miss Irma Martens, of the High School Btaff, chaperoned tho party, which upon arriving at tholr destination, scurried about and built a roaring fire which proved to bo tho center of activities for the evening'. Games, dunces and ghosr stories all hnd their placo around tho circle of the fire, and when this had been reduced to glowing embers, Juicy steaks, marsh mallows and the Inevitable "wieners" wero produced from hampers and roasted over the coals. A variety of Bwceta were provided niso, without which no BChool-day sproad is com plete. Miss Lents created much mirth by hor fortune tolling, nnd many were tne happy fatos, but few the dire, which were doalt out by her, The homeward trip was very tune ful, insplrod by tho young moon, per haps, and the party reached home at the fateful hour of twelve. School Kiitei'lainiiienl, A great doal or pleasure was af-. forded the residents of the Soldiers Homo on Wednesday evening when an entertainment was given in the chapel of the Home by the children of the Fullerton school. Ono of the veterans, during a round of applause following a recitation by Wesley Mc Gee, was heard to remark Hint it "took him hack to the days when he spoke pieces". The "Hose Song" which the chll- uion gave a Blinrt time ago at t he I (llss Alice Gammon, and Mrs. Weils , . ; Kaster Holiday1. . The trains rrom tho north yester day brought a load of gladsome holiday youth home Tor their Easter vacation. During this time thoy are presumably storing up energy for the final spurt necessary to carry them tbu tho final exams,' Senior Proms and Commencement festivities. From rumors in the air, however, the rest ing will be mainly during the day tie to restore their strength for tire evening functions scheduled for the holidays. From the Unltersity of Oregon at Eugene came Miss Merle Hamilton Miss Mildred Parks, and the armory any I the guests were Miss Ivoline Mc- The newly elected officers of the! time after .ivc. M-oufciiiin. i.. - . d. Ladies Aid Society of tbe Presbyter-j I Branch. Mrs. Alma Cox, Mrs. Hattie Ian church began their year's work ' For Miss Gammon. j Wells, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McCIaln, auspiciously by acting as hostesses' Honoring Miss Alice Gammon, bride-j anJ Bon, Mr. aa& Mr8. c. H. Cleaves to the members of the organization eect of Mr Hugn Well8 Mra. M. L .j t.hiloren, Mrs. Wm. Anderson, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jean I . ., , ,, . , , . Pitts graciously offered hor home fori Whitney, a sister of Mr. Wells, last. ,,. Ashworth. and three sons, Mrs. the occasion, and the rooms were'night entertained a number of G. S. Lahey, Mr. E. W. Pheister, Beu- fragrant with the Bcent of apple ' friends of the young couple at her lah Starmer, Wyatt Starmer, 'Mrs. blossoms and ii7a.es. Mrs. O. H. ! Porter added to the pleasure of the guests during the afternoon by giv ing several splendid readings. ' j A very brief business session was ' held, in which It was decided to servo meals for two days at the time of: SINGLE-HANDED. GERMAN CAPTURES STEAMER: MYS FINANCED PLOTS Messrs. Hubert Wilson and ry Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hum home on W Lane street. Mfss Gam-j D. Jacjtson. (Mr. and Mrs. Vivian mon was tendered a "shower" of, Jackson and children, Mrs. Besslo gifts which will prove very useful In ; Smith and (laughter, Mr. and Mrs. the home which Is to be so soon es-i W. J. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. tablished. Some of the guests had : Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. J. E .Rexroad, prepared recitations appropriate to and daughter, Mrs. Amanda. Road the occasion, and other amusements' man, Ella Roadman, Miss Ollio Hix, the Odd Fellows convention here, i suggestive of Cupid and his' wiles , Leah Lahey, Lois GammonJDora which will occur on the first day of ' made the evening pass very merrily.! Gamon, Mrs. Delia Gammon, Mil- the carnival and the day preceding.' Besides the hostess and the honor' dred Hodges, Lena Wells and Oren The proceeds will go toward tbe guests, Miss Gammon and Mr. Wells, j Carmony. .)uu pionge to tne rliurcn which was made