r MKIiAL ON IUHI'LAY OREGON BUILDING, San Fran cisco, Cal., Sept. 29. There now bangs In the Oregon section at the Palace of Horticulture an elghteen Inch orange ribbon with a large ro sette at the top and gold braid at the bottom, gold lettering, a silver medal, and a score of names above pretentious titles' proclaiming that . the Oregon horticultural exhibit is the "best, most complete, and most attractive Installation" at the Pan ' ama-PacIflc exposition. Each of the nine exhibit palaces has one of these ribbons, and It hangs at the best ex hibit in Hint particular palace. This Is the highest honor thnt can be awarded, and In the case of Oregon j this award means more than to any other, for Oregon landed this covet ed ribbon with what is, In comnW son, an almost Insignificant exhibit In point of size. The actuai fact is that Oregon sent the least here with which to make an exhibit; and but for the Ingenuity In malting the very most of the least, Oregon would have been lost. In tho shuffle. As It Is, Oregonians pans along and very properly swell up and push out their chests, hut they ought to go tiome prepared to Insist that Oregon never ngaln put It up to a chief of horticulture to mnke a winning ex hibit with so Utile co-operation as was given to make tills one. Hood j Tllver and the Roguo Mvcr valleys liave really done it all so fur as hor ticulture Is concerned. Tho Willam ette valley has an Insignificant showing though It grows some of the finest fruit to he found on the const. Tho Uinpqua Valley, espec ially favored for fruit, sent nothing, and the offerings from other sec tions than the two named have been Insignificant In quantity and usually In general worth yet they 'grow much fine fruit. But "we should worry" tho ribbon hangs there and all Oregon gets the benefit. The award was mado some time ago, but the ribbon just now delivered. "BUSIEST ACTRESS" IS HAPPY. SHE'S FOUND ANOTHER HARD JOB. 8,sx:. itfsyH.'-i r 7t vi - i I 1 a Tvieui'iiti vn PUPILS AT- . TEXTIOX The News offico has a splen- did quality of bond paper put up In pound pacakages (200 sheets to the pound, size S '4 xT) a. nt 9R cents tier nackage. II any right, tlllt; , ... t TOIL .1 7 i . . rl II 1 Or IU- the complaint Vl 71f """" 1 ! in the name fla gon, you are hb, Ml " " -pear and answe,,h ft ' against you inn,, court and cam (4 Sth flay of Nove., 4 CHOP CONDITIONS. if , ,,), . POUTIA-N'D, Sept. 29. Follow ing Is a summary of the crop con ditions in Oregon for the week end ing September 2S, 1915, as report ed to the local office of the weather bureau by special correspondents throughout the state: Although showers fell In the west ern counties on the 23rd, 24th, and 27th, and In some limited areas of north-central Oregon on the 2 -I til which benefitted pastures and gar dens to some extent, there is still need for rain In all portions of the state. The warm weather has been favorable for the maturing of fruit Ing full six wt, lSuI.h.t 1B. art.. I.. . .i... t,i. . miiu " ' ' lo ucar and mionw ... riaint will apply for tl( , I n her contplalnl,, , ... irapi6 all that State of Oregon Panic, and garden truck. The picking and. North scribed as folio, to-w TUa CIA nf 1. SE'4 of section , of NWV, of theNE.of!ecHol fiau tno or me .-vr wl . of section 27: a,, Rt a pmni it.ttt c"'isast of Ihe cor running thence E 25 unk Jnt filed titled nr.) the theiplalntiff re"ef prlyed for louglns, rly de- LOOKING GLASS Old Douglas for climate. Prune drying Is over for another season. Fall work of all kinds Is (pro gressing very nicely. The speclul Bchool meeting which was called for Friday, September 21 waa very largely attended. Rus- eoll Montgomery wns-elected direc tor for a term of three years. A special school tax of three mills was Toted to help carry on an eight months school with Prof. Hay Hen derson as principal and Miss Dollo Sawyers as assistant. Mrs. W. 13. Strlckling and child ren, of Salt Creek, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. And THrs. Henry Sehrenk for the last week, have returned homo ngaln, Mr. and Mrs. Ilncon, of Coles Val ley, spent Sunday visiting friends and relatives in this valley. Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh and Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Stokes' spent Sunday In Hosoburg attending tho , PAULINE FREDERICK IS SOMETIMES CALLED THE LOVELI. !EST ACTRESS ON THE AMERICAN STACE AND SHE IS SOME TIMES CALLED THE BUSIEST ACTRESS SHE HAS APPEARED IN THREE IMPORTANT PRODICTIONS THIS SEASON AND NOW 'SHE'S ARRANGING FOR A SVKXER UN GAG EVENT special church services at the M. E. ! church. t XOI J. C. Moore and Robert Cochran have just completed ditrping a ire!l 4 near the school house for school pur-j To every scholar in Douglas Pose. I Coaniy ivtracing S5 per cent CE TO SCHOLARS A.l TEACHERS ! drying of prunes has been about completed and tho harvesting of ap ples and pears has begun. In the eastern Oregon valleys the peach crop was very heavy and the qual ity excellent, but owing to an over Bupplied market many tons of the choicest fruit are going to waste. Threshing has boon practically com pleted, and the farmers are prepar ing tho soil for seeding, but little wheat will be sown until the fall rains have commenced. While wait lug for the rain, the ranchers are hauling their wood and winter's supplies. Irrigated crops of alfalfa are very good, and the third crop Is being put up In some sections. Tomatoes and plentiful are of excel lent quality. Seasonable fruits and vegetables are in tho local markets nd 31, i thence uft 5.57 ffleerees eth COM; f thence chains. East 0 1 is urees e- cnains, tnonce ivrth J51, Est 2.S5 chains, bence ft0 degrees East 4.5 chain. South 84 degrees i!t I6 j thence North 4 a; ae,.,' zi.du ciutins, uiuit North de grees East 8.3G chalns i (henc0 North B7 degree, But .elrhalns, thence North CS 'degrees fljist 1.75 chains, thence Ntth 9 clJInSi i0 tho Northeast coiir 0f thl South east quarter of ation 273 thence West SO chains, ience sJth cn chains, thence ufthe channel of Pollick's Creek N;ft abotit 40 M degrees East 25 cling , tke place of beginning. , eg . Also beginning corner of section South 49.04 chain THE TIME OF IJXO . EVENING HOL'l ItEAIWN'G IIV LAMP LIGHT 7m M Is at hand. Ale uu equntpeu with good vision so thafr you can spend these hours to the best advantage? READING BY LAMPLIGHT Is a task to imperfect eyes. It is, a pleasure to perfect ones. Dr. B, It Whiimer OITOMETHIST .T' Eyesight Specialint. Suite 311 Perkins lildg. Take Elevator. ROSEIiUKG, OliE, "U the Nprt hwest running thence thencijf North ' fiS llOLTPCR Ens 0 no ?.jui I 1 ' " ii:iiuiu, . in aDunaance, and the quality Is: tnonce ivortn bx igreea Jlnst 33 very good. THEODORE F. DRAKE, ActlnK District Forecaster. AXSCO AVIXS HIGHEST HONORS. If it isn't an Ansco. It Isn't the best. Ansco Cameras, Cyco paper? Oregon, an,i coalning A029.06 chains, thene0 Noli 60S .degrees East 17.50 chains thi:nctj.,j West 10.50 chains, thce North 20 chains, thence Weslo chains to the place of beginning, II n t. '24 S. R. 5 W. of tho W. Jf. 1 Douflaa coun- J! and Ansco films received Higlte.c Miss Mildred Myers has sccepied or over in his or her studies ! Honors and the Gold Medals at Pan tile Flournoy school acd tecan ; Till be girea a certificate which ; ama Exposition. All films bought of teaching Monday, Sept. 27. will admit him or her free to jus this month will bo developed Mr. and Mrs. A. Larson accom-' every Saturday matinee in that ; Free. CLARK & CLARK, panied by Miss Ethel Hllieth have' month. All teachers will be ad- ; 9Sl-tf Fotografters. gone to Coos county for a short milted fret also. These tickets ' 9 can te ca it the Majestic ; nll.V WEATHKIC REPORT. theatre either by calling or ( w. s. Weather C.trenu, rocal office -r E!Ior,:fJ1. tr j.R0,eburg. Oregon. 24 hours ending ! 5 a. m., September 29, 1915 visit. R. F. Rogers has a fine crop of very choice peaches Just coming in to market. ItEPIiESEXTATIVE HAY PoiEt. a::to3gh all experts on j Precipitation In Inches and hun the; dredths: AXD MILITAItL l'HEPARF:i)XESS; snb;.ct joint oat the great desir-i Highest temperature yesterday I aitility of trained officers to com- Rcj)re8entative James Hay, chair-, roaci s;;;:ti and volunteers In man 'of the military committee of tie t.i-t of an emergency, it is the house, has mado It clear that he' quite e:;ar that if the president will vigorously opposo any sincere! urges epos cotrress any far-reach-effort of the preaident to increase! ing policy of d'ffcse he wiil meet tho strength of the army- except asj with strong Ofpisition from his own that might be accomplished by in-, party, an opposition which will be1 creasing the effectiveness of the i made the rpre effective by the emp niilltin. Mr. Hay also indicates that! ty treasury and the failure of dem he is opposed to increasing the num- ocratic leeisiation to produce any ber of officers to be trained at West thing like adequate revenue. Lowest temperature last night Precipitation, last 24 hours Total precipitation since first of month Normal precipitation for this month Total precipitation from Se- tember 1, 1915, to date .... Average precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1877 from Sep- 73 42 0 .57 1.04 .57 OUTBURSTS OF EYtKETT TRUE-e Cnm, ' I'M AlkMVS 1 " - 173 V'-AW TO 1X3 Mi SH4CiV f-rgis ( lJ ATCS.MH-iriNJ T't (Vrv, t5?aa S'.. SrtiK-es to Mtxtt. j 8-A! Total deficiency tember 1, 1915 41 I Average precipitation for 38 j wet seasons. (September to I May Inclusive) 32.00 I WILLIAM BELL, f Observer. 