ALL BUT ONE OF MADEROS ARE BANNED FROM MEXICO BY GENERAL CARRANZA If AMERICAN NAVY RANKS FOURTH, SAYS CONGRESSMAN GARDNER Hi Left to right, top: Francisco 1. Madero, Jr., the martyred president, and his brothers, Kaoul and Carlos. Bottom, Alberto and Hvansto Madero. i Despite the fact that the principles and policies which Carranza stands for are supposed to be the same as those that actuated Francisco I. Madero, Jr., in his fight for the overthrow of the Diaz administration, all the mem- ' bers of the Madero family, with one exception, are prohibited from return- in? Villi to Mexico. Uarranza s reason la when the break came between CITV NEWS. 4 Does your roof leak? Fix it with shingles from Pages, 204-f 15 Fresh Tango chews, something new at the Rose Confectionery. 260-f22 Loans We make loans on improv ed farm property. Douglas Abstract Company. 241-ml4 Henry Richardson returned this morning from Portland where he has been spending several days at- uj io business matters. Jitney service, city aud country, call Recall Drug Store, Cass street. Phone 45. G. W. Gage &. Sons. lS4-f27 I L. C. Beebe, of Drain, came to Roseburg this morning and spent the day attending to business mat ters. Special sale of potted Hyacinths, all colors, Saturday, Feb. 19, at Gall & Son confectionery on Cass street. Mrs. F. D. Owens, florist. 247-119 Rev. John A. Moran, rector of the Catholic church, left yesterday for Roseburg. He will bo gone several days on church affairs. Eugene Guard. Before buying a cream separator, Investigate the New Sharpies suc tion feed. Douglas County Creamery. 217-tf The Fourth Company hoys are making extensive preparations for the grand masque ball to be given In the armory next Monday evening, February 21. It will be the event of I tliu nnoami flnlv Hnnfprq will hn ! a'lswed on the lower floor, spectators AN OLD RECIPE 10 Common garden Sage and Sulphur makes streaked, faded or gray hair dark and glossy at once. Almost everyone knows that Snge Tea and Sulphur, projerly compounded, brines back the natural color and lustre to the hair wlirn faded, streaked or i gray; also ends dandrulT, itching scalp i and stopu falling hair. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is niussy and ' troublesome. Nowadays we stmplv ask at any drug store for "Wyeth'a S"age and Sulphur Compound." You will get a large hot- : tie for aliout 50 cents. Everybody uses I this old, famous recipe, because no one I eon possibly tell that you darkened your j hair, as it does it so naturally and J evenlv. You dnmpen a sponge or soft 1 . :!. .: i j - .I.:- l..n..t. ' your linir, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disap )ars, and after another application or two. your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years rounger. mta lor tnis is that the Maderos lavorea the two Constitutionalist chieftains. ; in the gallery. Spectators will bo i chareed 25 cents admission. ' Mouldings fancy gram finish, wide cedar and cedar posts. Page Invest ment Co. 204-fl5 A. T. Bestul, of Eugene, came to Roseburg last night aud will attend to business matters for a few days Get the kinds of seeds that grow best In the west. New onion sets and all other seeds fresh at the Peo ples' Supply Co. 23S-tf J. B. McCurdy, who has been visit ing with relatives in Roseburg for a couple of weeks, left this morning fox hlB home at Los Angeles. J. Teuscher, Jr., traveling agent of the Boys and Girls Aid Society of Portland) spent' last night in the ! city on his way to Grants Pass whore ne wn spenfl a couple of days. Country cured, small pig hams, shoulders and beakfast bacon, smok ed with wood smoke. Tender and sweet, at the People's Supply Co. 328-tf Mrs. S. J. Adams, who has been spending the winter at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Sam Slarm er, left this morning for her home at Myrtle Creek. Private hire, Studebaker car, clean, comfortable. Calls answered promptly. Price 10c. Special rates for shopping, calling, parties or theatre. Call "The Auto" H. D. Graves. Phone 12-J. 182-tf M. K. Meyer and daughter, Blanche, who have been visiting for several days at the home of R. E. Hunt, left this morning for San Fran cisco where after spending a few days they will return to their home at Chicago. Renew your linoleum by - using "Lin-o-Lack". It will make a hard wearing surface that dries ready for use within a very Bhort time. Churchill Hardware Co. Don't for get that it Is an equally good coating for painted floors. 