The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 12, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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and novor got anywhere. Ho Bhould have had one of our
Handled Axes with which to split It.
single nrr axes
not ;i,i-: HIT AXES .
Or any other wood cutting tool worth having, at
Complete House Furnishers
Many Teutons Profit by Care
and Treatment Given'Them.
are to be found in the camp stores.
Freedom of action and Bpeech Is al
lowed in the camp. Work Is volun
tary. Hundreds of prisoners, how
ever, prefer to work and have found
employment erecting additional huts
For this labor they are paid by the
British government. A dozen Ger
man cobblers operate a shoe repair
ing shop. This repair work is free.
The British government furnishes
the leather and pays the cobblers.
An eight-chair barber shop shaves all
comers for two cents per shave, 01
free if the unshaven is broke. The
barbers are paid by the government.
A tinsnirar 'fully staffed bv the
llospiuu fully stuffed by Royal; noyal Army MedicaI Con,8 J, pr0.
Tin Homo if Comfort
and (nod M uic
H KxoIiibIvi) Home f I'aru
J2L mount tfe llroaU'y 1'Vn turns
IUiwIhii-k's "Coxy Coiner" WKItN'KH & KOI, i KK, Iosfsoes
Where Vou (iot Your Money's Worth and Thou Some
Tom Powell's
... . , ( an pkoplk all white all stars
Sonts roservod ut Chupinan's Pharmacy up to C:30 p. m. After that
at the Box Office of Theatre.
Admission- Lower Floor 50e, lliilcony iloc, Gallery 25c.
Thursday and Friday, January 13 and I I, M Altl.TDItn 10 CLARK
The greatest of all 1915 Paramount Features.
1 "herewith announce my name as
a candidate for renominntlon -for lh
orrice of treasurer of Douglas coun
ty on tho republican tlckot, subject
to tho rioclHlon of the primary elec
tions to be held In May.
IT'S DlI'l'KltHNT.
Richard Carle
Supportm! by .Kvsso Halph nnd
Murjr Wnytio iu
A lit k ImiKti tlirnuRh fivo rot'Is
will kill tlip ttiot povioua ease
of bliu's over known
Another laugh; 6000 feet of
laugh in nil.
U s Cents 10 V
Aimy Hospital jUorps 1h
Provided for Tlie
Jly Wilbur 8. Forrest.
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
ROCHESTER, Eng., Jan. 3. (By
mall.) "Prisoners of war or not,
they're human." Such is the phil
osophy of Major W, C. Bulkley, D.
S. O., British regular army, who
commands England's largest war
prison camp here at Rochester.
More than 3,000 of the Teutons
who fought for the Kaiser on the
Western front during the last four
teen months are reaping the benefit
of British leniency In this model city,
built exclusively for their use on the
outskirts of this historic British
town. No other press representative
was along on thlB trip today and it is
the first time an outsider has been
porniittod to inspect every nook and
I corner of the camp and talk unre
servedly to the prisoners,
i Surrounded by' .double fenco n!
American barbed wire flunked by
wire entanglements, ihiindreds of
substantially built, one story houses,
cloctricnlly lighted, amply windowed
J fnd roofed, have been built to nc
( commodate the prisoners. The
! bouses are in rows, fronted by streots
. rhlch swarm with German grcy
I green uniforms. The main gate op
uni Into a lurgo parade ground sur-
"ovnded on three side3 by barracks
"hich wore used In pesce time by
a regiment of British cavalry. In
" cue barracks where Hanoverians
captured in 1914, ore living today,
n regiment of Hanoverians fighting
for England a hundred years ago,
was quartered.
"I've got an uncle In San Fran
cisco," said one of the (prisoners,
when he learned that an American
T within earshot.
"Where does he live in San Fran
cisco?" "He lives on Jackson street. I
used to visit him often." answered
tho prisoner. In perfect English. A
well built youth whose counterpart Is
in evory American city, was leav
ing the camp postoffice with a small
decorated Christmas trees' sent by
his family in Germany. Ho hod stood
I:i line for 30 minutes until his name
was called, and he had eagerly grab
'"d the tinseled evergreen as an of
ficer, who first inspected It, handed
It ovor. Stopping a minuto to talk
f he rushed off to his hut whore the
snme tree a few minutes lator had
the place of honor on a big table In
tho center of thor oom, with forty
other prisoners admiringly looking
This prisoner used to be a sailor
on a Scnttlo-Frisco steamer. When
Germany declared war he hurried
back to the fatherland.
