THE. PALACE THEATER THE BIG FEATURE FOR TONIGHT AND TOMORROW The intense big dramatic production by Robert Hilliard and W. A. Tremayne, featuring Catherine Countiss and W. H. Tooker in THE AVALANCHE CITY NEW8. Mrs. H. 0. Blake lelt this morn ing for Portland where she will visit (or a short time. The best chicken tamales In town are to be bad at the Rose confection ery. 985-tf Mrs. R. L. Cannon left this morn ing for Salem where' she will visit hen daughter. j Guittard's High Grade Steel Cut Coffee, in vacuum tins. A 45c grade at 37c per lb. People's Supply Co. 974-tf Mrs. Geo. Jones returned this morning from a three weeks' visit with friends and relatives at Ana-' cortes and Seattle, Wash. i is Send ua your kodak films for de veloping and printing. We do the best work at moderate prices. Rose burg Book Store. "Compare our work". ' dsw-810-tf Mrs. S. E. Collier and Mrs. Geo. A. Bradburn will entertain their friends at the delightful home of the latter over at Wlnstons tomorrow after noon. ! Sumner Parker, of Ashland, Or., violinist, will be heard in concert at the Antlers theatre, Wednesday evening, September 29. General ad ; mission 26c. Program will be inj this paper later. , 983-S24; fff. F. Swander, of Portland, arriv-i ed in this city last night and will I The Art Studio is now open for business. We have an up-to-date Installment of artificial lights and on ac count of that we are able to take it good picture any time, day or night. We are at your .service, and will be obliged to hnve you cull at THE ART STUDIO Above tile Palace of Sweets. To Our Advertisers THE Daily and Semi-Weekly News Now reaches more homes in Roseburg and Douglas County than any other paper published here or else where. It is going to people wno pay ror it in tne -great majority of cases. People who pay for their paper are as a general rule good customers and good pay. There is not a post office in the county where some copies are not taken and the list is constantly increasing 8 It .will help your business to let these people know what yow have to offer Try and See lip Ladies Attention! You can't afford to wear hos-ie-ry unless iliey are Xoluseme. Think of it n new pair free if they don't wear longer than any for like price nt SBc and real silk 50. Ask to see tliein. Harth's Toggery spend a few days here visiting at the home of R. E.Jope. Tamales mode of real chicken, at the Rose confectionery. 985-tf O. K. McCurtln, of Dixonville, Is a business visitor In this city today. You will like the chicken tamalts served at the Rose confectionery. 985-tf John Wright and family and. Miss .Tesfiifi Miller, of Princeton. Mo., left this morning for San Francisco, aft-' er a short visit in this city. ' Nellls Hamlin, of Portland, is visiting with his 'parents, Mr. and MrB. F. G. Hamlin. Mrs. D. D. Williams, who has been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N, Park, returned this morn ing to her home at Sacramento. what regular publicity will do for you CITY NEWS. ; ! ! In mentioning a marriage he per ; formed last night, Rev. Eaton stated j that this was the 132nd one for him 1 since his arrival In Roseburg, less i than six years ago. I . i The funeral of D. E. McCurdy, who died yesterday morning was( I held this afternoon at the Roseburg I undertaking parlors, Rev. Paul Lux officiating. A great many sorrow ! Ing friends were present and fol I lowed the remains to their last rest 1 ing place. Interment was made In j the Odd Fellows cemetery. 1 It should not De overlooked by those who hold stock In the local I fair company, that a called meeting j of the president Is to be held this evenirtg at the Commercial Club, and I that matters of exceedng Importance I are to be discussed. Plenty of puh I liclty has been given to this moet i Ing, so that no one need to have the j excuse that he knew nothing aboiil 'it. . Adjutant M. L. Webb, of Reno Post, G. A. R., received a letter from Assistant Adjutant General C. A Williams, of Portland, In' which he stated that owing to a bad fall from which he received serious injuries, he was unable to meet his engage ment here last Saturday, as had been announced. He expects, how ever, to meet with the comrades of Reno Post at some future date. Eminent Commander J. C. Hume, of Ascalon Commandery Knights Templar, will leave for Portland In the morning to attend the annual conclave of the Grand .Commandery of the state. Mrs. Hume will ac company him and they expect to be gone for about two weeks. Among other Sir Knights from Roseburg who will attend is Sir Knight Bin- ger Hermann, who is slated for an address on the evening of the recep- tion and banquet given by Oregon Commandery of Portland. Several other members of Ascalon Command ery of this city have stated that they will attend. in The News ENTER PROTEST i WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Rcpre- sentatlves of the .Chicago packers! today orally complained to the state j department against the crippling of American commerce by England. A