CAMAS VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. Klnnccut, of Myrtle Tolnt nr0 vIhIIIiik with Mrs. Klnne cut's fnthor anil mother, Mr. and Mm. Sol Culver. Mrn. Hnle IloTon, who has boon quite 111 is much butter attain. Dr. Stlmlar.'of Myrtle Point, was railed to see Mrs. David Truoman, who In Htlll qulto III. Mra. Unlay I)ylo nnd children, ol ArKO, nre vIhIIIiir at the homo nf Itoliort Murllndiilo. Mr. nnd Mm. W. II. Bmlth, return ed to their home at Butherlin Mon- diiy. School began the 12th In the low or dlHtrlct with a totnl enrollment nf SO pupils. Mm. lillly. of !ArRo, la .visiting with lior daughter, Mrs. Ilesslo'Mar llndnle. The Caman Valley Oranse held Its roKiilnr meeting at the school house lost Saturday night. Two neiv mem bers, Mr. and Mrs. Long, were Ini tiated. I. n. Nichols and son, Harold, of Ilrockwfly, wero business visitors In the valley the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs .llowers, who have been visiting their nephew, It. W. Dick and family, havo gnno to Ash land lo visit wllh friends. They will also visit with relatives In California before returning to their homo In Pennsylvania. Victor and Lawrence Donn have Hon0 to Mt. Angel to attend school the coming (your. Their Bisters, Colin and Adn will attend school at St. Mary's, Portland. SUTHERLIN Prof. Wnltman returned last week from Portland where he was railed by the Illness of his wife nnd mother, Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Hendlee wero callom In Ilosehurg on Suturdny. Mr. and Mrs. George Trltes were guests at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dascum on Sunday, Sept. 18. Miss Hall, of Sacramento, Cal., Is visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mm. Chas. Slator. Mr. and Mrs. TO. rtothwoll wore guests of Mr. and Mrs. (Hoth on Sunday at their homo west of town. Mrs. Ooff, Mra. rtothwoll and lira. T. Henderson spent tho day with Mrs. A. I.ona on Saturday. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Rhodes nnd family motored to Itosehurg Sat urday. Miss Manila Unrge Tri M from AVoodslde. Idaho, where she spent the past few months. Th0 Industrial society of the M. K. church meets on Thursday with Mrs. Geo. TrlU'S. Mm. Adolpli I.enj entertained her Sunday school class at the South Sldo picnic grounds on Sat-t-rday. Mr. and Mrs. OoorRO Trltes do linrtod for Hosohurg Tuesday morn ing to attend the conference of the M. K. church. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. n. Orako and family wero callers In Roscburs Friday. GREEN ITEMS The new residence of Mr. Onvla la nearlng completion. Mr. Davla I ' a recent arrival from Cninas. Itert (irecn la expected home from' San Kranclsco, Cal., next week, where he baa been attending to ( business. A. H. Voesoleln nnd family have Sono to Hums. Ore. Mr. Voesoleln jaill have charge of .the schools there. i The rain of TJhursday was most welcome, It will he especially bene ficial t othe apple crop in this vicin ity, adding color nnd plan pness to the fruit. The (irecn s, hool shows a very satisfactory enrollment for the month of September In spite of the fact that unite a number of the rhil tlron are pickini: prunes nd nr- ph. The sear nnd callow u.i 'f the present year were Mit'ee-1""'"-' i;ti ered in last Woilnesthiv .! at the home of Mr. and Mr.-. I. p. Skinner. The rihs;:'. w e.v .1:- :. .--brra of the Merry-Uo-l .i: ' I'.nh and their husbands. The "hos" have enjoyed the corn roasts and melon feasts the past summer, but It was left to . Mrs. Skinner to ci e tho summer season viht an out door feast. All present expressed themselvs as hnvlnr; had Jolly good tlpe. Mllo Van Horn is rutting in crop of broccoli between his fruit tree. Kveryone seems pb-aed over the decision handed down by the su " "n - "tt- M in-" . . A. . V ' t iA - I GLADYS BROCKWELLanoCOURTENAY .FOOTE in"UP FROM THE DEPTHS" FOUR-PART MUTUAL M A9 TE RPIC TURE PRODUCED BY RELIANCE AT TIIH l'AI-ACK TIIUATH K I'OR TOXItillT )N(,V wi TKACIIEHS AND I'lIPll.S AT- TK.N'TIOJf . Tho News office baa a splon- . did qunllly of bond paper put j up In pound pnenkagea (200 sheets to tho pound, size SVi7) at 25 centa per pnekago. tf premo court in the case of Henrv lenders vs. School Dlst. No. 5. . Every resident hereabouts has reason to he especially thankful for tho rain, because the host of fl u hnv made life almost unending able the past auinmor season fori man and beast, have packed their grlpB and departed. KXHillTS TKMPKMt i KLKCT STATU OKI'll'KKS : PORTLAND, Sept. .24. Knights Templar of tho Grand Connnandery of Oiegon hold their annual elec tion of officers yesterday, and be sides transacting a mnss of routine, business witnessed a competitive j drill for a banner belween Wash-1 lnglon nnd Oiegon commnnderles, j representing the East and West Side; 'lodges of Portland, In which Ore gon