by the society. An Initial de- posit of iZ.V.a toward this amount was made as a result of tbe silver offering taken at the Thursday after noon mooting, and the ladies hope to more than fulfill their pledge by the end or the year. Tea and cakes were served by the hostesses who were Mrs. Pitts, Mrs. Buckingham. Mrs. Bodie. Mis. Lux und Miss Mm-. tens.. i Wedding Anniversary. Wednesday was the fifth wedding day of 'Mr,, and Mrs. Myrig Daniels, and in tluj evening, at their invita tion, a number of friends gathered it their home on N. Rose street. The party made three tables for pro gressive "500, ' in which Mr. D. C. Humphrey made high score, and Mr. Henry Snyder the- low. The guests for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. N.- E. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- Hurry Booth. Corvallis has not yet dismissed for the holiday, but several will arrive from there In a few days. Hoy Scout Dunce. The Boys Scouts today are Jubi lant over the fact that the order for their uniforms will aoon be speeding its way toward New York, and that they can soon don the garb of the order of which they are so proud. For the dunco given under their auspices last night at the Arm ory netted them fifty dollars, and altho the suits will probably come to seventy five, they have plans whereby they aro certain they will raise tho amount beiore "pay day". The dunce was well attended and much enjoyed by all present. Thiinlilo Party. At tbe homo of Mrs. J. C. Fuller ton in West Itoseburg yesterday aft ernoon, Mrs. Fullerton, Mrs. G. C. Sewell, and Miss Jennie Bulck were hostesses for tho first of a series of artornoons and luncheons with which they will entertain. Spring flowers of many hues and in splendid Pro fusion brightened the rooms where tho guests cnatted, knitted and tatted the afternoon away, at the close of which tlioy were regaled with re- iitishments served at small tables I throughout the rooms. " Picnic on Nelxi, A small band or pilgrims laden with baskets wended their wny up the slope of Mt. Nebo this afternoon, and aHer resting from their climb, produced hi Is of needlework or wan dered about the summit enjoying the different views nrrorded at various points. Miss Wlimifre.i tiopkins and her class of Sunday school girls wet- phrey, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sprague. A num ber of gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. DanielB by their friends In remembrance of the day. Of Oifotcfrtn Jit Ainnny. The Armory was a busy place to day with the preparations for the cafeteria dinner given by Miss Yates and her Domestic Science classes and the help of a few volunteers among the boys. Tho kitchen fair ly buzzed all morning and the var ious committees went about their duties in a very efricient niannor testifying to the executive ability which the training has effected. The viands were arranged on a long tablo In tempting array, beglnning with scientifically creamed chicken and ending with savory brews of tea and coffee. Tables were laid in the adjoining rooms and adorned with blossoms of various soi'.s. .Miss Lents announced that supper would be served this evening also, as the girls had volunteered to devote the day to It. Miss Lents fs taking this way of replenishing the set of dishes which waV depleted during the biirnlng or the Lane school building. J4p$f - ' Ernest Schiller. A young woman in Salem, Mass., financed the pro-German activities of Clarence R. Hodson, also known as Ernest Schiller, who, single-handed, captured the British steamship Matoppo at sea, and cowed her crew of fifty six men. This is Schiller's story. To save himself from deportation to England and the possibility of being executed there as a spy, he has "con fessed" to planning explosions on many munitions boats bound for porta of the entente allies. r : i..t.....i. l"i"N! IIHU i n HKMIS thnv ponded wllh iinl.m,rioi, to tbe vail- . .. . ''"I"'""'" "j had cunied proved verv ,,onl, K ,v,.r.l , . oub tests of tnelr ability. The muslc nl points are imparted to them in tho form of mih, like the pill con cealed within the plum, so the Inter-' ost Ih held and the task becomes n play, llever devices for teaching ! -n ...... ....It.. I. . ...... a ,..u,, .