24 9-f 22 I have SO acres Improved, 4 miles from North Bend, Coos county, on Kentucky Inlet, to exchange for Roseburg or close-In property. Price $50 per acre. George Rlter, 112 West Oak street. 235-tf The Juvenile band last night gave a short concert before the carnival mass meeting which was held at the Commercial club rooms. The band Is making excellent improvement and the many concerts which the boys are planning for the summer months will doubtless attract largo crowds. You all know Snlder's Catsup, it Is "od. Well, Snider has now on the market tomato soup of equal merit. ! fart. Snlder's Tomato soup leads t';t::i all in quality. . It has the rich creamy tomato flavor. Large size 3 fr 1 cents, cs your firBt trial or-r'"- It will pay you to try Snlder's. Pocple's Supply Co. 238-tfj .Mr a. Geo. Skiff left this morning Tor Greens where she will visit wltl jiatlves Mexican Panutchle. Try this, you'll like it. Rose Confectionery. 2B0-f22 Maud Smith, of Oakland, arrived In tblB city last night and will visii with friends for a few days., Miss. Grace Lasswell, of Riddle, 1b spending a tew days visiting with iier sister, Mrs. Aaron Snider. Mrs. H. Campbell left for their ranch at Rice Hill this morning ! where she will spend a fow days. P. H. Hartb, ofyPortland, arrived in Roseburg last night and will visit with his son, Henry, for a few days. Mrs. F. E. SturEls left this morn ing for Sutherlin where she will visit with friends and relatives for a few days. i All kinds of lumber, common end clear, rough and dressed. Page In vestment Co., the North Side yard. 204-flB Mrs. E. A. Shuey returned last night from Wilbur, where she spent several hours acting In her capacity of county juvenile officer. Nicholas Nelson, wife and daugh ter, Dora, who have been spending several months in this city, left this morning for Portland where they will probably locate. People's Supply Co. stands for quality, as well as economy. In fact, it is not economical to buy Inferior quality goods at any price. The very best of everything will cost you lesB at the People's Supply Co., whole, salers to the consumers. 238-tl' Fencing prices revised again and upward. We will give you the bene fit of November prices until March first, from stock. A 10 per cent advance will be necessary If shipped from Portland. This is for American Fencing, the beBt you know. Churchill Hdw. Co. 248-dsw-f24 P. S. C. steel cut coffee contains just coffee of the very highest qual ity, nothing more. No chaff, no dust, . expensive package cost. Call for P. S. C. brown package, it is the best, it costs you less, than any coffee of equal quality. Always' fresh at the Peoples' Supply Co. 235-tf Mrs. J. D. Osborne and Mrs. I. B. Riddle today entertained the mem bers of the ladies aid society of the Christian thurch at the Ihome of Mrs. Riddle. About 45 guests spent the afternoon very pleasantly, de licious refreshments being served by the hostesses. One of the most delightful social events of the season was held at the armory last night when the Leap Year Stepping club held Its hard time dance. The costumes woru would have put to shame a hobo con vention, the ridiculous clothes of the dancers being a source of merri ment the entire evening.- The club, although newly organized, has now reached Its full membership and will admit no new members. It is com posed wholly of married people, there being hetwoen 50 and 75 con- WHAT A WOMAN OF 0UB NATIVE STATE SAYS. Portland, Oregon. "For a Ion? tima i nave been ho nervous I could ifaji almost ecrearn at I i! !: tin if re. and have mm, had Bnells that I IfM'ilrlh could not ect nround. My back Ikmlnh pained bo n't nieht I could not Bleep doctors did mo no pood. A lady in Gearhart rec ommended Doctor Pierce's Favorilo Prescription to mo so I thought I would give it a trial. I have now need four bottles and am still using it. It has done me much good." Mrs. D. Shoemaker, 3.SU N. l'Jth St. The use of Dr. Tinrce's Favorite Prescription makes women happy by making them healthy. There are no more crying spells. "Favorite Pro scription n cured inflammation and female weakness. