THE EVENING NEWS MIlrON J. KIIOKMAKKIt CAItL 1). BIIOIi.UAKKH CinOntySi ' Health Talks" neiayi SAM J. HIIOUMAKHlt Editors and I'liblMieis. BY WILLIAM BRADY, M.D. Cartoons Ui J Is i 1 t 1 ;t v I li il n h ? a' 1 it it 11 w ci tl 1 til Til tb or Is or IK la al II, bo loi ml I tri mi I nit th I tin wl: an fro of arc I'll In Ihe nut ISHLICI DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY HiilHc.'ilitiii llutes Dolly Per year, by mall 3.0" Per month, delivered. 5(1 Semi-Weekly. ,2.00 . l.O'l Per year . . 81x monthB Entered as second-class matter November 5, 1909, at Rosoburg, Ore. under net of March 3, 1S7II. IV EDN EKD.t Y. JA N I A It YltltlO TIMS MOW VhVtt Ol'EK'IAI.S. In tho . selection of Dr. Seely ub .president, and J. V. Barker as vice president of the Conuiiercliil club last night, the members have not only paid a high tribute to the ability and worth of these two gentlemen, but they added a now life and vigor to the activities of the club which will become apparent at once. And lit Buying this, there Is not a single thought of disparagement of thoae who have preceded them. There la no use In giving any history of tho men selected, for It Ib a part of the history of Itoseburg. Dr. Seely Is fno of tho most prominent members! of his profession In tho' slate, a man with a wide circle of personal j friends and of great Influence In social, fraternal and civil affairs- of our city. Mr. Barker 1b equally as pomlncnt in business circles. It is needless to Btato that both theso gentlemen aro busy men, successful men aro ulwnyB busy, and for this reason, the club can congratulate Itself that it has been nhlo to draft two such men anuj add another weight for them to carry. They are both known ob men who do things, nnd ' do thorn right, and tho Commercial club will be the gaincV In securing their services this year. There aro no dead weights In the trustoes, for Henry Ilurth, Moho Klco und Bert Sutherland are live wires who will . tako pride In showing that their ' Stewardship brings results. It can be stated without any oxaggoratlon that tho year 1910 Is opening auspiciously for the Rosoburg Commercial club, - and that It will take a prominent " part In the expansion and dnvelop nientof tho city nnd county which ap pears to bo In sight. Wllilj Willi A NOTE. Nothing has so stirred the peo Jile of IIiIh country for u long time, Us tho awful butchery of American citizens and other foreign residents In Mexico, and this only a few short wooks ufler the recognition of C'ar rnnicti by this government. Surely tho people will not stand Tor this state of affairs very much lunger, without there being a demand madiyer aomo- thing stronger in the way of action than mere protest and note writing, at which the administration baa be come very expert. If this watchful waiting policy bus brought our great nntlon to such n point that no re spect is paid Its flag and people, then It Is time this pulley was cbnng- cd. There is little doubt (lint If the! hands of Ihe Kiiroponn nations hail j not been tied by their own Kiutmtlc ntniKRlo, BonielhltiK would have been' started before this. Soldiers are never known lo luitlle with grealer valor nnd self suiTirico, than' when thoy are atteinptlnj; to reach eoniriuies who arc suriouiuied and cut off by a superior enemy. Ail wars testify to Ibis, as do nil urmy records, r'or this ichmmi one may sxpeet. to hear or a anni'.ulmtry con flict between the Klii:llsli fonvs ami the Turks who have surroninlcil a Irlilsh fnivi; and (hroaleu lo nnnl hilale them. The signature of tho socrotury of tho loi'ulillrau nation committee, in Washington, Is a fearfully womtorfiil tlilnr, unci one dues not know wheth er it is Intended to bo ft new fangl ed flvlng machine or a problem Hi trigonometry. It might it I so bo mis taken for a system of flag signals. MAN KIIiKS TWO WOMKX, l NOS Tlllltl, SI ICIIWS SAN KKANCISCO, Jan. 12. Uoyi." Voyser, whoso love was spurned by Mm Xfnnxirnt Dnv uhnt iin.1 killed her 'and her mother and J' r wounded her sister. After the trni;- urat rererroil lu Kulaiiil u Tcrlid dy Peyser shot and killed himself. Icm Alb'oa. 'J hJ Trued) fir vs. a l.ut .ttt ft. wia'rV.I oji , r tn-i't.'!, fc V, i'uOCl'l cch i.