The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, February 29, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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- - t
VOL) HA Pv rOrj
- rvv- i
Sherbet today at Galls'.
Dr. DeLapp will pay $20.00 for a
short essay oil Osteopathy. 284-inl
E. C. llenson left this morning
for Drain where he spent the day
attending to 'business matters.
A l hi:::1.: of ",.'i;;:;f.: , eoinnion mni
i . . -.i i !!:. . !. P.ise In
t :u-:- C.)., li'O N'oi'th Siclo ynnl.
Herbert Endicott left this morning
for Eugene where he will spend a
few days visiting and attending to
fcuslncss matters.
Mrs. L. A. Pettihono loft this
morning for Cottage Grove and Eu
gene whore she will . visit with
friends for a few days.
Get whiter, lighter bread and more
loaves to the 8ack from High Flight
flour. Every sack guaranteed. Our
price the lowest on high quality
flour. People's Supply Co. 296-tf
Local farmers ere now beglnnlnp
to bring their shipments of broccoli
to the city and yesterday the fruit
union sent ninty cr.Hes of ho popu
lar vegetable out to tho various
cities of the county and state. V.
W. Harvey, of Portland, a represen
tative of tho Pacific-Fruit and Ex
press Company, is in the city and
will provide cars for the Umpqua
Valley Fruit Union in their ship
ments which begin this week. Mr.
Kitchin, president of the union, stat
ed this morning that they would
ship between forty and fifty cars In
rapid succession, as Mr. Harvey had
arrang'Mi'entH made whereby cars
"Corns h Gone!
Let's ALL Kick!"
Every Corn Vanishes by Using Won
derful, Simple "Gets-It." Never
Fails. Applied in 2 Seconds.
Isn't It wonderful what a dlfforenco
Just a little "Gets-It" miikes, on
corns and calluses? It's always nlKht
somewhere la the world, with, many
"Wkeel I Don't nrri I Unt Hid of Mr
Corn WKh M.Ptw-11' I"
folks humped up, with cork-srrewed 1
faces, gouging-, picking, drilllnff out
their corns, making packanea of their ;
toes with plasters, bandages, tape ana
contraptions, and the "holler" In
their corns rois on forever! Don't
yon do it. Use "Gets-lt," It's marvel
ous, simple, never falls. Apply it In
2 seconds. Nothing to stick to the
stocking-, hurt or Irritate the toe.
Tain stops. Corn comes Vlean off,"
quick. It's on? of the jrems of the
world. Try It you'll kick from Joy, For
corn, cnllusot, wnrtg, bunion i.
"Gets-It" Is sold everywhere, 25e a
bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence
&. Co., Chicago,. III.
l. . . . - i u.: M.-"-fit,
f;cnd'd n-i t'ie world s In d t.w:i
remedy hy ?.u(!:;t:i 1 u.-r: .m.i v .
I . Chnpman.
I t
flLWM1; Turn ixLi- ,
If you want good Insurance
you should know the Company
back of your policy. You
should have your policies made
to conform with the Oregon
You should know the finan-
cial standing of the Company P
issuing your policies. We see
that every possible protection
is given our clients. We writo
all kinds of INSURANCE and
BONDS. These familiar names
si ould appeal to your good
judgment wlm selecting a
Company- The Liverpool, lou-
don and Globe, The Home of
N. Y., Tho Continental, Tho
Phoenix, The Sun, Tho Aetna.
In tho above list are two of the
Strongest Companies doing
P business in the United Status.
Let us write your insuranno.
$ We make a specialty of this
line and assure you prompt
service. "
$ t RICE & RICK.
would be ready by Thursday and at
least one c.ould be had each day.
For hot chicken tamates, go to
Galls'. 200-tr
W. D. Harper, of Riddle, spent
several hours In Roseburg yesterday
attending to business matters.