written complaint will be submitted later. The legal aspects of the prize court decision confiscating millions j of dollars' worth of American meats were discussed as well . aB the gen eral remedies. . PARIS, Sept. 21. The official communique today, when explaining the three weeks' unsurpassed can nonade In the western theatre, de clared that it had resulted in the destruction of "divers of the works of the enemy." The bombardment wns intended to destroy the German mllrallleuses nud sheltors and im pede concentration? The efficiency of the hall of shells was proved by the reports of the aviators. Pris oners also admit that the German positions are badly damaged. Note worthy progress was made lust night at Hartmannswellerkopf by tho use of grenades and bombs, the state ment said. WIRELESS STRIKE STILL ON IV SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 21. Of ficials of the Wireless Operators Un ion now on strike against the Mar coni Company, asserted today that the steamer Great Northern has vlo lated the federal statute In putting to sea with only one telegrapher. The Union will ask the customs of ficials to enforce.the $5000 fine. r.ri.GAiu.i iTcmxcvro fk;ht; ORDERS MOU1MATIOX WASHINGTON, Sept. 21. Bu garla has ordered her entire .mny mobilized, acocrdlng to official an nouncements made at the state de partment late this afternoon. Her action is taken, so the cables stated, "in the Interests of armed neutral ity". It Is believed that the ac tion of Bulgaria will be followed h mobilization throughout the Balkitn states. MAN SPY SHOT; WOMAN COMPANION OUTS 10 YEARS LONDON, Sept. 21. The British government has sentenced a German spy to ten years Imprisonment, and Bitot her male companion, It la offl- dally announced today. No names are given and the circumstances arc withheld. FOR SALE K. M. F. 30 auto, cheap for cush. Phone 400-R. 991-b28p WANTED At once, a good lady cook. Good place for the right party. See Harry Pearce. 9!-fl2!j WANTED Woman to work In candy store, one who can prepare light lunches. Apply at The Velve Cass street. - KOItlf FOR RENT Furnished rooms with: bath and light housekeeping rooms; with gns, light and bath at 1 1 2 j Brorkway street, opposite Rose school terms reasonable. Mrs. C. i P. Shields, proprietress. 992-o-lp! The Electrical Store Will supply you everything I n the Electrical Line. Ol'lt LAMPS are the best made. EI.KfTltK' IRONS. We carry six kinds. FLASHLIGHTS in .many different styles. . Al'TO LIGHTS In many voltages and candle power. LIGHT HXTlltF.S for the home for 1.50 to $25.00. We arc always glad to have you come In and look at these things. Roseburg Electric Company Can you hear "overtones" Overtones can be reproduced only when the artist who made the record created them. Overtones, as separate, sounds, are audible only to the trained and sensitive ear. Hearing is believing. Come in and we will play any music you wish to hear. Grafanolas $17.50 to $500.00. Terms to suit your convenience if desired. RoseburgFurniture Company RUSSIAN ARMY (JUTTING HEMMED IN ON ALIi sums BERLIN, Sept. 21. Field 'Mar shal von linderburg has cut the Vl!na-Daranovit8hi railway over which the Russians hoped to retreat from Vllna, is officially announced today. This leaveB the fleeing Slavs In a critical position. KAISER WILI1ELM IN.1VKKI) IN AUTOMODILE ACCIDENT AMSTERDAM, Sept. 21. Kaiser Wllhclm and Prince Jotchlm were slightly Injured in an automobile ac cident today, according to 'Berlin dlspatchos. The Imperial automobllo was wrecked, hut no other details are given. WILL NOT PRESS CONSCRIP TION IN GREAT BRITAIN 1 LONDON, Sept. 21. A caucus of proscription advocates today agreed not to press the issue In the present parliament, unless the laborltes force tho ministry to doclaro Itself against compulsory service. U'J L 1 r WD", j ' Scene from the Flaming Sword, Metro. Feature at llio Majestic to day. i ANSOO WINS 11ICIIIKST HONORS. If it isn't an Ansco, It Isn't the best. Ansco Cameras, Cyco papers and Ansco films received Highest IKHioi-s and the Gold Medals at Pan ama Exposition. All films bought of us this month will be developed Free. CLARK & CLARK, 981-tf Fotograffers. GOLDEN THEATRE TODAY The Cheval Mystery In three acts, featuring Harry Myers and Rosemary Theby. An exciting Drama full of plots and thrills that will hold the Interest from start to finish. Don't miss this great ,play. Matlneo Every Day at ii p. in. KvcniugH nt 7 p. in. THIS THEATRE ALWAYS COOL AND COMFORTABLE 5c 5c DON'T GIVE Anybody a chance to say: "I told you so" Your lack of knowl edge of the Jewelry, Watch and Silverware Business ought to compel you to exercise great caro In tho selection of same. Don't send out of town for anything In our line. Savo timo, money and disappointment, our Btock enables us to answer your most oxacting de mands. Our quality is upright, our prices downright low, and wo aro right here at homo to "mnko good". This ad. is no a "knock," It's "warning". A. S. HUEY CO. the i.EAiiixti .n:wi:i.i:r.s ;