THE EVENING NEWS MILTON J. 8IIOEMAKEH CAUL I). SAM J. SIIOKMAKEIt Editors and Publishers. ISSUKI) OAILY EXCEPT KU.VDAV huliscrlpllon Hales Dull Per year, by mall $3.0" Per month, delivered . . . .60 Semi-Weekly. Per year 2.00 BU months 1-00 tutored as second-class matter November 6, 1909, at Roseburg, Ore. under act of March 3, 1879. MONDAY, FKIllttAItY II, 1BIO T1IK UOVKIIXOIPH VISIT. There Is no question buTTiuit the visit of Governor Wltliyeonilie to the Soldlors' Homo yesterday will re dound to nmtoiittl benefit to that worthy Institution, for the, governor hM stored In his memory a number of thing which he will bring up at the next bhssIuii of the legislature and ask appropriations to carry them ?iit. The governor truly said, the state of Oregon has a jewel hero In Roseburg, in the possession of such aji' lVnl spot for an Institution of this kind, and it has been either stingy or Indifferent in providing means 'or Its proper care and en largemont to meet the ever Increas lng demands, or to make It one of tho places of Interest under the fos tering care of a great state. While the institution undor Its presont excel lent management Is on a high plane of efficiency, there Is much that Is to bo desired, and the entire citizen ship of this city and country will back up and assist the governor in his recommendations to tho legisla ture to attain this. THE KKKOIjIITIO.NH. Thoro are resolutions and resolu tions, but for ones which have tho roal old time ring to them, those pre sented by the committee reporting to the county ceutrul committee last Sat. urday, are certainly entitled to a high rank in the first class. They are complete enough and concise enough to be Incorporated bodily in a state or national platform. They have the ring of steel, and thoro Is not an affirmation that cannot be backed up with facts and conditions When resolutions and declarations likjo these go ringing over the coun try, they will bring a spontaneous response, for there Is not a single sentence from beginning to the very end, to which the popular vordlct will not say amen. Cut these reso lutlons out and paBte them In some place whore they can be read time and again, for they are masterpieces of factB ant? logic. When tho editorial sanctum wns pnesonted with a huge platter of vari ous kinds of mast excellent cake this morning with tho compliments of two prominent attorneys of the city, an Investigation was nulutly started to find out what they had boon doing that they wished hushed up, but tho only thing that develop ed was that Dexter Itlce and A. N. Orcutt were celebrating their birth days, thoy hnvlng beon presented ns valentines to their rvspoctlvo parents a number of years ago. Out of con Bltlorntlon of tho undisputed quality uf the gift, and tho thoughtrulnoss of the act, it can lie stated that the gentlemen have k'pt up their repu tation as valentines ever sinee, and Tho News, along with their many friends extends Its congratulations and wishes for many recurrences of thp day. President Wilson makes his formal Btinomu-euicnt of candidacy for the second term in a letter made public today, to the voters of Ohio. lly this action the president but cinches his title as the champion mind changer of the decade. If there aro any doubts about Ibis, intention Is called to tho plank In tho llaltlmore platform, which is generally accepted ns being tho inspiration of Its nom Ineo. So mo day Kosi'lmrg is going to own a gravity system of water works with tho water coining from snow fed atroaniH of tho Cnscadoa, and located uigh enough up lo givn a pressure that will carry a stream of water to tho highest points of the city, li any one, doubtB this let him look back ton yearn, yos five years, and see what thny brought in Improvement, and notne of thk doubts will vanish. When a follow has lived all his life In Ohio where spring gardening does not begin until April, then moves out to tho I'mpqua valley and has applicants to spade up his gar den plot tho middle of February, he begins to believe that he is getting pretty close to the ideal spot. I OfplpOnAgiii STRinXANr W. RHJJLaN- . 