v.ill be married to a 'prominent j stork man.- L FOUR OF THE GIANTS MAY HANG ON IF HARRY S1XCI..1K BUYS AUSTRIA NOW IS PRACTICALLY MASTER OF THE ADRIATIC SEA Lath and shlng:es, Page Investment Co. uie v.ory ttest 110-jl." E. H. Russoll, of Wilbur, srr. several hours in Roseburg todas transacting business matters. Nothing like coal for a steady firo, ask about the genuine Peacock Rock SprlngB, at Pages. 110-115 Floyd Chapman, of Wilbur, arriv ed In this city this morning and spent the day looking after business mat ters. , Dressmaking and ladies tailoring over Doll's millinery store. Belle Case. 101-J27 Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Starbuck, who v W'i Pf 1 & v -m um'm is 2E Jro joo 350 aoo too f M1UE6 SCA0.6. wun me dominating Heights ol M unt Lovchen In the hands of the Austrians the Austrian fleet has bet n enabled to gather with Bafety In the harbor of Cattaro, whence It is expec ted to Jaunch on Italy's Adriatic coast. Italy's failure to send troops to aid the Montenegrins hold Mount Lovchen, If only In t , '-defense, h: s caused general surprise' CITY NEWS. Fred Oreen, of Wilbur, made a business trip to this city this morn-! ins. i sity, but who has now recovered suf ficiently to return to her home. Dance at the Elks hall Saturday" night. Otfs orchestra will furnish the music. 154-J22 Mr. Will Howard, of Wilbur, ar- ! rved in Roseburg this morning and Thermometers, tne genuine Tay-j 8Pe't the day attending to business lor, American made and correct. Get; one of Churchill. matters. Mrs. M. Scott left this morning Dr. A. C. Seely returned last night for Medford where she will yislt from Oakland where he spent the wltn friends and relatives for several day- yesterday attending to business days. ' I matters. I Spraymeters, the genuine Taylor. Just received, another car of gen- Test your lime and surphur before us ulne Peacock Rock Springs coal the Ing. Know you are right. Churchill kind that satisfies. Page Invest-! sells them. 15G-J22 meat to. Phone 242. 110-jl5 . I Rev. Paul J. Lux left this morn- Mrs. A. A. Kester and Miss Lylia' ing for Medford where he will oc- Wright left this mornng for their cupy the pulpit in the Presbyterian home at Lodl, Calif., after visiting in clfurch at Medford tomorrow. Roseburg for several days with rela-; tlves. i Harold Morian, who has been at- j tending school at the Oregon Agri Assistant Superintendent E. H. ' oultural College, arrived In ;Ro9e- tiarrett, of the Tacoma & Eastern ! burg last night and will spend a few Railroad passed through this city to- days visiting. day In his special car on his -way to j San Francisco where he will spend Do you make candy? If so get a several weeks. I Taylor candy thermometer with book I of receipts from Churchill. Will P. S. C. steel cut coffee is without " doubly efficient as a candy chaff, hence no blttor taste.' The "'" 156-J22 dust Is removed; hence the clear am- lier fluid. The quality the very high-; est, hence the pleasing aroma. Ev erybody appreciates P. S. Ct coffee, 35c per lb. at the People's Supply CU. 153-tf Judge J. W. Hamilton returned last night from Eugene where he has been spending a few days. He was accompanied by his (laughter, Merle, who was taken suddenly ill while attending school at the univer- OLD-TIME COLD CUKE DKHTK HOT TEA! Harry Booth, who Is a student at the state university at Eugene. arrived in Roseburg last night and will spend a couple of days with his parents. Suits French Dry Cleaned, $1.25, at Sloper's, Roseburg Cleaning Works. In business 15 years. Next to Palace theatre. Phone 47. 1345-J33 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fox, of Canada, who have been visiting at the home of their niece, Mrs. W. A. Cottrell, left ' this morning for Grants Pass, where they will o.isit for several Get a small package of Hamburg '"" " ;. Brcnst Ten, or as tno German folks call it, "Hamburger Druat Thw"at any J. H. Campbell & Son nave a $3000 pharmacy. Take ft tal.lwpoonful of the , Btock of g00(,9 , gt LoulSj Mo ".vZr throi.Kh a .imud drink a j which they will trade for Roseburg titttuii full at anv time during the I property. Inquire J. H. Campbell & have been visiting for several days in Roseburg, left ths mornng for their home at Myrtle Creek. Morvtn Jeffrey, of Roseburg, ar rlvod this morning and will spend a few days