OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TMlE- coNDa MELROSE NOTICE TO SCHOLARS TKACIIEHS AM) thmdf! , I X v L ..(. v. O r " W Ct-0T:e;i MISSING, -J Akio iv,,y !S THIS j W 1 t i i II J i w Wllr tOIWY IS (.004(1 iPHON fcUSCTION,ANl 1 KNOW HOW YOU'D VOTE t ( tMUJCy. THE DOOR WO ) APXEK THfe POLLS y I cease,',' lL &feIkl In compliance with th0 luw re cently paused by the legislature which requires the inspection and recording of the brands of stock in shipment, Gov. Withyconibe yestor day appointed It. 10. Hunt as inspec tor for Douglas county. Dr. Hunt also received an appointment some time ago as a member of the state veterinary medical examining board. The unobtrusive companion that keeps the picture story of your va cation Is the kodak. We have them In all sizes and prices, also Eastman Photo supplies. The Roseburg Book Store. dsw-810tf The Electrical Store Will supply you everything In the Eloctrlcal Line, om "A.M VH are the best made. KUHrriHO IltOXS. Wo carry six kinds. IXAHH W(;llTH in many different styles. Al'TO liKillTS in many voltages and candle power. 'MfiHT KIXTUItHS for the home for $1.50 to (25.00. Wo are always glad to have you come In and look at these things. Roseburg Electric Company thy orit cnors for breakfast tomorrow. You'll find them sweet, ton dor and tootlibomo. No one will lack nn iippctlto when our chopH appear on the table. Tho very look of thorn mo a temptation. A tnsto ot them 1b ft delight. CAMS STHUHT MAItKKT Buy Most and the Best Our large purchasing power and our eco nomical method of distribution enables us to make extremely low prices on countless articles, and never a high price on any. Buy your Fall supplies on one bill and get lowest wholesale prices at the Peoples Supply Co. Who! esalers to Consumers Fall work is the order of the day. H. A. I.lndgren and wife, recently of Asjorla, are very welcome visitors in our midst. Mr. IJndgren has had charge of the John Jacob Astor ex periment station at Astoria until re cently when be resigned to take a government position connected with a reclamation project in Colorado. Harry is a Melrose product and his many friends here Join in wishing him and his wife happy days In their new home. Melrose Grange No. 434 met in regular session Saturday, September 18. In addition to other work con gratulations wero offered to Ever green Grange as being the first Grange to take the place of first prize winner from Melrose Grange In the county fair; also to South Deer. Creek Grange for holding us for second place. Warning: Start at once if you wish first place next year. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. T-indgren were visitors at Grange, Mr. Undgren giv ing us a talk on his work while in charge of the experiment station. Mrs. Allle Busenbark tendered her resignation as lecturer, and Fred A. Goff was appointed to fill out the unexpired term. Mrs. Bus enbark expects to. leave soon on an extended visit to her old home in Kansas. Melrose school opened September 13th with' Fred A. Goff as princi pal and Miss Edith Pentney as as slFtant. Ten grades are being carried this . To every scholar In Douglas County averaging 85 per cent or over in his or her studies will be given a certificate which will admit him or her free to every Saturday matinee in that month. All teachers will be ad- mltted free also. These tickets can be bad at the Majestic theatre elthor by calling or sending for them. . tf lav in Riddle when service were held In the local church. ' Ed. Wells, of ICanyonvilse, mi-t with an accident Monday while in Kiddle on business. While pumping up a tiro of his auto, the tire slip ped off and struck him on the head, causing a cut which required the services of Dr. Kaiser, who, after treating the wound allowed h!;-. pa tient to return home. Tlev. and Mrs. J. Thomas Crowley were dinner guests Sunday a; the home of H. H. Bronson. Sept 30th has been set by the Riddle Rod and Gun club for the prune harvest ball.' to celebrate the close of the prune season, the ball will be held in the big pavilion In' the cedar grove and the club ex tends a generaK Invitation to the whole of southern Douglas county. There is also on the program an ex hibition of fancy 'and expert rifle shooting by Mr. and ivirs. Adolph Topperweln, the celebrated marks men of San Antonla, Texas, who are year with an enrollment of 56 with, considered to be the greatest living more to enter later. fnncy and flying target shots. This Educato our boys and girls at should be a great day, full of enter- home Is the slogan of the Melrose talnment. school. Wo are justly proud of the fact that two of our hoys are winners In the club projects for the county. Prank Burslk on pig feeding and Anton Burslk on potato project. Frank has an 8-months-old pig which weighs 244 pounds. This pig was started on a bottle and then fed according to the bulletins sent from the Agricultural College. How many of you men hog raisers can beat this boy? Our ablo road supervisor, John Busenbark, haB completed the grav eling work for this year. The qual ity of the work this year is far su perior to that of the past. ThlB