0 OmllUng The Hong ( shall not flng my dally song, to day It might shod gloom, not cheer, along the way. Perchance there might creep into It unma hint lhat darkness held'tny soul, with out a glint Of light to brighten It I would not sing A song to sadden folks, for any thing. To-morrow, when my world Is right again, When I've resumed my kindly thought of men, To-morrow, when to-day's clouds Bhsll have passed And I can see a sky more blue and vast, I shall burst forth la joyous song once more And plead with folks "Be happy!" as of yore. FfnnlKiii Pllosofy Money needs t' ho made av touch material to kape people fr'm tearin' ut to pieces squabblin' over ut. Nnmttcr With Him? When a sporting editor writes boastfully that a team in his town has "lowered the duck-pin record." one Is constrained to believe he has just been attending the races. That's what happened in the At lanta Conatttutivn not long since. Illuming In A Itlnger Miss Hell trains tho new oper ators for tho Hell Telephone Com pany at Atlanta. We have often noticed that whet "love and affection" are- mentioned as the consideration In a real estate deal, the purchase price is never paid in Instalments. JiHWHnniuHHynol Life will be no more worth living It'n munv n IturM-iin mnn Since they've got to selling autos Un the easy-payment plan. Hetter Euphony New York wilt substitute for "not guilty," In the case of insano criminals, "Guilty, but Insane." Why not alliterate It and say, "Naughty but nutty 7 Some peoplo have the happy fac ulty, when they meet you in after years, of recalling vividly all tho things you hoped everybody else had forgotten except yourself. She Warned It To Wane "Are you interested In wax fig ures, Mrs. BeBygge? ' "No, I'm a good deal more Inter ested In my own waxing figure." One sometimes wishes twilight sloop had been employed at the "Ulrth of a Nation." Tho Ilnobl "Girl Flees From Father," read Mrs. Hnnlhnnd from the newspaper headline. "I didn't know them things was hereditary," remarked her husband, as he arose to wind the clock. He Kind (' Knew "Do you know," asked tho man who was examining the youth for chauffeur's license, "the difference hotween bore and stroko?" "Well, I've met some bores that were almost equivalent to a stroke." Thinking It Over We learned just the other day that Swedon hns fifty-two million acres of laud. But we have taken no action In tho matter as yet. Nnfe Dot "There's a town numod Agency Ford, on tho Missouri below St. Joe." "Well?" "Nothing; only I bet that name Is reversed somewhere in the town." Other Way Around "You Bay tills great cxpress-rob-bor Is your brother-in-law?" "No, he's my brother-outlaw." Tho Northerner Down South O I'm going to the Arctic to remain till birdies slug Hern- tliese semi-tropic countries whero you freeze from fall to spring! Of course we'd readily hollnvo anything tho unselfish English told tm about German treachery to this country. Theming Lady AcrossXhe Way The young lady across tho way says H'a never safe to Judge a man's ability by his looks, and we all re member the atory of Samson and UullaLh, I Cheer And Appetite The writes of tho old proverb "Bet ter a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred there with" had more in mind than tho mental effect 'of such conditions. Never eat while you are angry or ex- 0" WW'" k v - I'V' i t '""At-? as, Being cheerful is the best sort of an appetizer cited, it Is bettor If you skip an en tire meal, than to force food Into your Hyatem, when that system Is un duly excited. The fat woman Is cheerful, which. Is one of the reasons she is fat. Do Dot misunderstand, you who wlBh to reduce, and think that cheerfulness alone Is the cause of your fleshiness. The reason 1b that the cheerful mind Health BY WILLIAM Bad News For EvpjtY new "cure" has Its early day of wonder-working, then a day of doubt, finally a day of desuetude. Now comes the desuetude of the Bul garian bacillus, the sour milk cure. Jt appears that the lactic acid germ, the old age specific of Metchnikoff, : has its untoward effects. When you drink buttermilk, soured milk or any of the Bulgarian bacillus cultures, you are aiding and abetting ' the formation of lactic acid In the Intestinal canal. Now, just for the Bake of argument, let's say you are anemic, cachectic from some chronic disease, or emaciated. In such case you would probably be already mora or leas poisoned by "acidosis," which means the accumulation of carbonic acid gas and other acid combinations in tho blood and tissues. To feed on an acid-producing substance of the nature of buttermilk or Bulgarian bacillus cultures would obviously bo Adding f"l to tho fire, take It from Dr. Orvnll Smiley, who hns studied the matter carefully and knows whereof he speaks. Dr. Smiley has observed a number of patients suffering from symptoms of aggravated acidosis, due to the taking of Bulgarian bacillus prepara tions on their own initiative. Among the symptoms ho enumerates in re porting his observations are in creased blood pressure, sweating, in creased nervous irritability. Hero are some of the conditions In which the authority cited believes Bulgarian