-', tf ft NEWS WANT ADVS GET RESULTS FOR 8AM. i 1 . v,ivv horse t vfc ti Tn.VAHL n.i i) calm: uun i " o " Page Invest- wagon and harneBS. 689-tt ment Co. Roseburg. FOR SALE-Reglstered and unreg istered Delaine rams, both polled ana horned. Address J. B. Barnes, Ten Mile. Ore. 902-olP FOR SALE-Cheat seed for to at IK els per lb. ai -" -Wilbur. A. Teal, pbone UFlLj FOR SALE Good n.nre, aged 7, thoroughly reliable, harness and buggy. Cost 22S.OO, sell tor t., 2G3. 1004-s30p: JlU.UW. j. FOR SALE OR TRADE About 4 Mi acres of level building property, 4 f blocks of city limits on Edenbower road. E. C. Benson, 401 Perkins hldg. FOR SALE-Dahlla Bulbs Order from plants In bloom. "... orders until Oct. 20. Visitors to the garden welcome. , John E. Runyan, 804 W. Mosher street. 978-tf FOR SALE Young pure ored Jer sey bull, eligible to register. Will sell for $35, if taken quick. This is as good an animal as can be had for 3 or 4 times the money. Address Wra. Vinson, Umpqua. Phone 10F22. 694"tf FOR SALE All the 711 Brand of cattle belonging to H. L. Aeker at v Tiller. B three year steers, 10 ' cows, and salves, 12 dry cows, 7 twt year steers, 10 yearling holf rl flftv in all. Price $2000.00 It. Acker. Tiller.- Or. 893-s.iu cr!7;faAT.K Ancora goats bred from r.., - selected stock of superior quality, hekivy shearerB and hair ot goou qifality. Males and 1 5 head of fe males, all registered. Can on or write to J. I. Chapman, Wilbur. Ore.. 903-8300 FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rocks. I breed for egg produc tion especially. My foundation stock In one year laid 850 eggs (4 females). I have 500 breeders that I mjist sell and I will make some specially low prices on them. Just tell me what you need and allow me to describe and price It to you. F. E. Johnson, Brockway, Oregon. - ' dsw-975-s30p WA NTF.n. WANTED Bookkeeping or type writing .by an experienced girl. Inquire News. 976-S30 WOOD W ANTED Tne rrevt will gladly take on subscription wood fiir office and residence use in amount r" ' The "Jews W4NTED-TO rent a farm, capauie ui ilnlrtnir cara of from 25 to 50 cows l.e.t us know wnai. you nave. Ad- !, hnr 772. City. 91-I-H Tmtet) A eentle driving horse lot lady. Address A. J. Llnagren kfnlrose. Ore. Phone lot 44. t lOOil-sSnp UteD HouseworK by exper- n. eirl In city only. Call or Irtdress 842 Hover street. 1002-s30p RINiriL XUUIifi 6v", 1' Lhoot in exchange for fine three- rrnata fifteen HIIO fye'ar-old Pcrcheron mare, C. H. IVan De Vord, Brockway, qre. asz-u ANTED At once, a good lady oook. Good place for tne rigm irty. See Harry Pearce. ' 989-S25 'ANTED Woman to work In candy store, one who can prepare 'ht lunches. Apply at The Velvc Cass street. tf FaNTED Room with by a sin gle gentleman, In private family inside of 15 days' time. Give low est price per month. Address Jacy Summers, c-o Berrydale Gar dens, Lock Box 685, San Jose, Cal. 993-2p FOR RENT. OR SALE E. M- F- 30 aut0 cneap for cash. Phone 400-R. Ui-si5P 'OR RENT Good farm, for partic ulars call on Rice & Rice. 979-al8 KOTICE No trespassing on tne Moore property in Edenbower. 967-nl5p FOR RENT Modern 6-room house naved street in good locality. .. 15F12. 984-tf TO LOAN $1,500.00 at 6 per cent by private person on long irm first mortgage property In Doug las county. Give location and de scription. Write 986 care of The Nows. dsw-s24P FOR RENT Four modern furnish ed rooms, pantry and both. 530 N. Pine. Phone 207-R 988-s25p FOR RENT Furnished rooms at 812 E. Cass. Phone 216-J. 900-s30p ROOMS FOR RENT Nice for stud ents, also suitable for light house keeping. Modern convenience. 640 S. Pine. 960-o17 FOR RENT 80-acre farm, good land all cultivated. Also have : some work for man on adjoining farm. Phone 329-R, or call C04 Commercial ave. 989-e2rp FOR, RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms Just painted and paper ed. Special rates for students. 217 Cliadwlfk Btreet. Phone 240-Je ' 9.05-tt FOR RENT Fine large apartment house of 10 rooms, close in and in first class condition. Snap for ?2o per month. See Perrino and Mars ters. 959-tf FOR RENT Furnished rooms with bath and light housekeeping rooms with gas, light and bath at 112 Brockway Btreet, opposite Rose school, terms reasonable. Mrs. C. P. Shields, proprietress. 992-o4p MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING Experienced. R. E. HInselman, Roseburg, R 1. 704-l LOST Gold plated wishbone pin with pearl Bet. Finder please re turn to News office. 