year a dump for screening the gravel in the pit was built with the result that teams could be load ed in a few minutes with srrapers. Thin also does away With the old way of hauling hoarse gravel on the road, paying for it and then hiring men to rake it out of the road. W0 hope to give a more detailed report Inter. Shall we have a hard BUrface road to tho coast? We noed a market for perishable fruits, poultry .products, etc. We would also like to sav0 about 42c per hun dred pounds on our sugar by bring ing It direct from tho const. MrB. J. A. Peterson opened the Eldorndo school. Sept. 1.1. N .L. Conn is smiling over win ning two firsts at tho fair on his Holstclns. A number of our up-to-date farm ers are hnullng rgavel for their prl vaie roads anil barn yards. Much baled alfalfa hay, wood, grain, coal, potatoes and various other products are being marketed from here at present. Mrs. F. A. Goff Is assisting In prepnrlng the Industrial exhibit for shipment to tho state fnlr this week. The W. C. T. U. met last Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. Otto Logsdon. After the business of the union, aiVuBlc and reading and a general discussion was enjoyed by the ladles present. The hostess serv ed dainty refreshments and an en joyable afternoon was passed. One new member waB added and several guests present. There will be a call ed meeting of the union at the church Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 22. Mrs. A. R. Marsh is . 'visiting friends In Roseburg this week. AXSCO WTXS HIGHEST HONORS. If it isn't an Ansco, it Isn't the best. Ansco Cameras, Cyco papers and Ansco films received Illch&sl Honors and the Gold Models at Pan ama Exposition. All films bought of us this month will be develoned Free. CLARK & CLARK, 981-tf Fotograffers. RIDDLE DAILY V.'RATIIHK IIEPORT, U. S. Weather bureau, local office Roseburg. Oregon, 24 . hours ending 5 a. m., September 25, 1H15. Precipitation in inches and hundredths: Highest temperature yesterday Lowest temperature last night Precipitation, last 24 hours Total precipitation sinre first of month Normal precipitation for this month Total precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1915, to date .... Average precipitation from Sep tember 1, 1877 Totnl deficiency from Sep tember 1, 1915 Average precipitation for 38 wet seasons, (September to May Inclusive) 32.00 WILLIAM BELL. Observer. OS 44 0 .67 1.04 .67 .77 .20 r Tho younger set guve one of their delightful dances Saturday ev ening at Fluller hall. There was a comfortable crowd for dancipa which was kept up till midnight. These dances, which nre invitatloncl affairs, and are given every two weeks, aro quite the thing among; the young peopl0 of the tiivn and looked forward to eagerly. Evon.-tt Mogher and Clarence Crow were hosts at Saturday evening's affair. Mrs. Oailey and daughter, Miss t laire, of Canyonvlllo. were week end guests at the Will Q. Unnvn home, coming down to attend tho dance. O'to Weaver, who Is employed at Hobo, Ore., Is spending a few days ot hoMio this week. The Riddle, school fair exhibit has sone on to Salem to the state fair. We were fortunate in secur ing IP prlr.es at tho county f:ilr at Rosebera last week. This Is the first time an effort has been made on the (art of Riddle school outside of tholr home, and tho school fair committee feels well repaid for their work. Rev. 0. W. Baker, of St. George'i church, of Roseburg, spent Tuea- A FACE FROM THE "FATHERLAND." Philip 5eheidejta.rm PHILIP SCHEIDMANN, SO CIALIST AND PEACE ADVO CATE. WHO CAUSED CONSTER NATION IN THE GERMAN REICHSTAG WHEN HE DE MANDED THAT THE GOVERN MENT TAKE STEPS TO END THE WAR. Against Substitutes Get the Well-Known Round Package Ask For f" Caution ST Take LICIC'S agr am MALTED JV3JLK We do not make "milk f"etc, SktmMilk, Condensed M.fc lot a Substitute. a Pssdiage Homo fFtm vcSV' .it lSTf jfc BK-4o""M As you journey througn life.Time oossible for vou to easily y -x fulfill life's desires if you save monfC Don't travel the thorny path of life the rosy road to comfort is open to you. Make up your mind to start a bank account ana . save a little of your earnings each pay-day. Don't wait until next pay-day to begin. You can start right now. We will be glad to help and advise you, if you will consult us. $ 1 .00 will start you. Roseburg National Bank Roseburg, Oregon Fonhe Largest and' Most Complete line of School Text Books Sifei Tablets, Pens Pencils and Inks! Call at The Roseburg Book Store "The WEST SIDE GROCER .n'RHAVK A I.AHfiE LINK OKSTA I'l.K AND FANCY Gli- t'KHIKS AN I) Til K I'ltK.'KS Alt K HKiHT. SKltVlCK I'HOMHT I ANiDCOI IlTKOrs. MB lIKLIVKItCJOOIlSWUKX YOU RVV ' ' Vol! WAN T I II KM. NOT HOI KS AKTKIl Y()l NKFDTIIKM i WKAHH-KllKTOSKHVEOUANI WE SKlt V E YOU HUiii r i Vhone Two-Nine DOWELL & BENEDICK Went you go on a picnic or a camp ing trip you'll want canned table supplies. No matter what you buy at King's Cash Store It's puiity and wholesomness are guaranteed. Nothing is offered for sale that has not withstood the most rigid test to determine its reliability. ( "THE CASH STORE"! WE SAVE YOC MOXEY l!8 CASS STREET V- t