The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, November 09, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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OFRCIM POSTFV POT? o avhn roRTIVAL1 "113 iwhthday
9V nil tLAH U1U I
3j , ""WIN
V flu jTAh
A very pleasant afternoon was
spent at the home of Mrs. HarraUou
Monday, February 7. the occasion be
ing the CC-th birthday of Mrs. Win
ston, Mr. HarrulBon's mother. The
ladies took Mrs. Winston by surpr'3-
and the hours wero spent in conver
sation, needlework and music, aftor
which the hostess sci;ved a dainty
Those present were Mrs. Ores, Mrs.
Butnei, Mrs. Miller, Mr3. Baudcr,
Ms. Itltzninn, Ms. 11. C. Urowu,
Mrs. Maynnrd, Mrs. Hendricks, Mrs.
Fvabier, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Kcutcli, .
Mrs. Bodie and Mrs. Bradford.
A numbor of loving remenibrances
wero given Mrs. Winston and all de
parted wishing her many happy re
turns of tho day.
Welcome to Our New Store!
We extend to the public a cordial invitation to inspect Our New Stock
of Dependable Merchandise. Everything bright, iresh new. Courteous and
attentive treatment by our force of experienced salespeople is assured. No
obligation to purchase. Call ar.d inspect our stock.
fuitlund s lentil Annual Itoso Festival. June I. s und 9, will be
advertised this year by a poster design, the gift of Fred G. Cooper, fam
ous eastern artist, whose work Is see.i frequent.V'in weekly and monthly
magazines of national prominence. Mr. Cooper Is a native son of Oregon
and hlu father, J. C. Cooper, is one of the best known pioneers in tho
state. The poster features the 1910 slogan, "For You a Hose In Port
land Grows" end Includes a view o.' the ne wColJnihla lliver Highway.
The national dedication of the highway takes place June 7, opening day
of tho festival.
Department of the Interior. U. S.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
December 29, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that Vic
toria McDaniol, of Looking Glass,
Oregon, who, on September 24, 1910,
made homestead entry, serial No.
06C30, for KVi KWA. Section 26,
Township 2S S.. Range 7 W.. Will
amette Meridian, has filed notice of
Intention to iuako final five-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Regis
ter and Receiver, at Roseburg, Ore
gon, on the 10th day of February
Claimant names as witnesses:
Martin Bushnell, of Olalla, Oregon.
Mary Bushnell, of Olalla, Oregon.
Ella Roberts, of Roseburg, Oregon
Louis Roberts, of Roseburg; Ore
gon. J. M. UPTON,
i358-t:0fl Register.
In the County Court tor Douglas
county, Oregon.
In the matter of the estate of
Louisa Iless Hopkins, deceased.
Notics Is hereby given that the
undersigned Executor of the last will
and testament of Louisa Hess Hop
kins, deceased, has filed In tke above
entitled court his - final account in
settlement of said estate and the
above entitled Court has by orrtei
duly made and entered ot record, fix-1
ed Wednesday the 23rd day of Feb-:
ruary, 1916, at the hour of ten o'-!
clock a. m. of said day In the County!
Court room in Roseburg, Oregon, as
the time and place of hearing ob
jections, if any, to the allowance of
raid final account and the closing of
eald estate.
Dated thin f.2nd day of Januiry,
::eorge m. he3
Executor of the Estate of Louisa
HessH ipk'ns, deceased.
Child welfare day will bo observ
ed by the Fullerlon Parent-Teachers'
association, Friday evening 7:30 at
t (j Fullerlon school building -in
West Roseburg.
The association has invited the
Fullerlon industrial club and have
prepared a very Interesting program.
Child welfare week is to be a
statewide campaign, the aims and
purposes of tho association are to
raise the standards of homo life, to
develop wiser, better trained parent
hood, to carry tho mother-love and
hei-thought Into all that concerns
touches childhood In home, school,
church, slnrror legislation.
To interest men and women to co
operate In the work for purer, truer
homes in the bolief that to accom
plish the best results, men and women
must Vork together, to surround the
childhood of the whole world, with
that loving wise care in the Impres
sionable years of life that will de
velop good citizens instead of law
breakers and criminals. To secure
such legislation as will rescue, in
stead of confirm the child in evil
The work of the Parent-Teachers
aDonoiallnn fa fivln Avnrlf tn . its
broadest sense and every man or wo-
man who is Interested in the alms of
the association are cordially Invited to
become a member and aid In the or
ganized effort for a higher nobler na
tional life which can only be obtain
ed through the individual home.
For our new
Store wo have
bought exit
sivxly of tho
newest things
in seasonable
Xow (;mh!s lire
arriving dally.
' When you
purchase hoiv
you ciin fool
stH'tti-e as to
quality. Noth
ing hut Htiuid
uiil goods of 1st
quality will lie
oftorod over
our counters.
No seconds
will outer our
For Rent
Arrived Today New Waists in Silk
and Wash Goods, New Skirts, Suits and
House Dresses New Wash Goods in
Endless Vanety New Fancy Goods,
Purses, Collars and Neckwear Men's
Furnishing Goods, Hats and Shoes.
Call and Inspect Them
R. & G.
A warrant of arrfcst was today is
sued for George Singloton charging
him Willi keeping a (log wthout ob
taining a license. Mr. Singleton ap
peared before the city recorder and
asked for time In which to consult an
attorney and was given two days'
extension. J. G. Stephenson, who
was yesterday arrested on the same
charge palu a fine of Jl and obtained
a license.
