fcl-IPi. wmmmm ilipiffllSM mmm :, mmi i Ht'lONE 1'JIO.M LMJINK AT THK M AJUSTIC TOMORROW & SATlltnAY GLENDALE NEWS j Tony Kuntz. Mrs. Olsoa reports a tiresome Journey, The Copper Queen .quartz ledge on Grove CrecU; near the Light mines, has made a banner run this winter and Is still very busy. They employ a crew of miners and gold bearing quartz In large quantities are being milled dally. This Is only one of many such propositions on Grove crock and all are being work ed to their limit this season. ' The second In Importance Is the Colum bia placer initio. Tills mine Is well known and It Is making a hlKhor record than ever this season. The superintendent Ib Crook Eberlo, who baa been In charge for a long time. Mr. Kberlo thinks this 'nine is gain ing in value and productiveness ev ery day and he is certain of its value as a gold producer. The Green Back mine was sold last full ami at present it is await ing the arr'.'7al of the owners when, with many added Improvements, the work will uogln on a large busls. The Van Hunk mine, near Ro land, Is actively worked. The sup erintendent is Henry Miller, who has been In charge for a number of years. Mr. Miller says this mine ii always a paying mine and this sea son 1b no exceptior. Tho Kale Coruor nilno,- below Loland on Grave Creek, has mndo an unusual record and still It is very busy, with prosperity assured and plenty of gold In nigh. l)r. Win. Hlalock, of tho Illalock mines, Is In this city today. J. U. Throne, Paul Ludwlg and Bort Hart all of Anchor Valley, re turned from UiMeburg Inst night. Thoy had been on business with the II. 8. land office, when llio Hart brothers and Mr. Ludwlg wero prov ing up on their homoHteads and Mr. Throno was one of the witnesses. Settlers In Anchor valloy have val uable holdings In timber, ag well as rino agricultural land, with a gold nilno on sevornl of their claims, tho future of that valley Is assured. Only a short time will ellipse before we will see a nlco little town tin upper Cow creek. Win. L. Colvlg, of Medford, spent to days in this city limt week In the employ of the C. & O. l'owor Co. Mrs. Ann llrnnlmm, of Coyote erook, was a city visitor on Satur day. K. H. Uedfleld left for an extend ed eastern trip last week. C. A. Shephord, of Wonder, Ore., will bo employed at tho Lystul mill. Mrs. Carl Olson roturnod from Grand Haplds, Wis., where she was willed to her parental homo on ac count of tho death of hor brother, NOTICE VOn MILS. Sealed proposals will be received' by the undersigned at his office In the city of Hoseburg, Orogon, up to Monday at 6 p. m., April 3, 1916, for tho 'building of a concrote floor and otherwise repairing tho City Hall in accordanco with tho plans and specifications therefor now on file in my office. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent ot the amount bid and the successful bidder will be required to give a bond of soino reliable surety com pany for the full amount of tho con tract. Tho Council hereby reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Common Council. Dated March 28, 1910. R. L. WHIPPLE, Recorder of the City of Roscburg, Oregon. 405-al SHOK WUAKKItH MUST "I'AV THK PltlC'l A side-effect of tho fur-away war that interests every man, woman and child is the' announcement of the fact that shoes must this season ad vance In price. Tho generally reported scarcity of leather and Increased cost of tnn ning since the war, combined with an enormously Increased demand for leather, all account for tho advanc ed cost of footwear. Millions of pairs of shoes for the European armies have been and still are being made by American shoe manufacturers. On tho average, these army Bhoes consume one and one-half as much leather as tho av erage American man's shoe. Knnpsucks, saddles, harnesses nnd other material for tho armies at war und a gunufal Increase In equipment of the American army nnd state mill tin account for a still further de mund on the none too largo supply of leather. Munitions plunts have called for thousands of feet of leather belting and the general picking up of busi ness has Blurted thousands of fac tories' wheels and greatly augment ed the call for belting. Autos havo also made great and Increasing Inroads Into the available leather supply for upholstering. Leather Is u by-product. The sup ply cannot bo Increased at will as crops and metals aro, but Is depend ent on the lildo supply; and cattle aro not killed, primarily, for their hides. Tho latest census reports show that the cattlo population has de creased 20 per cent In tho Inst ten years, nnd tho population hus In- wmmm liifi mmmi v 'i IS n The Evening News Great Distribution of that Superb Song Collection HEART SONGS Till: WOMAN WHO TKI.IA us she wants another roast "just like tho Inst ono" Is not a rarity hore. In fact, she's quite