with friends. He is tlu guest of the M. C. H. Days family. Grants Pass Courier. Revival services will continue an other week at the Christan church. Attend these services. Subject for Sunday night, by request, "The Faith of my childhood and the faith of to day." Hear this sermon. Feed your chickens meat scraps and other growing foods. They will withstand the cold weather better and lay more eggs. Try the Diamond quality poultry foods from the Peo ple's Supply Co. 163-tf Revival services will continue an other .week at the Christian church. Attend', these services. Subject for Sunday, night, by request, "The faith of my childhood and the faith of to day. Hear this Bermon. Revival Bervlces will continue an other week at the Christian church. Attend these services. Subject for Sunday night, by request, "The faith of my childhood and the faith of to day. Hear this sermon. Mrs. Chas. Patrick and daughter, Miss Clara, arrived thiB afternoon from Roseburg to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick. Mr. Patrick, who has been 111 for some months, is reported quite low. Grants Pass Courier. Mrs. J. t. Fullerton, of Canyon vllle, gave birth to twins Wednes day, January 18, a boy and a girl, this being the second pair of twins In the family. Mrs. Fullerton Is the mother of 10 children, all of whom live at Canyonville. Riddle Trbune. The ladies of St. Joseph's church will sell home cooked foods, and will serve not coffee and light lunches Saturday Jan. 22, in the old First Nat. Eank building on Jackson St. 155-J21 Sam Josephaon is In receipt of a letter of congratulation from the sec rotary of the Portland Chamber of Commerce over his re-election, in which he says that he Is always glad to send Inquiries here, as he Is sure of getting a prompt and satis factory reply. The county assessors of this state will be called together for a three days' convention In this city, Febru ary 15, 10 and 17. W. A. Ball, of Lincoln county, president of the state assessors' association, has ap pointed a committee to arrange for .a program for the convention. Capital Journal. tav cr Ufloro retiring, it is cue muni, aon elTeetive way to break .1 cold and euro-! grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the . bowels, thus breaking up a cold. ' j Try it the next time you sudor from . a cold or tho grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. i Roseburg. 115-fCp B Sr,FF. ACHING JOINTS " While playing about the school yard at Brockway yesterday Mel- ' borne, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Redifer had the misfor- j tune to fall fracturing his collar bone. Dr. Wade, of this city was j summoned and dressed the Injury. Mathewson (left), Doyle (top center), Teareau (bottom center) and Robertson. If Harry Sinclair buys the New York Giants, he will probably retain among the twirlers only Christy Mtk ewson and Jeff Tesreau. Captain Larry Doyle, who is some second sacker, is the only infielder who would b safe, while Dava Robertson would be the only outfielder sura of holding his job. II. V. Thlel, a prominent Yoncalla Revival services will continue an- resident, Bpcnt the day ill this city ; other week at the Christian church. I Attend these services. Subject for attending to business matters. Sunday night, by request, "The falth of my childhood and the faith of to day. Hear this sermon. I. Del Monte goodB prove satisfac tory. They are the cream from the richest pan of milk, the Associated ! Friilt Canners of California's best Bu Soreness from joints and mujclflt brand. A world wide known luxury, with a small trial bottle of . I You can get them for the price of old St Jacobs OU j staples at tho People's Supply Co. Stop "doBing" Rheumatism. ! 