A niarriago license was Issued to
day to .1. A. McCourt and Flora .1.
it n. both of Ulce Hill.
, .
We tat too much meat, which clog
Kidneys, then Back hurts and
Bladder botfcew yea.
Before buying a cronm eepnrator,
invo8tlgato the New Sharpies suc
tion food. Douglas County Creamery.
Mr. and Mrs. -Lyman Spencer have
moved their place of residonce from
West First street to 1024 North
Jackson street.
Since Dr. Wade haB become an as
pirant for office, he evidently thinks
there should be more male voters,
so he assisted In the birth of the first
pair of living twins to be born in
f21-1.5p' tho county this year.
I i
r , , ' 3
Prince Albert is
such friendly tobacco
that it just makes a man sorry he didn't get wind of this
pipe and cigarette smoke long, long ago. He counts it lost
time, quick as the goodness of Prince Albert gets, firm set
in his life I The patented process fixes that and cuts out
bite and parch 1
Get on the right-smoke-track soon as you know how I
Understand yourself how much you'll like
tke national joy smoke
It stands to reason, doesn't it, that if men all over the
nation, all over the world,
. Watch your ste-!
It's easy to change the shape
end color of unaalablo brands
to imitate the Prince Albert
tidy red tin, bat it is impottible
to imitate the flavor of Pnnco
Albert tobacco 1 The
patented process
protects that!
prefer P. A. that it must
have all the qualities to
satisfy yourfondestdesires?
Men, get us right on Prince
Albert I We tell you this
tobacco will prove better
than you can figure out,
it's so chummy and fra
grant and inviting all the
time. Can't cost you more
than 5c or 10c to get your
bearings I
. if
Coprrlffrit 111!
by h. J- HernohU
Tobacco v
k Irdl
Buy Princm Albert mvrywhmrm
tobacco is told in toppy rmd
bawt Set tidy fd Una, JOcr
handtomm pound and half-poand
tin hamidorgandin that clatty
cry tat - flaw pound humidor
with $pongm-moilnmr top that
kmmp thm tobacco in aach great
trim I
Winston-Salem, N. C
Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged
and need a flushing occasionally, else wo
have backache and dull misery in tho
kidney region, severe headaches, rheu
matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach,
sleeplessness and ell sorts of bladder dis-
: orders. !
I You simply must keep your kidneyi I
nittivA nnri nlenn. and Uia moment YOU,
BORN To Mr. and Mrs. A. F. liar-' fcoi Bn acho or pain in tha kidney
rlson of 010 Short street, on Tues- region, get about four ounces ol Jau
Baits from any good, drug store nere,
take a tablespoonmi in a glass 01 watur
before breakfast for a few days aua
your kidneys will then act fine. Thia
fnmmis salts Is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged
kidneys and stimulate them to normal
activity. It aUo neutralizes the acids
I In the urine so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders.
f Jad Baits is harmless; inexpensive;
I makes a delightful effervescent lithia-
water drink which everybody should toko
' now and then to keep their kidneys clean,
j thus avoiding serious complications.
A well-known local druggist says ho
' sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who belicva
' in overcoming kidney trouble wliilo it ia
only trouble.
day, February 8th, at 4:30 p. m.
twin boys, each weighing nine
pounds. Doth roTTier and twins
are doing fine.
Says we will both look and feel
clean, tweet and fresh
and avoid Illness.
is a
Business Matter,
Advertise it in a
Business '
Don't roly upon three lines of
vurtlBo as long as you have
room or accommodation for
another boarder, or the pros
pect of one or more of your
guests leaving. Make your ad
one that will be read twice by
anyone to whom the subject of
a plnco to board could possibly
have any Interest.
Snnltnry science, has of late made
rapid strides with results that are of
untold blesBlng to humanity. Tho lat
est application of Its untiring research
Is tho recommendation that it is as
necessary to attend to internal sanita
tion of the drainage system of the hu
man body as it is to the drains of the
Those of us who nro accustomed to
feel dull and heavy when we arise,
splitting hcudache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom
ach, enn, instend, feel as fresh as a
daisy by opening the sluices of the sys
tem each morning and flushing out the
whole of tho Internal poisonous stag
nant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, each morning before
breakfast, drink a ginns of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate In it to wash from the stom
ach, liver and bowels tho previous
day's Indigestible waste, sour bile and
poisonous toxins; thus cleansing.
sweetening and purifying the entire
alimenlury canal before putting moro '
food into the stnmnch. The action of j
hot water and limestone phosphate on I
an empty stomach is wonderfully In !
vlgoratlng. It cleans out all the sour j
fermentations, gases, waste and acidity f
and gives one a splendid appetite for j
breakfast. WhUe you are enjoying I
your breakfast tho phosphatcd hot !
water is quietly extracting a large vol- (
ume of water from the blood and get
ting ready for a thorough flushing of
all the Insido organs.
The millions of peoiile who are both
ered with constlpntlon, bilious spells, i
stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness; I
others who have sallow skins, blood i
disorders and sickly complexions are '
urged to get a quarter pound of lime- 1
intone phosphate from the drug store.
This will cont very little, but Is sum
clent to make anyono a pronounced
crank on the subject ot Internal sanitation.
Every part of Douglas
County is covered by the
issues of the
Daily and
(XirAirnistoAiveyouRGSults j
no maner wnai mnaoi a
Want Ad uou put in cui
paperwewmiu2 you results
Met chants can pull trade
from every section by
advertising in these