numerous. There's a reason. Wo never lake advantage of a young woman's lack of experience to palm off inferior meat on her. Hence she trusts our Judgment and good faith. llesldos wo haven't any poor moat to palm off If we wnnted to. Wo don't handle that kind at all. CASS STIiKKT MAltKKT The People's Song Book BECAUSE The People Made It 16 Full -Page Half -Tone Portraits of the World's Greatest Singers With Biographical Sketch Under Each Portrait An Elaborate Dictionary of Musical Terms 500 Large Pages. Beautiful Art Binding. Clean Cut Music Text. Clear Type. Fine Paper. Song's arranged in low key for the whole family. No oilier song book compares with it for completeness and accuracy. Bridal Chorus, from Lohengrin T.ICHABD Wagner The Most Fa- 5 l-r-l-rr-Ss-.- '---yi is tbrtce hap -c? pair, En ter this door-way .'lis love that ro-vitei !.50 for This bmmMkkm Volume Our 100,000 People Have Paid Andante i r Found on page 95, "Heart Songs" mous Songs in the World. Readers Get It Today for Less Than Original Cost of. Manufacture. NOT an ordinary col lection, but a four years' song-gathering from 20,000 music lovers, who sent in their favorite. Hear t Songs is an Inspiration to Everyone Who Owns It! The Opera from which this Chotus is taken is perhaps the most popular of all the works of Wagner. And the Bridal Match, which appears on page 95 of "Heart Songs," is heard all over the woild today, at weddings. To hear its strains is to recall in thousands of hearts the happiest moments of life. The words printed in this book are a very beautiful translation from the original German and the music is that written by the great master. 400 Songs in "Heart Songs" the chosen heart favorites of 20,000 people from all over the world. Every one a gem of purest ray serene. Folk Song. War Song. Sea Songs Patriotic Songs Chanteys Lullabies Child Songs Dancing Songs Love Songs Sentimental Sorigs Comic Songs Pioneer Songs Nuttonal Songs College Favorites Sacred Songs You will find in this never-to-be-forgotten book the sonps that mother used to sing. You will find yourself saying with the, poet: "Make me a child again, just for tonight." That gude wife of yours when you were courting her did she sing for you? Get the songs she used to sing. The songs of your childhood your school days do you remem ber them? They are all here words and music 1 The music in this wondrous volume makes the whole world kin. VVc know of no gift more appropriate more timely or that could appeal more strongly to young and old. A thing of b:auty that will be a joy forever shared by the whole family. The Heart Songs of 100,000,000 People. . No Other Song Book Can Ever Equal This One! It is the Last Word the Climax of Song Book Making. COUPON, ELSEWHERE IN TODAY'S PAPER EXPLAINS TERMS creased the same percentage. Shoes, therefore, are to be more expensive, it Ib said that the In crease for the present will be about 0 per cent, but will likely be more by next fall. Mrs. F. D. Owen Cat Flowers, Potted Pluta, Funeral 1 lesions, Wedding Bo. quota, etc. JD8T KKCEIVKD A KICESH SUPPLY OF FKUNS OF 'A IX KINDS Roseburg, Oregon. for SALE. West Side Grocery. All stock, fixtures, borse, wagon. E. C. BENSON Receiver. Room 4, Com. Club. Building. 331-tf t Free to Patrons THKRH IS NO CHAKOK KO!l SKKV1CR AT TUB OAKKTKUIA. CUHl OOKINO 13 UNSl'RP ASSKD. TRY Ol'U SUNDAY lllNNKHS. YOURS FOR A 1.KS1IT LUNCH OR A S'JUAKK MEAL, PHONE SI The Cafeteria 122 CASS ST Buy Where You Can Save Money! The liiouov yon set aside each week for the table, buya more hero for lees. All goods strictly fresh. The Careful Housewife will appreciate this. No special halts ore necessary In attract at tention at the SPOT CASH BASKET GROCERY a. ti. 1. 1 Slap, itop. 'Z:ir V Ji,. Ksun Mrcct. Khmr nnd PmnI. Onk ami Fir Wmxl If KEEPING BOARDERS is a Business Matter, Advertise it in a Business Way! Don't rely upon three linos of type NOW AND THEN. Ad vertise as Ions; as you have room or accommodation for another boarder, or the pros pect of one or mors of your Ruests leaving. Make your ad ono that will be read twice by anyone to whom tho subject of a place to hoard could possibly have any interest. 1 . J a There are chairs that you like and chairs . that you prize, bat toe Dentist s chair is the chair of sighs. Avoid It By Using Rexall Tooth Paste and Powder Nathan Fullerton The ftt&XcJUL Stars Phono 45 Perkins Bldg. You Want Tires! Of course you want the HENDR1E, the Tire of Merit. When you buy Hendrles you get your entire money s worth. Come in and text our samples as no other dealer will allow you to do. WISDOM Parly to bed and early to rise, cut the weeds and swat the files, mind your own business and tell no lies; don't get gay and deceive your wives; pay your debts and use enterprise, and patronize the ones who advertise. KISNER & MARSH