mi;kikkksk m acquitted ALCMNI NOTES. CHOSEN PRESIDENT BY UNANIMOUS VOTE MAY SOON LOSE JOB AS BASEBALL HEAD Jury Kixxw Woman W'hn Killed Mail Tliiviib-nlnw K Expose Hr. SAN FRANC1HCO, Jan. 21. A jury In the superior court yesterday freed Mrs. Mary Pamja, arrested last October when she confessed that she had killed a former sweetheart with an axe, cut his body Into chunks, and luffed It Into a box couch where the police found It. He was Michael "Welnsteln, with whom Mrs. Pamjas had been friendly In Atlantic City. The Jury exonerated Mrs. Pamlas of the murder charge on her plea that e had killed Welnsteln De rails he tried to coerce her with a threat mat he would expose her to Jier husband. AOVKRNOR WITHYCOMBK aiTESDH wedw.vo op son ANION, Or., Jan. 26. The wed ding of Robert Wlthycombe, son of fiovernor James Wlthycombje, and Miss Mabel Hutchinson, a popular and talented native daughter of this lty, occurred at the home of the bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hntchlnson, this afternoon at 5 o' clock. The ceremony was simple and was performed by Rev. H. E. CnlllBon, of the Methodist Episcopal church. About 25 guests were present, only the Intimate friends and relatives of the families being Invited. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding din-! -r was served. 1 Miss Mabel Hutchinson, the bride, I was born and reared In this city and has lived here most of her life. She was graduate dfrom Union high school with the class of 1910 and since that time has traveled exten sively throughout the eastern and western states. She is the daughter of W. R. Hntchlnson, one of the most prom inent and wealthy pioneer stockmen of this vicinity, the preBldmnt of the MANY OREGON WOMEN SAY THE SAME. Portland, Oregon." My daughter's health was very poor after her tint baby came. Finally she took three bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription and her health was greatly improved. She has three children. Has always depended on this wonder rnl medioine to help her through." Mrs. Iharkl Bkrtrand, 86 Texas St., Portland, Oregon, Lenta, Oregon. "I used Oootor i Pierce's Favorlto J Prescription be- fore mv babv I oame and I believa Jit saved my life, .Ml was in very anonr health." " : Mrs. C. H. Pow ers, Lents, Ore gon. Kotr: Dr. Pierce receives, daily, many letters like the abova from all over the world. The mighty restorative power of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription speedily Cannes all womanly troubles to dis appear compels the orgnns to prop erly perform their natural fnnotions, corrects displacements, overcomes irregularities, removes pain and misery at certain times And brings back health and strength to nervous, Irrita ble and exhansted women. What Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription has done for thousands It will do for yon. Oct It this very day from any medicine dealer, in either iiqnid or tablet form. Doctor Pierre's Pellet are nneqnaled as a Liver fill. Nnuillrrt. oi.lMt In to. One Hnw ffuonr-wmtwl fnm a JMmh. Cure Sick llesdsche, Ilillous Jlemlsche. TMiKlnms, Constipation, indi gestion, lllllnns Attacks, and all de rangements of the Liver, Btomach and Kowela. We Launder Quilts for 25c Each ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY ASK VS AIIOt'T Ol lt PUK ES ON HOI'dll DRY FAMILY WASHING P hone 79 and Our Autos Will Call Not Only the ou noed it (his and all times- -1ut ItiKly low cnmprd with otbtr course, superb. ' " . y C Ac - ? '-if?' ' Carry Herrman. It is believed that Garry Herrman is nearing the end of his career as head of the national baseball com. mission, the supreme court of base ball. Dissolution of the commission and the formation of a new baseball body to take the place of the Herr-mann-Johnson-Tener triumvirate, it is predicted, will eome to pass near the close of the present year. First National Bank of this city. Robert Wlthycombe has been a resident of the city for the past 12 years, during which time he has been superintendent of the Eastern Ore gon experiment station here. Since his residence here he has held many positions of trust and for three years was mayor of the city. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wllllap Herring, of Haines; Edgar and George Pratt, of Haines; MIbs Wlllman, of Baker, and Governor and Mrs. Wlthycombe, of Salem. CHrLHLAI.V REMEDY Try our -.remedy for chilblains, sore feet and bunions. Marsters Drug Co. 166-tf THE WAR IS MAKING JAPANESE MILLIONAIRES TOKIO, Jan. 8. (By mall.) The , Enropean war has brought undream ed of prosperity to Japan. Evidence of this Is found not only In the enor mous Increase In the gold reBerve but In the fact that the Japanese newspapers are busy chronicling the rise of many new-made millionaires, who plunged early in the war and emerged with riches. The leading ship yards of Japan have filled orders which will keep them busy for three years. Thanks to the withdrawal of German vessels, Japanese shipping Is enjoying the greatest prosperity In Its history. Shipping men are predicting that Japan will In a few years have mercantile marine sec ond only to that of England. They believe, too, that shipbuilding Is des tined to become a great national In dustry in Japan. A Japanese named Nohoye Urhlria, who at the outbreak of the war was a clerk, saw that a naval war meant a golden harvest for shipping. He left his desk and launched a shipping business, char tering small vessels. Now he owns four steamers and has cleared more than 11,000.000. In Toklo the Tamashlta Shipping Company, con trolled by a business man of that name, has netted $2,500,000. Jap an's gold reserve has Increased by $100,000,000. She now has In re serve 1250.000.000. Very Groceries at prices which ar surprls- torpa, and the quality Is, of 1 1 ii... - it- j . (Prom The N'eho.) . Miss Gertrude Dlllard has bean 111 the past week. Miss Myth Henderson, of class '15 who Is now a teacher, teaching near Oakland, returned home t pans the week. Her excuse was too much snow. The snow was so deep that the pupils could not go to and from school. This necessitated the clos ing of the school. Miss Dorothy Jeffrey returned to Willamette University last week. Miss Jeffrey Is one of the leading society freshmen of the College. Mr. Phil. Harth has become an auto merchant. He Is of the '15 class, and has much business abaillty. Mr. Elbert Lenox reports that be Is well satisfied with the vaudeville given for the benefit of the class of15. Miss Henderson visited the school of Miss Maclver, who is teaching near West Roseburg. Miss Lillian Krogel Is now teach ing near Oakland. She was Presi dent of the '15 class, and she goes to her work with the best wishes of the High School for success. SCHOOL NOTES (From The Nebo.) Miss Alda Watson, the assistant editor of the "Nebo", Is now teaching near Oakland, Ore. We know from her pasbarecord In school that she will make good In her new position. We all Join In wishing her the great est success; and shall miss her smil ing faces durng the next semester. We understand that Ernest Voor hels, "Smiles' , Is now going to be a traveling salesman for an Eastern firm. He finished his work In school last half and is now ready for his new position. We wish him the best of success. THEY CAN'T DO IT, YOC KNOW. (From The Nebo.) I've beard people say that the world they'd surprise, But they can't do It, you know; With ships like balloons, they'd soar to the skies, But they can't do it, you know. While some other fellow who hasn't a cent. Are on a moBt wonderful patent In tent; And perpetual motion they'd like to Invent, But they can't do It, you know. Some fellows are partial to cutting a swell. But they can't do It, you know; Each are Intending to wed a rich hell. But they .can't do It, you know. Some fellows are trying some meth od to seek. To wear handsome raiment and Jew elry unique; And Pay for the same on ten dollars a week. But they can't do It, you know. My landlady's hill I endeavor to pay. But I can't do It, you know; I try to eat boarding house steak every day, But I can't do It, you know. Her coffee so muddy, her dough nuts so dry. Her back number cakes and celluloid pie; To eat them and enjoy them, how vainly I try, But 1 can't do It, you know. I tried my hardest the quizzes to psas. But I didn't do It, you know; The hardest questions all In a mass. But I didn't do It, you know. The history threw me quite Into a fit. And " did the questions on first English Lit; I tried to scratch thru, and missed It a bit. But I didn't do