An' enormous kettle in one of the
large camp cookhouses was presided
over by a big fe7!ow who used to be
a chef in Germany. Ho was making
tea ft)r eight hundred men, but stop
pod a moment to explain that he
hn,7 relatives in Mississippi. An
other prisoner, nenrhy, was cutting
qunrters of beef into small cubic
hunks for soup. A crnte of cabbages
and lentils was on hund to flavor the
stew. ,
On the snme street with this
cookhouse was tho school building,
also tho shower baths and gymnas
ium. In tho school building, classes
are heard by fl young man who used
to teach at Hcidelhurg. He's a
Tho effect of
vided for the prisoners. About sixty
or 1,000 prisoners brought to iho
.amp in September after the battle
' ' Loos were slightly wounded
Their wounds were dressed daily and
all but one recovered. Several who
were gassed are still confined.
"It was T.e English gas that got
me," said a Pi'tiBsInn hospital pati
ent; "If it had been German gas, 1
wouldn't be here. German gas kills
the man who breathes it. English
gas makes you sick for a long time
but it doesn't kill you."
The patient's story was partially
corroborated by the physician in
charge, who stated that some Brit
ish soldiers have recovered from
German gas, but experience had
proven that British gas is not so
Keeping clean is the only compul
sory duty of the German lyisoners.
On entering the camp they are pro
vided with fresh underclothing while
(heir Military garb is thoroughly dis
infected. A tooth brush, hair brush
and c6mb and clean towels also are
provided. The prisoners wash their
own linen in the camp laundry: Ev
ery man takes a bath twice weekly.
A complete outfit of clothing is pro
vided free to every man In need. Ev
cry prisoner with whom I talked was
salisfied with his food, clothing and
treatment, in the main.
1). II. IiUHAIi
A Successful Wedding
is impossible without the help of a Jewelry store.
Try to think what such an affair would be without pres
ents. Try to imagine a ring.ess, giftless wedding. Its unthink-
a,'le So you would find it hard to get along without US at Buch
We have a great big Interesting array of gift materials.
And the beauty of it is that tho majority or tnem are anytmng y
but expensive.
Wo suggest Cut Glass ar Silverware or some dainty article
of China.
Call and take a good look through.
Phone Tv.n-One.Fnur Roseburg, Oregon.
intention to make final five-year
proof, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Regis
ter and Receiver, at Roseburg, Ore
gon, on the 10th day of February
Claimant names as witnesses:
Martin Bushnell, of Olalla, Oregon.
Mary Bushnell, of Olalla, Oregon.
Ella Roberts, of Roseburg, Oregon
ft. along pier head line of "Ralnbcw
Basin"; S. 58 degrees EO minutes W
626.21 ft. along pier head line of
"Rainbow Basin"; S. 19 degrees 42
minutes E. 78.00 ft. to N. W. cor.
Block 49, R. R. Add to Reedsport as
projected; N. 68 degrees 50 minutes B
663.56 ft. along pier head line of
"Rainbow Basin"; N. 42 degrees 23
minutes E. 170. Oo ft. along pie.
Louis Roberts, of Roseburg Ore- hea(J no Qf Ranbow Basln... s 42
gon. J- M. urwfl,
(Continued from page 1.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. A reso
lution introduced In the senate this
nfternnon by Senator Shorman, of
Illinois, demands the Intervention by
armed forces in Mexico, and the es
tablishment nl a representative gov
ernment. Dyer, of Missouri, introduced a
resolution asking that congress be ad
vised if tho "watchful waiting" pol
icy Bhould not cease. Secretary of
Slate Lansing wired Cnrrnnza regard-!
lug the massacre, but said that the'
wire did not contain a demand fori
nrtlon, and this step will not bo taken
unless Cnrranza is unwilling to offer
redress. j
Lansing Is inclined to blame tlie
Americans for remaining iu Mexico
despite the warning given tlmo and
again and called attention to the
fact that passports were consistently.
refused to nil who made application teacher of languages
for tile Sailie. I r,,l, n,ljirv rilselnllno Inmngul hv
Senator llorah, of Idaho, called tho : the Germany army was manifest In
policy of Wilson's "sidestepping, com- the way tho shower baths, occupying
promising, procrastinating and un- two buldings, are always in use.