-II1ISIIII-U1UK l,v to lie audience, and one very obvious good resulting to the children from their training was tlie poise an, tin-nelf-eonHelousnesH of t In-.-.' very lit tle people which would do credit to ny grown up. ,' Following the demonstration by the kindergarten pupils, I hey betook thntuHclvcB to the platform at the side, which was screened orr byi 1HRHB08 of bridal-wreath, and thero' thoy were permitted to hear the oth-j or numliera' of the program, perhupB to give them a goal toward which! to aspire. Kvolyn and Gertrude Crulg were Tory ploaslng In several vocal and Jilnno selections. Mrs. ?4oore render ed a seloction from I.oschetlzky on tho piano in s very finished style; and the organ and piano selection, "Iast Hope" from Gottschalk, play cd by Mra. Stone and Mrs. Moore, was vory Impressive. Several selec tions on two pianos were played In perfect rhythm by tho piano quartet pi i in u ry and a song was taken at A.aile ( inuch. anil two chorus songs trained the children for the feature. I were congratulated upon ibe artist It.- j effect of ibe song, other numbers on the program were a song by Yer-j nltu Kohlhngcn, a piano solo byi Maris Crouch. ml two chorus songs' ny .mis until Swinney's i class -."My Fiddle,' game. An offering i the conclusion of the iiniL-nn. uni ting tlie s.hoii: nine dollars which will bo added to the piano rund for the Fullerton school. Dancing ( lull Formed I Mls- I'ullerton's class In dancing which bus been holding such en thusiastic meetings at the I'tnpquJ for some (line, completed tho course on Thursday evening. Tho members, however, were unwilling to forego (bo pleasure of their meetings and as sociation, which have been so much enjoyed, and organised themselves Into a club. Dr. lluynes, who made a splendid record In the class, both from point of attendance and apt nes, was made president, while th omres or secretary and treasurer were bestowed upon Mr. H. ( Turner. A committee comprising Miss IV.r.ilM, Mrs. Fullerton and Miss Kllisboth P.irrott, was chosen to attend to the extension movement comprising; Mrs. Moorr, Mrs. F. C Froar, Miss Ruth Wilcox nnd Miss, and other mutters of moment to the Kvalena Plyler. , I club. The church was crowded wlthj . Tlie first meeting of the club will friends of the entertainers who af-' be held next Friday evening .it the ward sundown and went down the hill much lighter than on the asceut. Mrs. .Mary K. Iloiick. who bus been absent from Ko.ieburg on a tour weeks' tour of the various lodges of the EiiMcrn Star Order, for which I she has the honor of being Grand Worthy Matron, is expected to re Itnrti home Sunday night. Mrs. v0uck i has inii.ie several such trips recently, nun lias met many Interesting peo ple and bad many pleasant experi ences. On Tile. lay evening Mrs. J. C. Aiken entertained nt dinner, honor ing Dr. ami Mrs. Lux, who will leave soon for California, where Dr. Lux has accepted a charge. Covers were laid for Dr. and .Mrs. Lux, Mr. and Mrs. w. T. Wright. Miss Flor ence Aiken, and the hostess, Mrs. I Aiken. The Get Busy Club spent a very pleasant afternoon at the home nf ."s. iielillnger on llotirk street, on Friday. Mr. ,1. II. Booth left for California this morning where he v.iil (Hke treatment for rheumatism at llyron Hot Springs. Mrs. J. Ellen Perkins left TirtlrS-! ''ay for Portland where she wi'.l vi's't' fi lends and relatives for a few j weeks. A New Stock of A. D. S. inTown at The Centra! Over 25,000 Druggists in Ameaica endorse the American Druggists Syndicate Products Millions of Americans buy A. D. S. medicines and toilet ancles in preference to all others. The Central Pharmacy has joined this great co-opera- THFnrSn!n-irdibU,inK association and niLMkbl SHII'AILNT OF NEW, FRESH GOOD has just arrived and is now on display. If you want Highest Quality If you want the freshest goods If it's A. D. S., get it at The Central Phone 122. Quick Delivery. Pharmacy Dependable Service-Always Telephone or mail orders from out of town customers for anything in the drug line receive immediate attention.