bacillus, or other acid-producing medication, is objection able: Tuberculosis, cancer, diabetes (though some physicians insist that Bulgarian bacillus cultures often do good in diabetes), excessive acidity of stomach (not that caused by fer mentation of food), any form of ioxKKii riiumcTs war will COJIK TO Til K PACIFIC? COAST WASH I NO N, Feb. IJ. "The time will come," declared Ezra Meeker,! pioneer of Orouon, "when there will bo a Breat war upon the western coast of this country." This declara tion was made to President Wilson by the aged pioneer who had an In terview arranged wtlh the nation's chief executive by Representative 1)111. of Washington. Meeker spoke In behalf of a mili tary highway along the trail made famous by hlniBelf, from St. Louis to Olympla. Meeker said that "tho Jap-; anese are a proud people, and they firmly believe that they arc Just as good as any other rare on the globe, and some of them think that they are a trifle better. History will re peat Itself and we as a nation must either abandon the open door policy In China or be prepared to defend ourselves against an Oriental In vader." AX I'ASSKS AWAY. Charles Green, aged 7S died at the Soldiers Home at ,1:45 this! nior-ilng. He was. during the Civil I war, a rrlvate In Co. K, 3rd New York ' "JZ v. i . Ml and the quiet body allow the diges tion to abstract full nourishment from the food received, which nour ishment produces flesh and bone and strength as well. Do not eat while you are tired, nor while you are working, the effect 1b the same as when you are nervous or excited. The brain is using the blood, the stomach can get but little to help it in the work of assimu lation. Aside from Its religious signifi cance, the idea of saying grace be fore meals is an excellent one from the standpoint of health, simply be cause the moment of quiet each mem ber must spend while the words of blessing are pronounced, calms and soothes each one present. Keep your mind cheerful during the meals at leant. If you feel cross, or tired, or quarrelsome, control it until some time when you are not eating. During the three meats of the day, eat slowly, enjoy pleasant conversation, stop worrying, try to pet tho best from your food. You will be repaid by better digestion, and a distinct tendency towards a cheerfulness not forced for the occasion. Questions and Answers Three jir ato I had continued indl gestUm, which left my skin rouuh and marked. Wherever there wan a pimple, there is ci blackhead noto, find f want sonething to cure, them and make my skin fine id white. Jane. Reply I can mend you a recipe for a lotion that will take the blackheads out of tho skin, closing the pores and healing the little ficarn they make. Send me a self addressed, stamped envelope for It. And wa.h the fare fin lly with hot water and liquid soap, following this by a dash of cold water, lie careful of your diet. 7 hove fjreitt hollows in my chest, around the shoulders, and the bust, once full and nice, is now limp and stifjgiiui. What can I da to restore the youthful look ayaint Mrs. F. D. Reply it you wish to enlarge the bunt. Rend me a self-addressed, stamped envel ope for a bust developer I know to be hurmless and good. Tbla will also fill out those bollowa tn the shoulders. It aeems to me your condition Is run down. t -would advise a general tonic and plenty uf exercise. Talks BRADY, M.D. Buiiermil Fans toxemia, gastric ulcer. Bulgarian bacillus preparations should not be given to tho very old, the very weak or emaciated. Nor to persons who may soon have to take an anesthetic. It is apparent that the wonderful old age specific Is a two-edged sword, like many other good therapeutic agents, and that it is capable of do ing serious harm when Indiscrimi nately employed. Well, so is any active remedy, for that matter. Yes, even sunlight. Or castor oil. We don t like to spread bad news. In fact, we are usually cheering. But the truth must be told. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS A Case In Point I am advised that the drinking of buttermilk is harmful for a person trith chronic rheumatism. Is correct t Answer Read the above. Inciden tally, you had better find out what is the matter before you decide on iho treatment. Id est, what is "rheuma tism" in your case? Don't Darken The Room : Arc darkened rooms better than bright or very light rooms for per sons who arc hypochondriacal? Answer No. Have the room well lighted. Tlynicno Of Underclothing What kind of underwear do you recommend to prevent rheumatism or colds t Answer Light In weight, knitted, porous, and mostly wool. But It won't prevent disease any more than other kinds of underclothing. artillery, and also of Co. M lGth X. Y. heavy artillery, serving hit country well and faithfully during all those critical times. Ho was a farmer by occupation, nnd Is survived by his widow who lived with him In one of the cottages on the Home grounds. He was admitted to the Home on August 16th, 1912. He has been In poor health for some time, but declined to go to the hos pital, preferring to stay In his cot tage. The funeral will be held at the chapel of the Home on Tuesday at 2:30, with Interment In theccm etery adjoining. XOTICK TO I'OXTItACTOHS Sealed bids will be received until noon, Saturday, February 26th, 1916, for the erection of an addition ani the completion of a concrete and frajue Qhurch building Roseburg. Oregon. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Catholic Parochial House or will be mailed on a deposit or i dollars. Rights aro reserved to reject an or all bids. FATHER E. WALSH. 240-f25 Pastor A New Way To Play With Paper Dolls "On, ieak!" sighed Mnry Jane dole fully, "I can't play with my dolls af tei sll!" "Why not?" asked mother, who hnpened to be going through the room just as Mary June spoke, "I'm sure you have plenty of dolls to play with." "Oh, yes, I have dolls enough, an swered Mary Jane, "but I have no doll house to put them in. It's stupid to try to play doll without a doll house." Mother stepped up to tho tnble where the dolls were spread out in rows and looked them over. "Never did I Bee so many paper dolls In one little girl's house," she remarked pleasantly. "You have a doll of every kind, I do believe!" "Yes, I have," said Mary Jane, In terested, In spite of hv-i resolve not to piny with the dolls. "I have babies and boys and girls, and grown folks ot all kinds. But I wish I had a house to put them in! It's no fun just to lay dolls out on a table and look at them you know that, mother! I do wish you could buy me a paper dell house!" Mother made no answer. She Btcod looking at the dolls for a full minute and then she began to smile. "Whv of course," she said. "Why didn't I think of that before?" "Then you will get mo a paper doll house?" asked Mary Jane eagerly. "No, but I'll do something better," said mother; "I'll show you how to make one." Mary Jane, In a very dubious frame of mind, watched her mother take her scissors out of her work basket, go to the writing desk and sort out three Bheets of rather stiff letter paper and then sit down at the tablo ready for work. Mother cut the paper Into narrow strips about an eighth of an inch wide. "What In the world!" exclaimed Mary Jane as she saw the pile of queer paper stripB grow under her mother's scissors. "I can never make "The Queen of Hearts Once made some tarts" She did not know that we had heart shaped cookies and loads of jam; but You "And if the Knave of Hearts Should steal your tarts" You may sue him for breach o f promise and get some more at Wright-Riedel Grocery Co. Phono It is not Quantity but Quality That Counts. 100 per cent Quality in Royal Bakery Goods P. I YKTT, Prop. 110 X. Jackson St. - - - . . I -KM uaw: We have provided a steel safety deposit vault for the use of those desiring to safeguard their important papers and valuables. The rental of apac is so low that you can well afford the protection. There are a limited number of boxes and our vault Is built to withstand fire and prevent theft. Savings accounts solicited. 1 Roseburg National Bank Jackson and Cass Sts. a doll house of those little bits of paper!" t "No?" laughed mother, continuing her cutting. "Wait and see!" When the three Bheets of paper i were entirely cut into strips, mother Mother cut the p'ipcr into narrow strips about an eighth of an inch wide laid the scissors back in her basket and picked up a heap of the narrow strips she had cut. "Now," she said, "what kind of a houso shall we make first? A bunga low?" And right before Mary Jane's eyes, mother made on the table a plan of a bungalow using the paper strips to mark the walls of tha rooms! Openings made the doors, and windows were marked by double pieces of the paper. "Oh, I see what you mean!" ex claimed Mary Jane. "You design the house as you build! That's more fun than a ready-made house!" And she too picked up a pile of the paper strips and began building. She made a house, a hotel, a school and a gymnasium all out on the dining table: then she put the dolls in the house and began her play. To-morrow Flitter Finds a Trap Do! 103. Ito.neburg, Oregon To waste time is a disease, so is poverty Save time and you'll save money. Have a Bank account " Roseburg, Oregon It" CI-.