CITY NEWS. WRIGHT'S SCHOOL OF MVSIO Most jEcQTMixvical Ccffce Yb: Cosx Buy FOR BREAD $ PASTRIES Goito THE ROYAL BAKERY We give "Scrip" with every purchase WM. PARKER, Prop. :: 110 JACKSON ST. S. E. wniOHT Teacher of Band Instruments MRS. S. E. WRIGHT Well drilling, gas engines and windmills, see'W. F. Kernln, box 791 Teacher of Piano. Correct Instructions Given. Terms Reasonable. 629 S. Pine street to their home at Portland this morn Just Arrived A Big Carload Lot of CHAMPION & MCGORMICK BINDERS, MOWERS, HAY RAKES, TEDDERS WeTget our machines direct from the factories arid always have the latest machines made at the VERY LOWEST PRICES I. F. BARKER COMPANY Implements and Vehicles ROSEBURG :-: OREGON i II: ., ll ni IR POLICY We aim to employ the most capable and responsible mechanics we can secure. They cost more money, but are worth It, to do thorough and skillful work without loss of time or material. It Is our desire to furnish expert service at a minimum cost, con sistent with good business practice. We guarantee our work and materials to be first class in every re spect, and will consider it a favor to have you advise us any time it proves otherwise. REPAIR WORK GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION Roseburg Plumbing & Heating Co. Res. Phone C. W. Hughes, Prop. 220 W Oak. Phone 161 This May Jar the Public But It Is a Good Jar at That ' When canning frmt use the M&son or Economy jars. We carry a full line of all sizes of each. . WRIGHT & RIEDEL The Square Deal Grocers Cor Lane and Sheridan Phjne 103 Hoseburg, Or. Dot-o. E. M. Starrett, who has been in this city attending the conference, returned to his home at P'orest Grove this morning. Guittard's High Grade Steel Cut Coffee, in vacuum tins. A 15c grade at 37c per lb. People's Supply Co. 974-tf Mrs. T. W. Atkinson returned to her home at Portland this after noon after attending the conference In this city. Mrs. Fred Goff left yesterday aft ernoon for Salem where she will have charge of the school exhibit at the state fair. Guittard's High Grade Steel Cut Coffee, In vacuum tins. A 45c grade at 37c per lb. People's Supply Co. 974-tf D. J. Good returned to his home at Salem this morning after spend ing several days in this city attend ing the conference. oeautirmiy situated suourDan lot n West Itoseourg must bp sold to ittle an estate. A bargain for some one. Inquire of W. H. Richardson, .rnstee. 725-tf Miss Marjory Hunt, who has been spending seevral weeks at San Fran cisco attending the exposition, will return to her home in tills city to night. Have you an autographic back? Bring your Kodak to us and we will make it up to date by putting on an autographic back, noseburg Book Store. dsw-810-tf Mrs. J. H. Chambers, who has been in this city as a delegate to lay electoral conference returned to her home at Cottage Grove this morning. The woman's missionary society, of the M. E. church, South, will serve a cafeteria dinner in the Pres byterian church basement, Saturday, Sept. 25. 997-S24 Mrs. It. M. Archambeau, who has been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. P. A. Dean, returned to her home at Stayton this morning. There are many redeemers of. mankind but it takes the Gas Co. to the women from household drudgery. Get a gas range now and ! heat your kitchen with the new ' gas-wood heater and get the special '. ! 994-ol III 1VD. S. Faulkerson and wife, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cavendar, returned ing. J. W. Shute and wife returned to their home at Hlllsboro after a short visit In this city. W. Ward and wife, who have been visiting in thlB city, left this morn ing for their home at Albany. W. Ward and wife, who have been visiting In this city, left this morning for their home at Albany. Necessities moBt reasonable; lux uries within the reach of all. Get wholesalo prices at the People's Sup- nlv Co. 974-tf Dr. W. H. Pollard and wife, who have been' visiting in this city, re turned to their home at Springfield .this morning. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Wells returned this morning to their home at Buena Vista, after attending the .confer ence In this city. . A. 0. Savage and wife, of Wend- llnE. who have been in this city at tending the conference, returned to their home this morning. I can save you dollars on your In surance In the Oregon Fire Relief Association, of McMinnville, Ore. Glen H. Taylor, agent, Perkins bldg, Roseburg, Or. 954-tf Geo. W. Murphy, the newly ap pointed school supervisor left last night for Riddle where ihe will take nn his new duties. Mr. Mur phy is an enthusiastic school work er and will doubtless prove a val uable man to the county, Geo. Burnett loft yesterday after noon. He will return with the six cylinder. Studebaker recently pur chased by Dr. Houck. The ctx-cylind- er roadster ordered by W. B: Ham mltte is expected to arrive about the first of the month. Ladles! Why use cosmetics and beautlfiers when you destroy that effect by using a wood range and have all the dirt and grime to con tend with. Use a gas range and preserve your health and beauty.. 994-ol The program for the teachers' institute which is to be held here Oct. C, 7 and 8 has been prepared and Includes some of the most prom inent school workers in the state. Superintendent Brown has madel ar- rnneementB with the "S. P. Company for reduced fares during the Insti tute. Axsco wins hkjTTest noxoits. The Famous Makes more cups of good coffee per pound than any other brand. Our Guarantee Your grocer will refund the full price you paid for M.J.B. coffee, if it docs not please your taste, no matter how much you have used out of the can. Packed by Special Process In Airtight Tins To Preserve Its Flavor Gold Medal Panama-Paclllc International Exposition A. J. Lindgren, a prominent citi zen of Melrose, was in the city yes terday attending to business mat ters. In response to a telegram receiv ed today announcing the serious illness of his father, L. G. Hicks loft yesterday for his old home at Omaha, Neb. Eliminate Heat and Steam From Your Kitchen This Hot Weather Roseburg Steam Laundry Will do the Work for You Just Call Phone 79 ' If it isn't an Ansco, it isn't the best. Ansco Cameras, Cyco papers and Ansco films received Highest Honors and the CJold Mwliils at Pan ama Exposition. All films bought of r-roe. CT;ARK & CLARK, 9Sl-tf Fotograffers. us this month will be developed MORGAN OF CHINA" ' REGARDS JAPAN AS A GREAT CRIMINAL Let "Kellv" Do Your Moving, Hauling and Transferring ine French Transfer Company Phone 220 . .a a. m tfl tl9 BULULUU Chang Chen Hsun. "For Japan to take advantage of fit present crisis in Europe as an ipportunity for the enslavement of fchina in the moment of her weak less has not been an honest or an t,l;....V.In pnuraa in anv urav UVI I'hanK Chen Hsun, the richest man in States. "No nation ever did a mora terrible th-rtf" Ik ' -J' "k The Most Judicious , People in social and business life are those who, being genuine themselves, are able to eaUmato Justly the quality of genu ineness in other people and things. They are distinguished mainly by reason of their Bense of appreciation and their enthusiasm accorded that which is worthy. They are the free-thinking, unbiased, broad-guagod, sane folk, who, through the gift of discrimination and enthusiasm 'desire and strive for that which Is best Now, best in drugs and medicines does not consist In elaborate surroundings nor in high prices, bVit'rnthor in the inherent quality of the articles themselves. Neither high r.ents nor excessive overhead business expenses contribute to the basic qualities: It is purity, genulnoness and proven ef ficiency that count. i All of which is true and reasonablo and explains why the' management of the Central Pharmacy has been suc cessful; for be it known, our cardinal principle in business Is to serve you genuinely, faithfully, to give you what you ask for (or If we haven't it to say so without quibbling over some substitute). This we believe will win YOUR appre ciation as it has won the appreciation and patronage of hun- dreds of satisfied cuslomers who now trade at that handy little drugstore on the corner of Cass and .Inckson streets, where pleasant treatment, low prices and dependable qual ities await, you. The Central Pharmacy It You Wish the Big End of the bargain come here for it. The reward for your trip will be more than ample We Play Fair With Our Lumber too. Never overstate qualities or exaggerate values. Be you expert Judge of lumber or a beginner at buying you can buy here with equsl confidence and safety. Hargreaves Door & Lumber Co. Local Manufacturers of Building Material Phone 326