Loans We make loans oa Improv
ed farm property. Douglas Abstract
Company. 241-ml4
Mrs. D. W. Bennett left this
morning for Cottage Grove where
he will spend a week or ten days
with friends and relatives.
Before buying a cream separator,
investigate the New Sharpies suc
tion feed. Douglas County Creamery.
L. F. Myers, a well known farm
er "who lives out on the Melrose
road, was transacting 'business in
Roseburg today.
Another car of fancy, re-cleaned
white oats, suitable for seeding, will
arrive Monday at the People's Supply
oC. 296-tf
Clyde C. Galord. who has been
spending a few weeks with his aunt.
Mrs. E. M. Moore, left this morn-j
ing for Albany, where he will visit
for a few days before going to his
home In Seattle. j
Automobile owners attention..
Send us your slorage batteries, mag
notoes, ptartera or generators. We
will overhaul them and put them
In first class working condition. All
".ark guaranteed and prircs reason
.I'lie. F. E. Smith & Co., Suther
lin, Ore. 2C8-mlS
Raymod Hill, who Is a brother of
Mrs. J. F. Ilutchason, of this city,
was chosen chairman of the commit
tee having charge of the funds for
the Vista ITobse. Hill Is a student
In Benson Polyterhnic of Portland
and deserves great credit from the
fact that he has practically made r,s
own way In the world for the past
throe years, having been left an or
phan at the aire of 13 years. Hill's
picture, together with the members
of his committee appeared In Sun
day's Oregonlan.
fry a Tango Sundae at Galls'.
J. P. Culver was a business visitor
at Rlddlo for several bonis tody.
For Fafe deposit vaults see th:
Doutiiixs Abstract Co. 263-iui.,,;j
Docb your roof UmV:? Fix It v:k- '
sidnslus fron Pages. 20 l-:i."
!r::rt": noplnas, tho CanyopvilU1
( r.-:.;!n;;ti yctorUiiy and iC'.:uy.
Mouldings fancy ra:n ;;:ai-t, v.'.d
i:ont Co. liv-wlo
Hrvco Hrid;r-"3 ;-f: n'tt'it '"'-
an rrrnci:jco v.-b.eiv hn v.'.l cut;',
iht Southern Pecifte l;u? plt:il.
If you wish to exchange a few
hours time for ?"0.00 see Dr. DeLapp.
284-nxl j
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Scott, of1
Grants Pass, who have been visiting1
in Roseburg for several days left
this morning for their home.
Mrs. C. W. BuicU returned to her
homo t Myrtle Creek this morning
after visiting with friends and rela
tives In this city for a couple of
The new Armory has been secured
by tho members pf St. Joseph's
church for Easter Monday, April T
for dancing. Invitations will be sent
out In a few duys.
Mrs. C. C. Robertson, who has
been visiting with friends and rela
tives at Sweetwater, Texas, Is on her
return trip home and 1b expected to
arrive In a few days.
Holstein Dairy feed composed of
alfalfa meal, grains and molasses,
will increase the flow of milk and at
the same time build up your milch
cows In flesh. Get it at the Peo
ple's Supply Co. 296-tf
!f:d to I h. Ptato reform school b
County J iidgo Mars tors. .) :U'k'
l.eMi in t: o'libii', several '.'..
.ml viis iv.--iif.iy urUrU'd t hat !
he ! .) i '; " i.i
'or. in'vt oticr.s.!..
To placo absolutely highest qual
ty goods at your disposal at th
very lowest cost to you is our con--tant
aim in all lines. In P, S. C.
coffee we give the best quality we
can procure, less expensive rotailer's
profits. Price is 35c per lb., 3 lbs
$1.00. Every paekago guaranteed
People's Supply Co. 2D6-U
An elaborate dinimr was atWL-u
'lie Uoyce BiisenbarU !'n i,c u
le'rouC Sunday. Tlics? . '
l"drd tin!. Impied'at1 r-'ji::'1, :j
V--r- : David T-.'s "ibark :!id .!
