The evening news. (Roseburg, Douglas County, Or.) 1909-1920, September 25, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Sept. 29, who plays a $500 violin,
has a tone and style all bis own,
and may easily become one of our
great violinistB. Hear him now. En
courage the good example he is set
ting for other young people. See
program on back page.
A. Teal, of Wilbur, Is a business
visitor in Roseburg this afternoon, j
You will like the chicken taniales,
served at the Rose confectionery, j
v 985-tf
Mrs. R. H. Jennings, who has been
visiting In this city returned to her!
home at Yoncalla this afternoon.
Mrs. C. P. Shepherd, who has been!
visiting at the home of 11. P. j
Schoenfeldt, returned this morning
to her home at Ashland.
For auction sales see J. M. Judd.
Dlxonvllle, Ore., experienced auc
tioneer. 927-04
Mrs. P. .T. Jost left this morning
for Grants Pass and Ashland where
she will spend a couple of weeks
siting with friends and relatives.
I Send us your Kodak filmB tor de
veloping and printing. We do the
best ork at moderate prices. Rose
burriGook Store. "Compare our
work". dsw-810-tf
H. P. Marks left this morning for
San Francisco where he will spend
a few weeks attcding the exposi
tion. Don't use the gas as an auxiliary
appliance as we have gas-wood heat
ers to heat your kitchen and supply
you with hot water at moderate cost.
See the Gas Co. 994-01
Dwlght (Reed, the well known
banker of Drain, arrived In this city
this morning and will spend a short
time here attedlng to business mat
ters. L. 0. Ralston and wfe, of Port
land, who have been In this city af
tendlng th6 Oregon conference, re
tired to their home this afternoon.
They were accompanied by Mrs. F.
Kinder, president of the Ladles Aid
Society of Portland.
Mrs. E. W. Morgan and son, Wal
lace, left this afternoon for Win
ona, Minn., where they will prob
ably nkake their future- home. . Mr.
Morgan, who was formerly a resi
dent ojf Edenbower, has been In the
easterli city for some time.
. Wilson, of Medford, Is one
visiting brethren 'attending
E. conference. Mr. Wilson
of tb I
the )!,
Is If:
rmer old resident of Douglas
having owned the old Han-
son rl
nch over In the Edenbower
distr I
it He left here some eight
ago. and says that he can
find his way In the cily any
not? I
It has changed so much.
H0 sportsmen of the city will
tariB an onnortunity next week to
see tome crack shooting with the
"flc!V-Pisto1 and shot BUD in '
Will of Alfred Toppenweln nnd
bUBfe, who will be here on Wed-
nesdslv and give an exhibition at
the il rget range. As experts in rap
id aril fancy shooting, they are said
to hive no equals on the continent.
Trio Episcopal church notice in
serted todny, will be the Inst one to
be tijinded in by Rev. Charles Wil
son Baker, as tomorrow is his last
day as officiating minister of the
church here. Rpv. Baker will be
tendered an ovation by his congrega
tion, who are very loath to part with
The Art Studio
Is now open for business. We
have an up-to-date installment
of artificial lights nnd on nc-'
count of that we nro able to
take a B00'1 picture nny time,
iliiv or night. We are at your
ervlcr, and will lie obliged to
hnve you call nt
Above the Pnlnce of Sweets.
The Itlg Attraction with lllfl FKATl'HK l'LAY AX1 COMKOY TODAY
hall, (lie KtiiKe' will"! -'t Str'kln,s "I'lx-al, with llio vivid pictures of t he lights and shadows of human nature. Full of thrills and sentiment. The Police raid, a crowded dance
(hi-ormunce I n, progress, gnyety, excitement, then the inrush of the officers with thrilling climax. The popular Idol, COl'ItTSKY FOOTK as evangelist in
S "le r""e1r. "COX, TIIK CAIt I'OXDVCTOH," Famous Hiley Ch iiiulm-lain proves that, he is I-'iiv-lr oof , even the IIokh can's fire him.