Connnandery was nuccessful. Tho Commnndery went to Vancou ver In a body Inst night to frater nally,, with the Grand Connnandery of Washington, now in session there. This courtesy will be returned by the Washington lodgemen today and both will parade Portland streets this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Officers elected yesterday were as follows: LouIb G. Clarke, Portland, grand commander; W. h. l.araway. Hood Itiver, deputy grand com mander; E. E. Kiddle, Island Cltv. grand generalissimo; George G. llrown, Salem, grand captain-general; J nines K. Robinson. Portland. ACQUISITION OF HERB BOSTON RIM) SOX Vs ... A .i . - . r i A ' ( r' .SS&f- - . .. . , v --sw-y, r.f- --2 The y:i:nmy of Horh IVnnock of the Athletics hy the Red Sox rives tr Boston v!wi five lefthanders Loot anl. Collins, lirepp and Kuth Umh tha other four Nheiher iViu-.ivk will he retainel for ny U-ntth of tim? rr main 5 to U" ston, for vhn-ecr Connie Mack asks waivers on a youngster' it a a p"ttt.v indication hat he isn't of major league caliln-r. grand recorder; John B. Clelnnd, Portland, grand treasurer; Prank rtalltlo, Ilakor, senior grand warden; D. G. Tnninslnl, Portland, junior grand warden. Welcome Given by .Mayor. Yesterday's ceremonies j;ore in. the Impressive form of Knlghtdom. Addresses of welcome by Mayor Al bee, a member of tho order, and Right Eminent Sir Knight Frank .1. Miller, grand master of the Masonic Grand Lodge, wish responses bv Sir Knight Ulnger Hermann, of Hose burg; Clyde Evans, grand high priest, prelate of Washington Com mandery, occupied the uorning ses sion. Grand Commander Dillon B. "-nnt, of Ashland, ninde his address at the nnenlng of the afternoon ses sion, which was followed by the election of officers. (UI.OAI OK TitOl'T l'Olt DOl'tilXS COl'NTV STREAMS S. C. Mnrtrum, secretnry of the Oregon Sportsman's League stated last evening that the fiph enr Rain bow, would nrrlve In this city Sun day morning attached to train No. 16. which Is due In this city at 9:45 cnrrylng a shipment of Rnlnhow nnd eastern trout which will bp plsntod in the Douglas county streams. He asks that all auto owners who enn make arrangements to do so be present and take a can of the fish to some stream in the county where the fish are to be planted. Any oth- er Information in regard to the plans of the officials can bo obtained by phoning to or calling on Mr. Par trum. J1TXKY SKUVlCfc. City and eountrv. Calls answered until midnight. Three car service. Phono 1S5, Grand hotel. 917-tf PENNOCK GIVES FIVE LEFTHANDERS LIS- WELL ORGANIZED With he second week of school .finished Principal Fitzpatrick, of the .local high school stated this morning J;hat all the departments are In Bplendid working order and tlfcit the classes are all well organ ized and progressing rapidly In the work of the first term. Every room In the Lane school building is now occupied )y the high school tand still there Is a shortage of room. The Freshman class this year, ac cording to Mr. Fitzpatrick Is by far the largest In the history of the high school there being 75 fresh men already enrolled and sf 111 more to come next week. ' One of the interesting features of the work selected by the general class of sturnts Is the fact that nearly all of them are arranging their courses and setecUng such sub jects as will best fit.thcin for en trance Into college or for some def inite lino of work after they have finished high school. The statistics of high achoor'stud ents kept In the past years show that today 60 per cent more of the graduates of the high schools at tend college or university than did a few years ago. . He also says that th0 faculty of the high school Is now" complete. Mr. Wright, of Portland, having been selected to fill tho vacant place of assistant In the commercial department. The following are a few interest ing facts with reference to the mem bers of the faculty of the local high years of college and university train ing received by them will exceed BO, while the total number of yearn of teaching experience will almost reach 100. This Is, a much better faculty representation than can be boasted by the average high school. The music department is doing splendid work and a great interest 's being manifested in the classe" New music has been ordered ar ' all are anxiously awaiting its ar rival. x AA 6 CHURCH NOTICES. Church of Christ. Hinle study at the Chureii of Christ every Lord's Day at 11 a. m. Cor ner of Cobb and S. RobertB streets. Christian Church. R. E. Jope, pastor. The church where all are always welcome. Bible school with clnsses and a welcome for everyone at 10 a. m. A food place to spend an hour. Regular morning worshin nt 11; Christian endeavor at 6:30: evening evangelistic ser vice at 7:30. Good music nnd a worth while service. Christian Sclenre society. Services held at the corner of Main and Lanp streets Sunday at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening meeting Includ toctlmonials of healinc through Christian Science Is at S o' clock. A cordial Invitation is extended to all :o attend these services; Sunday :cheol fjr those under the age of 20 Is held in the same building at 9:45 a. m. Subject of Bible lesson for tomor row, "Reality". Itnptist Church. W. H. Eaton, pastor. Regular ser vices are: Sunday school. 