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. Like an open book, our faces tell the tale of health or disease. Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, listless steps, sleepless nights, tell of wasting de bilitating disease some place in the body. It may be one place or another, the cauBe is generally trace able to a common source. Get the "Prescription" to-day either In liquid or tablet form, if yon want to better your physical condition speedily. Dr. Pierce's Pellet regulate etoin Dch, liver and bowels. Gu&ttUms of Sex t Am fnllv and rroperly answer! in The People's Com mon twnse Medical Adviser. All the : knowledge a young woman, wife or , daugher should have Is contained In this big Home Doctor Book of loos j pages with engravings and color platan, and bound In cloth. By mall, prepaid 1 on reeeplt of 3 dimes. Address U03 , Aiain Biroei, uuuaio, a, x. t 'MOL 5 , I Total titiEKsiioTsissi(iToT.i.NuiiuciiHiTS48 hits 8. Day Individual Swkiso Iarget Practice. Baili:.siiii Fleet 1914. IJLXAWAKis ii:6it(iiA Kansas i a ini ana nciiuasiu Ni: llAMI'SMlkli ItlKHlL ISLAM) VlKlilMA- WMlMINO- Mltl'llliAN N.H. I m:si: rim mes weke tHrr,iNEi fwiw ikivatu tMn 1M IM-IHtlUlHlN AMI AUU lltUtVEl) PI lib' COKUKCT. h is iimx liiir toatoijilw iiArrLEsnii'SNir mi-mhmd iuii VH'lMIUlAt iMUMIH ALJ'KAtriUilN IIIKSJ'klMilir JI I'. . ( VM'AM i)K. V. I . , KIM.k j Congressman Gardner and his table showing navy's poor work at target practice. ;v r Congressman Gardner Is putting up a hard fight for a bigger and better navy. Ha guys the American navy I Is not only fourth in tonnage, but is Toss efficient than some ouior navies. He uses the above table to prove his,' . statement that dire things would happen to Uncle Sam if bis guns were called on to shoot straight right now. t pies enrolled as members. The music was furnished by Ott's orchostra. Guy Bluelt left on business trip to Cttogo Grove this morning. C. L. Bocklcy ana 3. L. Itlco v.-ere today excused from sorQng on tlio February jury of the circuit court. C. F. Watson, a fnrmor roslding nenr Olldo, and J. M. Young, a bar ber of tnis city, wore chosen to take th?ir place. Word has been rocoived hore from Mrs. Upton, who with her son, .Monroe, recently went to Arlzone for the benefit of. the latter's health, that she Is located at 1010 E. Mc Kinley street. Phoenix, where letters and other mall matter will reach nor. The many friends of Judge and Mrs. Upton here in Roseburg and other parts of the state will re gret to learn that but little Improve ment Is noted in the condition of their son. He Is receiving the moat expert medical assistance and atten tion, but the ravages of the disease have already made such inroads on his vitality that he is very weak. JAPANKSU STKAM SHIP FOUNDKItS IN STOKM LONDON, Feb. 16. The Japanese steamer Kenkonmaru, 11 days out from Marseilles, for Baltimore, 'haU foundered during a storm in the At lantic. The crew has landed at Plymouth. NOTICE TO TAKE UP IIOMIS Notice Is hereby given that the city Improvement bonds dt the City of Roseburg, Oregon, numbored from 29 to 39 Inclusive, Series "J" have been called for payment and will be paid, taken up and cancelled Febru ary 10th, 1916. Interest thereon will cense on said date. Dated this 10th day of February, CORINNE C. ALLEY, 227-fl 4 City Treasurer DAILY WEATIIKIi ItEI'OUT. U. S. Weather Bureau. :oca: office Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours ending 6 a. m., February 16, 1916. Precipitation In Inches and hun dredths: H'ghest temperature yesterday 65 Lowest temperature last night 50 Precipitation last 24 hours 0 Total precipitation since first month 4.21 Normal preclp. for this month 4.72 Total precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1915, to date 25.91 Average precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1S77 22.43 Total exeosp from Sep tember 1, 1915 3.4K Average precipitation for 38 wet seasons, (Sept. to May, inclusive 32.00 WILLIAM PELL. Observer Let "Kelly" Do Your Moving, Hauling Jilts tiMiL Shots lllis - -XHVO - 411- - - 71 --H0-- -) tlH IU- - - UB-- t IXHO--- USIO- - -HI! I0IH0- -r- -63 4 -X -S It ) IUHSII- -- II44U- - - i70. r - 7UI- -IKIIUll-I0H.10- ill - r M -30-4H - mi ni . 