-:.'f. Kill :;.4tJT- i-t an for. ox-i t'c st:rtr.d to trow- . It happens W'nn it least Is pipectod anfl soon fl Mr matinff was utio of those mr.r itai crimes Th'it the devil considers a i)oon. Sho stayed a- she was I'm not blaming her, no! And her life and his were a hell. r"ow toll me would duty cry "I-ln-Ker" or "Go"? Where, where is the wisdom to tell? .(Tho question Is old as tho earth has grown old, And the answer Is yet to bo found: Tb It right to break loose, human g.ndor from goose, on Dan Cupid's no longer round?) Flnnlgln FHosofy Sm people Is crippled so closo o top v their t'ot tj- y ine Motor.vle t;WM irti wuom youih of t-nd-r nfcri is motorwiae. Ht':'ently a !os-thnn pf -'i nd of r- rery familiar a"iui .nee whj .rrtfig to induce hie u.-w vindow- h1cr pu ta v a 0:liK of vnter. Vlv on tho irrigation. "Humph!" said tho U,y. "I i.'iiotJd liu 8 a Franklin." lUa Jv!.son "Why don . you try to mnko Tourt-elC look a lltLjo more present- "Well, the Lord madc-i me look like a si.- nnd I feel as' if dresa Jt myself .ip look anything elso ould be &r Uibhor.o: i us raising a check." lie Know Ifls Trees His molhc. had i . -.idlng to him al fit "jv.o k1 .r-u '-no bnri;'n,j "t.h, "I Guess, mother, it must have Oeen st black gum bush, just about .tit time of tho year .n't you think so? Classified "Whnt two kinds of alcohol are Micro, J. 'hnny?" "Lina tured and d natured, teacher." Onir Down To Hate Tho curfew lolls the knell of parting day. Tho dehorned herd winds slowly o'er the lea. Tho milkman runs to moot them on the way, To swipe a lot ot watered milk for me. This Language Of Ours "I understand tieorge lias t'ono back on his Job." "Yea, he did lost week, but he's 'gone back' on It again,"- Tour Thousand Years Ago Tn-I)ny Grandna A. . Hnndr is laid up wltli a bully sprained tall, the result .! a nnr"nv escape from fall from ti.? family (coconnuO tree , Jo'-. . ... . visiting 'If . Monk;on. o..e . jjorts tho b.ead-fri;:t crop a bumper. I''rom tni Simionviilc. Review. Where's This Xew Alfalfa Cxirel Mrs. Charl"? Moorman has been cur.rincd to her room for the '..ast week, with a severo attacf of stoin eft troublo ani hay ftv.-r James town Items In .YciiIii Ca&ctu. Dnf Of Knu"leduo rtppr-whlne Il Is only ftbout a :iion'i, now, till the "jj,0;i CHiidiuaiu v.i.h a tMik conLlmi.g r ilM of the names of those hu Iifcvc pron.iped lo vote rur hia c.-. I'.-uk kt ihat same list md cuv.n how iany liars (hero are in his township, county or ward. Hie H'MisehoMer Whoa I'm away a lit-le while, Things ah r;o wronu a homo. Each crab-Krartsm! lawn-piot siiriexs ror me, Fach woed-e... . J onion . reeks fop me, And norj spigot leaks for me When I ai.i on tho roam. i heoung Lady AcrossTha "Way ''il l . Have Yea An Open Air Tur. C.'B.'f Aii School habit Is get i;r: If-tirr every year. People In iwral a-o K-ttlng a little common rih trickle Into tlielr cerebral i.t'intjlu'rcs, and the school chll ilrt'ii, (!SicciitIly tho physically defec tive ones, aro reaping the benelits of open air life. New York City bus some 250 open window suioolrooms, and the chil dren fortunate enough to be In those rooms make Just a little better prog ress In their schoolwork than do children in closed window school rooms, as one would naturally ex pect. If fresh air is good for the body it is good tor tho mind. Open window schoolrooms are all right for merely anemic children, or those with catarrhal tendencies or those threatening to undergo opera tions for enlarged tonsils or ade noids. Hut opep windows are not enough for children of families or households where tuberculosis exists or has recently existed. Open win dows bring In some fresh air and fresh air is nothing but cool, moving air but there is still something to be gained in a real open air school room that can't be had in an open window schoolroom. We aro unable to define what this something is. but wo know It Is. We know there is ometlilng the porch bedroom adds ro health that the open bedroom win- . does not add. And there is .'iri2thing tho open air shack brinR? tc he victim of tuberculosis that orTi windows will not bring. Per imp. it Is light, or some chemical Inilufiic-e. We can't define it, but It is there in the open air. l;i every