' .::v: M f:::r!V' f;:;j kv - -:::;.
Vra. Uoyce nn-nb-k ;
'r "mt ' rrturn?d r.- o-i
Vov.'e i:i T';,nvKt rv. r1 f 1 '
Says wo will both look and feel
clean, tweet and fresh
. and avoid Illness.
Snnitnry aclcnco has of late mado
rapid HtTlilea with results that nre of
untold bleBBlng to humanity. Tho lat
est application of its untiring research
Is the recommendation that it Is as
necessary to attend to Internal sanita
tion of the drainage system of the hu
man body as It is to the drains of the
honre t
Those of us who aro accustomed to
feel dull and heavy when we arise,
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom
ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a
daisy hy opening the sluices of the sys
tem each morning and flushing out the
wholo of the Internal poisonous stag
nant mntter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, each morning before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate In It to wash from the stom
ach, liver and bowels the previous
day's indigestible waste, sour bile and
poisonous toxins; thus cleansing,
sweetening and puHfylng the entire
alimentary canal beforo putting moro
food Into the stomach. The action of
hot water and limestone phosphate on
an empty stomach Is wonderfully In
vigorating. It cleans out all the sour
fermentations, gases, waste and acidity
and gives one a splendid appetite for
breakfast. While you are enjoying
your, breakfast the ptiostdiv-.'d hot
water Is quietly extracting a large vol
ume of water from the blood and get
ting ready for a thorough flushing of
all the Inside organs.
"The millions of peoplo who aro both
ered with constipation, bilious spells,
stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness;
others who have sallow skins, blood
.disorders and sickly complexions aro
urged to get a quarter pound of lime
stone phosphate from the drug store.
This will cost very little, but It suffi
cient to make anyone a pronounced
crank on the subjbet of Internal san
itation. '
that Oregon ib a iri.u. .
Miss Viola "Wii i-:iL .
S:;n Ki'anci;:'? :..-, u ,
hi attend;:. 3 tl:0 1 u-iv
at r-- :::t r. .
John B. K'uiriui-u'y, C;-i.'.- i
don a;:d .tohn yL -..w'.wr '
roped and ca;:tu.--Hi a li ' ;
i-ougar i:i thi Gray! -:xvi v'N.nt. .
use i'i thn niovli-;;. Vhc sit .
treed Tluuvduv n -;i.t Ki
the ti'oe until n.ornin;; l.v ib - i.
v. he.t ihu l;e ; (.'.I i.-oi' :. i v-
r.lpP i-'il'i'.t'd OV.M liitr COIU'. U''.'"' H ... ,
Tho i.iiiiiiul v. :i3 fa-'d aiu '. . .mi;
to V:-- rnd i'cr ihlpircnt M;'ti
lord Mail Vnlnuie.
Some peoide may think they are,
payla;; protty stiff nricea for certain
kinds of morchsndise on account of
the war, but a glance at tho prices
paid for all manufactures of cotton
during our Civil war will show what
effect the war had on staple goods
then. Ono of the dry goods mer
chants In the city received a copy of
a bulletin issued in Augusa, 1S64,
by tho great firm of Claflin, In Now
York, in which the wholosale prices
are given as follows, with the warn
ing that further advances might be,
expected: American calico was quot
ed at 4 5 cents per yard, Amoskeag
apron checks, 4 5 cents; four quar
tei brown sheeting, 72 cents; Hope
yard wide bleached muslin, 61 cents;
ien quarter sheeting, bleached,
$1.06; bed ticking, 30 to 75 cents;
dress gingham, 48 cents; Coats
thread, $2.00 per dozen. From those
prices it can be seen that a man
needed a barrel of money when he
went Into a dry goods store to pur
chase supplies for the family.
Relieve yoursolf of tho trouble of
cooking Sunday dinners by taking
this meal at tho hotel-where
a special chicken dinner is served
fop 50 cents. -l7-iii;.