It, you know. UOHEKT E. LEE. EXCHANGES. ( From The Nebo.) Caesar conquered many nations t A mighty man was he; No wonder In examnaltlons Ho also conquered mo. The Advocate. Alas. They mot by chance. They never met before; They only met that once And she was smitten sore. They never met again; Don't want to I avow; They only met that once A freight (rain and a row. Tho Advocato. F-lorce lessons. L-ate hours. U-nexpncted callers. N-ot prepared. K icked out. Ex. if J -! j i j Charles Lathrup Pack. Charles Lathron Pack, financier,. worker in many public-spirited movements and on of the fathers of the conservation movement, was unanimously elected president of the American Forestry Asociation at its thirty-fifth annual convention in Boston a few days ago. He suc ceeds Dr. Henry SZ Drinker, presi dent of Lehigh University, who re tired after three years of service, during; which the association made long strides forward. HIGH FLIGHT FLOUR Is made from the hardest wheat and is drier, will absorb more mois ture when being prepared for bread; hence a sack will make more loaves of bread. Get it at the People's Supply Co. 171-tf ANNOUNCEMENT To any one desirous or engaging In the Planing Mill or Manufacturing business, I will offer a one-half in terest In my business, with or with out real estate. 1203-tf W. L. DYSINGER. Open for Business! Tho money yon set aside each week for the tahle, buys more here for less. The Careful Housewife will ijprtciate' this. No special baits are necessary to attract at tention at the SPOT CASH BASKET GROCERY Kl'.VLAP, ITnp. 3:18 N. Jackson Street. Flonr and Feed. DOLLAR DAY is Every, Day; at Our Parlors Every day Winter and Sum me yon will receive more value in High Class Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing, dollar for dollar than you can receive elsewhere This Is not an Idle Boast, hun dreds of satisfied patrons will cheerfully endorse it. Ladles Clothing, Furs, White and Kid Gloves a Specialty. IMPERIAL CLEANERS 312 N. Jackson St. Phone 277 Why are Sunday dinners usually ths beet? I IkvauMC th Itetter tho day the better the meal. MeatsFcrSundayDinners Our Long Suit A Liberal Amount of Suet with Each FINE ROAST That suits every good cook Among Our Boasts Are Our Sunday Roasts! They Rlxiulri Grace Your Table. THE FXONOMY MARKET i riione 541 -j MmmW The purchase.price of this famous. 0NEIM COMMUNITY RELIANCE PLAlt WE give coupons with every 16c pur chLe of .11 the y IT1' ff? teed products made by the Un ted Drug Company. We are willing to low money on th. silv.rw.re to get von s quainted with these goods, which an standard in their line. Liggett, and Fenway Candles. Harmony Perfumes, Toilet ArHfles, BruSS, try. Rubber Good, and hundred of other itwn hok Pon,, etc When you want ."nurtWng k for a United Drug- Co. product Decant coupons are only given BoodT You cannot .fford not to ire this P?PJV TH! -wanted ae., when you can get it on our half bought plan. .TpjJtWteoon th.t sells for 20c. you can get for 10c. with coupons, , See the window display and get chases at the Rexall Store, Your 1 Bigger ll I! Unlock the door leading to more profits by .equipping your store with National Mazda C Lamp More light and more vivid light than your old lamps give. -Bring trade to your store with i the new, better Oet Roseburg When you want the very best Remembe1- "Diamond W" Canned Fruits & Vegetables Will satisfy. Our stock o( these Is very complete. Price and quality satisfy. THFfCASH STORE WE SAVE YOU MONEY Sanders Disc Plow Buggies and Spring Wagons If you are going to buy a buggy or spring wagon for winter use it will pay you to buy now. . We have some BARGAINS J. F. BARKER $ COMPANY .......Implements and Vehicles.: ROSEBURG :-: :-: OREGON thi s popular silverware by making pur Nathan r uuerion, rrup. Key to Business light lamps. them from ns now. Electric Co. 123 CASS STREET THE TEMPTING ODOR that comes from our roast beef, fresh from the oven will be matched by the tooth some flavor of the meat when you taste it. Try a roast for Sunday dinner. Though it will not cost you any more than you usually pay, you will find our meat far finer than any you ever ate. CASS STREET MARKET Hoosier Drills 1 1 y DOWELL & BENEDICK Wert II lUHM.ur III J1 Two- fit Myers Pumps Mitchell Wagons