school there are at least some, children whose health de mands tho open air schoolroom, say ing nothing of the anemic, nervous,,, run-down teacher herself. Have you an open air room In your school building? Or do the ' Dr. Brady will answer all questions pertaining to Health. If your ques tion is of general interest it will be answered through these columns; if not it will be aniwered personally if stamped, addressed envelope is enclosed. Dr. Brady will not prescribe for individual cases or make diagnoses. Ad dress all letters to Dr. William Wrarfy, care of this newspaper. JY GTSORGB FITCH HOTELS A HOTI'L Is a plare where hos A puahiy 1 dispensed at motor rule-. Thcro are -n the United States over loO.OUU hotels, so':io of which aro good. Hotels vary greatly In size and se verity. In New York and Chicago, ono may find hotels containing 1,500 rooms apiece, hi some of which rooms an awkward guest could not turn around' without knock-ng ovr 51,100 worth of brl. n-bra.:. In Arkansas, on tho other ban., there are hotels In which a uest h.s to nay extra If he doesn't want to s'eop with the family and wlnj use the Mississippi river for a b h tub. An ordinary hotel con ..sts of a desk, with a register on it n collec tion of rooms furnished lixu'lously with windows, loor and hrds with sheets on them, dining ' roi.m, gorgeously decornted with straw , colored pompadours nnd a wvttr. room with a last ye" s :i:.i--i..w,1p !n It. The United S -tos Is mil oE mich hotf.-Vj. They o:ny uty in the badness, of tie meala served. Some of thco hotels t.riar,iB cooks every dny, while oit.erB retain the same cook yar nftt'r ytar, .y allowing her lo eat somewhere elso. There are also In thl? country a fairly large number cf oU-fauhioned hotels where tho family docs tho cooking nnd ents it too. right out In public In tho dining room. These hotels have old-fashioned heating stoves, and when tho guest rises in winter he has to whittle tho water out of tho pitcher beforo he can wash his face. Hut they aro eagerly Bought by travelers for all that, because of the easo and llucncy with which tho bill of faro can be con sumed, nnd the comfortablo feeling which they leave in the vest and pants pocket regions. llesldea these two varieties, there ars fllsu j;Tn hotels. Theso con After The Vcr Rovr c-rv.-TLr'-FX ot rirotli-cnc h.'.vo been ralhrr lnay talk.:nK etout lio- nnnh'ti-o Haiti! t'tiite3 w oow lrii'' l by all tho w-'-rinp ocu-'.tiies It Kurooo l-oro wo ire tri:-.i,-tu atii'iii rtrictly to our o-n b ! ness w.d nit mis In their tlir!;, r ati!. leg und jrusrillnff our n; u:i il lty nnd eeer-iri wii'nin t!ie te-vr.s of itif. national h'v. incl some rro talking n'ovt :hc !iao tbnt will lie eiored no mril-'-'t ej fr t:.n dr-.y cf p.ace, halo tbat wii! :a. f.-r lo c.n-e. Cue man -if aanyn-wlile r-pTtta'lon Buys tiiat the vtri.-iB viil r.r thnt they von In oplte o; tbo U lited States', whllo t.'C va:iqul3hc.l "will chnrso thit they lost because of ire nttitinlo of this country. Tic fnU Is thai there rnp-ct for the- United States aroooi' the war rliid nation of Kuropc. and there's evidence that when the war Is over there will bo frUtidly relations, for trado with this country Is even now b'luK lookixl forward to In countries now at war. When the war Is over the attitude of the United States throuKli this most trying period in the world's history will be be'ter understood, and there will he for U Quito w much cuuimeuditUoQ as Views Of The Press School In Your District? people In your district feel that the less fresh air. a schoolchild has the better for the tax-rate? QUESTIONS AND AXSAVERS Antitoxin Ta there any danger of untoward action from a dose of diphtheria antitoxin administered to a person who has been previously injected with lockjato antitoxin (about a year previously)? Answer Yes. Once Injected with horso scrum the Individual may bo "sensitized," and suffer severely from hives or erythema or asthmatic symptoms (called anaphylactic shock) if given more horse serum weeks or months later. But In such a case the doctor may Inject a few drops as a tost, and If no unpleasant reaction follows of two hours a full dose may be .safely admin istered." . . , A Cough Medicine If not asking too much, will you please repeat the formula yon printed some time ago for an old fashioned cough medicine t Answer-It was something like this: Citrate of soda 1 ounce Licorice powder ........ ounce Flaxseed meal 2 ounces Glycerin 4 ounces Chloroform iy ounce Water. .. .enough to make one quart First boll the flaxseed In the water, stirring it In gradually. While it Is cooling add the citrate, then the licorice and glycerin. After it Is cold add the chloroform, . Shake oc casionally through the day. Keep tightly covered. Next day strain through muslin. The two-hour dose is, tenspoonful for child, toaspoon ful for adult. ssays sist of a lobby upholstered In mar ble, onyx, gold and ilunkeys and decorated at the rear wltli a member of Bonio royal family behind a regis ter. Tho lobby is surmounted by about twenty layers of rooms, each Jlc has to whittle the water out of the pitcher before ha can wash his face of which rents for the price of a pair of shoes per night, while scat tered about on the ground floor are restaurants, in which one may se cure a large, well-cooked- meal with plenty of Bide dishes for the price of an acre of land in Texas. In iact, it is perfectly easy for a small man with a fair appetite to eat up a whole Texas farm in a week In a New York hotel, especially If ho washes it down liberally. The legislatures of some states aro regulating the length of the sheets used by hotels. This gives rise to tho hope that the clerk may be regu lated a little In due time, though no one has hnd the nerve to tackle the job as yet. Hate Or Friendship In'o, If Indeed after all Is over and p"r.i'o is once more established there is n"t a show of genuine gratitude M ttt the United States alone 01 all t..e great 'nations remained neutral p1 ke?t Its froudshlp for all at wrr. Jvt now !t Is the part of wisdom for all here to be careful of their ut-t-M meci, quite ps careful of them as of their nc3. that strict neutrality is Lrosered and1 that friendships nrny bs nrc.ioctl. Ilnrnh things are !i6i!i,r fid nnd printed in tho differ cat wurrlnjc cc;ntries because the United Mat- ban not done this to tl o liking of one side or the other or hatt done thta and that In uphold ing Ua neutrality which has aroused the enmity of one or the other side, but that does not call for harsh words In reply. It's the soft answer thnt turns away wrath. The dawn of peace should be looked forward to with a determination to do every thing possible here to promote the cause of peace, the comity of nations and that International friendship that means so much for civilization, t for Its commerce. Its arts and ideals.' Yvunystowm Vindicator, MAKE THE DOVK'S eople's Legal .rriend By E. R. When The Instalment Is Due (' Q. s 7 one makes a contract with another individual for the payment o money in instalments or by way of interest on loans, isn't it true that, in case the instalment pay vients are not met, the entire sum becomes due and payablct A. It Is common to make pro vision for a contingency of this char acter. If a provision is inserted in the contract which renders tho whole sum duo and payable in the event of default as to an instalment, the provision will be perfectly legal. A rhotograph As Evidence Q. Please tell me whether a pho tograph will be admitted in evidence in a court for the purpose cf proving the identity of a persoA-a a'ihingf A. Photogrnphs are admissible In evidence. They do not always con stitute tho best evidence, however, and in such cases will be admitted only In the event that the best evi dence is not obtainable, . "Touched" By A "Live Wire" Q. May one get damages from an electric light company if he is in jured by coming in contact with a "live" wire? A. 'Your question Is too broad and general to be answered specifically. It may be said, however, that ir the company's negligence was tho proxi mate or efficient cause of the injury, and if the injury was not caused proximately by the Individual's own contributory negligence, he may re cover damages. That Boy, Again! 