153-tf It's rain only; not one case In fifty Tcquires internal treatment. Rub sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" right on the "tender spot," and by the time tou say Jack Robinwn out comes the rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harmless rheumatism cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn tbe skin. It taltes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. Limber up I Get a 25 cent bottla of old-time, honest "St Jacobs Oil" from ary drug More, and in a moment Ton'll b free from pains, aches ami MiiTness. Dou't suilerl Hub rheuina Mr. I. Herbert and daughter, Florence; who have been visiting at the home of Geo. Mclver, left this morning for White Salmon, Wash., where It Is reported Miss Florence Forrest brand canned ipeaB are larger and mono matured, though tender and sweet, contain the maxi mum of food value. Del Monte brand tender and sweet. Rich In food value, delicious In taste. You can find no better. Le Solcll brand Imported peas, tiny in size, delicate in flavor. .The best of the imported article. Get them at the People's Supply Co. -153-tf Attorney General Brown will make a trip to Washington, D. C, to rep resent the state in two cases that are now pending In the United States courts and he has made the request that both cases may be heard at the same time by the court so that he may be required to make but one 'trip to Washington. One case is that of the Pacific Livestock Company against John H. Lewis and the other is. that of the State of Oregon against F. O. Bunting Capl tnl Journal. Windows, doors and ssbh. a large j assortment, let us show them to you. Page Investment Co, 110-. Walter Dunham, of Oakland, ar rived thiB morning spent several hours looking after business mat ters. The Big Bend district is conceded to raise the highest quality wheat on the coast. High iFlight flour comes from the heart of the Big Bend district. Get a free sample In a few days from the People's Supply Co. 153-tf MrB. Will Pickens returned to Roseburg this morning after spend ing a few days here with her fathor, Roe Cheshire, who has been quite 111 but is now recovering. Grants Pass Courier. , I The fourth company basket ball team Inst night defeated tho Chris tian team by a score of 30 to 15. Tho game was rough, but clean, the Christians being outplnyed by their opponents in every point of the gaiho. NOTICE FOR BIDS PURCHASE OF, MUNICIPAL HOXDS ! The undersigned will receive at his office in the city of Roseburg, Ore-, gon, up to eight o'clock p. m., on Monday, March 6, 1916, sealed pro-i posals for the purchase of Railroad, Construction Bonds of tho City of Roseburg In the sum of $100,000.00, or any part thereof. Sold bonds are:' In denominations of $500.00 each and bear Interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable semi-annual-' ly at tho fiscal agency of the Stale' of Oregon in New York City, N. Y., ; and become due May 1st, 1940. Pay ment is optional with the city at ; interest payment periods ot or aft-; er ten years from dale of bonds. The ! total Issue Ib three hundred thousand j doilarB, the balance of which will be i Bold later In blocks of $25,000. Oo' or i some multiple thereof. j Any examination by bidders with; reference to the legality of the Is suance and sale of said bonds shall be. made prior to the date of recelv-j Ing bills, and all bids shall be abso-; lute. Each bid must bo accompanied ( by a certified check for tho Sum of i $500.00 payable to the City Treas-j urcr.to be forcfoitcd In case such: bid shall be accepted and the bidder! shall fall to complete the purchase of i said bonds. ; The Council hereby reserves the, right to reject any and all bids. j Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, Janu-1 ary 11, 1916. R. L. WHIPPLE, I City Recorder of the City of Rose- burg, Oregon. 1 33-122 i Fruit Trees, Ornamentals, Berries and Vines GUARANTEED TRUE AND CLEAN At reasonable prices, direct from grower to you A postal card brings our price list free, do it now SOUTHERN OREGON NURSERY 1 ' Yoncalla, Oregon A Vegetarian At thiB Beason of the year can scarcely refuse a slice x of our - Columbia Ham or Bacon and those who Indulge in a meat diet will just be de lighted with It. Wright-Riedel Grocery Co. Phono Kill. We Sell Healthful Food! Peaa aro found to contain brain building and muscle building properties in excess at any other vegetable. Chemk-al and practical tests prove them almost equal to muut in food values. We Have the Best Torrent Itrnnd Pous, pir can 10c wr do.. $1.15 Ih'l Mnntc ltrund I'ohm, Mr can, , . .15c per doz. $1.55 Fancy Imported I'enn, kt can .... 17 c Get the Best for Less At The Peoples Supply Co. Wholesalers to the Consumer Hygiene Kalsomine THE SOKTKST AM MOST I1KAITIH I. KAI.SOMINK IX THK WOItI.lt KASY TO ITT O.N, AXDSAMTAItY, AM) fl.KAX. TltY A ItOOMTIIiS SPIHXU IX THIS WOXDKItl-I I. SEW HYUIKXIC KAI.SOMINK , B. W. STRONG The Furniture Man