1001-S29 LOST On Tuesday morning, Sept. 21, pair of glasess in steel frame. English make. Will finder please leave at News. 1007s30p LOST Saturday, Elgin watch, gold case, near depot grounds. Re ward offered for return. Elmer Hamblet, Miller add., City. 99C-s30p MANDOLIN, Violin and Guitar les sons private at home. Pleasant and careful instruction by A. W. Ferguson. Call Parslow and Bell. . 908-s30p MJREXCHANGE For a good home In Roseburg, Ore., a fine 7-passen-ger Rambler Special touring car in fine condition and nearly new. Bargain for some one. For par-TTr-nlarB see Perrine & Marsters. 958-tf STRAYED OR STOLEN Prom the Marsters ranch In Happy valley one Heht bay horse, eight years old, weight 1000 pounds, height 14 hands, Bmall white spot In forehead, left hind foot white, branded J. F. on right stifle, U. S. on left stifle. Suitable reward will be paid for any information lead ing to his recovery. A. C. Mars ters, Roseburg, Ore. 745-tf LODGE DIRECTORY. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Rose burg Lodge No. 1037. Meets In Eagles' ball on Jackson Btreet, every Friday evening at 8:04) o'clock. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. F. G. Stewart, Dictator; H. O. Pargeter, Secretary. ROSEBURG NEST No. 1417, Order of Owls, meets flr3t and tnira Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Eagles Hall. Visiting brothers always welcome Ross Goodman, president; C. W Horner, seoretary. A. F. & A. M., Laurel lodge X. I3- Regular Communications 2nd an'1 fourth Wednesdays eai'h month at Masonic Temples. Roseburg, Ore. VisltorB welcome. R. H. C. Wood, IY M., W. F. Harris, Sec. O. E. S. Roseburg Chapter, No. 8, holds their regular meeting on the nt n third Thursdays in each month. Visiting mtmbers In good standing are respectfully invited to attend. Grace Elder Free Johnson. Sec. W. M. WOODMEN OK Till? WOULD Oak Camp, No. 125, meeH at the Odd Fellows hall In Roseburg, every first and third Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors alwavs wel come. C. T. Tipton, C. C; M. M. Miller, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Assembly 105 meets at the MaccabM) hall every first and third Wednesday even ing. Visiting members are always welcome. Alllne Hoffman, M. A.; Emma Faulkner. Secy. r n r. P-Rlslng Star Lodge No ' 174. meets In Odd Fellows Tempi ) ARE THEY MARRIED L every Friday evening. Visiting brethren alwaya welcome. A. S. Hunt, N. O.; J. D. Reese, V. O.; Garl W. Okman, Ree. Sec.; M. Flckel, Fin. Sec. KEUEKAHS lioseburg Rebekah Lodge, No. 41, I. O. O. F., mecta in Odd Fellows Temple every Tuesday evening. Visiting sisters and brothers Invited to attend. Ella Stewart, N. G.; Tlllie John son, Rec. See.; Clara Carter, Fin. Sec; M. Fickle, Treas. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Lilac Circle, No. 49, meets on first, and third Monday evenings of each month In the I. 0. O.'F. hall. Vis iting members in good standing are invited to attend. Elma Lewel len, fl. N.; Clara Cawlfleld, clerk. B. P. O. E. Rosenurg Lodge, No. 326, holds regular communications at their temple on second and fourth Thursdays of each month, All members requested to attend regularly and all visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. A. C. Seely, E. R.; I. B. Riddle, Sec. Brotherhood ot American xeomen. Mt. Nebo Homestead. 1828. Meets al Maccabee hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Visltora welcome. Mrs. Blanche Krohn, foreman; fi. E. Krohn, correspondent. EAGLES Rosenurg Aene meets In their hall on Jackson street, 2nd and 4 th Monday evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting breth in good Btandlng always welcome. J. M. Donohew, W. P.! B. V. Goodman, W. Sec. Phone 183. I. O. R. M. Umpqua Tribe No. 44 holds stated councils the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at the Eagles Hall, N. Jackson Btreet. Visiting chiefs always welcome. W. q Howard. Sachem: ( . H. Te.cin- ski, C. of R.; W. C. Oaddls, K. of W. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Meets ev ery Wednesday In Odd reuowt Temple. Visiting Knlijbte welcome C. F. Hopkins, C. C; E. E. Wlm berly, K. R. S. I. O. O. V. Union Encampment No ' 9.' meets In Odd Fellow Tempi" everv Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. D. O. Humphrey, C. P.; J. B- Bailey, R. S.: James Ewart. F. S. L. O. T. M. Roseburg Hive No. 11. holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday evenings in Maccabee hall. Sisters of otuer hives visiting In the city are cord ially Invited to attend our reviews. May Patrick, lady com.; Jessie Rapp, R. K. t r n. F. Phlletarlan Lodge, No. 8, meets In Odd Fellows Temple, corner of Jackson and Cass streets on Saturday evening of each week. Members of the order In good Btandlng Invited to attend. Wm. Spo.iagle. N. G.; P. B. Turnell. w n .1. B. Bailey. T. 8.; M. M. Miller, R. S. !! Dli. N. PLYLEU Office Hours O to 12, 2 to 8 Bilrouractor Spl.uil Treatment 222 W. Lane St., Roseburg, Or. Phone 153. DR. 6EELY, SKTHEB & STEW- . ART 4 lMijslcimm ana Burgeons Suit of offices, Rear Douglas National Bank, Ground Floor, Phone '807 Roseburg - - Oregon DR. S. L. DKLAI'P Osteopnthlo Physician Roouis 317-318 Perkins Jlililg. Office Pbone 431 Residence Phone 270 DR. GEO. E. 1IOUCK Physician and Surgeon Office Perkins Bldg., Phone 3. j Roseburg, Oregon . ! - j I B. F. JONES Attorney at J-aw 4 Will practice In all the courts. Ex-Register U. S. Land Office. Office in Masonic Blldg., corner ' Cass and JacIsBon CIIAS. F. HOPKINS , Attorney ac Jjaw . 1.. -i 420 Perkins Uhlg. Roseburg, Oregon. 4 Especial attention given to con- A vovnn cine, nnd the examination ot titles to real estate. Prae- tlces in all state and federal courts. ! 4 DR. I). E. 8NELL A OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Phones; Office 119, Res. 138-L. 207-ft Perkins Building ROSEHURG, ORE. L. V., HICKS SURVEYOR 22.1 Perkins Building Roseburg, Ore. Phone 1SI-R Surveys Estimates GKKMOND A FREAR Civil Engineers and Surveyors llohchurg, Oregon Rooms 1 and 2 Masonic Blldg. Phone 387 (SLOOD! 5LERVE HfM RIGHT- HUM BdxZ WHV HERE AU.E& " MLORMtMJ It. P. BRADFORD AND WIFE Chiropractors. 421-422 PerkinB Bldg., Rose- burg, Oregon. PhoneB: Office, 2G0; Res. 3 5 5-J Consultation and Examination Free. Hours; 9 a. m. to 4 . m. Tender, Excellent Flavored Meats Are bound to please the most critical. Always the best qual ity at the most reasonable prices. Prompt Delivery. Cash Meat Market Opposite Hamilton Drug Store Jackson Street. Phono 144. Free delivery to all parts of city' Real Estate City and Farm! Property GEORGE RITER 121 West Oak Btreet. PUREjFOOD GROCERIES We stand behind all of our Groceries as to their PURE FOOD QUALITIES. Pure Food Groccrlos at REASONABLE PRICES, to gether with a PROMPT DE LIVERY SERVICE le our motto. It brings and holds ev ery customer that ever gives us a trial. Won't ybu convinced? try ub and be Phone us your order today. We are ever ready to serve you bb best we know how. A.T. Marshall PROFESSIONAL CARDS THE IIEINMNE SCHOOL OF PIANO MUSIO Mrs. CIuirh'8 Jlelnllne, Director Mrs. Max Combs, Ast. Tcachor, Beginners a Speciality; Concert Pianists Developed. Morning classes In Kindergar ten; children called for and taken home. Studio 423 Ella St. Phone S3-R. MUSIC TEACHER MISS MARY D. SYLVA Teacher of Violin, Cello, Mandolin ft CUr 707 W. Mosher St. DR. II. R. SHOEMAKER Physician and Surgeon Office rooms 219-220 Perkins Building Phones Office 194 Residence 819 Mrs. F. D. Owen Cut Flowers, Potted Plant, Funeral Designs, Wedding Bo queta, etc JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF. FERNS OF ALL KINDS Roseburg, Oregon. STOP 7TTTHE GRAND HOTEL CASS STREET ROSEBURG SURE DEATH Id CA1EKI Wo sterilize your clothes while prfesiiig them, killing all dlscaso- carrying germs. . CLEANING, JtHI'AIRING 'AND ALTERING All work railed for luid dolivered Imperial Cleaners 342 N. Jackson St. Phone 277. FOR CITY TREASURER I hereby announce mysoir as a can didate for city treasurer of Roseburg at tho election to be held October 4, 191S. MRS. CORINNE C. ALLEY, FU-ud-851-p3 FOR RECORDER. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for City Recorder at the city election to be hold October 4, 1916. If elected I will devote all my time and energy In performing the duties of the offlco in an effi cient and business llko manner, pd ad 334-03 II. L. WHIPPLE. FOR RECORDER. At tho solicitation ot friends I have decided to become a- candidato for tho office of City Recorder at the city election to be hold October 4tb, 1915. If elected I will conduct the office In a business like manner, with the city's Interests as tho first and only consideration. t pd. ad.-842-o3 T. A. RAFFrJTY. Prompt Service For freighting, moving, bag gage, piano, lumber, wood and coal hauling NEW BUSINESS CONNECTIONS We are sales agents for tho Roseburg Sand & Gravel Co. Washed Band and gravel. WE SELL Mt. Diablo Cement. Iuiiorliil I.lnio Sun Juan I. lino Anion Plnxler ju.it call i as. H. J. DENN TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office Phone 128, U.K. I0I-L