Ladies Attention!
You can't afford to wear hos
iery unless they ore Notiiscmc.
Think of it n new pair free if
they don't wear longer than uny
for like price at !2.-c nnd real
silk SO. Ask to see them.
Harth's Toggery
his popular and efficient pastor of
so many years.
"Heating stoves at a good price at
Churchills. 995-S2 4
The best chicken tamalea in town
are to be had at the Rose confection
ery. 985-tf
Mrs. Edgar Richards returned to
day to her home at Yoncalla after
a visit In this city.
Dance at Dlxonvllle auditorium
Friday, Sept. '24. No objectionable
persons admitted. 980-s24
Mrs. A. A. Nelson yesterday un
derwent an operation at Mercy hos
pital. Dr. Houck was the attending
Mrs. .lames Prowell, of Dillard,
arrived in this city this afternoon
for a visit at the home of her moth
er, Mrs. J. H. Paris.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Booth, of Eu
gene, who have been In this city at
tending the conference returned to
their home this afternoon.
- W. J. Hayner and wife, of SutlJ
erlin, were visitors in this city to
day. Mr. Hayner is the well known
editor of the Sutherlin Suij.
Positively only eight days left In
which to secure 'our Saa range or
kitchen heater at the reduced rates.
Sale ends Sept. 30, 1915. 994-ol
Mrs. S. L. Moorhead and daugh
ter, of Junction City, arrived in
this cit ytoday for a visit at the
home of Dr. L. M. Lehrbach.
Send us your Kodak films for le
veloping and printing. We do the
best work at moderate prices. Rose
burg Hook Store. "Compare our
G. W. Gage left this afternoon for
Salem where he will attend the state
fair, biter going to Portland where
he will spend a few days attending
to business matters.
Sumner Parker, of Ashland, Or.,
violinist., will be heard in concert
at tho Antlers theatre, Wedncsdey
evening, September 29. General nd
miinn 25c. Program will bo in
this paper later.
Leslie Bntner, Florence Wharton.
Herbert Bungay and Mary Ilunilng
ton leave Monday for Snlem where
thev will attend the state fair .The
four are the winners of the prizes j
. -(..
offered at the county sonooi '"
which allowed them
a trip lo tne
state fair with all expenses pa
r, .ho'
v.n..n mill- i inpv r-aia ti
...... . . 0,m. nd will run,
empire un-.t.i ...-.v-
cars In city and country, day anu
night. Will meet all trains.
Tbnne 60.1
Mrs. Samuel Flores. of Oklahoma
: i,. K.n vUiilnr for some
J time with her sister Mrs. R. f
shields, will leave Monday for Oak-
i - . .... ...:n vtait wilhi
' Tp earner Mrs Flores will
Mrs. O. K. earner. . .
! th.t.n.g.? :re
" . '
turning to her home.
Violin lessons. See Ott. 9990-23
S. J. Jones left today for Salem
where he will Kttend the state fair.
Taniales made of real chicken, at
the Rose confectionery. 985-tf
We will make you a very attrac-j
tive price on Best Steel Range made.
Churchill Hardware Co. 995-824
Captain Markee, the new com
mandant of the Soldiers Home, will
arrive In the city tomorrow on a trip
of inspection preparatory to his as
suming charge on tho first of the
coining month. During his Btay
here he will take advantage of the
opportunity to make the acquain
tance of many of the citizens here.
F. A UN'S rn
Acocrdlng to Mr. Chenoweth, of
Stearns and (Chenoweth, they 'are
losers to tho extent of $4,000 Ol
io, 000-In the fire which occurred at"
Yoncalla yesterday and destroyed
several warehouses. In ,tho Stearns
and Chenoweth warehouse was stor
ed several thousand . pounds of
prunes and a small amount of hard
ware. Fortunately for trym the
had moved all of their machinery to
their store further up town on ac
count of the high rate of insurance
which prevailed on the other build
ing. Mr. Chenoweth stated that It
was doubtful if they would rebuild
their warehouse as the new --e
building is of sufficient size to take
care of all of their surplus stock.
