The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 11, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Lath and shingles, tho vory best.
Pngo Investment Co. 110-J15
Tho latest chewing Cbocolales.
Taneo and Cabaret are made at the
Velvet Confectionery. 12S-JJ5
Dr. K. I- Miller tert this mornlngj
for Dillard where he spent a lew
hours atteudlug to professional mat
ters. Mrs. F. L. McGrew, who has been
visiting at the home vof Mrs. D. E.
Stokes relarnea to her home at Port
land this morning.
County School Superintendent O.
C. Brown left this morning tar Yon-
If Vf ' J I
. f tJtmv&gr' I V
! Admiral Sir Henry B. Jackson.
Admiral Sir Henry B. Jackson, who has become first sea iord of the
Sritish admiralty in succession to Lord Fisher has not only served on
numerous technical committees in connection with the equipment and de
sign of warships, but was the first in England to put Hertzian waves to
practical use for wireless telegraphy; and he has dJ'"d
introducing "wireless," perfecting it, and organizing it in the British navy.
He is also an expert in torpedoes and the submarine.
... .. ... -
Nothing like coal for a steady fire,:
ask sbout the genuine Peacock Rock
.Springs, at Pages. 110-jl5
Mrs. O. C. Raidder, ot Oakland,
arrived in this city today for a visit
at the home ot Mrs. W. C. Spencer.
Sheriff George Quine left this,
morning tor Riddle where lte spent
the day . attending to business mat
ters. Just received, another car of gen
uine Peacock Rock Springs coal the
kind that satisfies. Page Invest
ment o. Phone 242. Ilt-jl5
F. W. Winberg, formerly ot San
Francisco, has taken the place of C.
t McLeary, a8 operator at the local
Western Union office. Mr. McLeary
left last night for Portland.
salting from Joy-riding,
ership of a car.
or the own-
Windows, doors ana sash, a large
assortment, let us show them to you.
Page Investment Co. 110v-
"There Is no room on top". The
candies made by the Velvet hold that
Dlace indisputably. 128-115
calls where be spent the day attend
ing to business matters. ' j
Mrs. A. M. Hendricks left this
morning for La Grande where she
will visit for a few weeks with
friends and relatives.
n n A -wYtr. ViaVP
neen vvsiung uv
r,A Mrs. C. F. Palf. retnrned to
their home at Salem this morning.
M. R. Parks, who has been spend
ing several days in this city attend
ing to business matters, returned to
his home at Winchester this morn
One trial and U becomes a habit.
milk-fed pouiiry with barnyard taste
eliminated, dressed to order any time.
Phone VST corner Jackson and E.
DnHtrlas. 218-jl-
w ' lead, .titers may follow'
The candies made fresh daily are
imsnroassed. A visit ana Inspection
of our store will convince the most
skeptical. The Velvet Confectionery
Amn 1 now firv. Teetotlers
and topers alike appreciate the cup
that cheers; but does not Inebriate.
P. S. C. steel cut cottee Is all you
can desire in flavor and quality.
Fresh every tew days at the People's
Supply Co. 111-tf
For real home smoked
Admiral Togo; the Japanese cruiser ltet. P i'V"" talttoriiip Hb.
' of war betweeapan and flZSfu TA
did war fleet of the mikado, two vessels ot wkteK$?f,3tanf aSting of four 12-ukA um, twelr.
up-to-date type. The .battleship Bw . ert " 5?teS?ta3f ffl orrie ewnJawrt.
8-inch guns, twenty 3-pounders and sue l-fund en Adjiral Toeo the man wlw imasbed t auo
T?8 men is of 12,700 tons displacement and cost ?&,00O,0Otf. A,lra' fT, C
aeetln Russo-Japanese wV-i probably Japan1 blart aavri commander.
shoulders and bacon, call on or write
Kaegi's store Wilbur, Ore. Phone
30-F3. 1326-J1P
Attorney Dexler Rice loft this
morning for Grants Pass where ho
wiil spend a snort time attending to
business matters.
Suits French Dry CleaDed, J1.25,
at S'.ouer's. Roseburg Cleautng
Works. In business 15 years. Next
to Palace theatre. Phone 47.
According to notice of the di
i?.)i nniiri In the matter of the bank-
hams, 1 ruptcy petition of E. P. Preble ad
The schedule of games for the bas
ket ball league were changed slightly
at a meeting of the officials held yes-
J. H. Campbell & Son have a $3000; terday. The games formerly played
on 'vuesaay nignt win u
now on on Wednesdat night of each
week. The game tomorrow night will
be played between the Athletic club
and the Christian aggregation', t
Never buy a r.hlng you do not or
will not need, and never buy more
nf mmls In St. LOUIS, MO.
which they wiil trade for Roseburg
property. Inquire T. H. Campbell &
Son, Roseburg. 115-fGp
G. F. H. In answer to your re
quest to defin "auto-intoxtcatlon" in
lavmen terms: This is a condition
has no reference to suiomoones,
or the intoxication or exuberance re-
caused by the absorption ot poisons! than you need. But on the other
produced within the body, and raters nana, it you use a t,i. w..,
usually to the kidney and bowels. It of goods in a given .length of time,
liUY mat amuum at uuv yuituoi
instead ot six or a dozen separate
transactions." Service costs money,
but does not increase the value ot
tnrfr.ct coeds. Good Goods cost you
less purchased In quantities at the
PimiiiIb's Suunlv Co. 111-ti
Car! D. Shoemaker arrived borne
this morning from the hospital tn
Portland, and will spend several
weeks here In recuperation after the
severe operation he underwent some
two weeks ago. While still quite
wak from the operation, there Is no
nnnbt but complete recovery will be
I rapid under home treatment and
' care. The trip from Portland was
made without any undue Tatigue
indeed bankrupt, hearing will be set
for the 15th of February. Creditors
and other persons Interested are ask
ed to appear and show cause why the
petition should not be granted. .