American." nuil demanded interven- "Turn out!" ordered a Hrlllsh of
tion on the part of this goverment I fleer conducting the Inspection. Forfy
unless Carrnnza gives prompt andj Germnn heels clicked, or would have
Positive assurance of his power to, cllrkod if shod, as twentv German
not be had until such time as the
club was In hotter financial circum
stances. Some discussion followed
this and it developed that Mr. Kohi
hagen had been quite' liberal in
throwing off a month's rent now
and then. J. H. Clerk thought the
new -president might be able to talk
him out of six mouths, be had such
a winning way.
There being no further business
the moetlng was adjourned, with tho
promise by the president that some
plans will be formulated and pre
sented- by the next regular meeting
A spirit of optimism prevailed
throughout every expression of all
the speakers, there was a feeling that
the right men hacTbeen put in for a
year of good hard pulling, and that a
bright rosy future is ahead for the
the undersigned administrator of the
estate of David Thomas, deceased,
has filed in the County Court of
Douglas County, State of Oregon, his
Final Account as such adminlstrftor
of said estate, and that Wednesday
tho 19th day of January, 1916, at the
hour of ten o'clock In the forenoon
of said day, has been fixed by said
Court as the time for hearing obtec
tions to said Final Account and the
settlement thereof.
Administrator of the estate of David
Thomas, deceased. 1336-J17
WANTED Work by young man
quick. Competent, willing, able.
Address Aaron Snyder, Roseburg.
Phone 206-L. 130-J1S
PUPS FOR SALE Six male Shep
herd pups for sale. The best bred
stock dogs in Douglas county. For
full information Call 1F2 Sunshine
ranch. 132-J1S
FOR TRADE Lot in Portland, close
to car line and stores. Cement
walk. Will exchango for team and
wagon, cows or nnto in good con
dition. Address R. L. Ellis. Rose
burg. Ore. 129-JlSp
In the County Court of the State o
Oregon for Douglas County.
In the matter of the estate of John
C. Wiley, deceased.
The underBigred, executor of sali
estate having filed his final account
in said Court, notice Is hereby given
that Tuesday, January 18, 1016, a
10'o'clock a. m. at the Judge's Cham
t,ers in the Court House, In Ross
burg, Douglas County, Oregon, U the
t '.lie and place set by the Judge of
si'id Court to hear objection, if an.
ti'ere be, to said final acu an '
to the discharge of said executor.
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, Dec
16, 1915.
Executor of the estate of John C
Wiley, deceased. . 1337-J18
degrees 30 minutes E. 145.00 ft to
M. P. on Umpqua River and South
bank of Mallard Creek, S. 62 degrees
W. 10.00 chs. along south bank of
Mallard Creek; S. 63 degress W
10.00 chs. along south ban!t of Malk'
lard Creek; S. SO degrees W. 10.00'
chs. along south bank of Mallard
Creek; S. 82 degrees W. 10.00 chs
along south bank of Mallard Creoli
to place of beginning, containing 8.54
acres, containing in all 15.71 acres
tide land fronting on LGts 7 and 8
Section 34 and Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5
Sec. 35. T. 21 S. R. 12 W. of W. M
Applications and bids should be
addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerl
Stato Land Board, Salem, Oregon
and marked "Application and bid to
purchase tide lands".
Dated, Dec. 8, 1915.
Clerk State Land Board
pioie.'t Americans.