9:45 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m.; B. Y. P. V. 6.30; evening worship 7:30. Fine music, inspiring addresses, and a cor dial atmosphere characterize these services. Come and see. The preachers tomorrow will be, a. m.. Dr. R. E. Smith, of Portland: p. m.. Rev. J. K. Hawkins, former pastor of the First M E church. Roseburg. I First; Mrthoriist Episcopal Cliurch. ! Wm. Rilry Jeffrey, pastor. Sunday! i ftchnol at 9:45 a. m.; morning sor-' ; iron at 11; Epworth l.eapue Pevo- tional (torvice st 6:30 p. m.; even-' ! hip services nt 7:30; midweek ; rayer and conference service Wed-1 t nesday at S p. m. The pastor will be; clsd to call on all nen- Methodists Tho have moved Into this community. Kindly makes yourselves Vnown. A: i cordial invitation entende'1 to every--one to attend the various services of ! re church. M. K, i rrnrch SntTi. C. H. Clepvea. pastor Services rnday as follow?: Sunday school at 9: 4 : morninc worshin r t 11: Kr worth l.espuo 6:S; evening service? nt 7: "0, Spend your evening? her. Services will be bright, brief ard helpful. At the morning aervice Rev. G. H. A FACE FROM THE "FATHERLAND.' " Prince "Ertel Friedrich' . PRINCE EITEL FRIEDRICH OF PRUSSIA, SECOND SON OF THE KAISER, NOW WITH HI3 j COMMAND IN THE BATTLE-' WELD. ' j Feese, one of the pastors of the Ore-1 gon conference, M. E. church, will I preach; in the evening Rev. C. L.I Hamilton will deliver the' sermon, j " 1 i First Presbyterian Church. I Paul J. Lux, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning worship and sermon at 11; Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30; evening services at 7:30 p.: m. A hearty welcome to all servies. Saint George's Church. Corner Main and Gass streets. The Rev'd Charles Wilson Baker, rector. Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Holy Eucharist at 7:30 a. m.; Sun day school at 9:45 a. m.; Holy Eu charist at 11 a. m.; evening prayer 7:30. All are cordially Invited to these services. VIOLIX LESSOXS. Private lossons 75c. W. E. Ott. Palace of Sweets. 1000ro23 VP FROM THE DEPTH:. Davids, an itinerant revivallsf. who uses his religion as the means for achieving worldly success, per suades Dalre Vincent, an unsophisti cated girl, to elope with him. In Now york where, through system atic graft, he rises to fame and for tune, Davids deserts Dalre. In or der to support her child Dalre be comes a singer in a dance hall. Later she learns of Davids' whereabouts, and confronts him. The sight of hie own son. whom he cannot claim, stirs Davids, and when his own wife dies he ahadons his dishonest methods, marries Dalre. and they both rise to a hicher sense of life and Its responsibilities. At the Pal ace theatre tonight only. AXSCO WINS HIGHEST HONORS. If It isn't an Ansco, it isn't the best. Ansco Cameras, Cyco papers and Ansco films received Highest Honors and the Gold Mednls at Pan ama Exposition. All fiims bought of us this month will be developed Free. CLARK & CLARK. 9Sl-tf Fotograffers. CHICHESTER S PILLS 1'liU la KrJ inj b'alij rtirtiil ma mmt. iinr r ior v lruff(ri(. Ax W"U'i.rrl:.TFR S IHAUtiNO i::UMi l-ll.L. r-, as SOLO RY flPI MISTS FVFPWF Neely & Neely- . Cass Street plAMOHn Flour and Can ned Goods Our Specialty All Fresh Goods in Reason Chiropractor DO. P. Licensed Chiroprac! tic Physicians Graduates and Post-Graduate of (he Cjrv College, uf Okla. Consultation an U ex- Hours 9 a. 4i- " oimiation free, 4 p. in. Phones: Orrice Residence 355-J. 2C0; ISl-lM Perkins Building Rosebiii'!:, "'c. Headquarters for School Books and School Supplies Ask for Free List and Course of Study Marsters Drug Co. Children's Eye" If your child is backward h his. studies does not like to study, or has symptoms of headache, yo wilL probably find that there Is sorat little eye trouble. 1 There may be no outward sign of a. defect, yet the eyes should be exam ined to make sure there Is no fault, in them. i; if ITX It 1.11 a. kf : ur. d. n. Wuitntfr OiTOMETlHST ; KyiRht Specialbit, 1 Suite Sit Perkins Uldg- Tako Klevator. KOSEHntfi, OHE. Corn nienl, of course! THKilK MAY iik GREATER HARDSHIPS Than to lie Obliged to (Jo Without. fiOOl) WMoi.KsoMK MFVT K'll KVI.V OXK siKAi, WTUKrAVT THINK OF AW H ST OI K IUM,. I'" T M it; 'T hVT XErKSSAI-.v 'K SK1.I, TMK i.kst m.-,if,T, Tilt ECONOMY MARKET hwuw winning 'f m,f'mWttym '- ''hi r "mil I I nor,, iH fKO. KOIII.HA. KN. IT, (1.