The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, October 07, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Mr. Mattlo, Oakes, widow of Sam
OakcB, who was killed at Port An
geles, Wash., two year ago, Is visit
Ing relatives and friends here. She
and her children will remain Indefin
itely, j
Miss Evolyn Conklln, of Wood-j
bum, who 'has boen a guest at the:
II. h. Wilson home, returned home
last week." I
Mrs. V. C. l.add Is on the Blck list
with grip. There are about forty
cases of that unpleasant ailment In
this city. '
Buu crs & Son, of tho IifggB Block
farm, are preparing ground for 401
acres of sugar bants.
Mrs. JeffrleB, who was at the son-,
Itarlum In this city, was taken to
Salem by Dr. Knott for consults-'
tion with Dr. Griffith In regard to
her case. Hor husband went with
her, and we hope to soon noto her,
recovery. . I
It is with regret that we hear that
Mr. and Mrs. Manly McKnlght, of
Hugo, have decided to move to
Illinois to reside 'permanently.
Many friends will regret their going.
Mr. and Mrs. I). Kenyon attended
the funeral of their llttiy grand
daughter at Orants Pass last week.
Christopher Hagen, after a year's
absence, returned to Glcndule last
week. Ho will visit with his par
ents at Fernvale for the rest of the
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Moore nnd
daughter, Miss Evolyn and Miss
Molllo Hobbs Bpcnt several days at
Canyonvllle Inst week, bIbo Junius
Moore accompanied them, as ho was
called to attend to lodge business
with tho I. O. O. F.
er which refreshments were served.
Those who helped entertain were the
Misses Ruth Chapman, Lillian Urown.
Edith Jones and I.ydla Sidwell.
Those out of town wore Kathcrliie
Agee and Alice Fisher, of Hose
burg, and tho Misses Eugenia anJ
Josephine Hennin&er, of Oakland.
Miss .Marie Chapman, of Portland,
has left for her homo after a fori
..,.-lit visit with relatives. ,
Seven Oregon boys won honors at
tho first natlonul corn show at St.
Paul. Prof. R. A. Moore, of the
University of Wisconsin Judged ihe
boys' oxhlbits.
Ernost Short has roturnod.froin a
visit to Cottage drove and Salem on
a business visit.
Ten surveyors of the Pacific high
way are working near town.
Wm. Nolta Is visiting here for I
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kaegi enjoyed
a New Year dlnnor with Mr. and
Mrs. A. D. Ottinger.
Mr. Russell and family have re
turned trom a vlBlt at FallB City.
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Hume en
joyed a New Years dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walker.
Several- "eople walked 'jto Win
chester to view the wreck.
Mrs. It. Clayton and daughter
Mary, are spending a few dayB visit
ing with friends.
The Parent-Teachers association
met on Friday ovenlng and held a
business meeting and a short pro
gram consisting -of Ja reading by
Harold McKay, instrumental solo.
Mrs. Short; reading, Miss Olive
Officials to Greet New Mistress
of White House.
Miss Ireno Walker, who is em
ployed as a Bchool teacher at Seattle,
hag loft to rcsuino hor work after a
fM I visit with hor parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John Walker. ,
A Christmas tree and program
was given at the academy on Fri
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McKay ontor
t?!:'.cd at a Chrlstmns dinner a few
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher were
visitors In Rosohurg a few days ugo.
Mr. and Mrs. Sloveiiaon returned
from a holiday visit In Portland.
Chester Fisher was a business visit
or for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Whltlock, of Cottage
Grove, Bpotit tho holiday week with
their daughter, Mrs. Warren Asher
A Now Year parly was enjoyed
at the homo of Mr. und Mrs. G. W.
Short on Friday evening. About. Hit
young pcoplo wero entertained wl'h
music and games until midnight, .. ft-
Snow Is about all guno and we are
! now having our UBiial normal
! Napoleon Rice was here attending
the funoral of Jason Marsten yes
terday. Jason Marsten died suddonly Tues
day after an HlnesB of 24 hours. Mr.
Marsten has been on a homestead in
tho Buck Fork region for the past
eight years, moving to town about
two yenrs ago. He was a member
of the Masonic fraternity,' the fun
eral being conducted by that body
yesterday. He was C7 years old and
well respected by all who know hltn.
Interment In I. O. O. F. cemetory.
Albert Robinson, of Novadn City,
('ill., Is a biiHinoss visitor here this
E. J. Falrbnnks enme down from
his homestead to attend the funeral
of Jaiioii Marsten.
Ben Smith and family roturnod
hero the first of the week with his
family from eastern Oregon, v)!cre
ho has been for tho past year.
A good many of our people are suf
fering from la grippe, but no one
.Many State Functions Scheduled for
- lfulance of the Season, Tact
Aeccsswy In the Selection
' of the Many Guests.
Fruit Trees, Ornamentals, Berries
and Vines
At reasonable prices, direct from grower to you
A postal card brings our price list free, do it now
Yoncalla, Oregon
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. Official
Washington tonight is to greet tho
new niistreaa of the White House for
the first time In her social capacity
as first lady of the land. Presi
dent and Mrs. Wilson will entertain
the delegates to the Pan-American
congress and their wives at a huge
reception In the executive mansion.
It will bo the formal opening of the
social season at the White House.
