em nod big 1 13000 Civilian Prisoners Are ! Kept at Alexai.dra Palace. (, SOCIAL DISTINCTION A TIIIN6 UNKNOWN "PEACE WITH VICTORY," BRIAND'S SLOGAN A::url( an Embass y Woiks in Connec tion With Committee to Cure ii iuitM of Jx.er Infc:rnceH. Ily Wilbur S. Forrest. (United PreBS Stuff Correspondent.) ! i ( i' 'v - i i , 4 if 'V- -K . 1 $ ' 1 . ! w ; -fe - 111 - 7 I 'Ht n i VS. "Peace with victory,' tr Aristide Briand I In Aristide Briand. it. ila- slogan of the new French cabinet, Headed law premier has given r ranee ana tne world to I understand that he tins nut the slightest idea of peace until Germany is conquered; also that France will continue united to ner allies oy me strong' at bonds. LITTLE NEWS O' THE DAY. , chief Dlackblrd of the early pioneer days, Is to Ve one of toe speakers at I ALTOONA, Pa., Jan. 11. Cut the annual meeting or the Nebraska glass dishes will take the place df state historical society. Ho will talk liver cupb and blue, ribbons for the of Indian history, owners of prize chickens at the statej -fanciers' show, which bognn hero to-J SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Jan. 11. In night. I tholr fight lor low electricity rates, . ' ; Springfield citizens today are voting on a bond Issue of $400,000 to build LONDON, -Jan. 2. (Dy mail.) Alexandra Palace, England's largest single internment camp for civilian prisoners of war, corresponding to Germany's Ruhleben, near Berlin, is the fascinatingly Interesting British military city I was permtted to visit today. JG other press representa. tlves were there1; and this is the first time o press man has been permitted to enter this camp. .More than 3,000 enemy aliens, rich and poor from all parts of the world are living at Alexandra Palace, north London. Hundreds of Croats and Polos from Pittsburg and Detroit captured on their way home to fight; well known European musical art ists, interned while performing In England; Germans and Austrians taken from ships in the Atlantic and the North Sea and Austro-German directors of big British firms, to gether .with all;n inhabitants of England, some of thirty years' resi dence, make a unique and remark able colony for the. duration of the war. There is no social distinction in the three battalions of a thousand men each. Military discipline pre vails. It effects the English-German J&&es2B6!Uttieamz. Xi.-Mttft--- -' : " TOM POWELL'S MINSTIIGLS AT T IE AXTLEKS WEKXHSDAy. Dance at Maccabee Hall, Sat- urday night, Jaunary 15th. Good time for all. Admission 60 cents. 125-jl6 German Jews. Prisoners may write two letters each week. They smoke when they want to and do what they want to and there Is no grumbling. For the finest Chicken tamales in this city, go to the Velvet Confec tionery. 128-J15 ANNOUNCEMENT To any one desirous or engaging In the Planing Mill or Manufacturing business, I will offer a one-half In terest in my business, with or with out real estate. 1203-tf W. L. DYSINGER. AUSTIN, Tex., Jan. 11. How wat- ernyalona ought to be prepared for hipment is to be gravely discussed by the state railroad commission fcere today. MUItPHYSBOIlO, 111., Jan. 11. "Pull Illinois from the flames," was the slogan of 600 delegates to the . Illinois Firemen's association here -today. Resolutions will be adopted calling on Illinois cites to better equip -their tire departments. a municipal plant. ALBANY, N. Y., Jan. 11. Equali zation of taxes through changed stat utes is to bo discussed by Governor Whitman and a thousand tax com mlssloners here today. are the principal beneficiaries of this Joint benevolent society. More than 3.000 cases have been attended to 3lnce September. Almost every prisoner looks for ward eagerly to we weekly thei'- Here artists, some high In the. pro fession perform vaudeville stunts. Professional actors present the latest plays. The theatre will seat 1600 per sons. The scenery was painted by artists who rank high In British and German art circles and is Infinitely better than that found in the aver age London playhouse. , A smaller hall, for 600 persons is set aside for the evening musicals. This hall Is always crowded. At to-1 nlirht'B rnncnrt Herr F. T.ornnt. anl aristocrat and the lowliest Pittsburg , Austrlan vollnl8t who win be heard Not Only the .Very Groceries 'ou need at this and all times but at prices which are surpris ingly low compared with other stores, and the quality Is, of course, superb. Phone Two-Ji a- DOWELL & BENEDICK Itoaeburg DAILY WEATHElt HEI'OKT. LINCOLN, Nob., Jan. 11. Alfred Blackbird, a full blooded Omaha In dian and a grandson of the famous Highest temperature yesterday U. S. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Ore., 24 hours onding 6 a. m., January 11,1910. Precipitation In lnchos and hundredths: l-rvri i J7 off, Last, i 1 (JJJ v 4 Tlme' " , Lonj Otb, Hhn73jM . Sa Yorit. j Get a Can Today Lowest temperature last night Precipitation, last 24 hours 13 , Total precipitation since first ! month 2.3.1 j N'ormnl preelp for this month 6.70 ! Total precipitation from Sod- ! tenibor 1, 1916, to date 17.88 Average precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1877 lfi.SU .To'1! excoBir from Pon- toniffor 1, 1916 1.99 Average precipitation for 38 wet seasons, (Sopt. to May, Inclusive 32.00 j WILLIAM BELL, Observer EXPELLED FROM ENGLAND, SHE BECOMES steel worker alike. A company of British soldiers, guards the palace which in peace time served as a Lon don Coney Island or Whlto City.' Thero are benevolent societies, di rectors ' meetings, institutes of painting, drawing, sculpture, a the atre that would do credit to Broad- ., way, workshops for dozens of trades a fully equipped hospital, Bchools, postoffices, football and Swedish drill; laundries, mammoth spotless kltchdhs, stores and shops, commo dious bath rooms and dozens of othen things Inside the barbed wire enclosing this multitude "They are making the best of it and it is lny