Onr delayed shipment of kodak
calenders, folders and mounts sent
around South America because of the
slide In the Panama, canal, has ar
rived. They are a little bit the best
ever. Get them now while the selec
tion is good. The Hoseburg Boek
Co. 1334-tf
According to a' statement Issued
h'v the receiver of the New York
Store which filed a petition In bank-
uutcv some time ago. We total as
sets araoml to JS587.7. The stock
of merchandise totaiB 46361.25 and
fixtures J2208.97. Owinto the fact
that the stock is uadiy broken St is
not thought that It will bring a groat
orice. It has been weit advertised
however, and this will, to a certain
extent, overcome this adverse fea
ture. Bids will be received op to 12
o'clock January 18
members of the cabinet, seated ac
cording to their, wiii be present
as follows:
Treasury Secretary and Mrs. Will
iam a. McAdoo; War Secretary and
Mrs. Garrison; Attoney General and
Mrs. Gregory; Postmaster General
mil Mva. Burieson-. Navy Secretary
and Mrs. Daniels; Interior Secretary
and Mrs. Lene; Agriculture Secre
tary and Mrs. Houston; Commerce
Secretary and Mrs. Redtleld aud
Labor Secretary and Mrs. William Z.
Fruit Trees, Ornamentals, Berries
and Vines ,
A treasonable prices, direct from grower to you
A postal card brings our price list, free, do it now
Yoncaiia, Oregon
w ' r
Sill Ml
mi . pj
i Gabriele d'Annunzio. .
Any size tire or tube. No blow out
fno larze or small, but what can be
renalred la first class shape at reas
onable prices. Motor Shop Garage,
Hi M .7clrson St. 1318-tf
Gtln and citeumoala have been
raping n ripo harvest tmong the
wi veforaus ot the Soldiers Home
during ibo It fw weeks, and this
records the palns to ''
Great Beyond of another weti known
rigure. Thomas H. Clark, late a
private in company i, ewi j
unteers, later consolidated witn mi j
3sth towa, useii ot jooumuum j
v. r.,,ni nf ihn Homo, at :ju "i
Ma mi bum Ti years and a na
t!ve of England, and a painter ! ;
wrt, vin ni admitted 1o Ibr)
lama from Portlstnd, Juua , 15
iiina hn has been continuously cx
,.ittf fnr occasictial turlousbs. He Is
survived by Dne son, Ea!, ilvSng in
Pn-rind. Owltte to no news from
lilm b?vins been rocrived this far
tho funeral arrangomeuts have not
been made, but it S presumed that
the Interment will take place to.-nor-n
cemetery of the Homo
r,,ln f'lark had been sick only!
since !si3t Btturday with pneumonia j
i.v,.v )!OTiir with Erin fori
so e days before. i
HVhen yon want the very best
Remember "Diamond W"
Canned Fruits & Vegetables
Will satis!?. Oar sioek ol these is very complete. Pries,
and quality satisfy.
L. G. Hicks yesterday received
imirt annointlnK biro as a delegate:
to the 6th national drainage congress
to be held at Cairo, 111., January i
and 2t- While residing at Omaha.
Neb., Mr. Hicks was considered
authority on the drainage question
and was very prominent throughout
iha mldSle west. He Is at present
contemplating a trip east in order to
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. Presi
dent and Mrs. Wiison this evening
will entertain Vice-President ano
Mrs. Marshall, members of the cabi
net una their wives and a number of
intimate friends at dinner to the
White House. The cabinet dinner is
tn he the second ot the series of so
cial Junctions ol state to be cole-
a! orated at the executive mansion uui-
(nff thft winter.
Dinner will he served at S tn the
slate dining room. The guests will
he grouped about the great dining
tabie. tbe president seated in the
center, with Mrs. Wilson apposite
On the president's right, Mrs.
: Marshall will be seated with MrB
attend to several matters relative to Lansing on his le!t. The vice-presi-
. j i..,n ,., ibriiin of State Lansing
., T-v,.. Bi fathers estate anu io " ....
(It t !.' JSSSts I at
Make 1916 Your
Most Prosperous
True ECONOMY is the basts of aii
Prosperity. Buy in 3arge quantities
at Whoiesaie Prices, the most eco
nomical way. For your investment
save yourself tlie middle man's pro
fit. We specialize on quantity orders.
Peoples Supply Co.
Wholesalers to the Consumer
ftVI.T rw v .- -r
W arm, reserve Us has been
nuniio is credited with having done j
0r. than any other one to . .n- .
th. neonle of Italy for war.
, . ,r tfrniv into the
conflict on the side of the allies. His .
motives for so dome; were purely
sentimental, involvine; his yn?Pftf;; i
for Franca and his devotion to Italia
kvedenU." 1
picture WmM&W
They will look twice as beauti
ful behind glass ana rrame.
Tlie Furniture Man