0. Zfy boy, fifteen years old, left home and remained aicay, altJieugh he did not have my consent. While in another town, he bought some articles, but did not pay for them. Am I liable? A. You are not liable. Defective Stock Cars Q. Where livestock is shiny.d from one point to another, isn't ih3 railroad company liable if its cars are in a bad condition? A. The railroad company should provide cars that are reasonably safe and suitable. Pepper Talks By George Matthew Adams The Believe Ins The Salt of this Earth are th'oso who Believe In You. Your life Is strangely Important, you are a FlKure worth considering, vou are a Brand Human Possibility, if scattered here and there, aro those whose Silent Confidence and Trust will find you thoueh the shadow of Failure shut you totilly awav from Yourself and the Crowd. For Its The Helleve Ins that are responsible for all Success. So lone; as you have Tho Believe Ins, your Immortal Success Is Safe. Genuineness is itrenter than Genius. The most stupendous For. tune Is cheap beside a real Believe In. No matter where you go nor what you do, if your weri'j de serves it, your-Belleva Ins ara rari to follow you and cast a sncll ni MokIc Power about. y,v,i, like unto "Troops of beautlfui tail AnR-Ms." You are secure. For So long as you hnve The Tiollrvo ins. your Immortal giic-fess Is oaf-:. Who are, The Believe Ins? Vhr! You know. They are tho Mothnrs, the Wives, the Brothers, thi Sisters, the Employers, ofttlmes the un crowned Kings and Queens thnt reign everywhere those who teli you you have Won w hen you feel that you hnve Failed, those who whisper Cheer to you when you. think all Cheer Is gone, thoso who Smile Into your very Heart and etream It with Sunlight, after you have drawn every blind. The Be lieve Ins! They are the Insplrers of your solid Faith. Also, one's Believe Inn ars tha in. plrer fit this unpretending little lA'Mi humi KTl BRANSON IIoi!ielen-l 0- Is tin: !) Jaw the sami A- No, ?.t ;aj ov A Railroad rmj. Q. Isn't it the dun ' of a iiiitrt)at it pa5ieny:r npany to pro: from insuUT A. Yes. Mr. Branson will be fjlei to enswer aj questlous. Ir your question is ot ccn-na interest It will be answered through th-. columns ; If not, it will bo nnswoi-c-t r Bonnlly if st.'mof-d, nildre-scd env,lov I. enclosed. Ad-lr-i rll 1-U.-.73 to ii. R, Branson, caro ct ills Lews-a?:,:. Current Poetry Another Protest Her trousseau may be very fine Ira-. ported i-oiii across tho seas, Or it may be (a homely sign!) homo 1 made to earn the patriot's fees. But why should all my hours ot ease Eo spoiled by correspondents' snares? For though she's sweetest of sweet Shes I don't care what the lady wears! It 13 no business of mine! I have no yenrnlngs to appease Concerning garments, that combine the grace and beauty that may tease Aesthetic souls who love to squeeze Delight from gussets, tucks and shirrs. I gently swenr with fervent D's I don't care what the lady wears! On war and peace I'm forced to dine in "lead" or paragrapher'a wheeze. With grape Jv3 sr-jved Instead o wine I taVe each course from roufi to ch-ce. rrcpaidnmn, ell the world agrees. Isj-ihl for vudd!ai.3 es for scares Tint I (lvi,',re i:;oi mv Zsrncos I don't caro what tl;u Indy wears! Oh, Trlncoss! "Ware tho cough and snooze! His victims Winter never spares! But, barring that forgive me, please! I don't caro what the lady wears! By Orif Alexander in Pittsburgh Dispatch. "The lunch counter," says one of the advertisements, "Is the cause of dyspepsia. Indigestion, catarrh of tho stomach and heart disease." Tho lunch counter seems to be getting over Into the cigarette's territory. The wr-mon hnvo learned to shoot with tr.ler sble 'r.-.r.-ey, but when It cj to di'vtr.jj n nail their riiiu-iLfcaitt.'iaaip 3tn; ;R CcQcleut. T? you ?oo t?o li'ueh of him, a P-.i:o aioa srows prmj Unison-e, Tu rp yo-.T lir.t of nnlmpor- tart ;cr;ous Jo ;;ot umit the happy bridegroom. Nothing make a man so Insensible to cold as a new -uit of clothes at d a bhubby overcoat. An elderly woman looks tipi n a telegram as bad news. A girl re. Sards it as confirmation of her In tuition thnt a prince Is coming to town on the afternoon train to stav over Sunday. 7 Buck Kllby, who has had both. .3 wuumn ana trouble' are ey- uuuyiaous terms. Jili f7nail communltT the line ef joclal cler-vage is drawn between those who live unr -it,. .. .. "2 tiw !.(, Uve iUched houses.