The Insurance carried will not begin
to cover the loss.
TOKIO, Sept. 25. The alies are!
reported to be planning to ask Jap
an to send troops to the Dardan
elles to aid In a quick dash to Con
stantinople, or to Russia to make
it impossible for Germany to divert
her troops from, the Slav operations
toward the fialkans. 'o Official
confirmation is available, but the
report attracted comment In the
view of the probable entrance of
Bulgaria Into the European confllc'. I
It is known, however, that the al-i
lies will be refused, If they make
this request.
Twentv-threo deer and a 400-lb. I
bear were killed by a party of eighti
local and two Roseburg sportsmen
on their 12 day hunting trip. 10
miles southeast of West Fork, Or.
Ti,S S (he biggest kill In the his
tory of hunting in this section of
the stato and the black bear was the
biggest ever bagged there, according,
to old timers.
The party left Portland Saturday,
Snntcniber 11. and returned this
. - ,
,nmine One dozen pacK m4iics
were required to carry the kill out
of the mountains.
.1. A. Stutt, E. H. Schiller, Dr. T.
A. Munson, Dr. B. I,. Loonils, Frank
liuett. William O'Malley and How
ard S'tf,' of Portland, and Harry
Bodely and Al Spallnger. of Rosc
bi.rg made up the party. Oscar
llosenmnyer, of Portland, was the
hunters' chef.
ti. Knr n k ed ' iv 1-ranK
, ,,,., and
it took two horses nnd,
.." . a nnn r i
two men to drag it oni oi n .."-.. -
riinvon. Three, four anil rive poini
burk, .were among the deer killed,
practically nil the jerked venison,
.. , ... t t,n ,,'
. enn pn nv n iivi no"
,.. .,. The hall stones
i.H'Mri.,... - ,
. vvre ,.ir(;0
sb a quarter. Oregon
uioKixft I'on ;. h. srvi n.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 25. lames H
Newell, public administrator lr St
Louis is loc king for (I. II. Suver, ori
relatives to give int-iii
, S02..V. and interest on the money
, accumulating for
XyJ n. one w,t.,
iat daiT. on the money Is foui,
I mate
WAIl XKWt OK oxrc
The French and British war
offices report the repulse of a
furious Uernian . attack all
along the line, but agree with
the German office's report that
German forces have crossed
tho Mouse near St. Mihlel.
Petrograd reports, a big bat
tle Imminent In East Prussia
where 800,000 Germans are
Holland has proclaimed
martial la walong tho eastern
border to prevent supplies be-
Ing smuggled Into Germany.
It will be turned over to the state
school fund.
Suver lived In the Heitknmp ho
tel. 2S years ago. On Aug. 22,
1S87, he deposited $4,419.18 in tho
Boatmans' Bank and on Aug. , 20,
18SS, $4,083.32 in the German Sav
ings Institution. He has never been
heard from since by either bank,
and repeated efforts to learn more
of his identity or where be went
have failed.
Encampment Will be Most
E'aborate Ever Held.
Old Soldiers to He Known
Xew Methods of ton
(liu'ting a Modern
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25. Drap
ed in bunting and with flags flying,
Washington is today putting on Un
last touches for .the reception jof
the veterans of the Grand Army of
the Republic whoso annual en
cempment starts here tomorrow and
lasts throughout 'the week. This
probably will bo the last encamp
ment held In tho nation'? capital,
and nothing Is being neglected to
make It tho most memorable coming
together of the old (soldiers since
the Civil war.
With the cry of "On to Washing
ton" once more rlngini; throughout
the land, but this time from thoj
throats of Union soldiers .instead j
of Confederate, a host of thirty,
thousand old warriors Is expected to I
slorm the city. Along with thesOi
are expected to come nearly flftyi
thousand relatives and a half doen
auxiliary societies winch hold tneir
r.nniuil enr.ininir.ents with the O. A.