The reception in many ways will
he unique. It will be tho first form
al event of its kind that has boon
held In the mansion for two yearp;
all customary events being put aside!
last winter by the death of the presi
dent's first wife. Also, the recep
tion will introduce not only Mrs.
Wilson, but a number of now faces
In the reception line.
For the first timo Mrs. Lansing
will be 'there as thewifo of the sec
rotary of state. At the last recep
tion in the White House,. Mrs. Bryan
held this position. Tho appointment
of Attorney General Gregory to fill
the vacancy caused when Attorney
General Mclleynolds resigned to ac-;
ccpt a place on the supreme bench j
will result in that department being
represented for tho first time by a
cabinet wife. Mr. McRcynolds is
During the reception the marine
band will play and refreshments will
be served in the state dining room.
On January 11, the president and
Mrs. Wilson will entertain tho mom
bers of the cabinet and their wives at
dinner in tho White House and from
then on the executive mansion wit!
be the scene of regular state func
tions. The January 11 dinner-will be the
first diplomatic dinner at which Am
bassador Jusserand, tho French rep
resentative In this country and clean
of tho diplomatic corps, will bo the
honored guetit. Tho re will bo present,
at this dinner ambassadors repre
senting tho entente powers and cer
tain of the neutrals. January 2;
will be the dato for the dinner at
which Count von Bernstorff, German
ambassador nnd ranking second to
Jussorund in the diplomatic corps,
j will be the guest of honor, together1
i with ambassadors from the central j
j uneia uuu iui mill uumiiua, i tic
judicial reception will bo on Febru
ary 4, supreme court dinner, Febru
ary 8; congressional reception, Feb
rnary 18; speaker's dinnor, Febru
ary 22; and the army and navy re
ception, March 3.
Miss Frances Thornton.
Miss Frances Thornton, popularly
called "Bunny," is a remarkable
young woman racing driver who 4
sprang into prominence a few
months ago through her sensational
driving of Bpeed cars on mile dirt
Meyers, of Logansport.
Hepub'icans have not Intruded on
the favorite son boom of Charles
Warren Fairbanks for president, and
l'resldont Wilson and Vice-President
Marshall are expected to be unop
posed in the primary.
To any one dosirous or engaging
In i lie Pinning Mill or Manufacturing
business, I will offer a one-half In
terest in my business, with or with
out real estate.
1203-tf W. L. DYSINGER.
fj? New
Iteforo time inures (his year make up
your niliiil to posse.) n llatik account.
No ono who oarn money can nffonl
In spend all niiii you can make this
your lHitor by putting n Utile money
In tho Hank regularly, l'orgot Just
"how iihu Ii" yon urn save and by tho
end or the year you n III find the profit
nwiilllng rrom 1)10 dctormlnation to
get abend In addition to Hip establish
ment of confidence mid credit, lk-gln
Willi 11.00.
Roseburg National Bank
Jackson nnd Cass Sts.
Roseburg, Oregon
Tho annual meeting of tho Rose
burg Commercial Club will be hold
at the club rooms, Tuesday evening,
January 11, 1916, at 8 p. ni., at
which time officers will bo elocted
for the ensuing club year.
January 1, 1910.
104-J11 ' Secretary
ASHING CO.,, Jan. G. America
may never, protest the sinking of tht
np" Persia, nigh officials of the
government admitted. Only the most
slarltlngly frank admission and
statement from Austria that the ves
sel was torpedoed without any warn
ing, would justify a protest.
NEW YORK, Jan. 7. Tho twice
Imperiled 170 passengers of the
liner Thessalonika arrived here to
day aboard the Patris. Relatives,
hysterical with joy, welcomed them
at the wharf. The crew is coming
later on board the Perugia.
INMANAPOUS, Jan. 7. This I
the last day on which candidates for
governor, U. S: senator, president
and vice-president cun file petitions
asking that their names bo placed
on the ballot for the primary March
( 7. Few eleventh hour petitions
were expected. With the direct pri
, mary Just sixty days off, republl-
cans predicted a hot fight between
i Harry S. New and James Watson for
the republican nomination for V. S.
senator, with Arthur R. Robinson
trailing. John Worth Kern was th
unopposed choico of the democrats
for re-election.
John A. M. Adair Is one of the
leading aspirants of the democrats
for the gubernatorial nomination.
Adair Is a congressman. He le op
posed by dry democrats because of
his vote against national prohibition.
Among the republican candidates
for governor are James P. Goodrich,
former national chairman of tie
patv; T. McCray. of Kentland; Mayor
R. O. Johnson, of Gary, and Qulncy
1, . I
ill I I l i j
Now on
New January Records
The Best Yet!
Roseburg Furniture Co.
Sanders Disc Plow
Hoosier Drills
Buggies and Spring Wagons
If you are going to buy a buggy or spring
wagon for winter use it will pay you to buy now
We have some BARGAINS
.. Implements and Vehicles.:
Myers Pumps
Mitchell Wagons
let us furnish the meat. After
you've once eaten the fresh,
prime meat we sell, you'll
continue to patronize us. Our
popularity is due to the fact
that we handle but the best
grade meat in a cleanly man
ner, always give full weight,
and sell at economy prices.
Investigate the Ads in
this Issue of "THE
NEWS!" It will pay
you to do so.
ScnurtU nhUa liuiroli,