IIKHI.IN, Jan. 1 2. Unconfirmed
reports of a Swiss origin stato that
tne t.ermnn crown prince has been"
recalled to llerlln to assume tho re
gency of the empire on account of
the serious illness of his father, the
Lester Wlniberly,
I the day In this city
nusness nutters
youins in ' nuogetner stouii rigidly; arv rd, 1916
at attention. '1 ne gymnasium en
I closes mnny appurtenances for
physical culture and is well patron
Two Inrge commissary stores pro
vide the prisoners with food and
supplies not Included In the dally
rations. Gorman speaking British
clerks are In charge. They sell ev
erything from bananas and canned
milk to clothespins at prevailing
market prices. Prisoners who have
established credit "until more mon
ey Is sent from Germany," are able
of Drain, spent o "uave It chrged".
attending to Cortaln brands of German wares,
unobtainable elsewhere in England,
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appointed
by the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Douglas County, admin
istrator of the estate of Job Den
ning, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present the same to me
at Roseburg, Oregon, duly verified
as by law roquircd, within
months from the date hereuf.
Dated at Roseburg, Oregon, Jnnu-
Administrator of the state of Job
Denning, Deceased. . 103-J31
Department of the Interior, D. S.
Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon.
December 29, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby given that Vic
toria McDaniel, of Looking Glass,
Oregon, who, on September 24, 1910.
made homestead entry, serial No.
0B630, for NVi NWi, Section 2.
Township 288.. Range 7 W.. Will
amette Meridian has filed notice of
NOTICE is hereby given that the
State Land Board of the State of
Oregon will receive sealed bids at
Its office in the State Capitol at Sa-
lom, Oregon, up to 10:00 o'clock a.
m.. Feb. 23, 1916, for nil the State's
Interest In the tide lands hereinafter
described, giving however, to the
owner or owners of any lands abut
ting or fronting thereon, the prefer
ence right to purchase said tide lands
at the highest price offered, provid
ed such offer is made In good faith
nnd also provided that the land wil
not be sold for, nor any offer there
'or accepted, of less than $7.50 r-r
acre, and Ht the Board reserves the
right to reject any and all bids:
Said lands are situated in Doug
las County, Oregon, and described
B3 follows. to-vit:
Beginning at a point which is th
meander post to fractional section
34 & 35, T. 21 S. R. 12 W. on soutl
bank of Mallard Creek, and runnin
thence in Sec. 34, S. 78 degrees W
5.00 chs. along south bank of Mnl
lard Creek; N. 87 degrees W. 5.00
chs. along south bank of Mallard
Creek. N. 71 degrees W. 15.50 chs.
along south bank of Mallard Creek;
N. 20 degrees 30 minutes E. 258.00
ft. across Mallnrd Creek: S. 59 de
crees E. 5.00 chs. along north bank
of Mallard Creek; S. 70 degrees E. i
10.00 chs. nlong north bank of Mai I
lard Creek; East 9.50 chs. along
north bank of Mallard 'Creek to M !
P. on section line. South 1.93 chs !
across Mallard Creek to place of be i
ginning, containing 7.17 acres. '
Also, from the same Initial point i
running In Sec. 35, North 1.93 chs .
across Mallard Creek to M. P. on
north bank; N. 78 degree" E. 20.0(1;
chs. along north bank of Mallard !
Creek; N. 69 degrees E. 6.00 chs !
along north bank of Mallard Creel:; ;
N. 67 degrees E. 13.00 chs. along
north bank of Mallard Cre-k to M
P. on left bank Umpqua River; 8
42 degrees 30 minutes E. 4.90 ft. to
pier head line of "Rainbow Basin": !
S. 42 degrees 23 minutes W. 176.90
'The Forbidden
A Mutual Masterplcture In 4
Acts. A drama of love and
daring deeds, starring
A Thrilling Romance of Arabia
"Putting Papa
to Sleep"
An Excelent Novelty Comedy
"Deserted at the
Another Fine Beauty Comedy
Additional Comfort Can lie En
joyed Since the Addition of
New Heat.
Buster Brown"
Darnless Hose
V- Trite Hrk Rewterr r&. ,
Most everyone has found out
our Is
Hosiery That
Hosier Hi-own Iwunless Hose
The Pair
4 pair guaranteed 4 months.
Silk Hose 25c to $l.r0
Roseburg Bootcric
"Shoe That Satisfy"
Perkins Rids. - Cass Street