R. There will be a hundred thous
and visitors In the capital tomor
row night.
The chief feature of tho forth-
coming encampment and tho
which will be of great spectacular
Interest will be the grand review
which will take place next Wednes-
.l.r Tnle tmrniln nf tho VOt,-rr.nn
dny. T.ils parade of the veti-rr-ns
will mark the 50th anniversary of j
the grand review of the victorious:
troops ''I the Union army, held in I
Wnsnlngton at the close of the Civil
wnr. It Is a sad commentary on
the grayed ranks to know that the
line of march which was practically
continuous for two days a half cen
tury ago when reviewed by Presi
dent . Johnson and his cabinet, will
this year be reviewed by President
.ison nn,i nis unra., iui.,,
' limn fnltr hnurt
, '
has been ,,-. as me gn,- ....-
"-- i -
hv his naval nnd mllitnry alde.i will
hend tne nnnuic irom ino i-eu.-e
nment. at Hie foot of tho capitol
grounds, up historic PemiaylvanH
avenue to the slate wnr and nnvy
building. The court of honor will
be in Executive square, which Is
alone the last two blocks of the line
of march.
Here the president, with the meni-
hers of his rthlnet and the variom
oipiomais anu aniii uuu i,a.j u-
f,er will review tho veterans.
During the encampment week
be mmr .
naval demonstrations for thn In-
For Quality, Variety, Activity
and Interest
The Columbia List of
October Records
Is a Symphony, Now on Sale
Btruction and interest ot the old j
soldiers. Submarines, torpedo boats,
gun boats .and other small craft
which can come up the Pntoiriac,
will be anchored off the harbor
front for tholr Inspection and re
view. Hydroplane and aeroplane
flights and vnrlous other features
illustrate the progress made
In warfare and lis Implements since
the great civil strife will be shiwn
Troops from Fort Myer- and other
posts will go through a series of
maneauvers either on tho monu
. ,i, or the polo grounds
alone- the river front.
An elaborate system of registra
tion has been arranged in such a
way tha't. the old soldiers will bo
able to meet comrades of their war
time companions and regiment, 'no
matter how widely they have been
separated during the Inst half cen
tury. Moreover, there will bo "get
together camp fires" In the even
ings, which will be addressed by va
rious old commnnders and high gov
ernment officials. The veteran sail
ors will also have their "dog watch'
(luring which Secretary of the Navy
Daniels will address' them.
Many Confederate lenders have
been Invited to attend the encamp
ment, and It Is probable several of
them will be on hand. As this Is
the last encampment that will be
held in Washington, the old Union
soldiers are straining every effort
to be present. Incldetally this Is
the 49th annual meeting of tho army
nnd the ranks are thinning so fast
that there probably will be very few
more encampmets.
In all there are forty-six differ
ent departments of the army. David
J. Palmer, of DcsMoines, Iowa, is
tho commander-in-chief. Among the
great Union war leaders present will
be the only two living corps com
manders, General Ames, of Missis
sippi and Gregg, of Pennsylvania.
Generals Lewis Grant, J. Warren
Kelfer, who Is also a Spanish war
veteran, )and John T. Wilder, of
Knoxvllle, will bo present.
Anybody a chance
to say: "I told you so"
Your lack of knowl
edge of the Jewelry, Watch
and Silverware Business ought
to compel you to exercise
groat care In the selection of same.
Don't send out of town for anything
in our line. Save time, money and
disappointment, our stock enables us
to answer your most exacting de
mands. Our quality is upright, our
prices downright low, and we are
right here at homo to "make good".
ThlB ad. Is no a "knock," It's '
"warning". , : : ! ' i V:liil
the lkadixh jewi:i.i:iis
X "I ' V
nM Y