duty. to let them enjoy life to the limit of military possibili ties," remarked Colonel Frood Walk er, a Brtlsh regular army veteran of tweney years in the Orient, who is the commandant. Tho commandant's words voice the British attitude toward prisoners of war, both military and civilian. It considers the human side of those I'orcd to live behind wire cntauglf mtmts. Once a week the command ant turns over his office to prisoners who nave complaints. He hears the stories and does what he can. The man with a grouch tolls his troubles to the captain of his moss. If it Is meritorious the complaint is passed to tho alien commander who governs a hundred men. He takes it up with the battalion commander, another PASTOR OF AMERICAN CHURCH IN BERLIN' lZ, In America after tbe war, was the star attraction. His program, much applauded, was: Teufel's Trille, by Tartinl; Nocturne, Chopin-Sarasat; Zephyr, Hubay; Ballad & Polonaise, Vlsuxtemps. An evergreen wreath was presented to Lorant by his ad mirers, the commandant doing the honor. Herr Lino Vesce, a Hungar ian grand opera singer, reaped plaud its with Romanza aus Don Sebastane by Donziettl. A piano solo, "Ballade as Dur," by a Reschefsky, who stud ied under Paderowskl, also was voci ferously received. Wonderful rose gardens surround ing the palace are kept by the aliens. In these gardens the married men receive visits from their wives or friends once a month, for fifteen minutes. Special dispensation is granted to Interned business men. Today a meeting of the directorate of a big British company, both British and German members attondng, was go ing on in a room provided for the purpose A British officer was list ening. One of the German directors has lived in England for 20 years Ho owns a mansion in London, a summer home at Margate, and has ten servants and an income that runs into six figures. On Sunday there are church ser vices for all creeds Catholics, Luth erans, Jewish Included; the latter far tho scores of Interned Polish and "V 1 - , iV 7i , Vf - , ' " t ;x . C ; 2. . ; ! '7 J before the veternn com who never "strafes" the Iter. Gertrude von Pet mid. Rev. Gertrude von Petzohl, a German-American pastor who was ex pelled from England where she was preaching when the war broke out, hat become pastor of the American church in Iicrlin. She is a distinguished . appearing woman of commanding stature and eloquent in the pulpit as wall a thoroughly conversant with theology. I in person I mandant, enemy. Twice weekly tho commandant per j sonnlly Inspects every one of tho 3, I 000 beds housed under the great ' roofs of the palace. These beds are neat and clean, with four blankets ! and a soft mRttress for each, j There are eight cooks for every thousand prisoners. The food is pro ! pared' and taken to tho three great j moss rooms, each of which can com ! pare In floor spaco to the main lobby I of New York's Grand Central sta- lion. Hero is tho food allowance. . per man per dny: 1 Vi pounds of i vhite bread. M pound of meat; V4 ' pound of potatoes, two ounces of pens, lentlle, beans or rice; two ounces of sugar, 4 ounce of tea or ' two ounces of coffee; one ounce of : margarine or two ounces of choose, j tinned milk, salt and popper. There is afternoon toa with broad and but ter. ! Each battalion has a largo canteen whore a prisoner may augment his food supply. The wealthier internees freely patronize the canteens, but the ordinary fare is better than the average Pittsburg steel worker ever had In his life. Thoso Pittsburgers ren't anxious for the war to close. They're satisfied. j Tho American embassy, God I father of all enemy nllons in the British Isles, works hand In hand with a special committee of the wealthier Interned men to care for the special wants of the poor. The women and children on the outside THE SEA OF LIFE! The rain falls upon the Just and the unjust alike. This rain sinks into the earth to make the bounteous harvest, later arising In springs or runs in rivulets to small streams and creeks and rivers down to the enormous seas, and there to be taken again into tho air and once more spread over the land and find its way back to the sea, - - How LiRe The Sea of Life which Is likened to tho great Life Insurance Company the Reliable, Endurable Old Line Co. which waters the land with dollars saved for the Son of Man. These dollars flow Into the channels of trade, and after serving their urpose, that of prolonging and bet tering the lives of millions of mankind again flow Into the great sea or life company, again to be distributed over the land -on llssions of love and kindly ministration.' If your life Is insured In The Mutual Life of N. Y., your family will not need cfiarlty, "if" your life Is cut short before you have prepared for their future. J. F. HUTCHAS0N COUNSEL Office Phone 274 Office In First State and Savings Bank Building. - INSURANCE Home Phone 351-J OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH How To Get Relief When Head and Nose are Stuffed Up. Count fifty I Your cold In licfld or ontarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, tbe air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more Bmiftling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at night. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing and heal ing the swollen or inflamed mucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable, lie lief ia sure. Are You Tied to Home Washing? LET IS PltOVE TO YOU THAT WE CAX GIVE YOU ALL OF THE ADVANTAGES OF HOME WASHIN'G WITH NOXK OF IT'S UISADVAXTAGES. We Wash Each Bundle Separately AXI) E.YEHCISE THE SAME St'Itl l'lIXllS CAKE AS WOULD YOUU OWN LAUNDHESS, OH YOURSELF. IX ADDITION' WE C;lYE YOU THE IIEXKFIT OF OUR EXTENSIVE KQUII'MEXT AXD IMPROVED METHODS. V WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY Let;'Kel!y" Do Youc Moving, Hauling and Transferring The French Transfer Company Phone 220 I V