7) j ! It you wane good Insurance VOtl Hhntlll bnnw Mm Pnmnanv back of your policy. You should have your policies made to conform srlth the Oregon laws. You should know the flnan- cial standing of the Company issuing your policies. We see that every possible protection is given our clients. We write all kinds of INSURANCE and BONDS. Those familiar names should appeal to your good judgment when selecting a Company. The Liverpool, Lon- don and Globe, The Home of N. Y., The Continental, The Phoenix, The Sun, The Aetna. In the above list are two of the Strongest Companies doing business In the United States. Let us write your Insurance. We make a specialty of this line and assure you prompt service. 4 RICE & RICE. 4 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be rocelvod until noon, Saturday, February 26th, 1916, for the erection of an addition and the completion of a concrete and frame qhurch building Roseburg, Oregon. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Cntbolle Parochial House or will be mailed on a doposlt of 5 dollars. Rights are reserved to rojoct any or all bids. FATHER E. WALSH, 240-f25 Pastor Fancy recleaned white oats, suit able for seed, at the People's Supply Co. 237-tl If There's Real Urgency About Selling That Real Estate, Put Some of the Spirit ofUr-, gency Into Your Ads Not any "panic phraseology" of course but make your ads sufficiently DESCRIPTIVE and ADEQUATE to really INTEREST possible buyers. That means not merely one publication of an ad even of a GOOD ad UNLESS THE ONE PUBLICATION BRINGS A BUYER, as sometimes happens! It means persistency In ad vertising until the buyor IS found! DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. 8ay we will both look and feet clean, sweet and fresh and avoid Illness. Sanitary science has of late made rapid Btrides with results that are of untold blessing to humanity. The lat est application of Its untiring research is the recommendation that it Is as necessary to attend to internal sanita tion of the drainage syBtem of the hit man body as It is to the drains of th houso. Those of us who are accustomed t feel dull and heavy when we arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daiBy by opening the sluices of the sys tem each morning and flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stag nant matter. ' Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning before breakfast, drink a glass of real hot water with a tenspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stom ach, liver and bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, Bwcetonlng nnd purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food Into the stomach. The action of hut water and limestone phosphate on an empty stomach is wonderfully In vigorating. It cleans out all the bout fermentations, gnsoB, waste and acidity and glveB one a splendid appetite for breakfast. While you are enjoying your breakfast the phosphated hot water is quietly extracting a large vol ume of water from the blood and Rot ting ready for a thorougn flushing of all the InBlde organs. The millions of people who are both ered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic stlffnesB; others who have sallow skins, blood dlBordors and sickly complexions are urged to get a quartor pound ot lime mtnne phosphate from the drug store. This will cost very little, but Is suffi cient to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject ot internal san itation. . and Transferring The French Transfer Company Phone 220