1 The Itcllotl Xnrl't h'nr tho ulrl who golfs, wains, and enjoys the great .-o.-...u no roat Is mnru :i!isi,n to:-., ,!;...: iho Norfolk. It lends itself well to al most any material. In tweed It Is smart and substantial looking: In stripes, plaids, and novelty mixtures. It Is equally becoming ami effective: while in plain, harcl-flnlsh serge. It la trim and tailored looking, a good model for the business idrl. It is youthful, and suited to many types. No coat model Is more snlisafetory for the woman or girl who makes her own clothes, as It Iff compara tively easy to fashion. CDOM' '-r.U.ir'- rHT&WX-',-" T-"JiU INil .c- wa. ,Ot mc :i v:.: t4r ii!:;:i..!ai'i.;-ij4:'Sh' '-'--v-'i ::?; .. - :.--- c. t-w t.v I - Nf. " NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County, executor of the last will and testament of Armelda P. Lovell, deceased. All persons having claims against th'o estate of said decedent are hereby required to present the same to me, properly verified, as by lnw required, at the offico of B. L. Eddy, attorney at law, Roscburg. Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 9th day of September, '.flfc. C. F. SWANDER, Executor of the last will and testa cent of Armelda P. Lovell, do oeaeed. 940-o7 PH.-- T& 1, I. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas County. Minna R. Brown. Plaintiff, vs. Ira Weaver and Mary Weaver, his wife unknown heirs of Ira Weav er, deceased, Lavina Moore, Mary Brock, noorge W .E. Barrows, V. A. Humphrey. George W. Arm strong, C. A. Brownlee. H. L. Kellogg, Dave Stnbler, Frank Steiger. F. A. Watts; also all oth er persons or parties unknown cla'mlng any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate described In this complaint here-in. To Ira Weaver and "Mary" Wenv-j er, his wife unknown heirs of Ira! Weaver, deceased. Lavina Moore.! "Mary" Brock. .Dave Stabler, and ' Frank Steiger, and also all other per-! sons or parties unknown claiming acres. A part of tl dforesftirl real ! property being morvarticuiariy de ; scribed as Tracts lo 39 inclusive i and Tracts 41 to 7 inclusive of " Poultry Fais as tjxe same Is marked and deslbed ion, the plats of said OaklanPoultry Farms on file and on reco In the, office of the County Clerk! said Douglas County, Oregon, otalnlng 874 acres, more or less. ;. Excepting from thabove describ ed land, however, trNW& of the BW'Vt and the S otheNEVi and that portion thereof . the E4 ofl the SEVi of section Mylng North of the County Road. j ! Ana that the plain t Is Justly en- j titled to the possessh thereof and that Its title be ferer .quieted j against the defendan and ieach of them; And that the tlendants and j each of them be reqred to Appear j herein and disclose nature and, character of such ad rse estate or' Interest as they majclalm'4n the' whole or any part ofbe rcalf prop-' erty; that the plaint!. may j have; such other and fmth relief as to, the Court may seem ml and 'equit-, able. :j I This summons is seed upon you by publication for si consecutive weeks by the order 1 the Qircult j r Douglas Coity, State of Oregon, made on the21st day of. September, 1915, and ti date of the, last publication bolnghe Stfc day! of November, 1915. I Date of first publldon ojt this j summons is Septembet!", 1915. j FREDERICK S. 1LHELM, 1005-n8 Attorneyor Plaintiff (iOOD r.CTTER on the table is always a certainty If you buy it at our store. Not how cheap, but how good is our rule. NeelyS Neely AGEftTS I OH GtKlDS HALLMARK Silver Polih ' 1 1 A high grade prodin f , the Hallmark corK,io?1' Our great power makes it po"c puWsins to iput this superior aitle 011 4 tne market at more than is ferior goods. a 1 A. S. HUEY J nt Ihe Rl Chxk on 5 sr The HMXMARK Headquarters for School Books and School Supplies Ask for Free List and Course of Study Maisters Drug Co. Corn meal, of course! THERE MAY HE GREATER HARDSHIPS Than to Ho Obliged to Go Without GOOD WHOLESOME .MEAT IOH EVEX OXE MEAL, HUT WE CAVT THINK OF AXY JI ST OFF 1IAXD. DON'T DO IT! IT ISXT NECESSARY! WE SELL THE BEST OF MEAT! THE EC00MY MARKfcT Phono 88 GEO. KOHLIIACEX, ITvu. I