Spray that orchard with Hunter's
Lime-Sulphur Solution. Strength and
purity absolutely guaranteed, recom
mended hy the fruit inspector for
Douglas county, endorsed and Bold by
the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union.
WallfT Winans, Esff.
The most famous shot
in Europe uilh haul
mnd shoulder arms.
Two World's Records
in One Day
with the .22 Savage
AT he Bisley Matches of the British
National Rifle Association the
biggest rifle match in the world the .22
Savage Hi-Powc; rifle and Savage am
munition in the-hands of Mr. Walter
Winans on July 25, 1914, made the
highest possible score on the Running
Deer target six straight y's. This is a
World's record.
On the cans day, w;di the lime rifle and tin
tnunition, Mr. Winam made the highest possible
icore on the Running Wild Roar Ufgct tix
Itraight 51. Anotlirr World's record.
This merrly clinrhrs what otlirr thotitrn have
pmved thit the Imp's wonderful accuracy (15
consecutive shots in a lo-mch circle it 500 yards),
tremendous velocity (2X00 feet more than haif
a mile a second), long point Lbnlc range (100
)ard trajectory lew than three inches), and trillin
recoil (4.6 foot pounds) mike it easier to hit
moving game wkh than any other riile.
And it has killed A task an II row n IVir, Griisty,
ItulTalo, and man-eating tier, beiitlet (he deer
and bbek bear It wzi originally designed for.
Write us for particulars about "the biggest
little gun in the world."
UTICA, N. y.
.22 Hi-Power Rifle
Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving, Hauling
GAlfafJZT-rrT ' tj-jfiWmM ty""
.mf -- 0 s' - i. :
rk 6 y m
v: , , ,. .
...... , .... . . ..v.. : - v J!
Frvi'dn- 'Ai-h-h a.ul .Ui V.nlmst,
Ad Wolgast is ;i:.': in i- t .'imitl;.'r sln'L :A t!i i'.t .l.iwmKtU ctianipion
ship. He meets Freiftiif W-jl: h in --i te!:-vMu:ul, ro-d' cision bout in MIL
waukce, March 6, and he li"ucs to win li:.( k the title he lust on u foul -t
Willie Kitch ioJ
HOLM) ti:ii
It will bo gratifying to tho l.-am.-j aml r(!lul. hol0 til0 rollo-.viiiK Mon
portatlon committes of both the O Id' (Uiy ,f thcy dralre t tmviilt8
Fellows convention and the Carntv il
to hear that the S. P. Comnnny. w!t!t
its usual liberality and endeavor to
has decided upon a flat one and ouo-j
third fare for both of the abovo,
events in Hoseburg next May.
Tho notico to this ori'eet was re-
colvod by L. n. Mooro, tho local!
agent, 'this morning, ond tho iitl o !
will ho from all Hi minus on the Hue
in tho state, including Klamath Falls i
and Newpor'., The date of buying lit
from May 1 4 to 2t, with the re-1
If Finding an Investor is
t an Important Matter
to You, Advertise
as Though You
Realized the
IVrsi.Htent use of' th:; liiisincss
o)io:'!miii;y,' cl.-iHsification will
find ii hacker fur any really worth
while enterprise a partner for any
good business that needs develop
ing a buyer for a store or a busi
ness, or a patent or a PLAN.
YES! It MAY require more
than ONE advertisement!
I turn limit tho 22ml. This will give
ItATij an opportunity for purchasers to re
' main over tho I. O. O. V. ccuivontlon
tho necessity of paying rull .are ono
way unrt tnklng a receipt which en
titles the holder to ono-thirrt Tnro
XOTK'E TO CllimriKiOKliS
After attending Sunday sorvlcos
take your dlnnor ;nt tho Umpqua
hotel. A special chicken dlnnor
nerved every Sunday for 50 conts.
and Transferring
Phone 220
.To , J